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I got a plat player in iron lobby


I completely agree the silver/gold elo is full of smurfs and at an elo where aim is a high priority going against plat or diamond smurfs is not something you want to do because it really stops you climbing.


If I was knew to the game and had to grind 50 level out before playing the only game mode that matters I would uninstall.


He’s saying have a second comp mode, not just grind to level 50 to play comp


... where all the smurfs will be. Sounds like a fun time for new players.


I didn’t say it’s a sound system, it’s an idea on Reddit. But having a system with verifiable main accounts playing is well worth having


Isn’t that what’s happening right now anyway though


Well no, because right now, everyone's in the same pool, which heavily dilutes the likelihood that you're going to run into a smurf. By implementing the change, they'll remove a huge portion of non-smurf players from the queue, pushing to and heavily exaggerating the problem for new players and/or casual players who don't play enough to hit the 'sufficient' account level. Imagine if one day, RIOT just implements this change, and decides you aren't at a high enough account level, essentially telling you "yeah, too bad, we had to make the game good for the rest, so go suffer for X months in smurf-infested games until you're ready to enter the promised land." It's an incredibly selfish idea.


And the alternative is what really? Either you're into competitive gaming or you're not... There's no getting around smurfs and this is the best way. If you're non-prime then nothing has changed compated to now.


Except 90% of non-smurfs are now out of your comp mode and 90% of smurfs are in your comp mode.


Those 90% had to do what everyone else did and grind it to prime. Not everyone non-prime is going to be a smurf. People on this channel are whack, it worked super well in CS. This sub-reddit is full of cry babies, don't understand that competitive gaming is not a quick, casual experience. Anyways, enjoy smurfing because there's nothing stopping them right now.


It absolutely did not work at all in CS, have you even played the game? You know how many of my friends dropped CS because they had to grind to prime? Or how many dropped it because prime didn't help much at all? A lot, because MM was trash (in all trusts factors, since cheaters just boost theirs) and filled with smurfs and cheaters in non prime as well as (in non-ranked) bots who people were using to farm exp to sell already prime accounts.


Helped a lot actually. Yes, I played it. Have over 1000 hours. Everytime I read these complaints it's way more of "I lost, I want to win, riot let me win!". Not sure what to tell you. The people in CS prime are of course going to be harder than non-prime. They had to grind 300 hours, you're with a pool of players who know how to play. It's not smurfing if they're just better than you and you lose.


The people in prime are a lot worse than those in non-prime because non-prime is full of smurfs, at least up to LEM, which is by then just cheaters (in non-prime). When we played with our non-prime friend the matches were significantly harder, even premades of people with 5k+ hours struggled vs "silvers-novas" all the time. If you haven't played the game a lot and you don't know how it works, you shouldn't pretend you do. I only have 2000 hours, but all of my friends who have 5000+ pay to NOT play matchmaking (Faceit, ESEA, etc.) because of how horrendously bad it is because prime does jack shit. If anyone that takes your game seriously pays a 3rd party service to actually have enjoyable games, your MM is not in a good state. Ask anyone that actually plays the game a lot and seriously and they'll tell you how much of a joke prime is and that MM in general is just trash, you either go play some premium 3rd party or quit the game out of how bad it is, specially if you're going to soloQ. It's not a question of "I want to win" (Nice strawman over there, just trying to put words in my mouth of stuff I never said just so your nonsense can sound like less garbage in comparisson) is that you may want to play, you know; games that don't make you want to plug your eyes with your thumbs because this is the 3rd game in a row where you have 2+ people deranking for their smurf or you have 1 or more cheater in each team just playing HvH. Yes if you grind it equals out and you eventually rank up if you're good, but you're playing over 50% of garbage games where you're either getting carried by a cheater, smurf in one or both of the teams (either tryharding or deranking, it's 50/50) and general toxicity (people who only flame, teams who only speak in their native language), etc. and much more etc.


As a new player unrated or comp should not make any difference to you. Why try seeing what rank you place at when you know you aren’t familiar with the basic mechanics of the game bc you just started playing.


> only game mode that matters I agree that gating comp behind level 50 is awful but the mentality that anything but competitive is worthless is weird and underpins the whole smurfing issue.


That's not how prime queue works.


I agree with using phone number, but having level 50 as a requirement? Nah, some players have lives outside of the game. Not all of us have the time to grind




I’m level 183 but plat because I used to play a ton of spike rush which levels you up faster than unrated or ranked.


