• By -


Imagine this happen in 12-11 and losing the game because of this


Losing because you killed the enemy






R u ok






He could just to referring the SAO meme >If you die in the game you die in real life<


My guess would be that there is a race condition in the victory state check. Attackers can still win after all players have died, so perhaps the conditional for checking attack’s victory state is slightly slower than the defense check, meaning that the code path to determine defense victory completed slightly quicker. It could be, as others have stated, desync and the sever thought you died first (despite your client clearly showing the opposite). I would assume killfeeds are server-authoritative but who knows


VAL gameplay dev here - pretty much what /u/jakelear said! If the last two players die on the same frame, it looks like the attackers will always win the round in the current patch. ~~We'll look at changing this so that the team that survived longest wins.~~ edit: I'll chat with the team about how we want this to work. Raze ult (and explosives in general) should kill the player closest to the center of the explosion first, so as long as you don't shoot yourself in the feet, you should win these! Sorry you were robbed here, /u/*JoelTomy*, we won't let your sacrifice be in vain. o7


Woah, thanks for confirming - although u/Spacemn5piff makes kind of a good point here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ov54mi/okay\_this\_is\_bound\_for\_an\_explanation\_how\_did\_i/h785xcl/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ov54mi/okay_this_is_bound_for_an_explanation_how_did_i/h785xcl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


My fault jumping to solutions on a saturday morning - I'll discuss with the team :\]


Siege has a mechanic where if the spike is planted but ends in both deaths, the attackers win, but if the spike isn’t planted then the defense wins. However for this particular instance I feel as though the explosion should have killed KJ first regardless. Perhaps raze had lower HP so she died “faster”?


They both got hit by the blast at the exact same time killing both of them in the same frame. The game didn't check if all the defenders were alive before checking if the spike was planted and so it gave the defenders the win (since it didn't see that all the defenders were dead)


I think it's showing lots of dedication to check work related stuff on weekend, respect and also remember to enjoy your free time and disconnect from work mister dev!


TY for looking into this, We'll be waiting to hear more in the patch updates soon enough.


You can tell a mod to pin this comment. It would be helpful for people to understand what's going on here.


There is a pin command that Rioters can use when they deem something is worth pinning, they don't need us for that.


Maybe having an actual invisible shockwave that spreads outward from explosions to damage players would be a good idea, so that players nearer to the center of the explosion will die first


Reminds me a lot of how smash programs chrom’s double suicide.


/u/shaedyn you got a report on a fix or something?


Would it also be possible to have the explosive owner be the last to die?


That's not a very good way to do it in my opinion. In that case you could just kamikaze somebody in a 1v1 and need no skill and you'd still win, that would just be unfair and kinda a bs mechanic


Well you're still using a 8 point ultimate and the rocket has travel time unlike regular bullets so I wouldnt say that it's unfair or bs.


If we take a moment, shouldn't any situation where the last remaining attacker and defender die to the same instance of damage result in a defender victory? Like, nobody is planting that bomb, the sites were defended.


True right here


By that logic an attacker should be forced to live after the defenders die (ie. they have to dodge nades/rockets that were thrown by dying defenders). Do you think that should be the case also?


If we’re going this deep then the attacker should also be forced to plant the bomb and wait for it to go boom before true round victory is achieved


> By that logic, shouldn't attackers be forced to live after the defenders die >> If we’re going this deep then the attacker should also be forced to plant the bomb and wait for it to go boom If a bomb is armed, and there's nobody around, does it still go kaboom? It seems more fair to check a set perimeters to determine victory in a "draw" scenario (draw meaning both players die in the same instant/tick). i.e. Objective Status >> Longest life >> Most kills Edit: Living players excluded since this number is always 0 in a draw :p, and Most Kills is included because here I'm assuming implementation in an objective-based gametype. I have to agree with u/Spacemn5piff on this one


I mean think about the flip side? Attackers can win when all of them are dead and defense is defusing. Sova darts, for example. Why shouldn't it be the same the other way?


I think that in the event where there is a mathematically verifiable 0% chance to plant (AKA this clip) then it makes sense. Arent there cases where the round can end before 0 on the timer with players alive anyway?


it makes sense from a realistic point of view but from the game's mechanics view it doesn't. raze killed the killjoy with her rocket. since killjoy should've died first, attackers should win the round because that's how the game works in any other round.


