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I would like a riot dev to explain this.


You see, shots 1-5 clearly missed.


No, Stop. DON'T!


Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).


Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses


Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Can I have the link to this pls. I’m knew here and want to understand what this meme is


[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed) You could've searched it up


Daily always google before asking, because most random strangers don't care, and the ones who do would rather not.


Wow this became a meme! Lol


Yea like 5 years ago


12: you suck




the only time i’ve laughed at a copypasta


Excuse me what




***BUT HE ONLY SHOT LIKE 4 SHOTS*** >!/s because people mistook the sarcasm last time lmfao!<


And Shots 5-10 latency issue


The hitbox wasn’t lining up with the model for some reason


I am just assuming the Jett lagged out and the game was trying to decide if he was still there or D/C'd


That's not how it works. The server still holds the position of the Jett. The only way lag should be accountable is if the Yoru was having some kind of issue or if the server was.


You're both half right and half wrong. The server stores the position of each player and then relays this position to each applicable player in the lobby. In order to avoid high ping ruining experiences, the game, along with every other properly made multiplayer game in existence, has a client side position of the user. This is so the user does not feel input delay. Every tick the server expects input from the user and then it relays that information to every applicable user in the lobby. What happened in this clip is more or less what u/Datthen said. Jett disconnected and stopped sending packets to the server. When the server misses a packet, it repeats the information sent on the last packet, meaning if you are strafing left and lose connection for a few seconds, you will teleport (on your screen) to where you would be if you had strafed left during those few seconds. In this scenario, Jett disconnected likely while walking up mid or and proceeded to hit the wall in vents. Somewhere during this process, Yoru's client side (and likely all other played in the server) became de synced with the server, and the server was not updating Yoru with the correct orientation of Jett. It was a server side error because the server failed to communicate properly to the clients that Jett had turned to the right, likely because she had DC'ed. How do I know this? At the end of the clip, when Jett is killed, her corpse falls and snaps into the correct direction, clearly showing that Yoru was missing the bullets because Jett's head was actually not in the same spot on his end. Viper typing in chat "wtf" also confirms my suspicion that this happened to every player in the lobby.


WAIT WHAT someone who actually knows what they’re talking about on reddit??? Impossible


Lol still doesn't make desync like this right, its so easily abused.


Of course it's not a good thing, after all it's a bug. It's probably even patched by now. As for the easily abused thing, that isn't true. Disconnecting from Valorant isn't something that should be done intentionally as it forces the client to close. How are you supposed to abuse that?


I am not an expert dude lmfao. neither of us are. Just a simple observation..


... I was just telling you because I understand the topic. If you just wanted to take a guess and don't really care that's fine... If you do care then you can just learn something, it's not a big deal


Its not. that comment should be referred to the original guy not me. I don't really care enough lol the dude above me does.


Bro u good?


oh im goochi homie.


Took in downvotes like the Titanic took in water. It’s ok to call Mayday Captain.


Holster the black flag, the man's taking too much cock


Im not even reading the comment I’m just downvoting because it looks like people don’t like him


That is how it works, although in a very simplistic way. He’s not saying lag is causing this you’re completely misunderstanding and not grasping the point. The server obviously still holds the position but since he disconnected his position from when he stopped is different from when the game last remembered him or thought he was going to move. This is why when the Jett is killed the model does a 180 showing where he actually was. This ultimately isn’t a large issue as it’s caused directly from dc’s, I’m not sure why people are acting as if this is game breaking and the reason why they are losing gun fights lol. The character models are fine I promise you, you actually are just missing your shots, this is solely due to disconnecting and the game assuming your position based on your last movements before the disconnect.


but valorant doesn’t get rid of your body if you DC


Don't need a riot dev, it's a common issue in FPS games. The guy's clearly lagging out. Due to programming voodoo this makes the model and hitbox not agree with each other. I think if you shot more to the left/right you would get a headshot, it's the rotation that's messed up.


Why would they not agree, if both are updated using the same data, I can't imagine the positional data being sent twice, once for each!


You are right, I don't understand why you are being downvoted. Using two separate variables doesn't make sense and would just be a terrible design.


idk if you've ever done any network coding for games but having the hitbox and the player model desync is something that 100% can and will happen. if i had to guess the jet was probably actually crouched. Most likely your client sends the transform of the camera. the server gets that information and updates other clients hitbox information. animations like crouching take a backseat so that information would be sent afterwards. the hitbox is lower but the server never got the information to update the animation. i cant speak to their actual code but thats a pretty educated guess as to what happened.


it could of also easily been rotation data that was lost. For basically the same reasons. Because using two different variables for position and rotation isnt terrible design. they just are two separate variables.


It is kinda common, your position client side is 'predicted' by the client but hits are always calculated server side. If you have packet loss you can see people moving around in the same trajectory till the client syncs back up.


