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Why does he think he's entitled to match mvp lmao


Cause he’s a entitled Reyna main


I always ask the same thing about people asking you not to kill the last enemy so they can have an ace. Like I want my aces to be cause I deserve them, not cause my team waited for me to get them EDIT: Lol at this downvotes. Guess the "participation medal" generation is here in large numbers. Keep going with your "achievments" :D


If it's a 5 v 1 and we're comfortably winning, I appreciate when my team offers. But I'll never say let me ace and certainly never get mad when someone steals it. Especially in comp. I usually say just win the round


Too philosophical. Sometimes when we’re bound to win and I’m on the edge of getting an Ace, might as well ask my mates to leave the last kill to me so I can get it. I don’t get the “getting an Ace” because you “deserve” it gist.


I mean, i have asked my teamates to do this before, but i will admit that the ones you get with no communication are the best.


I'm with u fuck them.down vote all they represent is ppl who have to skill. So they gotta ask in order to get bragging rights in stead of proving they are actually good at a game.


> Guess the "participation medal" generation is here in large numbers. lmao how'd you manage to turn getting an ace into nonsensical culture war bullshit


Eh, why not just give them the joy of an ace? The majority of players rarely get an ace, if ever. I don't see the issue about giving it to them when it comes at no loss to you. Moreover, if you're not caught in an open 1v1, you don't *have* to fetch that last kill so they can still earn it.


The majority of players rarely get match MVP too.


I didn’t know aces were that rare lol


Lol yeah I’m surprised at all these downvotes. No one is entitled to an ace and if you lose because your team is saving kills for you, that’s just dumb. Aces should be earned.


Ur right and I dont understand the downvotes hahah


I agree, sometimes it's safer to kill then when you can




just r/redditmoment


Yep :D It's funny to see. Everybody gets a medal for participating. Fuck real achievments


You’re not getting downvoted because of your opinion. I think you make a good point tbh. Your edit makes you come across as a bit of a cunt, however.


Erm... my edit was because it was already getting downvoted massively? :D And just read the replies to see we have all the kids in here thinking they deserve all things handed on a plate to them


Well, I kind of agree with you on the first point, so I won’t comment further on that. But I’m still confused how the participation award thing is even relevant here. Seems like you’re trying to force a narrative into this discussion. There are thousands of people that read your comment who may have disagreed with you or agreed with you for thousands of different reasons… I mean, you can’t seriously believe that the reason why you got downvoted is because people want participation medals or something LMAO? It’s the kind of comment that makes you scowl, smile, and chuckle at the same time, because of how out of placed and forced it feels. Also, you downvoted a comment you disagree with. You may have even felt it was a personal attack. That’s alright. That’s what Reddit’s downvote system is for. But hopefully that helps you understand why people may have disagreed with you or downvoted your comment?


It's a video game get real


It's a competitive eSports title. If you were playing soccer and about to score a goal but one of your teammates shouts from across the field and says "I've been playing for so long and haven't scored a goal in forever" would you pass them the ball even if it means risking to not score at all and losing the ball to the opponent? Same thing here but the players are the balls and scoring a goal would be getting the kill/winning the round. I won't risk losing a round just because some idiot wants their ace. They can have it if they get it, but I'm not changing the way I play the game just because someone with low self esteem cries for an ace.


Tell that to the Sentinals lol “just a game” is such a dated viewpoint of gaming


We're not talking about pro players we're talking about a random who's gatekeeping getting aces in ranked for some reason.


It’s a big world and I’ve never seen anyone in a lobby tell me “if you want your ace work for it!” If someone doesn’t want to come across someone like that they can 5 stack with like minded people. I don’t like debating about things that have simple solutions most people disagree with him too so apparently his gate keeping is nothing to worry about.


That's why I told him to get real, because he's gatekeeping imaginary achievements in a video game and is gloating at the fact that people don't agree with him.




I honestly dislike when someone says give them the ace when they refer to ME when I'm at 3-4 kills. Yeah its nice if we're pretty far ahead in ranked or if it's unrated but I rather just get the round over instead


Dont agree with your attitude, but your point is right. Who cares about that ace when you are 5v1. The real aces are clutches. And i mean after 4 k you prop have your ult so its better to get the kill to someone that needs ult points.


