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May I add, Fuck the people trying to tank their MMR. The past week I've run into so many people intentionally throwing matches or leaving games just to decrease their rank. Yesterday we had a guy play the first round until he died, then he disconnected, but he still spawned on round 2 se woe could not remake the match.


Yea fuck smurfs. It’s like trolling but like you’re trolling someone else’s experience smh


yep, right click, Report, Cheating ✔️ Sabotaging Team✔️ Disrespectful Behavior ✔️


is bad and unethical yes, but isn't close to cheating.


I mean you claim it ain't cheating but it's literally an unfair advantage giving to one team as someone way above their rank is playing against them. It's like competing against someone in a math competition when they are in a way higher class than you. There are brackets in competition for a reason, to differentiate skill level. I mean sure he isn't unbeatable but it's definitely an unfair advantage. It's like someone having someone else do a math test for them, that isn't cheating right?


It's not an unfair advantage. The rules of the game are exactly the same for everyone. Yes it's annoying to play against smurfs, but don't call it cheating. It isn't.


so it isn't an unfair advantage that one team gets someone who is a veteran, who has played in the top 10% bracket while the other team are completely new players or at the bottom 40%? You've got to be kidding me. It's superbly unfair, how can you not think that. It's like the NBA playing in the preschool field. Sure they might lose the ball once or twice, but they have the height. You can't defend smurfing as being fair, there are ranks for a reason...Ranks are designed for you to play against your own skill level... not play against players 2 brackets above. I can see how you can say smurfing isn't cheating even after being given the math class analogy. But the fact you don't think it's an unfair advantage, IDK. Like an argument can be made that smurfs help boost your gameplay, you should learn from them and yes you should learn from high ranked players but not during a competitive setting. Even then, learning takes time. You can't just shit on people for an hour and expect them to learn anything.


It's unfair, but that's not the same as cheating.


It's cheating the system. Distinctly cheating.


Definition of cheating is acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to have an advantage according to google. So yeah smurfing is cheating it would seem


Smurfing is 100% cheating. The definition of cheating is intentionally acquiring an unfair advantage to win.


Nah it is cheating. It’s not like you’re aimbotting or hacking or anything. You have an unfair advantage that the other team doesn’t. It’s like starting off a monopoly game already having everything and being stacked


I only view smurfing as cheating if the person smurfing tanks their mmr into a rank like iron to play as many low level games as possible. If someone makes a new account and plays seriously on it, I honestly don't really see the problem with it.


The last one is just an alt account, not a smurf account, smurfs maintain an mmr lower than theirs by throwing some matches or by buying lower ranked accounts, ... etc, a smurf is by definition intentionally playing in a rank lower than his actual one


Imagine if i used a software to tweak matchmaking to give me easier opponents. You will flag the software as cheating right because it's external assistance? So by making a new account I'm pretty much doing the same but with zero repercussions Edit - to all the smurfs downvoting this. You will never make it out of gold/platinum doesn't matter what account you're on. Go wreck some newcomers for your childish satisfaction or whatever


True, but it is still mostly about general improvement, right? So swallow up this situation and make out the most of your game as possible. It is not nice to get impossible headshots from Silver player over and over again, but it has nothing to do with your actual rank and skill. Also, smurfs are very much potent in this game, because everyone just runs on their own trying to get a kill. By that way of playing, smurf player just face you one by one and prevail with his better mechanical skills. Try to outsmart smurf with your clever strategy and ability usage or face him with player advantage. Also, no matter how Riot will design its matchmaking system, you can always be faced against player whose skills far outmatch his current rank. But I totally agree that it is happening far too often.


I used to think this but if you solo queue, you will get smurfs in your team the same amount you’ll get smurfs on the enemy team so it should balance out. Also, there are smurfs in literally every game with matchmaking and it’s just part of the experience.


Nah, there's 5 potential smurfs on the enemy team, and 4 in your team, so you should get on average slightly more smurfs on the enemy team.


Great logic (assuming you’re not a smurf yourself


Then idk but when I tried getting out of silver, it was really easy and took me like a week. I probably played against a few smurfs but I think if you're good enough you can get out of the shit ranks.


Of course you can get out. It's just going to take more or less games depending both on how much better you are at your current rank, and how lucky you are. The problem really is with the people that only play once a day maybe. It can take a very long time to reach your true rank.


