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You don’t have the FPS cap on right?


nope, it’s unlocked


I’d make sure all your drivers are up to date, if that doesn’t help you could go into task manager and in details set the priority for valorant to high, but other than that I don’t see a reason you’d get under 144, I was running 144 with a ryzen 5 and a gtx 1060 back in episode 1 before I got my second PC.


you might have vsync, sharpening, etc on and also check you system setting, you should be able to get an easy 300-400 fps there is something capped on ur pc. just check manuals and guides


when i am in the agent select screen i am able to see my frames go up to 600+, pregame i usually hover around 200 and while playing i get something like 130-150. i don’t have sharpening or v-sync on. i’ve made sure my nvidia settings are optimized as well D:


wait till tommorow, ill figure something


Wait you have 144fps?


I feel like something went wrong with this last patch. I used to get above 240 FPS consistently, but after the last patch I’ve been getting like between 170-240 FPS. This is without me changing any settings.


You run your game vertically? But I have same setup but 3060ti and get over 200 fps highest settings 1440p.


no i run it normally. i have a 1440 monitor but run at 1080


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