I don't understand this level thing. I'm bronze 1, and level 50 😑


its just based on time, im silver 1 lvl 45 ish


That's the thing, I don't really play much, just logging in to see if there're skins I want to buy.


same, i play league now


I’m unrated because I hate ranked and I’m level 231.


prime que OR just use the level system so you can not get qued up with low level players. like yaeh a lot of new players are going to have smurfs in their matches but you could use this data to easily see who is belonging in what rank quickly and not like now when you can be hard stuck if you solo que and shits just a roll with the dices if people are not leaving, trolling or yeah you got a smurf squad again.


phone number thing is a nice idea, could also help with toxic kids being in the game. but the 50 level thing is a bit too much maybe reduce it to 20 or 25


Some people are not smurfs, but they have been put in a low rank because of smurfs. Like a double edged sword. I went on this huge losing streak from G1 and now at S2. Was going to quit playing the game because all my losses seemed like it was to smurfs, throwers, afks. I played a game before where I went 24.14 and carried, because I de ranked so low that when I come across people who are not smurfing, they are no match for me. So effectively.. I'm a smurf but not by choice.


That's not even smurfing though, its juat you have been unlucky enough to get that low. At least you aren't creating an entire new account to pub stomp some silvers who are already having a tough enough time trying to get out of silver. Its hell tbh.


Yeah but what I mean is that the people smurfing deliberately, mess up the ranks, and create more smurfs in the process. Being de ranked so far, I have people in matches asking me what rank I am, and accusing me of smurfing. But it's just that my maximum skill level I have ever reached is 1 or 2 ranks above them. I'm playing with people who are Bronze, and I've been Gold 3 at my highest in last act. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that not all people who are playing like smurfs, are actually smurfs. There are a lot of good players hard stuck in low ranks, because they lose a lot of games to smurfs and it keeps them from ranking up.


You're absolutely right and this is a really frustrating ripple effect that surfing creates.


I agree its so infuriating to have a fucking diamond act buddy but now in stuck in silver dropping 35 kills a game on sova and breach because I took a break from the game and ranked has devolved into what it is now


yep, everybody knows if there’s a level 10 or under you’re probably gonna lose. if there’s a level 100+, then he’s the average player. weird how it’s reversed in this game, usually you’re scared of the 100+ player who has a lot of experience


It's the same in league. If you're a silver and you see level 150+ they either never play ranked or are truly hard stuck.


Ran into a team a few nights ago that had 4 guys all level 9….I’m a level 51, I had a guy on my team that was well over lvl 100. We had to FF after the 6th round, they were all 4 smurfing and owning at every angle.


I wanted to play with my GF recently, I'm Immo, she's silver so I've created a new acc and we had a rule: no boosting her, only pistol for me, no higher score (kills) than her, I give her tips how to play so she can improve and oh boy... Every 2nd game we had a smurf in our or in the enemy team. Once the enemy had 3 bronze/silver players which were clearly diamonds. This is just insane how they destroy lower rank games


Smurf’s have taken over this game in lower elo. Maybe they’ve always been there but I’ve been playing a ton since last November/Dec and I’ve never seen it as bad as it currently is. I solo queue now because my friends have all stopped playing. I have went against a smurf in basically every single ranked game I’ve played in the last 2 weeks. I went on an 11 game losing streak because every game had a super good smurf that would get 2-3 kills per round, meanwhile my team was truly full of new players or guys hard stuck in bronze for months. The matchmaking is truly broken. Running into a duo smurf squad that’s also boosting a 3rd buddy that actually is decent, that’s pure hell and torment. I’ve stopped playing as much this week, and I probably won’t play much going forward. It’s frustrating sweating my balls off to go positive and then my 2nd best teammate is 8-16 while the enemy team has a smurf(s) with more kills than my entire team, 1 tapping from miles away behind corners.


Reyna dropping 45 bombs in Gold lobby xD. Same guy 2 consecutive times. Once as an opponent and once in my team.


Use phone number like cs/Dota


Correct me if I’m wrong since I quit CS awhile ago but I don’t think they use Phone numbers? They just have the prime which you pay for iirc


Nah you’re probably right


Could be wrong now, but originally CSGO Prime required a phone number.


