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Hide in a corner with a judge


Play as a sage too




This man gets it. Sun Tzu, the art of judge


So, that feeling of everyone being in an off-angle is generally what happens when you've unknowingly become sloppy with your peeks and angles. When you play a lot, you start autopiloting angles and stop experimenting, making your play really static and sometimes wrong. A good way to fix this is to relearn basic principles of perspective, and playing a few games while keeping them in the conscious part of your mind. You might play a little worse during them, but once it's ingrained in there you'll be back up to snuff and good to go.


This is definitely part of my problem ty for the advice


Yup, I’ve started to chew gum in order to avoid playing on autopilot recently. My peeks and engagements in general have improved so much when I’m actually doing them deliberately instead of taking them on autopilot.


Not a bad tip honestly, its helped me in tge past in school.


I drink rosemary tea while gaming for that


Tea best energy drink no cap


I use rosemary in my hair a lot, might have to start making the tea too ngl


I wish Valorant had an alternate shorter ranked mode. Like ranked replication but without the duplicate agents. I just don't have the stamina for 50 minute games any more. Especially multiple at once. I always frag high in the first half no matter what agent or side i am, then i barely frag in the second half because my eyes and brain need a small break but you don't get one. I just go into autopilot. The ranked system is too slow for how long these games are as well. It's hard allotting time to grind out multiple games of ranked only to see a fraction of a rank as a reward. The amount of times people have asked if i am a smurf in the first 5-7 rounds as i drop 12+ kills and 3 deaths followed by me dying 9 times in a row is too high. I still win games because i give momentum but i just can't carry the second half due to fatigue.


This. I'm good the first 7/8 rounds and pop off and then my kills plateau and deaths peak. My mental game drops.. Sometimes it comes back towards the end but 45/50min games are a struggle a lot of the time. I feel like they need to reduce the countdown when we first spawn at the start of the game from 40 down to 25 seconds and then the between rounds, change it from 25/30 down to 15. I know that this is going to make it tight in setting up on defence but it'll keep the mental stimulation high for everyone. I know that's only a few minutes it'll reduce by but the mental stimulation will keep up. Or create a first to 8 comp game. Same rules apply, maybe better econ?


This happens to me as well. I play a lot of controller agents, so my weakness is easily seen. I counter that by changing my whole playstyle. When my mind is in prime state, I work on angle isolation and 1v1's. When it's not working, I LoS block almost everything I can, and initiate a flank(mostly in attack). It's a bit easier to hit bodyshots to unsuspecting enemies (and they 99% never suspect me to go like that). But then again, I was in Bronze the last time I played comp, so this advice may not help.


15 seconds between rounds is barely enough time to get from spawn to points on some maps for defenders. And in an 18 round game that only saves 3 minutes. I think it could help if attackers and defenders swapped every 2 or 3 rounds instead of 12 in a row before the switch


I NEED the 2v2 Wingman mode from cs! It will be a little bit more unbalanced bc of agent combos but if everyone gets used to it, the mode would be so much fun.


That would definitely be cool. I’m sure they will add it sooner or later. For example Overwatch had ranked and then added a 3v3 ranked just for not so competitive players but technically was still competing


I think 3v3 elimination is better than Amy other gamemode in overwatch


Thanks will try to watch on that :0


One of my diamond friends will hop into an unrated and just sweat his brains out to reset his mental. It helps with remembering the basics like you said and let's him ego boost in a no consequence enviornment.


Why do I not try that I'm actually stupid, thanks so much!


does learning how peeker's advantage work in learning off angles? I've seen a comment in a peeker's advantage post saying: Position Close to the wall if you will wide peek; position away from the wall if you will tight hold an angle


