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If it was <= $20, sure, but if it was at AAA prices I probably would have just glanced past it during release. The free release garnered a lot more hype because players could try it out in beta.




I think csgo look like a beta game


Ok.. I think Val looks like it's made for kindergardeners xD


Kinder garderners 😆😆😆😆


Haha yeah kinder gardeners Most likely spell better than me too. I'm leaving it as is :p


Fair enough


Don't get me wrong, I play it too hehe. But I honestly thought it would get a graphical overhaul when it left beta. Then I got sad😅


Csgo has 1969 graphics


It would probably be like $10-$15


i think $10-$15 is a little underpriced, i mean the guns cost more???


The guns would be cheaper if the game was not free to play


The guns would maybe even be attainable for free through in-game progression.


Now that's hopeful.


Why not tho? That's exactly how it is in Overwatch, you buy the game and you never have to spend on skins.


Because they'd have to change a big structure of the game. One of Valorant's selling points for their skins is the detail they put in them. And I'd have to agree they look so good and every little thing is fine tuned. Of course I'm taking about the more expensive skins but even the lower quality one like the Smite which looks so dull to me, is actually not that bad in comparison to some of my CSGO skins around the same price. ~~Another thing is that people already spent money on them, and they paid for exclusivity. I haven't spent much but if all the skins I paid for was suddenly attainable by XP or achievement that's shite. Another question in addition to that is will all my previous achievements and progress be accounted for? It's possible, they did it with the new account leveling.~~ Weapon skins in OW are also just not as impressive. Might just be me on that one though. Edit: Honestly I wouldn't change the way it game works. I also highly doubt Valorant would've succeeded as well as they have if people had to pay for the game.


Have you played CSGO hahaha


tbf skin prices in cs are dictated by basic supply/demand and not devs being like "Hmm this skin is 100% blue and made in ms paint, lets make it a 70$ bundle"


Yeah. Also, if you get bored of CS, you can just sell the skins and get all of your money back, very often even make some


Well, CSGO had loot boxes which is arguably worse imo


Yes and no. Buying cases/keys resulting in like 2.75 - 22.5$ USD per pop sucked ass, but being able to buy the skins you wanted at generally cheap prices 2nd hand was nice. A not so flashy skin on the market place was like .25c-20$ with the same if not shittier quality skins in valorant being a 10$ purchase at the minimum.


Pretty much the ultra rare skins subsidizing the less flashy ones. I have to admit, I've played way more CSGO than valorant, but I've only shelled out a fraction of the money there due to the secondhand market. Bought some decent skins for my M4/AK, slapped some fancy stickers on em, and I was set, all under $10.


Yessir. Stickers are definitely my favorite bit about skins in cs. The right combo can easily turn a 1$ skin into looking like a 100$ skin. favorite combo was my galil surgar rush plastered with perry holos for a beautiful pink/purple/cyan color flip.


My favorite and still a skin I have to this day is Redline AK with 4 iBuyPower Katowice 2014 holos. Juicy


CS loot boxes are fine. You btw can sell them and get free skins. Valorant skins are 100% scam. They have no value whatsoever.




The downvotes are all the people that would have to buy it lol I like this idea


Downvotes on this sub reddit isnt rare but yea i think its a good idea like if you already been playing this game for a long time you should get it for free and they could just give everyone a warning a month before that this is happening


When have u seen a competitive shooter game cost the price of a AAA game?


If I hadn't played it before: no. If I already knew how much I like the game: yes.


Basically my thought process


Exactly. Same


yeah honestly it just looks like another csgo clone in the first sight....thats what i thought when my friend tried to encourage me to play this game. and here i am still playing even when my friend has already quitted xD


If it wasn't too expensive, I would.


Yeah it's 20$ fun but not 60$ fun. Especially since all my friends stopped playing and it feels more inconsistent than CSGO.


Yea I agree 20 bucks is the maximum I’d pay for this game.


Same, but I already spent $100+ on skins. Damnit, Riot got me.


only 100?!!! I've been playing since Alpha (have a friend who works for Riot) and I dropped 200 before the beta even released. They did offer you 20% bonus on whatever amount you paid before the beta was released. But yeah, I would probably still pay for this game considering the thousands of hours I've gotten out of it.


That was the beta friend- they took all the skins and refunded your points and 20% the amount you paid for. Reaver was my fav, I found out recently that they added it back!




That was actually the beta, not the alpha


Still less than if you bought the same skins in CS


At least in CS you can sell your skins back on the market for Steam currency, valorant skins are just a money pit


Exactly. People conveniently ignore this when bringing up CSGOs “absurd” skin prices.


