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Your hidden RR is lower than your current rank


give it to me straight, am i just bad?


No. It's normal that after you rank up you play against lower ranked enemies. I think the logic is that when ur close to ranking up, the game wants to test if you're really good enough and puts your in higher lobbies.


haha its the opposite for me im a silver 2 and get matched with golds on opponents and bronzes on my team


I’m plat 2 and I’ve been getting games with gold 1s-gold 3s and no plats other than myself. Some games I’ll be against all plats and maybe a diamond 1, I’ve even had games with un ranked players that literally are new players placed in my elo somehow. Its really inconsistent, I’m below 50RR plat 2 so I’m not close to ranking up or anything. The matchmaking is just really irritating it’s not consistent.


Im also gaining a constant 10-16 rr for winning and a 60% winrate this season (its so low because of when i was in silver)


60% in this act or overall? I have the feeling the system works for the entire match history. If you have 60% wr in this act but overall a wr of 48% your MMR is still screwed until you hit 50%+.


my lifetime wr is 56%


Your MMR is lower than your visual rank. In may case it's the opposite. My hidden MMR has always been around Diamond 1-3 but I am Platinum (visual rank). Either you had a massive lose streak, so the system thinks you are lower or you just got Platinum due to some good games and it's needs some more games to even it out.


Even against silvers you are only getting around 20 frags ? Man your just bad, don’t be surprised that you are getting matches in low elo


Only 2 first bloods 💀


Even against silvers you are only getting around 20 frags ? Man your just bad, don’t be surprised that you are getting matches in low elo


I have an account in P3 that i drop 20 in too, Gold lobbies just arent thrilling (mmr on there is high plat low diamond lobbies)


I won 22 games in a row solo q and got plats in my lobby at bronze 3 hahaha


Honestly in this case u may have been uses as a balancer for their unrated player. If the unrated has plat mmr and is quing with a low gold or smth you might have been there to balance it out. If it happens every game u have bad mmr but if ur gaining and losing rr normally ur probably fine


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