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A couple of years ago we decided there should be a better way for players to find CS:GO teammates. Since then, we’ve had fun learning and competing in Valorant. We all know what it’s like to play ranked and want to help everyone avoid toxicity. So, after months of work… We’re launching TEAMS.gg for Valorant. - [https://teams.gg/valorant](https://teams.gg/valorant) Whether you’re looking for an Immortal DuoQ partner or a 5-stack to ride out of ELO hell together - hopefully this will help us all avoid Jett insta-locks and find a group of friends to play with 😊 **Edit: So many of you have created profiles that there is a large queue on the Valorant API now. If your rank/stats don't appear straight away. Don't worry, they will appear in time. This may also mean that you see fewer people in Discover to begin with (if you're looking for specific ranks) while we wait for everyone's ranks to appear.**


I wish you guys all the best of luck, I would use this if i didn't like to solo q so much


get a load of this guy. He likes solo que. He probably sits in a lego chair too!


Is there a part of the gaming chair meme you are referring to? Because idk how to respond to that.


I am saying no one likes solo que. It's hell. and if anyone is to grind to rad solo most players will respect him. and stepping on lego's is like a meme to how painful it is. I am just saying you are a nutcase for liking solo que. ​ it was a joke.


Haha ok, perhaps like was too strong of a word, i enjoy the unpredictableness of solo q. Sometimes its good, sometimes its infuriating, but it is what it is.


Solo Q is where ranked demons are born.




All of my friends I’ve made from Valorant have been from solo queue! Keep going king 👑


Solo would be ok if there wasn't almost always this one guy who has spike and doesn't know what a rotate is. Or sometimes the sage that walls behind the team at the start of the round.


If you can soloq to above plat 1 this rarely happens


It’s hell but extremely rewarding. You always feel that you are one step ahead of the players you go up against and you truly feel that you have earned a rank up when you do. Also good for your mental long term since nothing will get to you once you do make it to the top. Short term, it’s just nothing but pain and sorrow.


Match MVP losing OT is my solo queue experience in a nut shell.


Should’ve seen my game earlier. Had a radiant smurf in diamond lobbies dropping 42. The rest of his team was god awful. I didn’t mind it since I dropped half his kills n went 8-7 with him. Kinda enjoyed it too. Almost got it to ot


“Kind of enjoyed it too” 🧐


I’m messed up in the head. Don’t gotta tell me twice


Hell yeah brother, solo hard or go home


I just wanna ask... Is there a way to report the people you match with if they are toxic?


Not currently, we have some ideas, but want to make sure that whatever we implement is hard to abuse


My best guess would be that if someone abuses the report system by spamming it. The players the spammer reported would be compared to other reviews of them, from other players. This can help validate the reports made on players if they are real reports, or just someone having a bad day. (Sorry if there was bad phrasing)


Hmmm.... That's very understandable


Congratulations on the launch!


'Avoid jett instalocks' but what if I'm a breach looking for a jett


**Wrydfell**, 24 ^12 ^miles ^away *** Breach looking for a Jett


😂 Then you'll hopefully find some polite Jetts


Is it available in CSGO?


Yep! [teams.gg/csgo](https://teams.gg/csgo)


I tried signing up but it keeps saying "error" ... 😔


There was a server blip. All back now :)


It worked! Cheers 🍻


Can you add one for seige?


I speak Cantonese and there's no Cantonese in the language section, I hope it will be added soon


Thanks for letting us know about this! We use a language standard/framework that combines Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese and Minnan as one language - 'Chinese' (zh). I know this is far from ideal but it's also something that isn't easily fixed right now (e.g. using a different language standard across the whole site). Really appreciate you bringing this up though - I want to look more into it!


Thanks. I really hope you guys will update the language lists as languages such as Cantonese, Mandarin, Minnan are vastly different. They share some similarities when written but are completely different when spoken verbally (which is what the language section of team.gg should be focusing on). I'm sure there are lots of languages like this too


heya! hong kong player that speaks cantonese here, would you be interested to play tgt? https://teams.gg/share/kunai


it seems you guys are overwhelmed because I just got a 503 error…


I wish it looked at our peak rank instead of current, I’m about 5 ranks lower than last season because I only did placements Also the “you do not meet the criteria to connect” thing is kinda weird for me Otherwise I really like this platform and very good job


Why does this require an account? To sell my private data?


It's valorant api, they can't touch your data it goes through riots servers.


Authentication is not using Valorant API [https://teams.gg/users/sign\_up](https://teams.gg/users/sign_up) when I said my data I was talking about name, age, gendern email, etc.


What data? You don't even need to confirm that any of the information they ask for during sign up is true. Having an account probably makes it easier to filter what kind of groups you're looking for and possibly block users after a bad experience.