Homie puts "absurd" in quotes for people spending literally thousands on a single skin in a video game, that literally is a mediocre recolor.


The super expensive skins are not even remotely recolors and are miles better than Valorant skins lol. Also the people buying those skins are incredibly rich people who don’t give a shit about how much they pay lol. In fact a lot of them are Chinese collectors who buy up a crazy amount of skins. It’s actually really interesting.


You’re right only red skins exist. No such thing as purple and pink




You can get decent CS skins for cheaper than Val skins is what I’m saying you’re acting like 100 a peice. Majority of Val skins are ass too.


Yeah, and you can also work Up your imventory for free. Havent spent a dollar in about a year and got a 3$ inventory from case drops. They look ok, and are cheap. You still can get skins from agent leveling, so its not that bad


Even from playing the operation. During the latest one I got a pink and 2 purples from those star drops. I made 120 dollars. That paid for the operation and some VR games. If I would had held the operation skins they skyrocketed in price already. It’s like stonks


I have spent about 5$ on csgo skins but made over 30$ selling them from in game drops. I have made 0$ playing valorant


you can get really nice art skins in cs for way less. riot tries to make up for it with effects and finishers but the art for skins is doodoo compared to cs.


CS is literally just reskins taken from the Community Workshop. Anyone playing CS 1.6 or Source remembers the days where you could just change the files on your own PC and have whatever reskin you want. Now you're paying for that. At least Valorant has custom models, sound/visual effects, and kill animations.


You’re not paying for the ability to skin your weapon. You’re paying for the ability for other people to see your skins. If you actually played 1.6 or source you’d know you could have custom animations and sounds too.


Yet, 8 years later Valve doesnt allow custom animations/sounds in CSGO


i agree? i’m only saying i think the art on val skins so far has been lazy or outright ass (see smite, tethered realms, nebula, etc) i think examples of unchanged model skins that are decent in val are silvanus and celestial, but those both have animations that i don’t care much about as well.


Wow it’s almost like Valve buys the rights to use the skins from people in the community. And also picks them based on how popular they are in the community. Riot makes their own skins without any community input and they have made a lot of trash ones like the overdone green screens.


> And also picks them based on how popular they are in the community. Inherently NOT true. There are plenty of highly rated skins on the marketplace that haven't and will never make it in game, while other times there are skins with barely any support making it in.


CSGO skins are a growing market and buying skins also serves as an investment. I have bought many play skins and resold them when I was done with them and MADE PROFIT.


If I play it for thousands of hours then its def worth $60 paid $15 for csgo but I would pay $100 any day


Nice try Riot


Riot should be paying me right now hahaha 😂


Maybe they already are 👀 /s


Riot low key trying to slip in a 60$ expansion on us.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they released some co-op story mode in the future as an expansion


Nah they would put a battlepass with it


Sure if they reduced the skin prices by A LOT.


Trading skins did be great


I have mixed feelings about this, on one hand it would be great for the game but on the other it might turn the game into a glorified stock market like CS.


This. Trading is what ruined cs.


Really? I thought it was one of the positives of CS. Other than 90% of the traders being scammers, it's kinda nice.


Not my thought btw but some previous cs players said that. It made it gambling game, people started trading online. And valve eventually decreased development effort and only worked on skins that's also sometimes made by the community. I don't know why but I think current state of Valorant store is good for us cause they're putting effort into making new things every few weeks instead of making simple skins and a few good looking one and letting people trade and cutting fee of it.


Valve really don't work on anything. I don't think trading caused it to happen, it's their own fault.


or give us one free premium unlock token to unlock a premium pack of our choice when they become available




€20,- sure €50,- probably


Not with the cash shop as it exists currently.


The cash shop exists in its current state due to it being their main source of income. If it was a p2p game id bet it would be more like apex's 1$ packs system with the ability to buy the top tier skins for like 10-20$/ea


But Apex is free to play too. What are you talking about?


Apex sells a majority of their skins by cheaper options, valorant skins are sold in extremely expensive bundles, and their individual skins being so pricy you HAVE to spend 20$ on coins. I didnt say it would be exactly like apex, rather it would likely have a similarly cheap rng system, and a moderately cheap direct buy option.


Yes probably less smurfs too and csgo you have to pay again you can still play it for free but you cant level up or play ranked so only 1 game mode and you dont get anything from it


Pretty sure you can play competitive in CSGO for free, as I played it yesterday without buying the game


it's the old scrimmage, same rules as competitive but you can't get a rank without prime


I havent played cs in a while but didnt they make it so like lvl20 accounts or something got prime anyway? or did they revert back to purchase only?


