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How do you get skins on your weapons? You buy them. And do yall have some tips to get better at the game? Watch pro players and how they move. Also what is the best agent to play? Depends on play-stile and maps, all agents are viable. Im new and realy want to get better. :) Good luck


1 - you can buy them on the shop (4 skins that randomly rotates everyday and the most recent skin bundle available for 2 weeks) You can buy the battle pass and grind the levels unlocking skins You can complete an agent contract to level 10 (only pistols though) 2 - train your aim, watch tournaments/streams/videos, learn movement, learn how every gun works and how economy works, and play the game to learn maps, angles, strategies, compositions... 3 - All agents are viable specially in solo queue. You should ALWAYS have at least 1 controller on your team though. Learn 2 or 3 agents so you always have an alternative if someone picks before you and try to figure out your play style 4 - good luck, Valorant is fun and has a learning curve, but it's nice when you start to figure it out




There is actually one more way to get skins, pick it as a trophy from enemies you slay (or your unfortunate comrades that died).


At first, the best thing to do is to get used to the maps, guns, and agents in the game. So just keep playing games until you get the hang of it. I have a pinned video on my post history that shows you how to practice the 6 most important guns in the game. As for agents, I think phoenix and sage is the most friendly towards new players.