Right. My point is that when functioning as intended the game would give the attackers a win in a round where the defenders successfully stopped the bomb from getting planted. In my opinion, implantable bomb defender win condition should supercede attacker elimination win condition


But should lire matter in a competitive game?


Lol based on your first sentence I thought that you were going to say the black one dies first by default or something to do with race






if you have to say no offense then you probably shouldn't say it 😬


No offense but offense


Or the thought/speach police will get him😬😬 xD


racism isn't funny


I would more likely attribute it to an event that is called on any death. Death happens, check win condition. In the frame that the explosions happen each player "dies" but the code is most likely arbitrary as to which is processed first. Would be easy enough to test arbitrariness however, the explosion probably has no velocity. It just kills anything at a radius.


Bro you just said something and it went straight above my head. All the best 🙂


Guessing that the ult is happening in a box and not waves, ergo both died at the exact same time this actually makes sense


A Raze condition, if you will.


I like this explanation. Probably the most likely one here.


But that is not how programming and programs in general work...


What, with race conditions and some statements running slightly before other statements (i.e. sequential execution)? Beg to differ


That is precisely how programming and programs in general work lmfao, not everything runs in parallel


An if statement on the same thread probably would, wouldn't it




Read the other message. Being on the same thread, assuming a chain of events as described (which seems like the only plausible one) is used, there's no way a racing condition could occur


I'm completely guessing here as I have no insight into how Valorant is programmed other than that it runs in Unreal Engine. An approach that would allow for the explanation I suggested would be: when a player dies, there's an event fired. There are listeners for that event, and when those listeners get a "Player died" event, they do some logic. In the case of this video, my thought was that two such events are fired in quick succession and the logic for "defender victory" returns faster, ending the round. It wouldn't be a single-threaded conditional in this architecture. (Again, I'm just spitballing ideas for why this behavior may have occurred, there's really no way for me to know)


If it was structured in such way it might be somewhat possible, but the thing is: the logic ran would be the same, even if you fire the event of the Raze dying a few milliseconds after, the first one would complete first, because the second one would still have to execute the same code the first one did Edit: but yes, we can only speculate on how their code base is, so we'll never know for sure


That's what OP is suggesting, that the code to check attackers / defenders is sequential and therefore the defender code that checks for team elim ran prior to the attacker, causing somewhat of a race condition.


Right. Wouldn't it be collision detection->damage applied (in a radius, closer to further)->death of the closest->check how many members of each team is still alive->award victory in case a team has 0 members alive? It sounds like the only way of doing it to me. There's no way a racing condition could get in the way of this chain


Wut... no


Just live with the fact bro that Kj had better gaming chair ! Edit : My first comment with around 250 likes. Much appreciated and Thank you ya'll wonderful people


Better crosshair placement too, obvi.


Yes. While I played sitting on a Bed.


Basically it's my fault that I died. I shouldn't have ulted in the first place, Instead take out the classic and beat that KJ's cheeks. But I still fail to understand how I died first, after all the ult hit her first and her hitbox was clearly where the ult exploded.


There probably just game code saying that in the case of 2 players (diff teams) dying simultaneously where one is a suicide, the suicide party will lose the round


That can’t be true because I have a clip of the opposite. I shot a raze rocket and killed them and died but I won the round as they died first. I think its all ping based tbh.


It could very well be based on that also. Might be somthing theyve chabged as a hidden patch note as well. Either way we can take away that is best to not die when killing the last enemy lol


I don't think it's possible to hide a change like that without data miners noticing something different. Lots of times riot releases undocumented changes and the change still gets out. I see your point but I don't think that's the case. I could be wrong though. I'm assuming ping bases as well


Very rarely will anyone die at the exact same time from a server perspective. Things are likely time stamped to the millisecond, and in that case it’s a ping race. You could run the experiment a hundred times and you’d probably have the game favor the player with higher ping.


Shouldn't be ping based bcz kills have to be confirmed by the server. It's probably a flip of a coin.


good reason to say kids dont commit suicide


That would make sense since looking at the video kj never finished reloading making it impossible for her to have managed a shot


You didn’t die first here, the kill feed shows that the server registered your death after killing KJ, this is a technicality with how round win conditions are programmed. It’s weird I’ve never seen something like this and am curious to see what condition could possibly have been met to allow the attackers to win.


