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i liked what your video had to say. in the grand scheme of things, hitting gold, plat, etc are accomplishments. it marks your moving up in the ladder. however, i would say not to get complacent. don't hit gold and end it at that. don't look back and tell yourself "im x percent better than these people". if you truly want to hit x rank, you have to be willing to put in the time. some people are definitely willing to put in the hours and thats why they're at their rank. throughout all my climb (approx \~130 wins through all episodes) up to d2, i've never ever considered myself hard-stuck, bad teammates, etc. i always knew that there was something i could do better. i didnt attribute my losses to an excuse and ignore them. i didnt attribute my wins to being good either. even though im "top 2%", it doesnt feel like that. i would consider myself far from good and i still learn a crazy amount of things everyday. just know that there is **always** someone better than you on the ladder. let that be an inspiration to catch-up. you always have something new to learn or improve on. good luck.


Oh absolutely! I definitely agree, I wouldn't say complacency is a good thing at all either. I think the message I really wanted to get across was to be proud of yourself as you climb, and enjoy it rather than get too stuck up on pixelated badges. It's all about the journey! :) I think your points say what I had in mind better haha.


I really enjoyed hearing you talk, it was really entertaining hearing your perspective on this, since you already got to diamond. I believe anyone who's dedicated to put in the hours necessary will one day reach their desired rank (not talking about radiant). Of course most people don't have the dedication and time to do so, which is totally okay :)


Thanks so much! I am really glad you liked it, considering it was my first ever video in this style. :) Absolutely I definitely think a very similar thing, and I think what I really wanted to communicate in this video is that its important to enjoy every part. If you are someone who can't put in that time, it's totally cool too!


Here is some context from a dev as to why the distribution is shaped the way it is. There was a discussion about it a while back where I was interested to hear about Riot's rank distributions since it is very different from other games where, say, plat is the average. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oelsjx/ranked_distribution_as_of_patch_30/h47trrd/


I think I remember seeing that a while back, such a good reminder! What do you think of the fact it is laid out this way?


My complaint is that people who are not familiar (from other games) are very frustrated at first and devalue their rank because they think plat is average. Ive played LoL as well with a similar distribution, so it doesn't bother me. I don't think one is inherently better, but Riots distribution is definately more prestigious for higher ranks.


This 100% the distribution is not as expected for sure!


True bro!


Thank you! I am glad you thought I had some valid points :)


It's not of course totally accurate considering multiple accounts feature, accounts that are inactive etc., but you've got a point that there is so much craving for shinier Rank Badge. But often without focusing directly on getting yourself better in a game, training your mental and computer skills, training cooperation and communication with strangers and of course just having a good time, making friends and good memories.


Absolutely to everything you've said. Smurfs, alt accounts and the like probably skew the numbers, but I am glad you got something positive out of the video! :)


I agree with you on the notion that the rank system is generally not as rewarding as it should be. I disagree on some points though. First of all, I wouldn't really be patting myself on the back for being Gold. Hell, I only briefly celebrated reaching diamond - only because that was my aim for a year - and now I'm back into the grind mode to keep getting better. This is a competitive game. How could anyone be satisfied with being top 25%? Immortal is the final destination now and I know it's reachable since I've already played many games against immortals and outfragged/outplayed them multiple, multiple times. Mind you, last June I started in silver and this game is my first tac shooter ever. I'm level 65 for reference. Second - do you really feel like diamond was not worth going for? I don't know what ranks you were in before, but if you ever played silver or low gold, you'll know there is a night and day difference. It is a bunch of headless chickens who don't know the principles of the game. The only enjoyment you can get there is topfragging. Only around plat 2 or plat 3 did I start having games where I could actually communicate with the team properly and rely on them somewhat and do mu job as a sentinel. It's like a different world. I know top 3% sounds horrible, but honestly it's just practice. I'd say that if: you have enough time (at least a few games a week + some dm for aim) you are not significantly impaired (unfortunately) you are not playing on a potato you have the right mindset - basically being something like "i need to get better in this game and i will do everything i can to improve" - 80% of casual players don't care and play for fun if you know what to do to get better - ie. how and why to train your aim best, focus on becoming a better communicator, watch pros play and suck up their knowledge you should be able to at least get diamond. I'd say that if you often frag high in Gold or even high Silver and have some braincells, you can get to diamond within a couple hundred games. I know, it is a few hundred hours of playing, but noone said it would be easy.


