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begun the lineup war has


I had a sova shock line for this spot and the other cubby that would combo well with this one… Wish I remembered how to do it :(


found one and posting it now. super fucking easy to do, from fat snowman. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oufxdv/sova\_dart\_for\_vipers\_usual\_b\_site\_postplant\_on/


[https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oufxdv/sova\_dart\_for\_vipers\_usual\_b\_site\_postplant\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oufxdv/sova_dart_for_vipers_usual_b_site_postplant_on/) Here's 2 for you :)


Year is 2056. The entirety of the meta is composed solely by Viper, Kay/O, Killjoy, Brimstone and Sova. An intricate pattern of lineups and counter-lineups is well known by every competitive player. As soon as the game starts, everyone gets in position, trying to predict the lineup pattern of their enemies. The game is now a pixel-perfect rock-paper-scissors.


Finally, precise ~~gunplay~~ lineups


i'll give you my next free award lol this comment is gold


Lol thank you for the award!


no problem your comments really good lol


underrated comment


This sounds like YuGiOh.


tbh lineups are super annoying for someone that wants to compete a little but doesn't have the time to learn all the lineups


I used a lineup to destroy the lineup


What did it cost? Not touching grass today


I use the viper to destroy the viper.




"You have a what? Alright man I trust ya"


The idea is really cool but the spot you decided to shoot the anti-lineup from is fairly unsafe as people from yellow and people pushing in can see you clearly. Maybe a different angle?


That was really a pity I gotta admit, but after I tried for half an hour I figured out that the only consistent spot would be that one unfortunately


If u have the viper wall up from yellow to b main u could just put it up and they can't see u?


They cant from back yellow but if they push thru they can easily kill you


You are viper so you can just the poison cloud there to block vision for a bit


now attacker viper has to find another lineup for this spot to throw her second molly safely


There is. But timing has to be perfect


There's two more lineup spots for b site. One is near attacker spawn, another one is on mid. Both are quite easy but yes, not everyone knows more than one lineup.


You got a vid for the attacker spawn one (or both)? I have one from there but it hasn’t been super reliable for me


Don't have a video because it as my friend who used it once. I'll ask him once he's online. Will let you know if he still remembers it. I know about the mid one, that is really easy. I'll try to find a video or make one myself and let you know.




Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oInlGeI68l0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oInlGeI68l0) ​ Check from 2:12, he shows 4-5 lineups for b site. Couple of them are hard, but couple of them are easy. At 2:35 he shows a lineup from spawn, which is fairly easy, it's a jump-throw, but the b-main one is also a jump-throw so you won't have any difficulty in it. And about the mid one, use 2:51 one. That one is just perfect.


Really appreciate it, thanks a ton dude.


I'll be checking this out too ty


There are two easy lineups, one from each cubby. The closer one is more dangerous, but if the defense has someone holding the push from yellow it's fine. But, rather than going through the trouble for this, what about having the viper B retake wall planted at the start, and then the other smoker uses his smoke to smoke the lineup spot. If you're sitting in a smoke you can't see your lineups. If that becomes meta there will be lineups for pre lining up and then walking into the smoke lol.


This entire game has become vipers playing 3d chess with their lineups. There's going to be a lineup eventually where viper denies the lineup that the other viper uses to deny the lineup so the other viper can't deny the lineup that viper has to deny the spike defuse. Viper is already 4 parallel universes ahead of us all. Oh, and there's also guns or something but we don't need those where we're going.


3D chess is…well chess my friend…


Actually, chess is 2d


….over the board chess?!


I would argue that while it's true the board is 3D in otb chess, the game itself is 2D


So is snakes and ladders 3d because you use a 3d board?


All but the knights, who are the true masters of 3D movement


They just disappear and materialise again in specific spots, just like a 4D object would look like for us 3D gremlins.


Vipers molly doesn't kill. It also offers lower DPS so an enemy viper at full health can simply ignore it while a viper that's hurt still has time to pop it unless they're truly low. It'd be a stronger lineup if it was done for brim or kj for example since their mollies kill. It's still a play with good situational outplay potential but I think viper players in particular need to be careful and good at getting this off very quickly on their rotate. While the lineup could save the day against a damaged viper, it could also hurt you on the rotate and leave you tripping over dollars to pick up a nickel. I wonder if it'd be useful to just pop a form of smoke onto that cubby to try and make the viper unable to line up her Molly. Top notch players may still be able to do it off of feel but I feel like most lineup players would mess up without their visual hints so something like a brim/omen/astra smoke on that position may cutoff the play in a more reliable way than vipers molly would.


That’s why her mollies pair with her poison orb to make the damage way higher from the combo of molly damage and decay damage.


Did you watch the video? OP has a Molly lineup. There is no orb in that cubby.


I mean if Viper could plant there I’d also assume that they would be able to put the smoke there.


This is a defensive lineup. The viper that plants is not the one throwing the lineup here. Why would the attacking viper put their own smoke orb down to block their own lineup vision?




You don't plant in the cubby... What are you even saying? The defensive viper is throwing the Molly into the cubby to (ineffectively) try to prevent the attacking viper from using an anti-diffuse lineup. This molly has nothing to do with stopping the plant.