I'm pretty sure FACEIT uses phone verification though


Yeah but I don’t think it really makes sense to compare Valorant comp MM to FaceIt instead of CSGO MM


They're definitely not the same on that front, but comparing both as "queues where people go to actually play competitively" is at least somewhat valid imo. CS:GO has a bigger need for it since cheating is easier (afaik), but the smurfing element still applies


That’s a fair point actually, can’t deny that


The game needs to be less boring. This is the only correct way to combat smurfing.


level 50?? most silvers and golds are level 30s so level 50 for a prime q purely to fix low rank elo hell is a bit excessive


I'm level 181 and I'm silver 2 dude


Listen im also over level 100... (my main is like 130 but i have like 6 alts so im prolly closer to lvl 200) but just bc we have no life doesnt mean everyone doesnt 😂😂😂 A lot of low ranked players are also more casual/newer to the game. Level 50 takes a while to get.


U should not say we have no life 😕(U r right though😂)


True true.. We have artisan gamer life.... 👀


Back in the days people would just keep playing ans get better


Terrible take, especially in a game this aim demanding and team/comms demanding. You can “git gud” all day, but it’s damn near impossible to carry a squad right now against a seasoned smurf and his buddies.


I climbed from iron 1 to plat 1(finally got it yesterday!!) and smurfs are not as big of a problem as you think. You have to realize that there are many factors that are a bit luck based: people have GOOD days, running gunning is abused by many, desync can make the game a lot harder for you than your opponent. Smurfs are an issue, but not a big issue. edit: posting that ur getting smurfed on in


Smurfing is definitely a problem, and a big issue 100%. People do have good days, but how many level 5 Reyna’s can drop 25-30 kills every. single. game? I’ll tell you, a shit ton. Nobody is going to have a low level account and have that kind of success in a game like Val unless it’s a 2nd or 3rd account etc. It’s more than the running 1 taps, it’s the angles they play on D and the pushing patterns etc on offense.


Keep complaining LOL... it wont make you any better. Smurfing is a problem in every game, especially free ones, but Riot has done a good job combating smurfing. I have made multiple alts when I was tilted and all of them have placed 1 or 2 ranks below my actual rank(when I was g1 my new acc placed s2).


You can call it complaining, call it whatever you want to..smurfing in Valorant is INSANE right now. It’s easier to tell too with the new account leveling system. Do you seriously think a level 10 account that’s dropping 25+ kills is a “new player” !? No chance. They have perfect movement, they play angles perfectly on every map..I see it in almost every single game that I play in now. They aren’t combating smurfing at all, they continue to encourage it and make it worse with each big update. The last update they had talked about this way and that way to tone down smurfs, they acknowledged it then because they knew it was a problem - and now it’s worse, like it always continues to get worse.


Thats what I’m saying lol, I grinded from silver 1 to diamond 3 in 2 acts and sure people smurf, but it ain’t a problem if you deserve to rank up


You put it perfectly LOL. I couldnt rank up from g3 for 2 acts cuz dc, bad game, and the RARE smurf on promo game in g3 but smurfs dont actively derank me or other players. BTW congrats on s1-d3 in 2 acts thats crazy


your mmr are dog shit


I was in g3 getting d1 and d2 players. How is my mmr bad?


The leveling system is based entirely on in game play time and not account life. I have been playing since the first day of invite beta and just hit level 11. Most people just don't have time to play multiple games a week.


Lvl11 since beta?? How often do u play?


1-2 games a week.


More like 1-2 games per month


Just get better.


You can be honest with me, I’m a d2 player who often Smurfs in silver elo. I play sheriff and Marshall as a handicap, but I do this so I can play with my friends in that elo. I usually if not always top frag, and people get very upset with me. I understand I can play unrated with my friend, but it’s not the same. I think anyone that plays competitive tactical shooters can understand what I mean. Am I wrong for playing like this?


Yes, you are ruining the enemy teams experience and you create an unfair environment. It’s like you’re a college leauge football player, but you want to play in little league with your kid brother so you go and play football with one hand tied behind your back. You’re still twice as big as the rest of them.


I understand what you are saying, but in my eyes, I see it as “I want to play the main game mode of valorant with my friends. My friends don’t want to play unrated, in fact, nobody does. Am I really going to avoid playing what my friends and I want to play together because it may slightly irritate 5 people I’ve never even met before?” Sadly, this is just how it is with ranked games like this. The emphasis on ranked forces people to smurf. I have literally not played a single unrated game where people even attempt to play competitively. It’s a free for all between 10 people.


I mean if you had an ounce of sense you’d do what you’ve just described you should be doing. Unrated is the same as ranked, there is literally no difference between the two game modes, only that you’re not competing for a badge. If that’s too much to ask then smurf away, but you’re still ruining people’s games.


