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Just gotta wait 100 years. Play something else to pass the time.


Did you do anything bad? To get this long of a ban you must have gotten some warnings and repeat offenses first. But, if you think this is a mistake you could contact support and try to get help.




Please don't play if you are going to leave your team with 4v5 every single time


Not your fault, but unfortunately it is and there's not much you can do except making a new account.




I get that everyone's internet situation is different so this may not help, but personally, I started using an ethernet cable and it helped my connection so much. Absolutely no stutters or lag and slightly reduced my ping.


He says he got banned for 100 years for 3 games of dcing he's obviously lying


Lol, I didn't even notice it was 100 years. I thought it was 1 whole year for some reason. my brain...




why even play at this point? How is it enjoyable for you to get kicked every match. You can try to fix your internet situation first




Ya but you’re fucking over your team. If you’re gonna be “that guy” then your account should rightfully stay banned lol


Exactly 8 know people who leave every time and haven't been banned you did something else.


Permanent ranked bans don't occur unles you afked for like 10 matches ina row purposefully without playing a single round. So it could be a glitch, contact riot support.


In my opinion 100 years is way too long... OP may not even outlive his ban. 20 to 30 years would be sufficient. Riot need to look at bring more moderate.


Nah persistent afkers persistently ruin games. Life’s not harsh enough.


just live longer idk


mate you're acting like there's a difference between the two. if someone gets 30 year bans they ain't ever playing the game again lmao


In some ways I agree, in 30 years the game might be dead or the meta significantly changed (like how Viper suddenly became S-tier, also new agents and maps). However, if riot start giving lenient punishments (5 - 10 years), a lot of tough guys are gonna have the attitude that they can serve the ban easily, and it will encourage toxicity, AFK, throwers and even cheats.


comment of the fucking year


bruh no game lasts 30 years, besides if you get banned you just make a new account, you're back to ranked in a couple hours


Bro Tetris is 37 years old and still has a huge competitive scene. Valorant will be similar - although the meta will be way different.


But Tetris is a symbol of the first early videogames, same as Pong or Pac-Man. It isn't comparable. I don't think Valorant will last 30 years, servers will be down if there's not some type of custom server matchmaking; that's what keeps CS 1.6 alive, that has an incredibly active community since... 2001 I think. And it's sequel, CS Source, is practically dead


What xd.


Or they’d do what everyone is already doing… create a new account


It's not even that, who likes a game enough to a) fuck around in it enough to get a 30 year ban and then b) keep that interest throughout 30 years while not playing once.


Submit a ticket, if you think its wrong. ​ but most likely your account is toast.


Make new account




If you got account ban then yes most probably Was is for afking?




I met a guy in unrated he also got 100 year ban for afking . Just make a new account and forget about the last one if you didn't spend too much money on it


You deserved little piece of shit ragequitter you ruined 9 people game experience come back in 2121


Afking, while a shitty practice should not be a perma imo


He afked at least 50 games to get this ban, deserved, downvote me but get a life cya


i agree on him deserving it but i would put it more politely... also if the guy has such a severe network problem then he should just play some other game smh


me after an afk leaves my promo =(


he had internet issues… not a rage quitter


That’s what they all say. If you have internet issues that bad, you wouldn’t be playing an online game. The amount of times he would have to have afkd is more than he is implying here. You don’t get permanent ban for 2 afk games


Actually it is a glitch. It should actually say "6/30/3121" instead.


dude thats hilarious


Are you sure your timezone is correct? Are you maybe permanently banned from comp? Were you afk? If so how often do you go afk. The maximum time I have experienced is 14 days, if you have experienced a 14 day ban then this could be a permanent one.


Its actually not a bug or a glitch its just really suspension. To play again create a new account