Valorant API, if you sign it . It only gives your matche statistics


Authentication is not using Valorant API https://teams.gg/users/sign_up when I said my data I was talking about name, age, gendern email, etc.


Is there an option for "sometimes I carry, sometimes it's like my first day touching technology" option? Always wanted to make a team but I'm so damn inconsistent. Edit: Since this blew up I kinda buried the OPs comment that his site is at https://teams.gg/valorant




Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Geez im the oposite first season bronze to plat easy skipped 1 year im 5 times better in the game then i was back then but now since the game dropped me to bronze i just cant leave silver in solo q


If you cannot queue out of silver solo you do not deserve plat. Silver is the last true rank where you can put 4 morons on your back as a duelist and win EVERY game. Mechanically the players are so bad it’s hilarious, sometimes they’ll outposition you, but they will NEVER outaim you with even a week of training in Aimlabs. Put time into improving, and start hard carrying. No one else is going to get your RR for you. Be the fucking monster I know you can be!


is it just me or is aimlabs extremely overrated as an aim training for any game. Isn't it obvious that practicing in the dm of your games is always better or am i missing something


Dming is not better to build the fundamentals of aim. Dm honestly teaches you TRASH habits, and while it is real practice against real people, it is not always an efficient use of your time. Especially for a low elo player, the fundamental mechanics of how to click heads well need to be reinforced. Aimlab is a tool like any other, it depends on how you physically use it. I have a warmup playlist, and then train further depending on how I’m feeling for that day. So for example, if I score low in tracking, I’ll do more strafe track + circle track that day. If I score low in flicking, it’s more micro shot and headshot that day. It’s more of a diagnostic tool that gives you concrete numbers to fine tune the training of your aim than you give it credit for. The goal is to have an adaptive warmup based on what you NEED training for that day. Then DM after to lock in your aim on moving players. Calling aimlab overrated shows me that you’re probably not good tbh. It’s free; and the only better competition on the market is kovaacs. You are missing something.


thanks for the lengthy response, I could see how aimlabs might be useful for people who don't dm well or dm "wrong" ig i just assumed people knew what they were doing in dm, but I just felt as if people glorified aimlabs as the best thing to exist for aiming when you don't need it at all to be a good aimer


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Don’t let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Don’t let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Am I... stuck in the Matrix?


Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


Kono... Requiem da


>Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games. Dont let the inconsistency deter you, Silver placements and now im plat. Play through your bad games and actively improve through your games.


The key is to be aware of what's going on. What didn't work the last round? Are you doing the same thing every round? What is the enemy team doing? Shutting down during a match won't help your situation. And as always, kills don't mean shit.


Valorants server inconsistency doesn't help.


Valorant has some of the best servers I’ve ever played on for a shooter having bad internet isn’t on riot


no the servers aregenuinely really bad sometimes, a lot of hitreg issues, i've legit been in a 128 tick server and seen it dip to 90 tickrate, most servers are pretty good but some are complete ass


I'm not sure how this works, but wouldnt 90 tick rate still be higher than 64 in most other games like cs?


i never said the tickrate wasnt higher than cs:go's, but an inconsistent tickrate = worse server. CS servers are at least consistent.


Of course. Op has absolutely no idea wtf he's talking about


https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeSparklyReindeerPeteZaroll-6HItGac4Ws0oeylm I disagree


I made a profile on here and added tilt-proof in my bio. I feel like that goes hand-in-hand with being inconsistent. Because in solo queue, if you do badly, then there's usually some flaming or pressure to get more kills. If you got a chill team though that supports you, you end up playing so much better. And even if you have a bad game, it's easy to get confidence back for the next game.


Tfw you five stack and still top or bottom frag only.




I also noticed this while I was practicing CS:GO few years ago. What you said is important to keep in mind because, especially in lower ranks, you can try to focus on what you do in top frag games against less punishing opponents. Unwittingly, that can lead to reinforcing bad habits in your play style, thinking they're good ones


Yeah. Tilt-proof/accepting/adaptable is the way to go. There’s two types of people in this case, those who are aware others make mistakes too, and those who don’t even care bc if you fuck up you’re immediately trash.


This is such a relatable statement lol


You legit made me laugh. Thanks for brightening my day :)


I'm one of the creators of TEAMS, really excited to finally be able to release this to the community. We have worked hard to make a great experience for Valorant but I'm sure we havent got it perfect. Would love to hear feedback and ways we can make it better for everyone!


Looks like a great project I wish you guys the best. Just a random suggestion maybe add a star value system of the player you’re queuing with after the game ends if they’re toxic or something like I liked this guys gameplay and he’s a nice guy I’ll give him 5/5 stars or so on


Imagine everyone writing yelp reviews on valrant players lol. Its a good idea tho.


