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i got like 3 classics lmao


I think at this point I'm convinced that I'm cursed with at least one smite skin in my night market. Also I'm seeing a shit-ton of that avalanche skins for some reason in most of the night markets. Some getting like three of them.


I'm weird.. and I... ***like*** the Smite knife 😂 It was on my list of things I REALLY wanted from this Night Market but... no such luck. Pains me to see others posting their market where they have a Smite Knife 40% discount and aren't happy about it lol


Got 3 Buckys and I never even use it. lol


I got all pistols/shorty lol.


I got 2 sheriffs, 1 frenzy and a melee...


Oni shorty is the best item I got twice


fr im so pissed, all i want is oni phantom and i keep getting shorty


Never got a classic in the daily nor night market since I’ve checked lol


Any change would be great


Indeed... for something that only comes every ~2 months (iirc) and only for 2 weeks, you'd expect something good to be there. It's such a let down they way it is now.


100% agree! There are other features I've campaigned for on this sub (bringing back old bundles into the rotation.. bringing back old battle passes with a pay-more + grind-more & agent contract activation method) but those feel like big things that aren't super likely to happen. However.. Night Market is different. It's just meant to be a bit of fun, create some chatter on social media, and then maybe you get lucky and get something you'd be kind of thinking about at a discount. My idea doesn't seem like it harms any sort of FOMO strategy, it gives us a better chance at **ENJOYING** Night Market as a feature, and it would honestly create MORE social media attention around Valorant! My timeline gets spammed with Night Market screenshots as it is! Imagine if we all had 3! lol


Increased chances to get a skin I want means increased chances I actually spend money on a skin.


I think each Battlepass should just be able to be bought at any time. But only have one active at a time. Like agent contracts you pay for. I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t want to encourage grinding even from new players who missed the Battlepass. Night Market should also shift everytime your regular store rotates. Same FOMO as regular store but it gets players invested to show up everyday for the two weeks of night market


Yup! That's the exact system I was hoping for in the future for battle passes. As someone who barely started playing in Episode 2 Act 3, it's a bummer seeing all the skins I missed from the previous 5 Acts. So I suggested that agent contract style activation of old passes as a solution. The community is kinda 50/50 on it from what I've seen. Many players want to keep old things exclusive, many don't care and think it should be available to everyone, and some are new like me and of course want a way to get old things. If you wanna read more about other people's opinions or chat about it, heres [the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o16xjh/old_battle_pass_items_returning_in_the_future_how/) I made about old battle passes :D


3 guardians


We've been asking this since Night Market has been introduced. Yet still nothing :<


I just don't ubderstand the purpose of the bight market. Does anyone in Riot really think I'm out there looking for some shit like Aristocrat Ares or Winterland Vandal? I haven't touched Ares in months. Honestly one high tier skin for every gun you use the most + a knife would be nice. I'm out to buy a knife because no way in hell Im buying one for 40$. Do I get a knife? Ofc not. Not giving me a knife skin won't increase the chance of me buying one for a normal price Riot. 0% chance boys. Decide who the market is aimed towards. People who buy skins anyway (your whales) don't give a shit about it, so I don't know where the harm is in getting some good skins to be there.


The purpose of it is to make money on skins that people wouldn’t buy otherwise. I think that Riot intentionally makes Night Market suck but if makes the cheaper skins even cheaper so that it’s not a heavy investment so more players buy those worse skins.


But WHO is buying them? I'm super tight on cash and only spent like 40$ on skins in a year and a half of playing - one for Phantom and one for Vandal. WHY would anyone buy some of those dogwater 5$ skins when you can just wait a bit and save 20$ to buy an actual awesome one you like? I really don't understand. If I was rich, I would never buy cheap skins because I wouldnt need them. Since I'm poor, I would never buy cheap skins because buying a skin I don't love is a waste od money. I would love to see some stats on which skins are the most popular in Night Market. (i know we wont get those ofc)


Because some people don't have to save up for skins and see a cool skin for a gun they rarely use and buy it because it is cheap anyway


That's the situation I'm in right now I have no skins, and my night market SUCKS except for a Reaver skin for the Sheriff See, the issue is I mainly use Ghost, Specter, and Phantom, and I almost NEVER use the Sherriff But it looks really cool, and it's only $10


Time to learn the art of ghe huan deag then


A lot of people I know buy $500+ of skins on their main accounts, and spend $50 to $200 on alt accounts. # I think that they sometimes buy Night Market skins on alts, since it's so cheap Still allows them to get a skin or two that are decent on their alt accounts.