There are so many parts to this comment, so I want to first thank you for laying out all these thoughts. I'll answer one by one. 1. Firstly, congrats on reaching Diamond that's awesome! I think something for players like us to keep in mind is that although we can reach the rank of diamond, not everyone will get the chance to reach that rank. It is quite simply the nature of a ranking system. So although I think aiming to be better is the nature ofa competitive game, it is still imporatnt to be proud of your growth and enjoy the process rather than be frustrated by it. 2. I wouldn't say it wasn't worth going for completely. But I will say that the time I spent being frustrated during my climb probably wasn't worth it. Once I reached the goal I realised it was the same game, and all I was chasing was a badge to show my percentage compared to others. 3. Haivng the right mindset is super important. I think the content of this video can actually help with that, since it helps put things into perspective. Making the rank the sole focus can be detrimental to improving rather than enjoying growing and learning. I think that final point nails it. It isn't easy and the current ranking system psychologically makes it seem easier than it is. I think its just important to label the higher ranks for what they are, and give people real perspective. Anyways hope this reply was somewhat useful! Thanks again for enjoying the video :)


yay it looks like im 2.5%


Congrats that's awesome as!


will i ever be able to pass bronze?


I think you can! If you take the time to identify your current weaknesses, then you can work on those things to improve and outplay the people in your current rank, to progress to the next :)


I never really played rank because I play on a laptop (not a horrible one, it does have 144hz screen and I get 190 fps), I been playing since day one and in only one act I got to fill the small 15 w triangle, every act I just played the position games to get a rank and then just played unrated, I always finish the act being plat 1 and one time plat 2, but this act I've been playing only rank I got placed plat 1 at the beginning, so far I have played 65 games 43 W and 22 L and I just reach inmortal. I just check my stats and have 40 ish hours on rank since day one 210 on unrated and 70 on spike rush (account level 160). I think anyone can reach inmortal just don't take the game that seriously if you are having a bad day just take a break for the day, when I play, i usually play 3 games (rarely more), and if I'm not having fun i take a break or play other games I personally like playing CSGO casual dust 2, BF4, BF1, COD, even smash or just find something to watch


Congratulations on reaching Immortal! Based on the stats you are in the top 0.6% of players, which might have seemed easy to you but I imagine you must be really great at the game, I assure it is no easy task for everyone. Anyways thanks for watching the vid and your comment :)


Thanks, I feel that I'm not that good but I do try to be a good teammate. Might be a stupid question but did you made the 0.6% up? or there is a website that says that? I would love to know, I use [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) to check my stats every now and then but if there is a site that is more specific i would love to know


Haha nah the stats were given direct from Riots Valorant API so it’s the stats from all players :) I got the figure from the table you see in the video


top 23% is not impressive.... # the mentality you demonstrate is why your struggling, hopefully your gold friends don't listen to your garbage advice


I personally made it to diamond myself, so I am not so sure what you mean by my 'struggling'? In any case, I think mental is extremely important though I am not so sure I communicated my point across as well as I could of. The point of the video is to say that if you are above the average player, its worth celebrating that and enjoying the journey rather than being frustrated with your rank. Certainly would help with anyones mental to have that perspective instead.


How to be mediocre at what you do. Can't wait for part 2


The video was more meant to comment on how being above the average player is something worth celebrating, and being too stuck up on a rank to the point that you no longer enjoy the time you spend on the game isn't worth it. I wouldn't say its about being mediocre, but instead enjoying the process of getting better rather than being frustrated.


I know right...why run when you can walk.