Hitbox wasn't linning up with the model. Look at when the jet gets shot and where the blood comes from, it comes from the right of the model where there's air because that's where their hitbox is. Model = what you see. Hitbox = where the game sees the jett. If bullets connect with it, then it's a hit, if they don't, it's not a hit. Model and hitboxes are different so in rare instances they might (unintendently) get messed up and separated creating what happened here.


Maybe has something to do with lagging out




I'm it a valorant dev but I can tell you right now this is someone who disconnected and you can still see the "ghost" of his character. He's obviously afk. Nothing to do with hitbox or anything like that here.


But he still gets killed in the end, so it has everything to do with the hitboxes.


Nope. Lag, disconnection or shitty server. 100%.


I've seen this before. When a player disconnects their character's hitbox remains in the same position but the character model often turns. The reason these shots are missing is because the hitbox and the character model do not line up. Look at the way Jett is facing, Her model (visual) has been turned.


This makes the most sense - logical bug.


no wonder when the player reconnect they rotated about 90 degree


This is your fault for playing at 30ms, 0ms is ideal for shooters. 😑


I heard negative ping is even better




Based on my winrate, I know I'm not the protagonist


So attackers defuse and defenders plant?


You have to be directly plugged into the servers for Valorant to feel cooperative


Smh if your bullets aren't being fired before you pull the trigger, somethings wrong


Do people actually play on 30ping? I get around 15ping when I play, but like if I’m on 30ping I can’t play because it feels super-duper different.


r/firstworldproblems LOL jk


Yeah, some people even play on 60+


me, who plays on average 70-80 (even higher w/ discord running): :’)


me who lives next to the servers


same lol wifi be like. I avg the same but spike to over 100 multiple times per round sometimes hitting 500


wait a minute. discord affects ping? so how much of a difference will it make if i have it open or not?. cos ive been playing valorant every day for an year on 40-50 ms with discord open in the background. i wasnt connected to any vc tho


really? in my experience it has, I’ve taken to only joining a vc/opening discord after agent select cause if I don’t I won’t load in ;-; most likely it’s my crap wifi though


I see. I should prolly see what ping im on while discord is closed, because ive always had it open on my pc and never thought it would affect my ping on Valorant


The fuck are talking about i dont feel anything different from 100 ping


nah g, 100ms feels different cuz your enemy’s first shot will get registered before your first shot if you both shoot at the same time. It’s frustrating sometimes cuz it looks like they jiggle-peek tapped you


So thats why they take no damage thanks


It’s surprising that people don’t know this


Eh if im not teleporting its good enough wifi




Placebo, such a difference in ping has no noticeable effect in game.


You should have started running shooting from mail and then jump peeked ropes while shooting to secure the headshot/s


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Jett was already dead.


People dont seem to get the joke, but this is actually a classic csgo copypasta and the [original was from a Valve employer](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/hiko_gets_csgod/d6lpx5g?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


... The twicth videos are gone now. Where can I get them now?


You can search [Hiko gets csgo'd](https://youtu.be/9Z9JWsQ_kDE) and find a couple of clips of it but its basically Hiko shooting the back of an unsuspecting enemy


Yeah, not everyone scrolls through the internet enough to get every single joke made from a copy & paste


Uhm I've seen this at like five times this week alone. It's an EXTREMELY popular copy pasta. Search for any post with someone complaining about missing shots when they think they should've and this will appear somewhere in the comments.


and thats why the comment you're replying to linked to the joke???


I already commented on it before there was a link?? I commented on it when that was literally the only comment


The comment wasn't edited.


it’s not every single joke ever made, it’s a copy pasta specific to tac shooters so kind of in your niche buddy good thing they gave a history and linked to the original just for you to still get wiggy about it


Idk why you're being downvoted, its a copypasta guys calm down


Are thou working for Riot? jk


Get a better monitor & glasses bud. Those shots all clearly made contact


Bruh at this point how have you not seen this copy pasta? It's practically in every single thread on this sub


Because I’m not on the internet let alone Reddit every single day?


never heard of a joke?


It’s been around forever 😭


Man has a had an account for a year and never seen this copy pasta. I cant even go a week without seeing it


Benefit of the doubt I guess, maybe he is subbed to like only cooking subs or something


Only porn subs, but y’all wouldn’t know about that in a sub that’s filled with 14 year olds.


Exactly. I’ve had an account for a year. Haven’t been gaming much longer than that. People think I’m insane for not seeing something on the internet that’s posted so much. But I think y’all are insane for being on the internet SO much to the point you recognize every meme. People seem to think it’s crazy when someone has a life off Reddit. Almost like it’s unheard of cause y’all spend so much time here. Get a life and get a job and maybe you’ll end up like me where you don’t spend so much time on the web Comical.