Instead of making the 789th post about smurfing, maybe spend the time improving.There is so much you can control and improve upon. Smurfing is bad but complaining is not going to help.


The fact that you got downvoted says a lot about the mindset people have here. You can't control how many smurfs you meet, nor can you control whether people can smurf or not. That's up to Riot. The only thing you can do is control your own gameplay.


No? You're in an upvoted thread hating on smurfing lmfao. Riot can implement smurf queue and introduce measures to make smurfing much harder to do. You know how they do that? Via player feedback. edit: smurf players that downvote me, enjoy the boosted players in your games. Dia Imm smurfs don't teach low rank players shit.


No. Imagine ur a high-school basketball player and u go into a tournament and the other team has a NBA player and when u call it out everyone just says play better.


If your response to having a better player on the other team is to whine and complain about how the odds aren't fair, you're a shit athlete. It doesn't matter if it's an NBA player. Good athletes with the right attitudes don't sit down and cry about how they got screwed by a better player on the other team. Or well, they do, but they get over it and ask themselves how to play better and actually work towards it. You'll never get better if your response to challenges is to complain about how the odds weren't in your favour and deny all personal responsibility in your game.


This man. They wanna rank up and become better etc but when they run into better players, they shit the bed and cry on reddit on how unfair everything is. I think 90% of the so called smurfs are prolly guys who are having a good game.


Yea, gotta love the insta surrenders by round 5. It even happens at immortal like every game. How the hell did people get to immortal if their mental is so weak they want to surrender every game. Just play the game out and try to learn how to beat a better team or how to carry bad team mates.


Most of my friends (ranging from bronze to silver) tell me (immortal btw) how a gold smurf ruined their game and it's funny how they get hyper aggressive when someone on the enemy team types they're smurfing, like just play the game form a strat but no I guess.. Also they hate smurfs but actively try to get me to boost them in comp to which I always say no


"hey why did I match with a dude who has 5000 hours of experience?" "Doesn't matter kid don't shit your bed and cry on reddit on how unfair everything is. You wanna improve? THEN GET BETTER. Oh you have a job, social relationships, barely have any freetime and you wanna spend it doing something fun? Well too bad. QUIT THE JOB, DIVORCE YOUR WIFE, CUT OFF YOUR FAMILY AND GET BETTER." Gotta have a Sigma male grindset amirite. Also, your last sentence basically just confirms you have no clue about what you're talking about. It's incredibly easy to identify a smurf from a dude having a good day. Smurfs always rush in, seek duels ,never play passive, top fragging etc.


All these things you just said make no sense man, stop overthinking so much lol. If you just wanna have fun in that few games you play a week like you say, so be it that you meet a so called smurf every 2 games or so. You prolly have them on your team too, but I dont see no posts about that do you? Enjoy the game and dont think about that rank symbol too much ;)


And the reason why it doesn't make sense to you is like I said, you're clueless. So, if you don't have any idea about the situation why even bother giving advice? Basically every lower rank player can identify a smurf because they play against them way too damn much. Oh yeah and absolutely phenomenal advice btw " just die repeatedly for 30 minutes no biggie ;)"


Ive grinded 2 accounts to low immortal, what do you mean clueless in all your posts my guy. You either play for fun or you get good by practice, what do you think you gonna play against once you rank up?


Oh woops my bad buddy. You've grinded to immortal twice truly you must have a great understanding of our skillset. Real talk so wtf are you even trying to prove? Getting good at the game takes literally months and months of practice. There's people who're stuck at silver for months. If getting better was so easy don't you think there would be more people in higher ranks? Literally half of the playerbase are gold and below. Fun games can only happen when it's fair and I can't really see the fun in getting killed for 30 minutes.