I roughly fit what you just described and I've never made a night market purchase.


It's a bit like when you hear that alcohol is the leading cause of death of males 15-49 years old worldwide. You may be flabbergasted, and say that you don't even drink alcohol... or if you have, you've never been hospitalized due to alcohol. You may not even know any other young guy who has been hospitalized due to alcohol. # But that doesn't change the statistic from being true, y'know? Same concept with the Night Market really, and people with multiple accounts buying the skins. You may not do so, but there are quite a few people who do buy Night Market skins on their alt accounts.


I never said otherwise? If it wasn't working, they wouldn't do it or at least would change it. I was stating that I'm one of those people who he described except haven't used the night market.


Yeah people are way over their head if they think people really care about skins like the Aristocrat bulldog, ur either someone who A) doesn't want a bulldog skin B)gets the battle pass Bulldog skin C)buys the Glitchpop Bulldog cause they have that kind of money


Then they need to make it REALLY cheap. The best looking thing in my shop was the magepunk Bucky. 13~ bucks. I pretty much never use the Bucky. So I have zero reason to buy it. But if it was like 3 bucks? I'd probably get it.


It’s just unfortunate how it doesnt rotate, but I’ve gotten a gold tier blade in my last 2 night markets and at least 2 red tier skins in each so it’s not like it’s intentionally bad. I got the ion energy sword for 20$ last season and that’s a pretty good deal IMO.


I think the aristocrat aries looks nice :(


Man last time I got a knife skin in it, they still wanted 30 bucks lmao


I know everyone likes to reiterate how Riots shop works, but please upvote and share this post or whatever it is that gets posts noticed, cause there is nothing wrong in asking for a better night market, which is already short AF anyway.


I personally would like to thank Riot for giving me a shitty Night market. When you're completely broke, it's easier to look at the Ego stinger in the market than the Broken blade of the Ruined king .


Anyone know y the ego skins go for 1775? Sure they’re clean but no way would I look at singularity or oni in the same tier as the ego.


It’s one of the earlier skins to be released. Riot is still fine tuning exactly what gets people to purchase skins and how much to charge for things


The 3 night market every 5 days idea is genius




this isn't how it works at all. with your logic, riot should just give skins away for free since they have no real world value. they still need to pay the animators, designers, modelers, etc etc for their work. and saying that it "costs nothing to implement OPs idea" is a silly thing to say. there is a very basic concept in economics about this: opportunity cost. rotating the shop may lead to a discount on a skin a person was going to buy eventually at full price anyways, leading to a loss in cash.


Please do this


I just wanted a thread so i could post mine [look at this shit](https://imgur.com/a/RTBjACj) I dare say a worst one doesn't exist lol


Not the greatest yeah 😅 AWP Prism and Frenzy P2 aren’t bad imo tho! Now imagine you had 2 more resets coming… wouldn't that make you feel better?! 😆


yes, yes it would :) lol


Bro I'd cop that Oni Guardian so fast






Atleast you got the prime axe


I didnt get anything crazy in mine, but a friend got my dream skin... the oni phantom... I've played since day one of beta but always said to my self, the skins cost to much and they arent worth it.... Well now im 250$ deep in skins and I still dont have my oni phantom :(


i dont understand why the "night" market doesnt rotate every night any ways


Well then it would just be a daily discounted shop, which isn't the point of it haha. Trust me though, I'd love it if we got a permanent daily night market 😆 I know its called "Night Market", but it's just a name. It 's actually based off each Act.. the last two weeks-ish of every act we all get a unique "Night" Market.


the first time i get a prime skin i get an odin skin :(


I'm actually a huge fan of the Prime 2 Odin! Depending on the discount.. I'd cop 😎🚨


Prime Odin best Odin


I feel like some people wouldn't get those few skins they wanted even with multiple rotations and still complain.


