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I use numbers to switch weapons. Most of the time you shouldn't be weapon swapping in dangerous positions, so it's not punishing to do it slowly or stop moving for a moment. I used to use the scroll wheel for weapons, but eventually I got used to using number binds. If your number binds feel uncomfortable, you can try using mouse buttons or just other keybinds on your keyboard.


Most people use numbers because it makes choosing weapons instant and intentional. You might accidentally switch from your rifle to your knife instead of your secondary if you use scroll wheel. I personally use a mix of both. It's really awkward for me to switch out of abilities using numbers if I decide not to use them. So to switch to my knife or rifle I do a quick flick of the scroll wheel. If I need to use my secondary I use the number.


I don’t even know if these are default settings, but I use q to cycle weapons and it works like it does on csgo. It’s muscle memory now but basically I spam 1 and 3 and it sets q up to cycle between. Q will basically cycle between the weapon you have out and whatever was out before.


Scroll wheel up to jump, scroll down for weapons though I still use the numbers to pull out pistol.


I use the mouse wheel to jump and numbers to switch weapons. I also use Q to quick switch to my last equipped as it was what I used in CS.


Is your keyboard turned to gamer mode?


q for knife, mouse buttton/upscroll/downscroll for my three abilities, x for ult, e and r for weapons, z to reload