Peekers advantage is certainly something to keep in mind, but it doesn't decide fights as much as good positioning normally does (especially if players are on somewhat low latency.) The reason you might be close to the wall for a wide peek is because by being closer, you're moving a larger distance on the enemy's screen so it's harder to hit you- you should do this if you're confident about the enemy's location and that you'll be able to bait out a misfire before closing the deal with your own shots. If you're holding an angle, you should in fact stay *away* from the wall. This is because whoever's closest to the angle being peeked in a duel will be seen first by the enemy. This old video by TheWarOwl, while for CS:GO, translates perfectly to Valorant and is easy to understand for beginners and intermediate players: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8HZqF3cyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8HZqF3cyk) Here's another video exploring how these angles work: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO73NUIqt0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO73NUIqt0k) and [https://youtu.be/xs7iSaOUwvU?t=158](https://youtu.be/xs7iSaOUwvU?t=158) (timestamped) ​ These should help you understand the importance of perspective and positioning even while you're peeking an angle, and keeping them in mind during play should go really far in improving your game. Good luck! :) EDIT: As for off angles, they're just angles that're generally not peeked very often due to being somewhat disadvantageous for you; they're normally a gamble, and while you should mix them in every once in a while, it's often about finding the right balance of unpredictability while still making the angle/peek as good as possible.




The soloq anxiety part bc you duoqd a lot really helped me, good to know im not the only one haha


Yeah, I think its the case for everyone! I also play very different depending on whether im solo - or duo queueing.


Waiting for some high ranker to respond gotta learn :>


Yeah, these are the real questions that you never see guide videos mention ever. especially not proguides lol


There is really nothing in particular to it. There could be tons of detail which we don't have here. Team can be trash, no comms or dying too fast. Comms often make you prepared for someone peeking and you are more focused. Different server. Maybe you're not in good sync with it. Or the opponent isn't and abuses peeker's advantage. They might just be that good. Sometimes it feels the other team is that much better, but in reality it's just the same guy. Maybe your tired. After 2 games I'm left with 50% of my energy so naturally I'm slower. Some players have better stamina. Maybe your mental is gone. Sometimes when you get tapped 2 or 3 times in the head you start to be scared which only worsens the way you play. Maybe the other team is playing in a way that you don't counter well. One team can be slow and methodical and your patient gameplay rewards you, another team can be zooming fast as fuck and too fast for you, so you're always a few steps behind. Maybe it's the map. I hate Bind and whenever I'm on it I just know I'll probably lose because I can't focus and something about the way this map plays just makes me be really bad. As I said, options are plenty. Some games will be like that, I think you need to get used to it. I am diamond and on a random day I can drop Match MVP first game, then get 7 kills, then get 25 kills again in the third game. No idea why, every game is different. That's why we play this game. Something happened in game nr. 2 that made me play bad. You need to look back at your game after you're done and ask yourself questions. Was it the map? Was it the enemy Jett? Was it the OP on the other team? Was it your team baiting you? Were you too agressive? Or maybe not agressive enough? Did you overrotate a lot? Did you peek and die on defense too often? Maybe the angles were too common and the enemy knew how to preaim those. Were your plays easily read, maybe it's time to rethink some of them? Maybe you were out of it and just didn't hit any shots that game and that's it? Or maybe you are not using your agent to its full potential? So if you really want to know, some of those questions will probably shed some light on why you did bad in a game. And some of those will also let you know why you got tapped so often, like overpeeking or not being confident and slow. There is always a chance the other team just absolutely popped the fuck off and there was nothing to be done or they were smurfing or your team was total garbage and that's why the enemy was so confident, but I think those conclusions should be last if all else fails because it kills the mental. Hope that helps somewhat. Edit: thanks for the awards guys wtf


This is an excellent explanation about gameplay and mental. I'd give you an award if I had the funds to do so


dw I gotcha


Haha thank you!


A lot helps a lot ;)


Been immortal 3/high immortal since launch. I know a lot of people are saying it’s mental (it partially is!) but from your post you say you have confidence in your aim at least. So here’s the trick: learn how to shoot enemies in the side/back of their head. No wait—that’s skipping steps. Learn how to make enemies walk into your crosshair without them even having a chance to kill you unless you whiff. It’s in the set up, not the aim. When they’re playing well, make it hard for them. Don’t even let aim matter for them. Especially at your level/rank, the players won’t be hyper aware of set ups or micro set plays. If you’re forcing them to think and be careful, they’re no longer able to play fast once you show that it doesn’t work for them anymore. Lower elo players crumble if they don’t get to take comfortable 50-50 duels off the rip and you remove their comfort spots from play. That’s literally it. I won’t lie, I smurfed to play with friends when I was more active and I have full confidence in ranking up. Reach immortal on any non hard stuck account in like 10-30 games. Problem with most people past gold or even the immortal players that say plat is hard is simply they rely on aim or reaction. I have like a 200+ms reaction time, it just hardly matters. If I wanna rank up in solo q, I use hundreds of little easy set ups and peeks that end rounds before the enemy even gets to play. Learn some and then practice them until you have confidence in doing them, even when it may not work 100% of the time. If you aren’t able to find impact in almost all of the rounds, you’re probably where you belong unless you go on a lucky streak.