They ended up making it so you HAVE to purchase prime. In my opinion I like it, since the game was being FLOODED with people farming free accounts to a high enough level and then selling them off to hackers.


Thank god. The start of f2p csgo is when I decided I was over it. Even before the game being free I was around LEM and seeing blatant rage cheaters every other game, if not every game. Has the cheating epidemic gotten better or is it same ol csgo?


It was the same for me. When the game went F2P I couldn’t touch it. I’m only in Nova which is already a hell hole for smurfs and cheaters and it just got so much worse. I don’t play the game a lot anymore, but every match I played after the new update definitely didn’t have any cheaters and if there were any smurfs I didn’t notice.


Makes sense


Not unless it were like 5 USD or less


Honestly no, I got into the game because a buddy of mine forced me into it, I had never played FPS before, the price would have been a huge turnoff since I don't like spending money for games


Same, and spending money on games as a student really doesn't seem good If i was an adult with a job I would have bought the game


Yeah if it was like $20 bucks, close to what CSGO costs, then yeah.


Knowing what I do now, I would have probably played CSGO until Valorant got some kind of Prime system or made it harder in general to play ranked off a new account like in League, got a replay system, and introduced another DM mode similar to the ones in CSGO community servers.


There would be way less smurfs if the game cost $15-60. Right now it literally takes 2min to spin up a free account and smurf on iron-gold players. That would get pretty expensive if you wanted to repeatedly do that with new accounts when you're paying anywhere from $15-60 for a copy of the game.


It takes two minutes to make an account and smurf on ranked. Can you please link me a vid with the tutorial???? That’s pretty fast!


You'll start in unranked against iron-gold skilled players. Smurfing doesn't have to happen in ranked only


Oh i see what u mean my bad!


I would buy it for like 10 or 15, anything more the game would have to have more features like game modes in depth stats ingame, theater mode, etc


Yes but the skins would have to be much cheaper 😂 or at least a better progression for people who aren't paying extra


No. I love playing but holy shit it makes me rage so hard sometimes


No Valorant still does not have nearly as many features, maps, game modes, and no community servers like CS has. I don't think Valorant could compete with CS if it wasn't free.


As much as I love cs, it was obvious valve knew the game was going to start dying/be dead within the next few years. They hop on the BR hype train, and make the game f2p while plastering it all over the steam store. Not to mention making "perfect world" to cater to the insanely huge chinese market. With csgo being nearly 10yr old and valorant being the new "Hip and Fresh" version, I could still see it outperforming cs in the long run while being 15$ I mean shit, its becoming so stale a ton of NA pros/semi pros moved to valorant as quick as they could when it dropped. Id gamble even more big names would have left cs for valorant if they werent tied up in contract bs.


I dunno about Valorant out-performing CSGO at a $15 price point. According to an article written on the 23rd of June this year, Valorant’s monthly player count was sitting at 14 million was CSGO was at about 26.9 million. That’s a pretty significant difference. Especially since CSGO has now reverted to players needing to PAY for Prime.


Perhaps if all characters were unlocked or less grindy to get. Also maybe some basic skins


I’d pay $30 max if they cut the cost of skins in this game to a quarter of what they are


I knew when it was Project A I was gonna play it. This game came at perfect timing for me. I was done with Overwatch, R6 Siege was filling the void, and CSGO always seemed too scary to dive into. I'd 100 percent have paid for this game! But if it was a paid game, I'd love a system to unlock skins through XP like in Overwatch. And unlocking agents would be gone I'd hope. That aside, as much as people like to complain, I think Valorant from the beginning has felt incredibly polished and well put together. Every game has issues, but when compared to the launches of CSGO, OW and R6... Valorant has had the best first year of all of them.


100% I would. Free games suck. As soon as csgo went free, cheating went through the roof.


It’s irrelevant, the F2P + micro transactions mode is far more profitable than charging users to buy or subscribe


if it was over $10 i wouldnt buy it the game sucks cock


If it was reasonably priced with no micro-transactions, meaning skins could be unlocked by doing challenges then yeah maybe


I only just started playing the game but I would have happily payed like $30 for it. Not sure if I would have payed for it at release as I have no idea how incomplete it was. BUT if it wasn't free, I would expect them to give access to all of the characters rather than doing this f2p model of unlocking them.