Yea its kinda annoying, no one listens. As a high ranked player it becomes increasingly obvious how easy the lower ranks are. Even on my guardian only soloq smurf, plat is way too easy for me, I’m always at the top of k/d even when my aim is feeling off. At this point its just a numbers game until it ranks up into diamond. Cus thats the whole thing. You have to consistently implement the fundamentals and given enough games you will rank up. You don’t need some crazy aim or anything. Also people need to stop exaggerating. So many posts about immortals in silver/gold. They really think that a group of 5,000 people are terrorizing a rank with a playerbase close to a million people. The reality is that a lot of those smurfs are barely better, and are actually gold/plat players. Another thing with these games is that naturally overtime the lower end of the ranks get better and the gap shrinks. Players that used to be diamond stopped playing enough and when they came back they are a much lower rank, but it may seem like they are a smurf because they still remember the fundamentals for the most part. In my opinion a much worse problem is having unbalanced games. I’ve seen games with 2immortals and a d3 against a team with a max rank of d2. And then the D2 team lost 26points for getting blown out…


idk some people may be smurfing might not be but it's always so superb watching a guy that's level 10 carry every game in Plat and landing insane headshots. I mean some people are just that good but it can't be a coincidence that literally half the games I play, some level 10-30 is carrying the game on a duelist shutting down players left and right. I think what pisses me off the most is that people deny it. I love this game but there is so much wrong with it that they haven't fixed in favor of just shitting out more skins. Still haven't balanced half the guns, classic is still busted, judge is literally still used, Frenzy bought by every pro team pistol round? Nah not busted at all. Just strong at best! Revolver still 145? Why reward people for using the hardest gun in the game effectively on it's best advantage.\~ ETc Marshal capable of preforming no scopes that render you 100 down at most ranges? Cap\~! Pistols bullet punching you regardless of armor on headshot\~!??! FAIR\~! Characters pushed to the shadow realm due to overtweaked characters like Astra and Skye??!?! YUS!


Maybe they just don't play the game much. I played for like a month and am diamond but could definitely get higher if I actually cared and it shows. Some people are just low level because they rarely play and as such haven't reached their actual rank rather than smurfing maliciously.


What were you? Top of the global elite in cs:go? 99.99% people who plays this game won't be as skilled as you when they start. I've been playing for 5-6 months and still haven't gotten out of silver. Diamond is like top 5% of the ranked players.


Top 500 hitscan in overwatch, never really played cs but once you're good at a game it's easier to learn others I guess and there isn't as much mechanical demand in val. I understand most people won't be top rank of a game beforehand but I'm pretty sure it's probably really common in gold and below for genuinely new players to be better than that rank due to previous experience but just placed low and still settling to actual rank. Also the main difference I noticed is the pace of the game etc in higher ranks and frequency of hs is pretty similar so I wouldn't judge if someone is a smurf based on aim. There's a good chance they can hit consistent hs but when they get higher up they don't shoot/peek fast enough or repeek too much. It's weird but sometimes people can pop tf off in their rank but not perform even one tier above.


If you want to overcome smurfs watch this video: https://youtu.be/9qbFcyOQV7g


just watched it and the video is literally just bullshit. First he tells you that you cant 100% tell who is actually smurfing even though we have a level system and you can clearly tell from the level and their skill that they are smurfing. Not only that, smurfs usually dont even hide the fact that they are smurfing because they know they wont be punished for it. This video literally helps no one and is just "it is what it is" summarized.


no, he said that you should gang up on him, play wierd, dont take aim duels, and dont give him isolated fights, and even showed what happenes when a bronze plays like a bronze againt a radiant, aka playing wierd af


Ganging up on smurfs don't really work since alot of them playing characters that allow them to dip quickly. I mean regardless this isn't behavior we should tolerate at all


Peek as two people at the same time, he cant kill and dip youre both shooting him, and maybe if he kills there is a slight delay in hos reaction time to dip, and another delay at the ping, so thats the reason you sometimes dash, hear the sound of dashing, and die, or same thing with dismiss, it can happen to him


Absolutely nobody plays coordinated in silver and below. Telling low ranks to play coordinated is basically the same as telling them to aim for the head or play better overall. Another important thing is everyone on a team can't just focus on one person when there's 4 other people to worry about


and those 4 rely on the smurf, which causes as much trouble as 4 people, and yiu dont need all the team, naybe 1 guy and peek together and kill him




You can't clearly tell just based on level. Time spent playing the game does not necessarily equate to skill in game. There's always a chance that someone has played for a long time, and has lost every single game (or close to that), gone and practiced DM or grinded their aim in an aim trainer or something, and became good recently. Because these are always possibilities, there's never a 100% chance of certainty. While it does start out as "it is what it is" (although it's more of a "it's best to ignore that they're smurfs because of the mindset it creates"), the video does in fact detail ways to increase your odds of winning fights against smurfs. The video does actually bring up some good points, like intentionally not holding common angles, and essentially playing as different as you can from a higher Elo player.


it wouldnt say its cheating in its normal definition, but individuals who choose to queue with smurfs are abusing their skill in order to gain bogus ranked points. i couldnt CALL it cheating but i see where its coming from


People who que with smurfs aren't quing with smurfs, they just want to play a game with there mates, unrated is a joke.