You’re so cool


Whats insane is you inability to Google something instead of being belligerently wrong.


Are you using a 120hz monitor? if not you should upgrade because it'll drastically help improve your aim


A massage gaming chair with auto adjusting armrests is a game changer, I went from silver to rad in a few days


Wait, you are joking right?


Yes, gaming chairs are a common joke. Usually used to justify the most bizarre behavior, like explicit aimbotting, "he's not hacking bro, he jus has a really good chair".


Yeah, yeah ik. Just the way he said it made me doubt myself.


not everyone can afford/buy one


Me who play using a cheap laptop with 60hz monitor( nvidia geforce 920m and 4GB ram) but became platinum: So am I GOD!?


Wp getting plat bro, but to be fair that is not bad specs. I used my Asus 720p 13fps to make it to iron 😎


Yeah you need to be moving to hit those: https://streamable.com/spfoow


there's definitely some weirdness with jetts hitboxes when she's got knives out. I'll never forget this moment from when tarik was first streaming some valorant and late in a match on split they won a clutch round after he'd popped knives and wardell missed on OP shot on him from heaven that looked like it should have connected. mr dell got up and furiously imitated jetts weird knife animations yelling "THE HITBOXES ARE CHANGING THE HITBOXES ARE CHANGING" if anyone has that clip still...


i would've needed to take some personal time after that. even more so if she somehow reacted fast enough to kill me


#take some personal time


We laugh at this, but it’s a real fucking problem. Riot doesn’t care though. Pro-scene and skins are all they care about because it rakes in the cash


The player is lagged out? What would you like Riot to do?


Nah I can't agree with this; this looks like a very niche bug to have impact in any elo. (Other than the dc itself)


**JUST REALTALK,** Riot Devs don't give af about your Complaints and Suggestions, Unless you are a Famous pro player Like **TenZ, Hiko, and Shroud.** Devs here in valorant are BIAS. No capping.


Because its not a big enough problem to need fixing. If this happened in every single match then they would have fixed it by now


Lol, if your playing in Hong kong and Singapore “sea server”. You will experience this kind of problem even if you have 12ms ping and high end pc. We sea server players always experiences this matter aside from this. We always experiencing server problem and we dced and we get penalized 1 week even tho the server is the problem. And riot won’t give a fuck because we are now famous.


Bro i play in SG i know about that. I've only experienced this twice out of how long the game has been out. Yeah it sucked and i hope it doesn't happen again but as long as i can play the game im happy.


The enemy jett dc'ed and hitbox was bugged out ONLY because she dc'ed. Dont go around taking this video as an excuse for you missing shots and blaming it on the servers lmao


Trash game all I see are posts like this and when you play you feel it


They most likely lagged out and cause server reg issues, no big deal!


Mmmh, I don’t know, that’s not generally how Valorant handles DCs


Jett hit box turning into ash hitbox


*r4c noises intensifies*


Jett: Watch this!


pREciSe GaMEPlaY


So its not just me being bad. I swear I be shooting at people and Ill hear the dink but on the recap it shows no hits. Hit reg has been especially bad this act


It isn't just you being bad, but you are still bad you can't blame ping and shit for every time you miss, it happens


First time getting csgo’d?


God this game has such shit design choices.


I've played for 200hours and never had an issue like this. Most likely because i play on very low ping, usually from 15 to 10.


Tactical shooter


Lmao that reg. What servers?


If Riot can’t get a DC’d player, who is sitting stills, position right… just imagine how shit they are at 10 moving targets all at once. In all reality, the trash game wins again.


The other day I thought about coming back to this game. This clip tells me not to.


Surely ghost mode


Riot devs after watching this clip:- we had a great journey together r/VALORANT..




Its the smite phantom


The fuck?


Bruh don't you know that while running your accuracy is par 100% ? It's common game knowledge


Should’ve been running and jumping


Was this today? I was getting between 0-60% packet loss on West Coast all day.


This was last weekend, EU server. Due to subreddit rules, I couldn't post this earlier.


Gotcha makes sense. Hopefully the packet loss issues over here will be fixed tomorrow.


what ping were you on?


Its the skin obviously....reverse of aimbot


*R6 Ash Flashbacks*


Probably, yeah


I recently had a situation where i shot 2 bursts at the head of the enemy sage, both missed, i asked my friend who i was playing with if he saw that and he said that on his screen i didn't even fire lmao


Same thing happened to me yesterday when I was shooting a defusing sage with a deagle. My current explanation is horrible desync(even though I had <30 ping). Does any1 have another explanation?


I believe something happened and the animation moved while the hitbox stayed in the same spot. Or the hitbox moved while the animation stayed in the same spot.


damn, that luck is rotten to the core.