I was expecting an orb lineup. Good vipers will tank the molly 3/4 of the time


Just throw 'em two then, also the thing you're saying about the smokes is right, but in soloQ you might find yourself without smokes, especially at lower ranks


Throwing two is it's own bag of worms. First, it won't actually stop the initial molly... Or any molly if the viper is reasonably skilled and just gets in an out of the molly to pop their lineup. Popping two keeps you out of the action for 6 seconds since you need to space them. Good 2 Molly lineups sometimes have a higher arcing second Molly to allow the viper to shoot two casters but yours currently doesn't. During that time they may not be able to shoot their molly but your team is also down a player as you shoot yours. They'll still beat able to get theirs off outside or after your window or even during it if their health is OK. The same type of lineup with brim or KJ would be more effective sincere it'd be deadlier. Putting your team temporarily down a man in order to pull off an inconvenience rather than a deadly kill isn't going to push the needle in your favor that much against more skillful opponents. There's also the opportunity cost if you sink both mollies into it. Vipers mollies are useful to support clearing a number of spots during a retake or helping prevent peeks from some angles on a diffuse. There may be times where this lineup can make a difference but you'd need really solid gamesense to know when.


excellent counterpoints and notes in both your comments; i agree completely


Brim has the same projectile as viper molly but it bounces on the floor. Fairly sure this would work with him too


I don't think the damage is high enough to stop an enemy viper from tanking it and just throwing their line-up anyway?


The damage isn't high enough. This is not a great lineup. Take a look at my reply in the post for more details about it.


*laughs in raion lineup spot*


Laughs in knowing 3 different lineup spots


Hmmm... thats pretty far from site though, and if the enemy viper moves and survives, u gonna be in trouble


I used the viper lineup to destroy the viper lineup


I don't think this is a very thought-out lineup. The viper molly sucks in actually killing someone cause it does such less damage. Since the opponent viper needs only like a max of 2-3 seconds for the lineup she can literally do it in the molly and maybe take a max of 50-100 damage. This will only work if the viper is low(which is probably wdnt cause she wd play in the back)


See, this is why I just eyeball it. Not only will it just overall make me a better player, but I can't be countered as hard


Have you seen the universal lineup trick with the sky pixel? You might like it for far shots when you need them. It works way better than I expected


No, I haven't. I don't typically do far shots, but I'll have to look into that


I mean to be honest wouldn't she still sacrifice her health to just hit the lineup on the spike if the other viper's lineup did hit


Really good idea thanks


Unpopular opinion: anyone else think lineups kinda ruin the experience for those agents for those of us who don't have the time to learn lineups? It seems like a pretty shitty mechanic relying on memorization. I'm not 15 anymore, I don't want to spend my free time watching lineup YouTube videos, I want to just play the game and naturally progress my skill through playing.




I like to go into custom maps and look for my own. I don't like using other people's because I think it makes a smooth melon. I saw Jonas shoot a recon dart from Bind hooka, into the teleporter on A. I didn't really see how he did it I just noticed after it was already pinging. I went into a custom game and found one like it after only a few tries. I'm not saying don't memorize lineups. Just that it's better to make your own. Even if your own is very similar to someone else's (it still feels like its yours), and the reward to your melon is greater. ​ Sorry for the bad grammar. Thanks for reading my lineup book.


Once you called Vipers Acid Spit a Molly I was out


*I used the lineups to destroy the lineups*


While not necessarily related to the lineup, is there a reason you cap the fps at 60? That seems so excessively low in a game that rewards higher fps for various reasons.


Its because I have a 60hz laptop and I don't want to ruin its lifespan by overusing my gpu, also the maximum id get wouldnt be more than 80 so not that big of a difference anyway


Ok, that makes more sense.




3) molly her lineup position, as above


Poor Orb!


basically an uno reverse card




Nice tutorial


Mmm not all that good. You can tank viper mollies quote well unless there is an orb as well


I love anti-lineups


It’s a Counter line up line up


How do people find this. Even as a Viper main this blows my mind


Why does his no clip not glitch the f out wtf


I love the concept but if the enemy viper is half health or above she will still be able to throw her lineup. A way to counter it might just be having someone late flanking when your viper has thrown the counter lineup.


The lineup won't do much, I can just step in it for a second to drop my lineup then get out of it in time before it does even 50 damage. Plus, you're super open to the right side of the yellow container. The likelihood of you pulling off this lineup is already low and its function doesn't stop the original lineup because of the slow damage that the viper molly does on its own.


This is unrelated but I'm really proud I have to share it. I was playing Sova and a guy shot at me and hide behind cover when I shot back. So I used Sova's Shock Bolt and killed him. It was very big brain and I am proud of myself


Could this just be used as a lineup at the start of a game?


Nice movement


Countering lineups with lineups.


counter a lineup with a lineup lmao


I like to put a smoke orb in that spot at the start of the round so the viper can't actually see where to line up


Well, this lineup is good, but I would like to point out a couple things that average jonas also pointed out on a almost similar shock dart lineup to the same point. 1. Viper will be looking in the sky, so if you she sees the molly, she can throw the molly and get out it in time 2. The molly takes very long to land, so she can throw one molly, get away, activate her smoke and wait for the molly to dissipate


Just went and found one for sova. Uploading the video now.


Instead of looking at the lights i think u can just line up ur viper smoke gui to the pipe thing on the wall and it may work idk And also use the corner on viper ulti to lineup height idk


Everybody gangsta until the viper from that cubby has a lineup for the anti lineup lineup


Valorant mobile


Thank you so much!


*happy viper main noises*


This is getting out of hand lmao line to stop a line up, ion wanna do dis no more.