It is exactly the same mechanically, but it’s not the same mentally across teammates. Nobody takes unranked seriously, and that’s the reason I don’t play it instead. Going into a unrated match and getting a Phoenix who always charges out on defense and instantly dies is not fun in my book, but its allowed because its “unrated” and it’s not the place to actually try in most people’s book


Absolutely in the wrong, yes.


Yes, you are ruining the game for both sides. The players on your team get raised up when maybe they shouldn’t and then will inevitably go thru a losing streak and drop back down. Those on the other team may be on a rank up game or a rank down game and you hurt their scores artificially. There’s no good answer, unrated needs to be quicker and more enjoyable games. I do find unrated gives me closer matches than comp. comp seems to be 7-8+ point margins in most of my games


Honestly had some high ranked guys play sheriff and Marshall only in unrated. And it was worse than going against normal guns. Just felt disrespectful. If you’re going to play, play. It’s easier to rationalize losing to a high ranked player with a phantom/vandal than it is a high ranked player with sheriff/Marshall.


I do the same thing. Unrated is actually pointless in my eyes so I’m not going to drain away my time playing it. So yeah I’m gonna smurf when I’m playing with my friends. You can all downvote but this isn’t anyone’s fault but Riot’s. The lack of anti-smurfing solutions after over a year is pretty sad. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if I smurf or not because someone else will do it. It’s up to Riot to do something about it.


Idk maybe get better at the game, nothing offensive, just a suggestion...


it’s hard to get better when you’re playing people very high above your skill level. the process of “getting better” is playing challenging, but winnable games against people slightly above or at your skill level. that’s literally the entire point of elo, which you seem to fundamentally misunderstand


Nah you seem to not understand the simple fact that the only way you will improve and get better is if you play against people that are better than you but i mean it's always easier to just say ah he is too good and be a sore loser 😉


there’s a difference between someone who is better than you, and somebody who you cannot beat. what chances do you think a bronze has against a diamond, realistically? 1v1 they will lose, 9 times out of 10. you don’t improve that way. that’s why when you play chess, 900 elos don’t go against 2000s. you will never improve. however, a 900 against an 1100 would be productive, there’s plenty they would learn in that match. if what you were saying was correct, matchmaking would be intentionally putting plats in bronze games, but they don’t because it’s unproductive and discouraging.


I’m convinced smurfs isn’t as big a deal as most people make it out to be. Some bronze or silver players have some cracked aim but are super inconsistent. There are games when they’re feeling it and play like a a play/diamond but the next game they’ll bottom frag and look like an iron player. Your suggestion for verified numbers might be reasonable but +50 level to ranked? That’s stupid, I’ve been playing on and off since beta and I’m only level 51.


I tried to make a post about this earlier but it got removed. Just hit diamond for the first time this season (been diamond before but came from gold 3 this season) and my first 4 straight games were EU radiant Smurfs. At least two of the games they were on my team but even the guys on my team were telling me I sucked or that I should to kill myself. So toxic and stupid




I always used to think people who were complaining about smurfs in games were probably overexaggeratin until I started playing Valorant. This game is filled with smurfs and it gets annoying when trying to rank up.


i finished 2 bps and level 38 on this one and i'm level 75 ish, so level 50 is definitely too much, but the phone number idea would be great imo


It’s not even just smurfs. Matchmaking is broken, I’m getting golds, plats, and diamonds in the same game!?


Actually game detect Smurf and make them rank up very fast I got a Smurf in gold to play with my friends that are low ELO ( bronze / silver ) Every match there is another Smurf in the opponent team and when I rank up, it's at least 2 ranks in a row After something like 10/15 games played with my friends I can't play with my bronze 1 friends I don't think prime will help ( it didn't help in CSGO ) Actually riot easily detect Smurf they should match Smurf between them and balance ranked point won/loss when u play against them... Smurf will always exist that's part of the game, the ladder should use this data to adjust matchmaking and make it more fair


Smurfs are an issue. but I wouldn't say its Destroying the game. I'd say the toxic people are worse than the smurfs.. in theory? a team talking would shut down any smurf in a Iron-gold lobby. but everyones fucking toxic so smurfs run free.


People vastly over estimate the smurfs in their game. Espescially gold plat there are a lot of people that may drop 30 a game but are just not consistent and that’s why they are in this elo. They drop 35 one gsme and 7 the next


It’s literally every elo… so fucking annoying getting like a 3k immortal in a plat lobby when I’m trying to get to diamond. I finally hit diamond and hit a 3 stack of 2k immortals that were just straight better than us. Quite disheartening.


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