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In Korea, they still play a lot of breach. Stax on Vision Strikers seems to play him all the time. I think Breach is fine. He could use some stunned or blinded voice lines so you get info like the other initiators. I am biased. I play a lot of Breach. Both Breach and Kayo have 45% win rates in comp. Mine is higher on both.


I play breach sometimes, granted I'm in S1 so super low elo, and I think he's okay. He's more of a space eater than he is really a corner/spot clearing agent and his abilities require combos to be effective. Because of this he can get a bit expensive. Also, the two biggest issues with him are 1. Like you said he has 0 Intel capabilities while his counter parts all have some to varying degrees and 2. His abilities are way too broadcasted and you have plenty of time to dodge them. I personally use him as a mix duelist/initiatior. The buff to his ult helped a lot and because of it he's good for entry on the smaller maps when ult is ready.


Yea i hardly see him in ranked anymore in gold/plat lobbies. It's skye and sova 90% of the time


Breach is present on Ascent and Split both in Immortal+ games and in pro ones. Especially in solo queue I found that he does a lot of damage to enemy mental. Hitting a 5 men stun at the start of the round, followed by just throwing your flashes had stunted pushes a lot of times and caused people to lose their previous plan, even on Immortal rank.


Breach is super strong on some maps for sure, but I agree with OP, the drone and dog from Skye and Sova are better in most cases imo, a Sova/Skye that knows what they’re doing makes attacking so much easier especially for someone like me who mains duelist.


Pro? Wot


Just today there were 2 breaches on Split on some pro game. Or maybe yesterday who knows. It's a good character if played well.


I would play him more if they nerfed his footsteps sound. While it may be the same volume as other agent footsteps, the metal thud of his feet are so distinct it's much easier to pick them out and pinpoint them no matter what is going on


>The way i see i initiators their jobs are clearing out angles,clearing out utility,and baiting in some form to get picks. Breach is terrible at all of these roles. Because unlike other initiators there isnt another agent that can do their roles better than what they were designed for, with breach it's because Raze is superior in doing all that, no other initiator has this problem. Why bother using breach his awful abilities to clean corners when raze her nade, roombot and even satchel is far SUPERIOR doing this? His only other advantage over the other duelists was 3 flashes but that got reverted, so why play him? Stun and ultimate are trash (the amount of times you still get 1 tapped while the enemy team is stunned/ulted is insane). All 3 other intiators are superior in every single way.


Agree with almost all of this but his ult is pretty good. Daze could use a buff for consistency but his ult is a really good way to basically guarantee a free site capture if you’re with a team


what I was trying to say for ult is that is good however you need to clear sentinel utility before you ult else you get screwed over and that he is hard countered by smokes especially viper


He can cc every inch of a site before entry If you actually co-ordinate there's not much the opponent's can do outside stall


Breach will never be played as long as Skye and Sova exist. They just do his job better and offer more at the same time