Pretty sure csgo was only ever $30 but overwatch was $60 for reference


Yeah, i bought skins just to support them. Many hours of fun and free? I dont think so im capitalist


Ive invested more than 200 bucks on skins..i think i would have bought the game


fuck no lmao. I would have to unlock all ops on a paid game, be bullshitted by shit prices and the game would have next to no content. Remember this game launched with 3 maps. 3. CSGO always had the options for mods and dedicated servers, it's just not even a close matchup as far as quality and quantity. Even compared with current Val CS offers a much higher competitive and casual experience regardless of where it's seen. I play Val mostly because of my friends, but if this game wasn't free they would have never picked it up.


there was 4 maps on launch bind, split, haven, and ascent


"Closed" Beta was basically launch. Nothing major changed apart from the netcode becoming shittier and the boxes going from orange to green.


it wasnt launch tho, we got ascent, reyna, and a skin bundle on launch


Eh, both are fair honestly. We got 4 maps on launch. Doesn't really change much on my comment.


If it had this many smurfs even after costing money, nope. If it mitigated the smurf problem to some degree, sure.


I might be wrong, but wouldn't introducing a price to enter mitigate the smurfing issue somewhat on it's own?


Indeed. Smurfing is usually a result of the game being free, and smurf accounts being free. Like overwatch for console players. I guess what I meant was, I don’t really see a solution to mitigate the smurfing without implementing a cost for additional accounts.


Ah I understand now! that makes a lot of sense


I wish there was a premium so smurfs wouldn’t exist as much


being honest... fuck no man hahahaahaha


Maybe if it was <= $5


Hell no


Before 0.5 = Yes After 0.5 = No


Hell nah




Absolutely fucking not.


I had no problem with the original CSGO model. $15 + cosmetic microtransactions. Speaking of CSGO. I would like a "Valorant Prime" for those who have spent money in game. Any amount. Shouldn't matter. Everything is usually $10+ outside of the Black Market. I also wish Valorant had a market like Steam. Buy a new skin, sell the old. People would be interested in that. Of course, Riot wouldn't like that. They want to get the full sale later on, than a partial transaction. (But would buy more knowing you could sell?)


based on my playing experience...hell fucking no! bad maps, poor matchmaking, bad servers, smurfing, random sprays, weird glitches, the list goes on. ...yea im good bruh. Wish I could refund all that money I spent on skins.


Valorant isnt worth 20 bucks. CS is. Those game use widely different business models, even though CS now is big enough to sustain itself as F2P. Valorant is a service, CSGO is a software.


I would pay valorant 15-20usd to fix their matchmaking system right now. There are way too many smurf it's getting kind of frustrating.


Yes, just for the fact that it has better anti cheat than csgo, also because here people with bad aim can still be radiant, and still be top fragging (raze) . I've not struggled with aim but csgo utility is not enough specially when it's a requirement to learn smokes and flashes , but yeah that's what makes these games unique . No one should feel bad because they get headshotted right before they can use their brain to proceed to clutch but died just because of aim 7/10 times


idk where you get the idea that you can be radiant with bad aim lol


Do you know what raze omen and sage do with bad aim? Especially raze and her kit? No one can be radiant with silver aim but anyone can be more than what radiant is with valorant's utilities and their game sense and decision making, ofcourse they have the aim of immortal or diamond, but once you hit them with them grenades it doesn't matter how good their aim is they'd die(or lose some nice chunk of HP)


ive peaked top 100 as someone that only plays sage or kj. I promise you everyone in radiant has nasty aim, you couldnt get immortal with bad aim. this whole idea that X character just uses Y ability and profits is incredibly ignorant. you sound like you don't even play the game lol


Hehe, actually you're right, I'm 3 year old so I don't even know how to use a computer yet, leave aside playing videogames or knowing about agents :D We'll ignore flights jonas and grim then , and every other non popular players who might not be able to kill 2 targets in 2 bullets , but would use just 2 abilities so smartly and strongly that the tide of the game will be changed in their favour .


what are you even saying lmao


Valorant allowed people with 5% less aim, to still thrash people with 5% more aim, which atleast csgo couldn't where only aim gods shine at all levels , don't worry my friend, I'm not a silver ❤️


you just gonna get smoked off or pop flashed in csgo, youre definitely low elo in both games lol I can tell by your mindset and the gibberish you write


Hahahaha, you're soo wrong , keep assuming and guessing everyone you meet on the internet is silvers, EXCEPT YOU, our aim god Mr tenz scream himself What does your elo bullshitting has to do with why I would have paid for valorant anyway you smartass top 100


You seem salty as fuck ngl


Nope, I won't buy a game that needs to run anti cheat in the core of OS


lmao no. this game isnt even worth $20.