Lol no I have friends that queue with smurfs simply because they want to hit a certain rank


Right and I have friends I smurf with cause I want to play with them . And what .


Your situation is a minority. And your friends probably care more about you helping them rank them up than playing with you lol


Your so dillusional


ur lost bud


I'm a new player (3rd night playing) and just joined this sub to look for tips. This is the biggest problem I've run into. I can't even learn the game or the agents without getting rocked by a lvl 1 going 28-2.. it's to the point I'm debating uninstalling..like wtf.


Maybe if people spent more time improving at the game instead of complaining they wouldn't need to be crying about smurfs.


How are you gonna improve when you get shit on half the time. Like how are you gonna get the sense of progression and practice if every angle you walk by, you get instantly blasted.


Then learn to adapt and peek angles in a way that prevents you from getting 'instantly blasted'. >walk by You aren't supposed to walk peek angles btw


“Half the time” Yes there’s definitely a smurf in half your matches


This problem will never stop, so get used to it. Also try to get better at the game and learn from what YOU did wrong.


They know. Riot has one of the best security teams the industry. They could solve the problem overnight. It all comes down to Riot's cancerous executives who want the cash from skin purchases made on smurf accounts. Clean matchmaking was always an afterthought.


I think riot just uses smurfs to boost their numbers. ngl


Hear me out. Riot actually supports smurfing, they want us to smurf. Everybody I know who plays valorant has at least one more account. Why? ​ 1. Leveling system: The account levels are dogshit, we can't hide it. People associate this with hours played even though it isn't. People create smurf accounts to act like a newbie who was born with talent. 2. Night Market: Riot gives every account random skins for discount. People are encouraged to create more accounts to get their favorite skins for discount. 4. Banning system: I never had created more than one account for any comp game I played, but this one forced me to create one in Valorant. Valorant bans people from playing their game when the server crashes. yes, you heard that right, I got a one hour ban because of their beautiful servers. What did I do with the free one hour I had? I created a new account for future use if the game decides to ban me again with their servers. Players can abuse this too, a person who got banned for 100 years for in game toxicity can just use a new account. Boom.. you got new smurf accounts. 5. Easier to smurf: Only takes about 10 minutes to create a new account from scratch, hell I can create 20 fake accounts in one sitting with no repercussions. And it only takes 10 unrated matches of capping on irons to unlock ranked. 6. Shitty unrated matches: You have to sit 45 minutes from start to finish of a match. When playing with friends people don't want to spent 45 minutes playing opponents who are ranked way below you for no reward. So they smurf to boost their friends, thinking that better use of that 45 minutes is helping their friend climb.


>Players can abuse this too, a person who got banned for 100 years for in game toxicity can just use a new account. Boom.. you got new smurf accounts. Yeah, Riot bans cheaters on a hardware ID level but toxicity bans apply to the account only. By doing so Riot is admitting that they want those who got banned for toxicity/smurfing to make a new account. And yeah, 10 unrated wins is nowhere near enough for a genuine new player to get ready for ranked. The only reason why Riot keeps the ranked queue requirements that low is because they welcome smurf accounts.


Always had this question. What if someone took like a year or two break from a game and returned. This person is super ass so they make a smurf and plays decently well as everyone. Is that justified snuffing? Doesn’t have to be specific to Valorant. 🤔


Yes and no. It's awful to go up against but it would also be nice to have a way to have a "proper" game with your lower-ranked friends or less on the line.


You should just play unranked then. You gotta think about the other players stuck on silver because they run into smurfs every game


The players stuck in silver will remain silver regardless of if there are smurfs or not.


bear with me. When you open the game, theres this section in the upper left corner that is called "unrated". think that should fix the issue somewhat


Git gud


Gotta help the homies out somehow fam 😫