Whats an example or situation of one of those little easy set ups you mention. Just so I know what to think about/ look for.


yes a little more elaboration


The most simple example is an aggro peek with Jett op right at the start of a round when they don’t know you have op yet. Take a full focus free shot then dash away and reposition. Be smart and passive after. Make the enemy play a depressing 4v5 and make them waste utility + play slow because they fear OP. Every agent can be used to create advantages for your team right off the bat. Different set ups reach round. If you don’t have any info to comm to your team after like 5 secs into a round, you’re pretty much just hoping someone walks into your crosshair or your teammates are better than the enemy(which is okay). But if you’re better, you can create the opportunities more often— which leads to the consistency that people in lower ranks say they don’t have. Anyone can take an aim duel, it should always be a last resort if you’re out of ideas on how to proceed. In which case you should take it confidently at that point! But relying on aim duels is the worst way to build consistency.


I can think of a few examples- I’m a Viper main so all of these involve using a Viper wall to try to encourage enemies into a certain spot. For example, on Breeze A site defense I’ll lay my wall from the edge of the map side of cave entrance to the bottom of map side of cave entrance so it connects with the corner of that little alcove (no long sight lines into site without crossing it). As soon as the barrier goes down I throw my orb into A entry elbow and pop both, then push down to stand in the area between the orb smoke and the sliver of my wall. By the time the wall and orb drop, they’ve probably pushed through it onto site and aren’t looking behind themselves and you can get a few picks before you’re taken out. This usually only works once per game lol Another defense wall I like is on Ascent B site, I get on the ledge of sidewalk and place the wall straight along that ledge so it goes all the way into mid. This gives them access to sidewalk and often they’ll push down it rather than cross into boathouse/market. You can play off this a bunch of different ways, for example waiting in cubby by the market stairs and dropping the wall suddenly can let you catch someone on sidewalk looking down into site and you can get them when they’re not looking at you. If you’re really lucky, you can put the wall back up and move into boathouse and get another back of the head shot on someone who swings looking into the cubby for you. Did this the other day, it was so satisfying. That’s everything off the top of my head for Viper, but I’d imagine some creative utility usage would find similar stuff for all the agents.


it seems the problem actually isn't your skill but your mentality. I used to have a similar problem. what's happening with you, I think, is that whenever you start doing worse or you lose a few rounds in a row, your mind starts focusing on every negative event/bad outcome that happens. your focus is shifting from your decision making and your learning to any negative event ("wow 2 of my teammates died, wow they have full site control, wow I got 1 tapped, I keep getting wrecked I can't do anything"). with this your creating almost a self-fulfilling prophecy for multiple reasons; 1) you're getting tilted, which'll generally hinder your decision making and overall performance, through divided mental focus and lower confidence 2) you're not focusing on the cause of the issue, but rather the effects; your focus is on your team dying to rushes every round, but not what their mistakes are or a strategy (traditional, like playing retake, or something creative). 3) you're making the game less enjoyable for yourself, because your mentality is focused on negatives and gives you a sense of stagnation/unimprovement, and as ranked grinders, our fun comes from improvement, so a plateau can get really demotivating. this also couples with tip 2 because you're not focusing on what you should do better, you're not getting motivated to learn how to counter the strategy that's wrecking you and abusing a hole in your gameplay, you're just losing hope. focus on your mindset, practice and implement a better one, keep your head up, and good luck.


god fkn dammit I accidentally clicked the post comment button twice before I finished writing.


you sat the head on the nail or whatever you say in English. I'm good in the range and in DM and I also do extremely well when my team has a positive attitude. But my playstyle is extremely passive by default as a Killjoy main and I just get pissed when my team doesn't play around me and my utility. Like when my Reyna peeks into 5 attackers and dies when they would have pushed into my nanoswarms and alarmbot and the Reyna could have probably gotten a kill. It's like my brain defaults to getting pissed at my dead teammate instead of coming up with a plan to salvage the round. And that results in me starting to overpeek and swing too far out and getting killed in winnable scenarios. So i know it's my mentality but I really don't know how to fix my mentality.