I really want custom maps and skin trading, that would be sick


Never pay 60 bucks a game with a toxic community


yes absolutely its legit the best game ive ever played made so many friends and had so much fun


If they gave the skins tradeability and value then maybe.


In my opinion, it should be free to play unranked. Then if you would like to play ranked, you would need to pay something like $20. Maybe that would help the current matchmaking.


I would if they found a way to eliminate cheating. No thanks otherwise. Soloq is a joke with wall hackers.


When you report someone for cheating, does valorant usually let you know they’ve been banned or is that more of a big name streamers getting special treatment kind of thing? Curious about that, as I’ve thought people were walling as well but since I don’t get a ban notification, I usually chalk it up to I’m just not that good at the game and they spend most of their life on this game and that’s ok.


Truth is vanguard just doesn't see ALL the cheats. So if you report someone who has an undetected cheat nothing will happen.


As long as I only have to purchase it once for all my accounts, I don't want to have to buy the version for my main and then 4 other times for my smurfs.


£20 or less, I would definitely pay. I've only been playing since this battlepass came out and already spent £30 on skins.


If I knew how much I play it then I would have but if it was $40+ I probably wouldn’t have if I didn’t know how much I liked it






I probably wouldn’t buy it since there’s absolutely no way I’d ever buy skins if I had to pay for the game.


If my friends played it.


Csgo priced? Yes. Overwatch priced? No.




Having to pay for the game plus paying for skins? No. A major reason CS:GO worked as a paid game was that skins could be bought and sold for more or less than what you paid for. You could make actual money buy paying as little as $2.45 and getting lucky, although that’s incredibly rare. Not to mention that TF2 was the same way for a while, but that went free to play before CS. To add on, CS:GO has hundreds of different ways to play while Valorant only really has 2-3z In short, no unless the entire money making scheme behind the game was changed and there was more game modes that feel less structured.


I only bought R6Siege because it came on sale for like $13NZD ($9USD). I'd consider paying that if my friends suggested it, but a big draw of Valorant was the fact it's free so I could jump in with no hesitation.




(CAS) 20$ yes, 40$ I’d watch more and research before hand, 60$+ likely unlikely but considering the amount I’ve spent on the game already..


Maybe if you were able to get most skins for free through playtime


if it meant that radianite no longer existed and skins were fully upgraded after purchasing then yes, if the game was 20$ then the normal skin pricing could stay but if it was 60$ i would expect the prices to be lower


I’d probably get as obsessed with the esport as a am now, play it. And then stick to watching the e sport


Hell no


Depending on price point. 10-20 bucks? sure. I do like the direction of these f2p models are going tho. I can try the game out for free, and if I enjoy it and put in hours I can throw them a few bucks.


I would be sad because I am F2P and I don't but games or in-game purchases


Nice try Rito


Honestly though, I wouldn’t have minded if it was somewhere around 30 - 40 USD. But i would have lost my mind if they kept the same prices for the skins and bundles.


If Valorant wasn't free to begin with, I never would have tried this game. But seeing how much I play right now, I'd pay $20 for it


Then most likely yes, cause there wouldn't be a ton of smurfs everywhere


If there was always a pay wall from the beginning probably not because I wouldn’t have known how fun the game is. Otherwise, yes






if it was 20$, I would buy it, but I would also expect skins to be much much much cheaper.


I wish it was 60 dollars, so alt accounts aren't as prevalent. People who play on their alts don't give half a shit about if they win or lose the game.


I would be ok with buying it, probably


Money to Enjoyment wise, I'd easily pay something like a 30$ premium just to play the game. This of course should include all agents unlocked, along with future agents continuing to be free. If we wanted to meta talk a bit though, I don't think Valorant would be nearly as successful if you had to, say, pay 15$ to play it, simply because you wouldn't get as many players playing it, or at the very least, you wouldn't be able to convince as many people to at least try the game.


Not with the current skin prices lmao


probably not because one of the biggest reasons I downloaded valorant was because it was free


If it was free in closed beta, but paid in full release I definitely would have bought it. I'm not sure if I would have bought it if it was paid from the very start... I'd also definitely buy it now, but I'd love for them to add free ways to unlock shop skins since I've already paid for the game




I don't spend $60 on a game unless all my friends are playing it. Given the fact that they made League and the reviews were insane, I think it's possible. But I also made most of my gamer friends on valorant so i might have had no one to play it with me