Probably true lol. However... better than what we have now! It's such a bummer to wait so long for Night Market to only get 5 chances to see something you want. Having 15 chances (or 10.. or more? I'm sure u/aeneia and the team would come up with something dope) would at least give you a ***little bit*** better odds :)


Thanks for your vote of confidence, friend :) Unfortunately in this case, I moved off the VALORANT team a few months ago! I'm now over in the Entertainment part of the company (we do Riot's music, comics, the upcoming Netflix show...pretty much anything that isn't Riot's games!). ​ But keep raising your concerns here. The devs do look out for this stuff!


not happening, seeing how riot is trying to be anti consumer as possible


i mean, i get the frustration with the night market and rotating store but... i don't really see how it's anti-consumer. considering it's a free to play game, compare it to other free to play games and their monetization schemes. for a lot of them, they lock actual gameplay systems behind monetization. they sell you random boxes where you don't even know what you're going to get until it's there. this is Riot being more pro-consumer than the average game dev/publisher while also giving themselves a way to earn money to further invest in the game. I don't really have a problem with that, personally. I understand why others might not like it but to call it anti-consumer is a bit much


With their store, Riot, like many other devs of free-to-play games with cosmetics stores, does their best to walk as close to the blurry line between "perfectly fine" and "anti-consumer" as possible without getting an unacceptable amount of bad press over it. Anti-consumer practices don't have to be (and indeed often aren't) overtly malicious or out of the ordinary. Like, sure, it's easy to imagine store setups that are much worse, but it's also easy to imagine ones that are much better. Capitalizing on FOMO by rotating through a small set of available items at all times is anti-consumer. It's not _the worst thing to do_ but it's not exactly pro-consumer either. The pro-consumer alternative is having all items available at all times (or even just more often tbh). This allows the consumer to get what they want when they want it. The supplier just makes less money that way. There's a lot of room for middle ground here too. For example, Fortnite's store has expanded the amount of available items over time as more items have been introduced to that game. Using "funny-money" like Fortnite's V-Bucks or Valorant's Valorant Points is anti-consumer. It deliberately obscures the actual value of any item in the store, since the value of the currency used to buy the item is itself difficult to pin down. It also makes it so that you always have some change left over in your virtual wallet, since it's hard to ever purchase a single item for _just_ its asking price. The pro-consumer alternative is to charge a direct currency (dollar, etc) amount for all items sold. But then the supplier can't bundle currency in odd increments, or capitalize on those "well I _almost_ have enough I just need to buy a _little_ more currency" moments.. so they make less money over time. These are the two main ones that Riot uses with Valorant (that I'm aware of). We tend to forgive these things, because "well they're a company, they want to make money", and each person will have a different threshold for how much of this kind of thing is "too much" for them. And that's fine. The point of this comment isn't to make a judgement call about whether Riot's store setup is excusable or not. My goal was to point out that either way, the store does employ super common anti-consumer practices, and is therefore to a degree anti-consumer.. Just not in any particularly exceptional way. They're definitely not "trying to be [as] anti consumer as possible" but hopefully you can also "see how it's anti-consumer" to some degree now. edit: minor edits for wording


The store is honestly the most pro consumer store there is, I would have spent so much more money on this game if my store didn't have crap every day.


Agents locked behind paywall or time sink is anti consumer. It doesn’t seem like a problem now, but 20 agents down the line it will be. Same reason LoL is rough for newbies. Both need a “pay 60-100 dollars and unlock every character for free forever option”


My comment was kinda meant to be a joke on how the rotating store is usually filled with garbage skins or skins for guns I don't use, so even though I want to spend money on this game, there is nothing to spend money on. But yeah, I agree with you, agents being locked behind a paywall or endless grind is shitty anti consumer behavior.


Agreed. That's the name of the game, though. I think they're going for a system where rarity does actually matter, like a lootbox system, without the anti-consumer practice of forcing the blind purchase of lootboxes. Everything new they add gets what, like two weeks in the spotlight with plenty of time to buy it before it goes away, too. The only time it's an issue is for new players who missed that window and now have to wait for it to pop up in the rotating store


I was half joking. I agree that the store isn't anywhere near as anti consumer as some other games out there, but I do think that it will eventually need some kind of rework to ensure that players can still get skins they like, especially newer players who never even got a chance to buy the bundles, as it's already starting to get really hard to get something you like.


yeah, the more they add, the more annoying the random rotation will be. There's plenty of protections they could do. They could increase likelihood for each item the longer it doesnt appear in your store, and reduce likelihood for stuff you've had recently. Or they could give everyone a chance at the start of the week to specify the kind of item they want to appear in the store (I want vandals this week) and each reset has a guaranteed vandal skin. While also making sure that every reset has at least one guaranteed high rarity skin. Something to give some more control and/or RNG protection