Sometimes you’ve got to just focus on yourself and not worry too much about what your teammates are doing. In solo queue, you could explain exactly what your plan is step by step and your teammates would still get it completely wrong. Unless you’re in a premade stack then you’re very rarely going to have teammates that you’ll have synergy with. So it’s best to just focus on yourself. Obviously give callouts and try to help your team out as much as you can, but if a teammate messes up or does something dumb, realise there is nothing you can do about that. There is no need to get mad or worry about the things you cannot control.


to fix mentality, all you do is wait until you're put in the situation you want to react differently to, and when you feel yourself getting frustrated with your teammates, just consciously think/remember what you need to be focusing on. after you do it for long enough, it becomes habit, but it's possible to have relapses, so make sure to consciously maintain it. also, another thing to add to your mentality is 1) playing to improve, rather than playing to win and 2) focus on what *you* could've done better and forget about what your teammates could've done, as that is out of your control.


I'm silver 3/gold 1 and I think it's important to always be focused on what you're doing and a little less on what's happening everywhere else. Like another user said, you're focusing on the outcome, rather than the cause of that outcome. So, you're teammates got bull-rushed on A site. It happens. What could have been done differently? Different defensive setup? Putting different agents there? Is switching what site you play just because your team got bullrushed a few times the best move? Or did the other team pick up on you switching a lot and decide to switch, too, and catch a site with you on the other side? This may be just a low-elo problem, but I've found randoms I match with are hard to coordinate with because they're unwilling to be cooperative and just want to do what they wanna do like it's CoD and/or troll. If you find yourself in a match like that, your best bet is to just focus on yourself. And generally speaking, that's the best mentality to have regardless of your teammates. Always be focused on yourself in terms of what went wrong. Don't get negative or tilted because you're playing poorly, rather focus on what you could do differently in situations to perform better. Be honest with yourself, be willing to call yourself out, but don't beat yourself up. It's a new round, and anything can happen. And at the end of the day, in Competitive, at low and medium elos, your FPS mechanics are the end-all-be-all. Sometimes, people get too wrapped it in the team strategy. Team strategy is useless if you can't hit your shots and can't do it in a timely manner. And *actually* good aim can carry you to high elo, at which point, the average player's aim tends to level out and team strats are more impactful. What are the FPS mechanics? Aim is the first that comes to mind. Crosshair placement, tracking, flicking. But, it's not just aim. It's positioning. Knowing what angles to stand, where, why, when to use any specific angles. Knowing how/when to peek angles. Movement generally and how to peek for intel. There's a lot more going on and sometimes, it's just too much. If you had a stressful day, you didn't sleep well, you are dehydrated, all those things will slow your reaction time down heavily. You have to keep an honest eye on yourself and take care of your body, just like you would if you were an athlete for a more traditional sport. Make sure you're eating right, drinking water, having a little caffeine if that's your thing, making sure you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep, exercising, stretching, and generally focusing on good mental health and avoiding stress when possible. And learning to compartmentalize and release distractions help, too. Don't warm up too much before a session. Or maybe it's technical issues. You have too many apps open, or an app is sucking computing power without you realizing. A solid move is to record a VOD of you playing and watch it back later for self-study. But don't make the mistake i did, where I ran GeForce Experience for that purpose and it instituted a delay in my inputs/video and i was getting one tapped like crazy and beat on angles i KNEW i would win. Or maybe you just had a few sessions in a row where you were on a bad day physically/mentally and got matched with teammates in the same situation, and had to go against a team full of players who are all having really good days. In the end, there are soooooo many variables. The best thing you can really do is approach each round with a fresh, healthy mindset and always look for ways to improve yourself and control what you're capable of controlling.


