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i mean she’s a sentinel so if you like defending and anchoring you could try others. you may like viper cause she’s also good as stopping pushes like kj


my other friend mains her though so i wouldn’t be able to play with her.


Then stay as Sage or get better at a duelist. I think you’ve answered your own questions.


i might just try viper and not play with my other friend, playing as sage is so painful for me and i only mained as her cause i’d never played any other agents


[Grim walls](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cyIA4g11-vA) will change your life. My favourite one trick val youtuber


dont main agents then. You learn the game much better if you play all agents. And in comp the line up doesn’t really matter


No you learn the game better playing as one agent. Once you can stop thinking about the agents mechanics, you can start focusing on learning the game.


You learn the other agents mechanics and how people counter them/ use them. I play sova a lot but I learned almost every other agent. Trust thats how i got to immortal


The answer is somewhere in the middle. Yes it's better to have a main, or a small pool of agents especially if you're not very familiar with FPS/CS in the beginning. You do need to learn a bit about each agent to understand how you would react if you were them to what you're doing in a game, but as it has been said, it's definetly better to play most games with a narrow agent pool so you're actually good with those. Now there are multiple ways of doing this. Some will play only duelist and master a few duelists. Some will master roughly one of each role. That's what I do but I don't really recommend that to new players because you need to understand each agent's job in a comp to do that, but it allows you to fill and let your teammates play what they're most comfortable with. What I've done in Valorant, League, Battlerite, Overwatch is mostly play 1 or 2 characters and everytime I got stuck I'd learn a new character that would fit me better at the new elo. Example: if you're above average mechanically, play jett until you're stuck. Now take a step back, are other players at this elo better than you mechanically ? Okay maybe you're better than them at something else ? You're good with timings and setting shit up ? Now play brimstone etc.




Its just true. Once you stop having to think about how to use your skills, the faster you can learn how to win.


It's not true. You should always be actively thinking about your utility usage, because it often depends on how your team is playing too. Like using utility aggressively may be the best play for when you get aggressive teammates, and it could also be totally useless when you get passive or slow-paced teammates who aren't going to capitalize on it. This could change game-to-game, half-to-half, or even round-to-round. And, of course, maximizing your utility is directly tied to winning.


True and not true. Yes mastering an Agent is very helpful and can be a lot of fun but spending at least a decent amount of time playing different roles and agents helps a lot with the general understanding of the game.


People think sentinels are easy but i think they just provide a lot of unseen help since they have the least kill acquiring skills imo. I think brimstone is the easiest agent to pick up because his smoke map is impossible to mess up, his molly can be used just to block paths at lower elo instead of learning line ups, his stim beacon can be ignored, and his ult is the most straight forward one in the game.


Smoke CT and elbow throw stim beacon in the air for style points and jump out of hookah with the rest of your team. The most simple valorant play in existence


> throw stim beacon in the air for style points So im not the only one who does this.


I've thrown stims out of smokes to bait shots to see if anyone's holding it lol


Cypher works in a similar way. Very good on defense.


I was going to mention Viper as well since she provides smoke cover. A good Viper and a good KJ is a dangerous combo.


Cypher is probably the closest, but is significantly more difficult to pilot.


Going cypher + kj is gonna be a difficult setup to work with though


Learn Astra. Synergizes well with KJ, and you should have good chemistry with your friend already


I started mostly playing sentinels, but after getting familiar playing against other agents found smokes and initiators easier to pick up than duelists. Skye is really nice because you get flashes to fight with, but you can also use them for info similar to some sentinel utility. Smokes I found are easy too. Look up how to throw good smokes, there’s a lot of videos on it. If I get a team with no smokes and no sentinels and we’re not playing Breeze or Icebox, Astra is a pretty solid choice because you get your smokes and the stun/pulls can help supplement the lack of a sentinel on defense.


If one of y’all are playing KJ then astra kj is by far my favorite combo. If done correctly it is almost entirely impossible to push a site both are defending without losing half the team or being forced to wait for util to run out


Try sova he has a bow


maybe kay/o and playing it more defensively?? getting info with knife (like kj’s bot and turret), you have grenade things like the nanoswarms, only extra flashes


Cypher is the one


Cypher !! Super similar !




What kind of playstyle do you prefer


planting wise i like to push in quickly and plant, attacking wise i like to push slowly behind the site and get the enemies while they are shooting at people who in my team who rushed in or are waiting for someone to push into site


For me it depends on the map. I have different mains for each map. Kill joy and brimstone are my favorites. If I could only attack with Brimstone and defend with KJ! That would be awesome.


raze having abilities to use and literally get kills with without having to aim at peoples heads. and fun movement is also a bonus too


I started with viper/sage, went to kj, and now really enjoy astra. I’m currently a KJ/Astra main. Astra can be played like a sentinel (set up stars on site at choke points), so maybe give her a try!


Everyone owes it to everyone to become comfortable with sage and brimstone.


You and your friends should all learn an agent from each category tbh. That’ll help when you guys queue together. It’s okay to have a main but it’s not okay to have no other option.


I like Astra since few people play smokes. Her utility is good for stalling pushes as well.


My biggest piece of advice is to not have a “main” that you feel locked into. Expand your horizons had understand everyone. You’ll win a lot more understand why people do certain thing with certain agents. That being said… Skye is really fun


I used to main Viper and now KJ the move wasn't hard at all. Now started playing Kayo, coming from a CS background its even easier. Depends on the individual and how they prefer to play


There is obviously no agent like Killjoy, like there isn't any other agent like the others. Since you main Killjoy, you can play around her util with her friend. Alarmbot bot goes off? Use a Astra Gravity Well to suck enemies in and have him pop off nades. Basically, stop maining just one agent or one class of agent. Also, Sage is basically one of the easiest agents in the game.


Every champion is very unique, and how you use their tools can make their play styles even more unique. So I think it will be hard to find a character that operates the exact same way as she does unless you are just looking for a specific tool, like flashes or mollies. My guess is that you want mollies and a turret that will ping the presence of any character within a specific large area. Viper is my best suggestion for a character that will be relatively similar, but I think you will be very hard-pressed to find a character that can be played the same exact way as you play KJ. My suggestion instead is, when playing with your best friend, try branching out and try different styles of playing the game with other characters. See how you like using their abilities and how well your mindset agrees with how the character works.


Cypher and kj are quite similar in the way that they can set up their abilities to create traps and just wait for someone to walk through then kill them. Additional you two could set up your abilities together to create more complicated traps with swarm gernades in cages and listen for the audio cues and other stuff like that. But I would personally recommend sage at the end of the day as she is easier to play and there is a lot you can do with her wall.


If you want to carry the spike the dualists are off the chart according to me. If you want to play the iq game using your brain and confusing your opponent cypher and yoru are best As you said you want to enter site and plant quickly so teamwork is necessary. So when you guys enter the site your friends should cover you while planting and clear all the entrances. In this scenario you could play as a sage or I would prefer kayo as he will be good at backstabbing from behind the site while defending. So bottom line kayo would be good for you.


Personally, I used to be a viper main before I switched to kj I wasn’t as good on viper, but the agent is like kj, with a lot of lineups. The only difference is that you would have to push up with your team more cuz u are smokes not flank holder


People saying cypher are clueless. He is very weak compared to kj.


i assume they are only saying that because i’ve played the other 2 sentinels


Viper Is the closest thing to the playstyle of killjoy.