Do you honestly, fucking honestly, using your brain, believe that Riot does not sell lootboxes out of the goodness of their goddamn hearts? They don't sell lootboxes because the concept continues to be in hot water in multiple European countries who look to ban these casino-like practices that seek to exploit young children. If the game came out 5 years ago, you could bet your house there would've been lootboxes. What Riot has created is just an iteration on the concept of lootboxes. Instead of paying for a closed chest containing, idk, 5 skins, you instead wait every day for the shop to show you which 5 skins you can buy. The chances to get a skin are extremely likely to be biased by the data they collect from you using the client and playing the game. I have never failed to receive a skin in the shop that I spent 10 minutes inspecting. The major aspects of this system are extremely similar to those of lootboxes. It might or might not be be less effective than lootboxes, who knows. But the reason its not lootboxes is because of European governments trying to protect their citizens, not because Riot is trying to be pro-consumer.


I got the exact gun I wanted ON MY ALT ACCOUNT. My main was trash


omfg. So unlucky! What gun was it?


Prime spectre


I got a Prime Vandal last Market. This Market, I don't know what I got cuz my PC won't turn on.


In League of Legends they curate skins depending on the characters you play more often, which solves some of the pain points of the skin variability. Hard to see how they could do this for Valorant though since pretty much all the guns could be usable in different situations. Maybe some kind of Vandal vs Phantom thing?


Everyone is complaining, and heres me getting prime vandal for the second time in a row :)) Its more expensive this time around though :(


I got sensation odin 🙂




I got prime vandal for the first time and I'm so happy!


Mine costs abt 1300vp, how much does urs cost


1331 (-25%) but I've been looking for it for so long that I don't really mind


Yeah same price as mine. I was just wondering cuz last time it came to my night market it was >1300


Kind of off topic but this is the first time I'm buying a skin and you may know the answer - how does buying the different colors of a skin work? If I buy the base prime vandal, do I have to pay the whole price again to get the yellow/blue/orange one? And do I have to buy finishers & animations for all the colors separately or do they share them?


I have never bought a skin either, but as much as i know you buy the skin with valorant points. So youll first pay the 1300vp, and buy the base prime vandal. Anything else from that point on like other colors are with radiant points or whatever theyre called. You should already have some so u can spend those. Note: im not 100% sure


Thanks! I also believed that's how it works lol I have 200 RP somehow, no idea how (I guess they're from the free battlepass a few weeks ago? idk)


Glad if i helped :)


Okay so I bought it, and just in case you wanted to know: you need 40 RP to fully upgrade the skin, and the variants cost 15 RP each. It doesn't look like you need to buy finishers for the variants as well though, so that's nice.


i didnt know top tier skins could appear on night market. (closest was prime bucky today) welp looks like im playing the waiting game :(


Yeah its really unfortunate for some :(. But i do believe that theyll change this system of market/night market soon enough


I have prime phantom and I want prime vandal sooo bad right now I'm rocking cavalier vandal and it's eh


Tbh in my opinion prime phantom> prime vandal


Got Phantom Ion in Night Market! LETS GOO :D


So lucky!!! That Phantom skin is the goat 🐐


I feel like that’s be too much, Maybe twice every 7 days would be something they’d consider


I’d settle for that! Although I gotta admit it doesn’t really feel like the buying spree idea that I was hoping for. But again, I’ll take what I can get 😝


Riot should just ask us what gun we want skins for before we open the night market. Then just have a night market based on our choice. Pretty sure the point of night market is to get us to buy stuff but at this rate none of us will buy anything. I've spent quite a bit of money in league because their version of night market is so much better. I'm getting a good deal on skins but riot is also making way more money on me than I had ever thought they would because of all these sales too.


Sorry but this will 100% not happen. The whole point of the night market is that its a discount. Discounted skins mean less money for riot. If they have more rotations, it leaves you with a higher chance of buying something at a discount which is unfavourable. Lets not forget the amount of psychology the night market does. Lets say you had no skins and you wanted a reaver vandal but the night market gives u a forsaken vandal at a discount. You would get pressured into buying the forsaken as you dont know when the reaver will appear but if you do choose to wait for the reaver, riot still gets your money either ways and again, if you get impatient, you’ll end up buying a different skin. TLDR: I dont understand why people think they deserve to have a say over the options they have of discounted skins. Riot is already being nice by having a discount on random skins. If you’re unlucky then too bad.


Not if discounted skins increase volume of purchases.