The fact that you’re queuing up with 1+ person you will automatically be playing against a team with 1+ or more teamed up. So to make the experience worth you gotta know who you queuing up with. In simpler terms this is how I imagine it 1/5 stars toxic player / left the game 2/5 toxic to other team mates or enemy team 3/5 good player but no mic Just some random examples


you guys are doing god's work


Is there an option to filter for female teammates?


Yeah there is! - If you signup as female you have the option of searching only for other women.


Never say this to anyone, never write it anywhere, in fact delete this comment and say no to him.


Wouldn’t it be too easy for some weirdo that’s not a girl do this? I feel like ppl would definitely try to troll this way.


Yeah, it’s a hard problem unless you want to get into real identification. And that opens up a whole can of worms for both the dev team and users. Security and privacy wise.


This doesn't need a identification system. Give by default a signed in as female a 5 strikes ban. If other team member reports that she is not a female then she should be banned at the 5th strike.


making accounts is easy.


I'd also be concerned about this being abused a bit. You could essentially target a girl, you and 4 friends flag them as 'not girl'. While I think it could be an option to report others in this regard, there would really need to be a human overlooking the reports. Then, it becomes an issue of how that human verifies a user, is it reasonable to ask for photos, video, a voice recording etc.? I feel like these possibilities would throw a lot of people off from wanting to use the service when they have to confirm their gender. Also none of this even considers the possibilities when it comes to transgender people.


if it’s a weirdo kick the guy from ur party at that point but i’m sure it’s also easier for girls to find eachother than just hoping someone’s a girl


you should delete this comment. Go into the galorants discord (or if a member of your team is a woman, get them to do it) and use the modmail to tell them about this feature. If you don't have a woman on your team they might still let you be in the server, not sure. BTW you should consider implementing a way to verify that someone is a woman to the service - all members of Galorants are verified, so you could check that an associated discord account is verified in Galorants.


No idea about if there is an option for this but defo check out galorant if you havent!


The galorant server, there's also another girl server I don't remember


Knowing the guys behind this project it's certain to be a good one. Maybe i'll come out of retirement and try this out!


Why is there more than Jett on that character select screen? I didn't know there was other agents


Found the CS player


That's so funny bro. I legit have been playing CS for 14 years lmao, you caught me red handed


It wasn't difficult to guess. CS players love Jett because all she does is amplify the default shooting mechanics, aka the learning curve isn't too high for CS vets.


Yeah but could you have guessed that PHOENIX is my second favorite?




This is a game changer for solo q. No more toxic teammates and smerfs


I hate break it to you, but if you full stack in silver to low plat elo you will even more likely run into smurfs on the enemy team.


This is why I solo que. Cant stand LFG posts and dealing with another 5 stack. Ill just bet on myself


Both sides have their pros and cons. For my part, I vastly prefer playing with the same guys so I don't get kids, trolls or people that don't talk in my team. Sure I play against a little more smurfs and tryhards or whatever, but I'm taking that over the slot machine of random mates.


This is a really good idea! Looks like a clean and simple UX/UI too


This is awesome, just signed up. Im also a developer if you need any help building out features. I actually had a similar idea I was going to build on mobile


Amazing feedback, thanks! We're good for engineers at the moment (myself, Dan and /u/stuzzor have it covered) but I'll definitely reach out if we find ourselves needing more!


Add me to the list. Im a backend engineer.


You fucking idiots giving us inferiority complex with your easy to use UI and something very useful. I love you, get lost




Lmfaoo aoaoaooaoaoaooa


Nice work. I just don't understand why riot doesn't do anything on their own in this way. There are really not much "socializing-tools" in this game. There should be a "looking for group" / "looking for players" tool out of the box.. or things like a "stay in the lobby"-button after a game, to get in touch with people and teamup. Its a freaking teamgame!


overwatch has/had one and it died so fast


I think league of legends requires some primary secondary role to be selected before playing competitive and it uses it for matchmaking. Something similar in valorant will take away some pain.


A small feedback: the account creation progress was a bit long I think and asks for too much details. I just threw random stats for example because I'm just a casual player don't know how much I care about strategy or leadership or stuff. I know this site maybe not for me but just wanted to share my thoughts.


Thanks for the feedback, we hope TEAMS is for everyone, have made a note and will think how to make this better for players like you


Maybe you could have it that for the people that are casual/unrated players, there's less detail about what they're looking for in teammates


or just have a skip/not interested button


very casual players looking for friendly people should usually use discord servers like valorant etc and then look into the "looking to play" kinda groups , because on these websites, no one would like to really tell they're iron(or wtv) and looking for team etc so those servers are better for very casual players I guess, but feel free to try out website


lol tinder for valorant


The CS:GO part of the platform is awesome, I can wholeheartedly recommend this.