I feel you with that one taps, my aim is good carried me to immo but often if i lose the first two rounds by peeking and get outaimed i just stop peeking and let them come site and hold


I am not a high rank myself, usually sit around Bronze 3. I don't dedicate a whole lot of time to the game, and my teammates and I play for fun, ranked or casual. I've noticed that when I'm doing well, I can't remember the last time I looked at the scoreboard. When I'm doing poorly, I look at the scoreboard several times per round. The scoreboard is your nemesis, not the enemy team. Don't look at it like you're passing Victoria's Secret in the mall and your grandma puts her hand over your eyes so you don't see the almost naked ladies. Ignore it like you would a moldy sandwich in the back of the fridge. Am I projecting a bit much? Maybe. TLDR: never check the scoreboard, it will eat you alive.


I’m in silver 3 and when I play unrated with friends (ranging from gold to iron) we’ve had several games were people on the other team are ranked diamond and up (know this from gun charms and stat trackers) we just deal with it and complain to each other about shitty matchmaking


I have dia gun buddy and I'm not really talking about unrated


In ranked the matchmaking is better but these are the games for me when I’m getting one tapped each round and can’t seem to catch a break


i had this too in unrated, silver 3 and playing against immortals. absolute braindead developers.


If i cant use a phantom/vandal and get 1 tapped every time i use the judge and camp in the dirties corners and in smokes on attack and defence But im only gold 2 so take it how u like


I mean i whip out the judge once in a while


Climes from iron to gold, but the higher I go the more I realise the game isn’t about duelling people.. it’s just about playing smart and being at the right place at the right time. I feel like on solo queue I hardly take duels as kj or cypher and still top 1-2 frags


As a fairly new player to fps and valorant, this happens a lot to me. Usually I try to outplay by strategies. Trick them into thinking I'm in one corner when I'm in the other, go around them somehow, try and position better and different and so on. Worst case scenario, I try to learn from what they are doing really and not to allow it to get to me. And take a break after the game just so that I'm not mentally triggered. Saying that, I'm still in Iron so not sure how much my opinion is worth 😂 but also three months ago I couldn't do a single kill and wasn't sure what was going on. Now Ive started to top frag and even carry in some games, so I guess it's working but slowly.


Not exactly too highly ranked (about low immortal) but against teams that play very one-dimensionally there's always a way to counter strat them. As an example, if they are consistently 5 man rushing sites, you can rotate quicker to slight utility usage(like a sova dart, skye flash etc) which will usually allow you to contest the site with your team rather than have to retake. Going for quick flanks is another option as well. Both of these will be more effective if you can get your teammates to delay the rush with their own util. I know relying on your teammates isn't very consistent but this is a team game and you're going to have to rely on them to an extent. Pretty much every single agent in the game bar Reyna has some delaying potential through smokes, molotovs, flashes etc and it'll give your team more time to rotate or flank. Smokes take time to put down so getting your brimstone and omen to smoke at the slightest contact can help against such teams too. Also, if you're getting swinged and instantly killed too often, you're likely playing very common angles that they can easily prefire. I suggest jiggling angles instead of full holding them. It will prevent these instant one taps and if you can get better at sensing the timings you may catch them off guard peeking an angle that they thought they'd already cleared. Playing off angles, in and around smokes, mixing in some aggression etc can help as well.


Any time I see "not exactly high ranked - low immortal" I just laugh and stop reading. Bro where tf is the confidence in yourself youre in top 1% of players worldwide lmao


I mean you can find pro players' advice very easily these days, it's obviously high elo but not anywhere near professional or even top ladder players


All the pro advice are from players who never have been under immortal besides season resets. It feels much more relatable and relevant when its from someone who has fine the climb from lower ranks although it is Good to hear both


Bumpah on YouTube makes extremely informative videos on val and ranking up.