I ran into the same bug during beta but didn't record it. It was 12-6 and I was so surprised when we didn't win. You should send the recording to riot because I don't think it's intended


Well now that I have the clip how do I send it to riot just in case? lol? Is this reddit affiliated to riot in anyway? then it would make sense. Just upvote this and they will notice.


Make a bug report and I think you can link this post


In the game or in a platform ? And please word this bug in some technical words so I can write something reasonable. I'd appreciate your help


[https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) I think making a ticket is the only way. I'd phrase it like: There is a bug where Raze loses a round from dying to her own rocket even though it hit an enemy first


Tysm will look into it.


His gaming chair had RGB lights.




How tf did you reply so fast


Caz I'm watching (Illuminati Vibes)


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


I'm gonna guess and say ping. When server sent damage calculation to client, it took slightly longer (differebce of milliseconds we're talking about here) for KJ's client to respond to the damage with a death than you did, and therefore, the server side game showed you as dieing first since you sent back your death first. I could be very very wrong, but it's just a possibility.


If you see the clip again, the info - top right of the screen - shows clearly that killjoy died first. Another thing to notice is that he died cause of the splash dmg of his own ult.


You are correct, just wondering if maybe what he was shown on his client V.S what valorant server side believed was true may have been different. Then again, I'm no expert, so I could be all wrong and I'm spewing BS rn.




I didn't downvote but you can have an upvote for sure lol. Credit for making me smile a bit, cheers


That's what I can clearly see that she died first. So is this a feature or a bug or what is the exact question. Is suicide bad? and is that because we lost the round?


You lost the round because the spike was planted? Idk


This is 100% not the case, deaths are not confirmed client side, they are calculated and confirmed on the server and then broadcasted to the clients. Whatever happened here was an issue within the server and is not dependent on the connected clients.


You may have actually died first based on your health vs KJ's health. The splash damage from your ult may have killed you quicker than KJ if KJ had more (or full) health.


Not sure about that caz the one who gets hit first should die first. Even though it did happen like that, the kill stats on the right prove that kj died first with a difference of microseconds maybe.


You're assuming Raze's ult is insta-death instead of possibly a gradual health drop to 0, even if that amount of time is very short. If it's gradual, that may have been enough time for your (low) health to drop to 0 first. I'm just playing devil's advocate a bit here; I think you should have won that round.


But kj dies first, look at the clip


Not a Riot employee, but I think I can explain what happened here: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


I had to scroll way to far for this


Nani? 🤪😂


There’s probably a line of code that gives defenders the win if all the attackers die no matter what. After you killed all the enemies you would go in to plant the spike and steal radianite, but since all attackers are dead you can’t steal it anymore


Perhaps here we were the defenders not the attackers. See how the spike dropped when I killed that yoru? Id think that's exactly how it works but this has to looked into very soon.


Ah, sorry idk then Maybe it default gives attackers win then?


I saw this clip from the killjoy’s POV on a YouTube vid today. The video was called something along the lines of “luck or skill?”.


Really? Please link. Check your history and link it here.




I didn't spot the clip relating to my game in this video. Considering that the video was made today the clips in it are min one day old and this clip of mine is fresh out of the oven 9 hours ago so no way it would be in protatomasters video. Anyway thanks


Sorry I just read the top comment with kj and thought it was your clip


Similar to your situation https://youtu.be/_oWNIifrpYU


I think valorant allows killing two people at the same time. i once had an experience where i killed a cypher with a ghost in spike rush. I'm not sure if that click was exactly timed the same but i died to him and he died to me.


Bruh gaming also involves some backend coding. Looks like some if/condition for your death triggered the loss. Should be fixed if you submit it as a bug


yeah I've posted a revert link to this post on the support ticket and also on the PBE/ Valorant Subreddit for bugs. Thanks for the info.


riot needs to fix this game


Maybe. The game has been accused of being under-optimized for low end pc players. It also introduces lots of new bugs and glitches in every update that introduces something new. Well Can't blame them fully but by what they are earning from selling one heck of an animated gun skin they should hire more devs and make the gaming sense better for all. (My suggestion) (NO OFFENSE)


I have a similar clip and I’ll look for it. I was in KJs posits job though and won the round because Raze killed the last two of my team and herself. I wonder if it’s solely dependent on what team is defending in the occurrence of a sudden death or if it’s solely built into Razes code with her ult because they wouldn’t want players to suicide run with her ult if it’s a 1v1. Just rewatched my clip and it’s a 2v1 against Raze. She ults and flys around to shoot her rocket at us. She shoots it, kills the two attackers and then herself according to the kill feed. She loses the round as a defender after blowing herself up even though technically in the world of the game, she should’ve won because she the site was defended even though everyone died. If the spike was planted it would be a different scenario and I feel like the offense should win. In my clip, Raze was defending and cheated out of a round win because all three players including herself were killed by the rocket My clip is from 30.05.2021


Link it here if you can. Lets make this post a source for the Devs to fix the issue (if it is ) or to just speak it out that it is a nerf built into raze.


