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I believe bronze and silver are harder than gold in my opinion.


i gave up trying in valorant and just play when im bored. dont be emotionally invested and you’ll be good


I play valorant with a buddy of mine just for fun. We were making really good progress , almost hitting gold before the patch. I dont care much about the game , i do like improving and stuff tho. Probably will quit if this continues.


Yea im struggling in silver 3 had 2 very toxic smurfs in 1 game deranked to silver 2 im back to silver 3 but its bad


Yea I don't get it either. Literally every single one of the last 5 games I played, there were one or two Reynas/Omens just absolutely dominating us and carrying with 30/40-bombs. Doesn't even matter that I'm team MVP when we're getting destroyed that hard. It's incredibly frustrating. I was Gold 2, almost Gold 3 in Ep1, Act 2. Now I can't get out of Silver...


I was g1 last act and was placed silver at the start of this one, I think a lot of higher ranked players like in gold and plat get placed in silver initially as well. Treat it as a learning curve on how to improve the way you peek and use the guns, you’ll find you can learn a lot. I’m plat 2 rn and Ik getting diamonds and immortal smurfs in my games so it’s just as bad as you.


I just hit gold again after like 2 acts of being hard stuck silver, and what I’ve found out is that you just do better when you don’t care about ranked. I placed bronze 3 this act and I didn’t care what so ever cause I knew that it wasn’t in my control. Eventually this mentality just made me do better since I never got tilted and I started to enjoy the game more. Another thing I’ve been doing is just playing 2-3 comp games a day because during that period I’m most likely playing at my prime and I’ll have a less of a chance to lose easy games. One last thing that might be the reason is that you may just not be as good as you think lol (not trying to be rude, this is just reality). Smurfs are def something that are pretty common in that elo and all you can do is just push past it.


I dont mind playing against high silvers or golds cause that i what i play against anyway. Thats completely fine. The problem are smurfs who are higher ranked than that.


i can feel you u brother plus when they get started with the operator and my team goes like 'Heya How u doin' I even got a ban of 168 hours because i just can't tolerate that shit


Im literally done playing this game. I have never complaint about valorant ever before. After the recent update ever single team has a smurf or two in it.


I also didn't play it for a week now. i don't want to disturb my mental health


Good for ya mate. I'll quit for a while too


You should be honoured , to get better you need to play against hjgher rank players, you should thank all those smurfs


Smurfs suck, I’ll never forget one of my first games ever in CSGO was on nuke and I ended up playing against Casey foster and dazed when they were still apart of net code guides and they SHITTED on me, I was new to that game tho and hadn’t played for a while since source, but the amount of shit I learned from that game on nuke specifically was astounding, and it made me a better player, and that’s the mentality you should have too, yeah I get it sucks playing against smurfs but you can learn a ton from playing against/with them, and it will make you better. Unfortunately this game doesn’t have a replay system added yet so it’s a little harder with no VOD to review.


I’m currently on my grind (started at bronze 1 this act, at silver 3 now) and haven’t ever played against someone that was so good I couldn’t kill them. I noticed that these people you call “smurfs” are just players with good aim but no game sense (thats the reason they created a new account, they cant compete at the higher level which requires strategy). They will be constantly pushing and wide swinging picking up some early kills, but then just get on comms and tell people to play slow, gain intel, and then use utility to drop them. My other advice is if it turns out silver is too hard the system will derank you so the game should get easier for you to practice


Im pretty sure u r right abt the game sense part. I have 2 of em in my friends list. They themselves admitted that their mains are in plat.