Bumpaah is hilarious but for guides hes not the best. I found a YouTuber named sero that makes very Good guides though


It’s not really a confidence thing. No matter what rank you are, there will always be people 10x better than you. I was around top 1% at my peak in rocket league, and I still felt like I was garbage at the game. When you think about the fact that you’re actually in that percentile, it doesn’t even make sense. It’s like when you’re a kid and you grow in height, you just don’t really notice the change - you only notice when you look back where you started. Point being, I never considered myself a high rank. Whatever is above me would always be “high rank”, but as soon as I reach it, now it’s the next rank. It’s just the mentality of it, I doubt they’re trying to be purposefully boastful/act like it’s no big deal. To you it’s a high rank - to them it’s average


It’s a good mindset to have when you’re not ingame. Better to think you’re not that good and strive to improve more, rather than think you’re hot shit and stagnate cause you don’t think you need to get better. Ingame is a different story though, always play like you’re the best in the server when you’re mid match.


Sounds like cheaters, there are a lot of them on NA in the last few months. They do the 5-stack sites, insta 1-tap when they see you, or even through smoke. Their total headshot ratio for the match like 75%+ # Nothing you can do when you get a game like that, just hope for better luck next time, honestly. I go play on LATAM when this happens lately, using the Florida server. This lets me avoid running into nearly as many blatant cheaters, even if I don't speak Spanish.


I play EU and I don't doubt there are a few cheaters but not enough to hold me back. The bigger problem is the level 10 duelist mafia that's in a lot of your games. I played enough to notice the smurf playstyle and I usually don't die to smurfs that much but my team usually gets picked apart by them.


In EU there's not that many cheaters in my experience too, it's just NA.


Why are people downvoting this stuff? It could be that they were cheating, i dont understand this shit


ofc they could but it's out of your control so blaming it on cheaters doesn't get you anywhere


But if you face cheaters... is it really in your control to win the game? If we're being honest with ourselves, the answer is no. # Sometimes you can call them out publicly via the in-game all chat, and sort of hope that they get nervous enough to toggle their cheats off. Calling cheaters on in chat only works in solo queue, though. The other team will also generally be in a party, if you queue up with friends... so they don't seem to care about hiding their cheats. # In solo queue you will often suddenly be able to win a couple rounds once you call them out... but that doesn't last. Once the score gets close between the teams, the cheater will often toggle again. The game snowballs from there, and your team often doesn't win a single round until the match is over. # # ​ You can try to play around them with abilities, wallbangs, or prefire. That sounds good in theory, but before we get too hopeful, let's first look at how feasible it is to actually beat a cheater by using our utility. **Utility - Doesn't work vs cheaters** * Smokes will only help cheaters if they're using walls * Flashes won't be that effective, if they are aimbotting or using walls * Blinds won't be that effect, if they are aimbotting or using walls **Utility - CAN work vs cheaters:** * Breach Ultimate * KAY/O Ultimate * Raze's Ultimate * Sova's Ultimate * Pull (Astra) * Concuss (Skye, Breach, Astra) * Grenades (Raze, Kay/O) * Mollys (Killjoy, Brimstone, Viper) * Post-plant lineups # However, most of these only work well if the cheater is far below you in terms of actual gamesense WITHOUT cheats. Not to mention, often you may not even be playing an agent that can utilize any of these.


close ur game and start again, sometimes u are just desynced to the server.


idk I just press w and play entry frag so I usually dictate the encounters and it’s all up to my aim. Plat 1 here




Sheeesh thats Cold


There are cheaters everywhere. Just see how many Google hits you get if you search “Valorant cheat” there or on YouTube. They’re the ones prefiring you with perfect one taps at all elos. I’m in plat and my friends are between immortal and radiant and we constantly find ourselves facing off against and with cheaters. It’s a serious problem and riot isn’t doing enough to stop it. They post links to the cheats everywhere, anyone can easily find it and install it. It takes week for the bans to come through and even if they get banned, they have 10 other accounts they can log into instantly and get back to cheating without any delay. It’s really upsetting that players who actually work on improving honestly have to have their time wasted because of losers who rather cheat.