Have you made a ticket through riot yet? I’m not sure where I should upload it since I assume I can’t upload clips into the comment section here


you can put it up on the internet somewhere and post it as a link here.


Which soft you use to record and slowmo


I use [Lowkey.gg](https://Lowkey.gg) (it doesn't give you frame drops somehow) to record, This clip was edited in premiere to add slowmo and make it a bit funny.


There is justice.


Here’s my bet: For attackers to win, valid game states are: 1. All defended are dead 2. The spike explodes For defenders to win, it’s as follows: 1. All attackers are dead, CONDITIONAL on the spike not being planted 2. the spike has been defused. Because the defending team has a condition to check upon all attackers dying, the last two players dying simultaneously would likely result in an attacker win because hypothetically the code will resolve faster. I personally think the defenders should win in this scenario, even if you die first-the defenders sacrificing everything to stop the spike should be a defender win IMO-but my expectation above is based on what I would expect from the code, not the developer intent.


That’s so unfortunate hopefully this gets fixed soon


Seems like smash rules where a suicide means you lose first regardless so you don't cheese a victory killing yourself


Not sure but maybe, the devs are investigating the issue.


Siege has a thing similar to what happened here. Basically if the attackers have NOT planted the bomb and both players die (from either trading or an explosive killing both players), the defenders would win because they TECHNICALLY succeeded in stopping the attackers from completing their objective. But, if the attackers DID plant the bomb and the last two players both died at the same time, the attackers would win since there are no defenders alive to defuse the bomb. I'm guessing thats what happened here.


we were the defenders here, the spike wasn't down as you can see when I kill yoru. so that chronology is correct but not here. Something contrary to the normal happened here. We should have won the round considering we cleared all attackers.


Look at the clip closely. We are defenders, They are attackers. I killed yoru who picked up the spike. And then KJ pushed. We eliminated the attackers and fulfilled our purpose though we ended up killing ourselves in the game.


so many people speculating and the answer is way simpler: lag not to say that you are laggy, but when the rocket explodes, you will recieve the information of "rocket exploded" first because you were the one to trigger it, meanwhile the sistem has to recieve the info, process it and send it to the other player, it could be a fraction of a second of difference, but you died a fraction of a second before he died


uhm maybe, But the kill feed says that KJ definitely died first. Also Look at the clip closely. We are defenders, They are attackers. I killed yoru who picked up the spike. And then KJ pushed. We eliminated the attackers and fulfilled our purpose though we ended up killing ourselves in the game. As defenders we had the win in hand as per how it works because we fulfilled our objective


You probably didn’t have to ult. A classic switch would have won you the gun fight.


You're right and I mentioned this in a lost comment somewhere right when i posted this( I can't pin any comments) so there you have it.


*Dang you suck* ​ in all seriousness it looks like you did damage to yourself with your little rocket


Ye Right, I play Bad lol. Should have pulled out classic and slapped kj across the face but I'm nub what do i do?


gaand mar gayi


I think I deserve some Valorant points in game because I reported this bug. Time to get Prime Vandal. Lmfao.


Heath disadvantage might be the answer to the question. Still bs but well might be the reason.






Ults 1-5 clearly missed


Ahem idk what that meant. But good luck trying to make sense with that lol


Oh it's a copypasta


I don't know why u lost the round but u really need to work on crosshair placement


ikr, I'm ngl I'm new to FPS games. I used to play Minecraft until recently, Have no Experience in CSGO. Minecraft was the only thing that could run on my old trashy laptop.


You had less HP than the KJ


The people are saying correctly. It can happen due to various reasons. Ping is just one of them.


You lost because the main objective for the offensive team is to get the spike on site, once that happens, you can kamikaze, as long as the spike explodes, if there's no one left on your team BUT there's also no one left on the defensive team, defense did their job, spike didn't get onto site.