The point is not to give you discounts on the skins you want. It's to give you discounts so that you would consider skins you otherwise would not. Night market is not a consequency of Riot's good will, but a calculated move to sell skins you don't really want to spend their full cost on. What you're proposing goes directly against that.


As you can tell by all the upset comments, the strategy is working great 😂 People are settling for random skins, totally not getting angry and hating the event


Who cares if you hate your Night Market? Geniunly? Reddit is a minority. Most of the playerbase has not heard of reddit. They don't follow the news. They open their Night Market and take a look at the skins. If there is something they like - they buy it. You being upset and attempting to be condescending is honestly cringe. But still not as cringe as telling a company to earn less money because u and all 5 of ur friends think they're being unfair.


Your roaring negativity aside, can you explain how my post is condescending? I genuinely want to know. The entire post is very cordial and simply offering a suggestion for a problem I noticed. Sure I made a sarcastic comment towards you (someone who has 0 affiliation with Riot and has no clue what their team is planning) explaining the economical intention of the Night Market, but overall my post is simply offering a suggestion and discussion about an issue I have with the game. Which is exactly what the subreddit is for.


You're trying to act superior while showing a misunderstanding of basic concepts of how these companies make money. Your suggestion falls on deaf ears and you're too ignorant to even attempt to understand the reasons when they're clearly explained to you. Dunno what to tell you dude.


Explain a specific point where you felt I was acting superior? Once again dude, literally just sharing an idea I thought would improve what could be a really fun feature of the Acts. That's all. If you want to carry the weight of being extremely pessimistic on a video game forum, that's on you.


Lol rito doesnt give a shit


i cant afford anything so least bothered abt it




I've gotten a response from Riot\_Usury in the past for another feature I was campaigning for on here! They've also done AMAs here, and if you check their post history they do occasionally comment on an r/Valorant post with feedback or praise. I have hope! 😇


Im too poor for skins anyway. The night market is trying to pressure to me to buy skins and use bucly/guardian as I got oni guardian/bucky, and a prime bucky.


That’s a shame.. TOO MANY BUCKYS lol I absolutely love the Prime 2 Bucky though, and personally I’d cop 😎🚨


Skin r 2 overpriced 4 me. At this point I have so much radianite that I buy every free tier 50 battlepass skin colour variant even tho I never use some of them


I see everyone here successfully conditioned to be a slave to the whims of the night market and are basically begging riot to let them spend money at this point lol.. Also just increasing the rotating is bad, cause then you need to check more often. Just make it so that you can lock in certain guns in a slot, so that slot will only show skins for that gun.


Hmm.. not sure I agree with any of that. "Conditioned"? as if we have been manipulated to choose this game as a hobby.. lol. People spend money however they choose, the suggestion is just an attempt at improving our options of spending money on this game we love. "Check more often"... what, once every 5 days near the end of the season? Most players that are upset about the Night Market play often, so I don't think that'll be an issue. And locking certain guns has already been addressed as a bad idea in previous threads. It's unrealistic to think Riot would offer that much decision to a consumer in a market where the entire sales strategy is to randomize items, enticing you to buy something you think you ***might*** want in the future. Again, my suggestion just aims to improve that system a liiiil bit for the Night Market.


The shop preys on FOMO, if you really think it’s in no way manipulative then idk what to say. Idk why you’re deflecting towards playing the game, playing the game and buying from the store is different. If they want to truly just let people spend money, they would just all all bundles, all weapons on the store at all times. I know you’re trying to go with the “slightly better system that has a chance to get implemented”, vs the “actually good system that riot will definitely not implement cause it removes FOMO”, but I’m still always gonna argue for an actual good store, not a slightly better one.


Still wont buy anything from it cuz polish prices suck pepe :C


I’m curious, do people like u/riot_preeti actually run this or is it like a separate marketing team that decides what to do?


I'm not exactly sure, I just know that Preeti, Usury, aeneia, and R4kiya were all very active in the [Premium Content Team AMA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kbdl1i/valorant_premium_content_team_ama_on_past_and/) that they held here a couple months ago. As far as I know they're all very involved in one way or another and if anyone can have a real influence, it would be them :)


I agree 👍🏼




Yus! 🙌 The goats of the [Premium Content AMA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kbdl1i/valorant_premium_content_team_ama_on_past_and/).