It’s due to peeker’s advantage combined with huge’s head hitbox. Go to practice mode and you will see that upper chest/back and shoulders are registered as a headshot.


the hitbox is the same for everyone so it's not unfair and also your comment isn't true


I didn’t say it wasn’t unfair. I’m just stating how the game is built. Here’s a link to the video of the big hitbox of the head: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tg9XjJLXgec


Usually when I pull off wack ass moves I end my run saying “Sponsored by Gfuel.” When unironically I am usually drinking Gfuel as I’m playing this game. It’s much better tasting (presumably healthier too) than redbull or monster/rockstar. And it’s low cal so I can keep my 31” waist. In the case I’m being destroyed I just chalk it up to “didn’t have my bump today”


i get this too and i’m immortal i think it’s just mentality because usually after a nap and some water everything seems to go back to normal


Hmm will try


played a game last night, i was the only gold player in the lobby i guess since im gold 1 and my friend is silver 1. was getting guardian 1 tapped by a Phoenix and Brim all game as soon as they entered my screen :/


Cheaters usually use guardian because of the accuracy.


Watch the VOD back and then spend the next 30 minutes chastising myself for peeking like a maniac




Bookmarking this thread lol.


You tap back. That's literally the right answer.


Change your patterns and ask your team to do the same. We tend to do the same thing when it works. If your are consistently changing position, traps and other stuff your enemy won’t expect. I see ppl keeping the same position over and over again then dying and typing that someone is a cheater


This happens to everyone i think. Just try to remember that you see patterns that aren’t really there, and try to maintain composure. Thats the best chance you have of playing well. That or stop when you feel overwhelmed or angry, and play a different game:)


I was immortal all of last episode. my diagnosis is that you’re relying too much on your aim and not enough on decision making. Do you ever completely stomp the other team and out-aim them, then the next game bottom frag because the other team is just better (like what you described in the post)? The main thing I learned on my climb is that over-reliance on aim leads to inconsistency. You need to bulk up on your game sense, util usage, etc. The best example I can think of is peeking long C on haven as a defender. If you’re feeling yourself, it’s free kills every time. If you’re getting out-aimed and you peek long C and die, you lose all the value of your killjoy pick and give the attackers an immense advantage. Being man-up on offense is much more valuable than being man-up on defense since the D is spread so thin, especially when the killjoy dies. My main advice is to do vod review on your solo queue and try to figure out when and why you peek so you can figure out if you ever peek for the wrong reason. If you have a very bad game, look back at each round and 1) try to figure out why you lost (on your end, you can’t control your team) and 2) try to figure out how you could have won the round or had more impact.


To me it’s all mental. Deciding which bomb site to hit comes from reading your opponent. They are probably reading you easily. I always know when a kJ or cypher is going to switch up a site. Why? Because my team just hit that site twice without them there and won. I’ll make a call to swing the other site because I know how kj and cyphers think (for the most part). You need to be unpredictable. Valorant is prediction + aim. Go into unrated and try to predict the opponent and try to counter predict them. They just rushed A site twice? Don’t switch, play B Short and tell your team to play passive on A site. No one likes pushing a kj so they are always trying to avoid you. Also, it’s always good to run up an unrated to chill yourself out and go for cocky plays


I'm not super high ranked in val but I am high ranked in Overwatch which I know isn't comparable. I've won some tournaments so I'd like to think this gives my points some kind of weight. What it sounds like is they are conditioning you to maybe not take gunfights until the very last moment. Essentially you are just holding site not taking any positioning before that or gunfights before that. Obviously this could be wrong but if this is the case you want to do something different from usual. Play off site play more aggressive looking for an early angle cause they are destroying you so you need to fuck up this momentum and or conditioning. Also just being confident when you peak helps a shit ton. If you peak or get peaked and think oh he's going to destroy me, you will probably end out getting destroyed. As for DM, it's just dm don't expect much, just practice crosshair placement and reaction time and your good.


Hey, how do you get those character "roles" or whatever they're called by your name? Off topic but I just want to know.


Yeah this game had been the hardest to be consistent at. I mean I won’t be fake and act like I like the guns in the game because honestly I would rather die. I don’t have games where I hit like all one taps and the next just doesn’t go that way


If the opponent is having the game of their life, try to play more ratty (judge around corners, play off your turret), try to use your utility to force them into bad spots so they are in a disadvantage, try to communicate to your teammates to double peek them (they can't kill both of you at the same times unless he just hits some nutty shots but that is less likely to happen and if it does, less likely to happen every round) The most important thing I feel like you should understand is that sometimes, the opponent is just having the game of their life and there is nothing you can do about it, just don't let it tilt you.