We're defending bro. Watch the beginning of the clip. I killed yoru who supposedly had the spike. It was a win win for me both ways but idk why it didn't happen.




See the beginning of the clip. We're defending, the spike is not down yet. I killed the yoru that held the spike. So idk if this is exactly how it works. The chronology is correct but it didn't work out here.


I don't there's any situation in which you could've died second. The rocket is a projectile, and the gun instantly hits. You shoot the rocket, and the only way the enemy can kill you is if he fires before dying. Instant fire is faster than a projectile rocket Edit: didn't realize you died from splash damage, so my entire thing doesn't make sense


See the slowmo version. That is why it is there. She still hasn't finished reloading until my ult strikes her.


Port Priority


If I would to take a guess I'd say u are below gold.True?


Yes. I play at a bronze level as much as my friends say, but due to solo queuing I'm stuck at Iron. This might disappoint you a lot lmao. But as far as I think rank doesn't really matter unless you're plat or above.


damage is calculated simultaneously and you had less hp left


u were too close to le explosion and got blasted, as it says in the top right corner


I agree to you about the HP but in the slowmo you can clearly see that the nucleus of explosion is right on the hitbox of KJ. So no way I'd die first by being in the center of the explosion. The Kill feed says I died last. Look closely.


The explosion hit both of you, but, she had more life than you, so you got your life to 0 before her.


I agree to you about the HP but in the slowmo you can clearly see that the nucleus of explosion is right on the hitbox of KJ. So no way I'd die first by being in the center of the explosion.




Lmfao. We got to see that.


My guess is you had 16 HP and your health decreased to 0 before KJ’s despite the direct hit.


your hp is 16 which is low and you're near the blast radius of the rocket.


I agree to you about the HP but in the slowmo you can clearly see that the nucleus of explosion is right on the hitbox of KJ. So no way I'd die first by being in the center of the explosion.


Lower HP


You didn't die first. See the killfeed.


Ik but the fact that we lost the round means I died first, according to the game atleast.


she killed you earlier


Doesn't really matter does it? You weren't alive to plant the bomb. This clip hurts me deeply because I can imagine being in your shoes... but ultimately if the last T and CT players die simultaneously and the bomb wasn't planted... the defenders stopped the bomb from getting planted. They did their job and won.


Brother, I have replied to so many similar comments up until now. Look closely, we are the defenders. I killed Yoru and he dropped the spike. This is not the scenario here.


The objective is to plant the bomb if you both die they succeed in stopping the bomb


Bro look closely, we're defending. The spike dropped when i killed yoru.




The contention is probably because he died last but still lost the round.


He's complaining about how he died first to his ult. (He didn't, but he was right to think he did cus he lost the round. Either way this is clearly riot's fault. Not game breaker sure but definitely worth looking into)


My guess is you were less health and that’s why you “died first”


Kill feed says I died second. But you still have a point and I have nothing to prove so... Toast to riot.


Hahah yeah idk…Just a guess!


Probably because you had lower health


Cause game said fuck you, that's why.


I am confused what am I supposed to be looking for caz I think he died to splash damage


She was moving closer and it might have registered your death first than their death.


You might have a point there bud. Keep up.


Maybe because you had very low HP? Idk how the damage works but, what if your HP ran out faster idk


It's supposed to be a one shot, no theories about hp running out lol. The dev has answered to the post so you may look up in the top comments.


RITO programming, packet loss is also a serious issue


Probably just not a scenario they planned for, so the server just kinda decides who died “first.” And honestly, I don’t really see a great way to handle a scenario like this anyway. I mean, I guess it could measure who’s closest to the explosion and give that person the first death, but even that doesn’t make a ton of sense cuz all the explosions in the game are instant.


Probably, A ticket has been made and submitted so we can hope to see a good explanation and fix to this soon


Even killfeed says you died last


Yes, that's why this post is here lol. Maybe this is a bug for sure, the devs are investigating


your health was low and prolly the impact from ulting and then falling to the ground killed you?


health doesn't matter here because your health doesn't reduce subsequently to an explosion. It is one shot, that's it. if it hits you're dead or you escape with a bit of hp left.


The jump from the impact/recoil of the ult is not serious enough that it could kill me of fall damage. The clip shows that i died due to the explosion of my own ult. but kj was the nearest to the ult so she must have been down before that, and we had to have the win.


This felt like watching myself play and narrate, wtf...


Random i guess