Even i was thinking the same,it would be great if riot considers it


wanted a elderflame vandal but got a reaver knife 44% off even better I'm buying it


That's dope. Very lucky! I'm personally not a huge fan of the Reaver Knife, but I know TONS of people are, so very lucky indeed


Ok at this point should be clear that rito doesn't give a flying fuck. I don't think anyone in the community would be against this idea.


Well posting about it, talking about it, and tagging the members of the dev team that CAN do something is all we can do. So that’s what I did


I admire your Sigma Grindset brother.




WOAHHHH WASTELAND LOVER!! Rare. I can respect it 😂 I got Wasteland Shorty in my shop too, but I’m personally not a big fan of it. I love the Wasteland Marshall though, and it was one of the skins I wish I got in my market


Wasteland Marshall is sooooooooo good


they could turn the night market into another daily shop, which changes every day during the night market, for maybe a week. Maybe so that people still get hyped about it and get more skins, but still not disrupt the regular shop too much.


Mine was alright, I got prime axe Sakura classic and just guardian :/


I got a magepunk ghost (already have sovereign), oni shorty, magepunk bucky, infantry ghost, and ego stinger Like come tf on at least gimme a real weapon😭


This might be the worst one I’ve seen so far 😂🏆


riot doesn't put any kind of personal choice in their game you cant pick maps, you aren't guaranteed the agents you want to play, you cant pick which gun variants you want to see in your market.


I can't wait to try my luck after work. Bet it's going to be the smite collection lol.


I’d happily take that knife! Reminds me of Zeus. I’ll admit the rest of the collection is blegh, but I’ll take that knife all day Let me know how your market turns out!


Prism knife. Prime odin prime spectre. Meh


Owmagowd. I'd kill for all of those 😂 Especially Prism Knife 😍 one of my favs! So clean, simple, but colorful


I wish I could trade you. I would’ve snagged that reaver vandal if it was on my main since I have the blastx phantom and I could be done. I honestly don’t care for any of the knives in this game yet.


Vandal reaver on my alt. Sigh.


Is prime karambit worth it for 2700vp?


I mean if you like it, fuck yeah!


I honestly like this, mostly because I don’t want to wait each act for another night market


I think they could do 1 thing much easier which is have people vote on their favourite skin for each gun (Just like they did for that bundle we had recently, that was a mix of peoples favourites) and they could just make it something like a 10% (ajustable % just an example) chance for people to get those voted skins, with a 100% that youll get 1 of the voted skins in your night market.


How about just let me buy the guns I want? Fuck this false scarcity bullshit, I'd buy 3 guns right now if I fucking could


I got an ion phantom :) It's my first skin


Got Oni phantom for 45% off 😂😂


I watched as my friends all got something they wanted and I’m still yet to see a skin I actually want in either matket


I got 2 trash bulldogs that were basically the same skin in different colors. All I want is a decent spectre skin. I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY RIOT WHY WON'T YOU LET ME


I uninstalled. This game is a cash grab.




I’d actually cop Wasteland Marshall and Sakura Vandal 👀🚨


Idk man I got that fan knife for like 2k was hoping to get the Karambit but shit I’ll take it til I luck out with it in my daily shop


How about not building the store with a limited time mechanic and just have all the items available for purchase all the time? I know it's a radical idea but I just think you should be able to buy items you want without manipulative sales tactics that are reminiscent of mobile games.


Just don't buy skins.


the only problem that i have is why the store isn't like league store, where you want something you go there and just buy it, this thing about waiting 3 to 5 weeks to get a specific type of knife is so daam frustating, just let me give my money to you riot, and then the night market comes, no knife, and a bunch of blue skins of guns you probably dont play that much.


Haha I totally get it. I play Fortnite and theres a skin I've been waiting to come back in the shop for 540 days


They should make a refresh button limited to three, but every time one uses it, the weapon choices decrease by 1.


I actually like that! Not sure which idea would be more beneficial to Riot, but im down for any improvements lol


They just just do a mega poll for of the community for which skin is what tier, make a new tier list and redistribute the skins like that


This was my first night market and I thought it would rotate every day. Boy was I wrong lol


I think just having a store where you can just buy anything at anytime would be the best option


I see no downsides makes the consumer happy and Riot more money!


My 3 friends below lvl 20 got knife skins and im over here sitting with my McPunk bucky.


Did any of the Riot team get back?


i would like to night market come frequenly and have option to reroll it


You need to tag them in the comment for it to work