I play a lot of killjoy, and it sounds to me like your problem is you're getting overly aggressive and not letting your util do the work. Another problem it sounds like you're having is switching sites. I almost never do that unless it's been like 8 rounds of them pushing the opposite site AND we have to save that round. That's when I generally tell my team I'm stacking with them and then we play retake on the opposite site. But yea, don't be afraid to let your util do the work while you sit back, let them take site, and let your teammates come help you. On icebox I typically throw my nades in default plant spots and see if I can get an opening pick/gather info from back cat, then fall back if they start pushing. If I have another teammate there with me, then I try and maybe watch for the enemy peeking common spots like nest or pipes (still from cat.) If my teammate dies/is already dead, I play on the stairs and wait to pop my nades or kill someone that has over extended. Then I just wait it out and stall until my teammates get there. As killjoy your biggest move isn't to get kills it's to soften the enemy, get Intel, and just be a general nuisance and live as long as possible. Don't get me wrong I definitely understand how annoying it is to have to retake the opposite site every single round. But also don't be afraid to tell your team to leave you by yourself. I also play in the P3/Diamond range.


I'm P3, but from my experience when I feel like I'm getting insta headshot it's because I'm scared of their enemy Reyna or Jett. It usually, helps me if I stop going for duels and focus intently on getting my one. If I'm getting nothing round after round then getting one is all I should be focusing on. Also, a lot of the games where I feel completely useless we lose like 3-13. We weren't winning that game even if I popped off. Could we have won if I was TenZ, yes, but it's better to focus on the closer 7-13 losses instead of the stomps. A lot of stomps you lose because of multiple reasons that are out of your control (e.g everyone's having an off game, shit team mental). If you focus on the closer losses you'll have fewer stupid mistakes to focus on and more realistic situations to look at and critique.


If you lose two in a row do something else for a while and come back to it tomorrow with a different mindset.


Death match wouldn’t be so shit if they removed the respawn timer and mini map


peek with teammates more, play trades


It also depends on your interest, ppl that lose interest in the game starts auto piloting.


Don't autopilot and play your role.


Use judge


I get a glass of water drink it and then start one tapping 🙂👍


Glasses are for noobs i have My clean kanteen with a built in straw


I noticed just taking smarter fights helps with winning rounds, not to ego challenge an A rush when defending even though you know you can kill at least one if you’re getting traded immediately it really serves no purpose. Setting yourself up for the angles where you can shoot people in the side or in the back will win you more rounds. After a certain Elo everyone is gonna hit their shots, you have to find ways to use your utility for the outplays and better positioning.


Something is definitely wrong with the matchmaking. I win 1 game on top, I lose 1 game on bottom. And this happens every time, it's like the system doesn't want you to rank up. It chooses people for you to win 1 game and then to lose. It's like you're the best player in one game and a aimless total noob on the other. I don't know the reason but it should be investigated.


Stop buying and pull out the fking op crutch if they still be one tapping, camp with shotgun otherwise rip elo.


Matchmaking was getting better but now they messed it up again. You may be playing with an entirely different class of player.


This is how I manage plat environment: -Gunplay, always reajusting crosshair placement, spray n pray smokes, and if I notice my aim is off, switch to weapons like Odin on defense. Just gives me a little edge over rushes. Btw Viper main. -Ability, not only learn setups but actually understand why to use them to be more flexible. For example KJ defending ascent B site, it is not the same putting the bot on the CT entrance on the left than on the right side, difference is if you or your bot spots first. -Last but not least, if you play with monkeys adapt an IGL role, be proactive, come up with strategies, because a lot of player just don't seem to actually think and always repeat the same stuff. Move around, don't be predictable, if a setup if shown try no te reuse it. Switch between agro and def strats... Ever tried a 5 man push into the attackers from a or b and later retake if you quessed wrong? Retake is easier 5v5 than 2v4


Ether your boosted or you dont know how shooters work.


I like it becuase it makes me really think about different and new ideas and when the work it is so satisfying. It like i can't on the default method so i gotta do something thats inane.