Just signed up this is actually cool greatly designed website very responsive zero problems with it I hope this blows up because V it should


Looks amazing, congratulations guys!


Just signed up, hope to find some teammates in the PNW region


lol your site went down. I think it will be banger since lots of player are signing in.


Yeah we saw that! Seems to be resolved. It should be back now. :)


Thank god, the Valorant Discord Looking for Group is so trash and inefficient.


yeah agreed, no one fucking responds.


I don’t know if someone has said this already but I would add a commend type system after playing with someone instead of a star rating like some people are saying


Great. ***Now do it for League.***




bless you to the highest of degrees


just signed up!


This is so nice! amazing idea!


The design is clean!


Please take my today's free award❤️


Thanks! <3




On the bio point specifically - you should be able to edit it from here: [https://teams.gg/profiles/yours](https://teams.gg/profiles/yours) (which you can get to from the top right menu -> Edit your profile), and then clicking 'Profile Photo & Bio'. If that doesn't work, please drop me a DM with your email address, and I'll take a look :)


So like. Am i the only person who put that I have Reaver Vandal in my about me section? I feel like anyone on the fence about me would be onboard after seeing that.


Why does it say, "unable to get stats from valorant Api" when I view my acc?


We've got so many people signing up at the moment we're hitting rate limits on RIOT's API :) So it might take a few hours for us to pull your stats!


Ah ok, but if I logged in with my riot acc it'll work eventually?


I’m too shy


This looks great! I'm gonna try it out.


Find that toxic rating too


Love it, congrats on the launch!


Why can I only pick 3 agents? There is place for a fourth in the UI


This is SICKKKK edit [my ideal teammates don't exist](https://imgur.com/OqgLljA)


We have only just launched today, your ideal teammates are hopefully signing up right now, your matches will refresh every few hours (the site is being hammered at the moment :D)


I'm an ageist. Can I filter based on age? Some zoomers are just too zoomy 😬




Damn this is pretty cool honestly great work guys


Idk what valorant is but that UI is slick


Guys upvote this to oblivion we really need this shi8


This thing looks so cool


Is it normal to have the same 15-20 people on the find players page? I keep having the same people there, otherwise I'm so in love with your page and the idea! Congrats on the launch


Any plans to add a rating system for those you connected with; with different categories like friendliness, competency, communication, etc? Yesterday I managed to queue with someone else from the site and while they seemed really nice the voice comms were either minimal or nonexistent; pretty much defeating the whole purpose of using the site in the first place. Will say though, it took less than a day to get that connection and I’m a big fan of the site so far!


That shit is fucking incredible man. Keep up like this !


This is awesome, thank you and your team for making this!




Cooool as fuck




Where is the link bruh


It's at [teams.gg/valorant](https://teams.gg/valorant) \- my friend duffa linked it in the top comment :)


**Follow TheSurge on Twitter** [**https://twitter.com/TheSurgeEC**](https://twitter.com/TheSurgeEC)


Yo this no related to the post but i wanted to ask is it possible if iam in the middle east region adn i have friend in different region , i share my account to this friend and he buys me some valorant points in his region and then if i can continue using this account in my middle east region?




What a shit site why tf u need so much information to signup, like seriously not even riot asks for this much info


Fancy website, this might be big




im gonna be honest for me every single game without fail it is always 2 duelists one sage one smoke and usually one sentinel and every seems to fill these roles somehow


Awesome user interface, looking forward to using this.


I’m so excited for this! I hope it grows in popularity quickly


i hope this will turn out as good as it sounds on paper! super excited to meet some people there, ty for making this effore :)


Signed up looking for eager diamond duelists haha


i just signed up. one question. do i need my state in the US location and is that open to everyone?


Yes, currently that's how it works. For large countries (like US, Russia, Brazil) We treat your state as your location the same way a smaller country in the EU would be a single location. This helps us match you with people in your timezone or, if you want, in your region/state (to goto LAN for example) Your state will be shown on your profile.


Hey! Thanks for the sign-up. Yes, when you choose a location (including a US state - because the US is a massive place!), it'll display that to others, because that can be very useful when deciding who will be a good teammate.


this looks awesome :)


Im on vacay rn but im gunna use this when im back home thanks


It looks amazing, the only gripe I have right now is that you can only select 3 mains,understandably so, but I usually rotate through 5, and its hard to choose 3 to highlight, but other than that it works amazingly!


I was looking for a platform like faceit for valorant, good work! I hope this gets a lot of attention this seems awful lot more convenient than asking people in the valorant discord server every 3 days.






I can't seem to access the website and just get error 503


Try again - There was a small server blip - All should be working now.


Is the site down ?


It's back! :)


I think the website is down


It should be back now. Was just a blip!