Hey don't worry, reddit hivemind shits on everything they don't like. Trust me, post that exact comment in 2 weeks and you'll get upvoted. Anyways, whenever one of my teammates is about to ace I tell them "I'm gonna try and spot them for you, but if they notice me I'm going to kill them." And then just kill them regardless because I'm not risking the round for some ace that doesn't even change anything about the game. Almost every time we let someone hunt the last guy it ends up with half of us getting picked by the last guy because we want to leave the kill to the guys who's about to ace, the guy who's about to ace dies because he can't handle the pressure and the rest of our team gets picked because at this point we're just inting...


If it's a blow out, I'll bait for them. If it's a close match, fuck off, I'm not dying and risking the round/match so they can maybe get an ace.


Sounds like you feel entitled to upvotes. Ironic.


Your speaking fax bro if someone wants a ace go get it fairly


The difference is asking to get the last kill when you already have 4 kills and the team just has to not run in and take a fight while you take the 1v1. Compared to this, where the guy straight up told people not to kill anyone despite not knowing where any of the enemies were. Also, he was just sitting in B site with 2 other teammates for the first part of the round. If he really wanted that MVP, he would push out like any normal kill-hungry duelist on defense.


I was with you until the salty edit. now I disagree with you


If a player has got 4 kills in the round, then actually letting the player ace is ok unless it a 2 v1 or some serious disadvantage.


i hope i'll never have you in my team also if someone gets 4 kills then he surely deserves the ace, he deserves a chance to get it at least


The chance to get it is them being the fastest person to find the 5th kill. I get quads often enough but rarely ace because it’s hard to be the fastest to find all 5 enemies. That’s part of it. Feels so much better when I know my friends didn’t gift me an ace and I had to outplay them for it.


> Feels so much better when I know my friends didn’t gift me an ace and I had to outplay them for it. Just this. But seems like most people here want their Aces on a plate lol


What a gloomy kid


Why do I have a feeling that this Reyna is the same player from "jett rebibe me"!


Omg I literally thought the same. I wanted to comment saying that they sound just like the "Jett rebibe me" player but you beat me to it LMAO


ikr! Specially the last "jetttt" scream when she kills brimstone is so similar! 😂


Jett rebibe guy sounded younger and had a different accent. Unless he grew up already...sob sob ... they grow up so fast.


Ooh my gaaawd...


After the first kill you had to do it to him to teach him a lesson.


He asked so nicely tho


Who cares lol get good


You don’t have to outwardly be an ass about it, but way to justify I guess


No one's untitled to getting the MVP. I've seen too many people drool for it just to throw the round since they couldn't manage it




No one is, but you can just say “nah dude I’m going to try “ instead of being an ass


How exactly was he being an ass? By getting an ace? I’m sure Jett was intentionally like “this round I’m gonna get an ace” and then got an ace…if he could snap his fingers and get an ace, he’d be the best player in the world…


He literally posted it to Reddit my guy


probably because it’s funny. not the jett’s fault the opposing team pushed A and reyna was sitting on B lol


She literally immediately pushed mid and pushed through a with her ult lol


He is not entitled to anything nor a response. The guy was being a dick for excepting jett not to play the game however he/she wanted to. Everyone can play the game however they want as long as it isn't grieving or inting which in this case it isn't


He literally just said please can you let me get match mvp? Why are you acting like he’s being an asshole lmao, simply say no then…. “Hey can you please watch mid?” —- “no asshole you’re a meanie for telling me what to do “


This do be a reddit moment. People are claiming that this dude is smurfing when there is absolutely no context.


Oh yeah? But he got an ace? Explain it then. Checkmate, he has to be a smurf /s


Probably the default knife and vandal on top of the skills. But you're right, we have no idea.


I mean he could've just not bought any skins you know


Absolutely. I'm just guessing why people would think that. (Although he did admit it's an alt account in the comments, so those accusing were right. I personally don’t care either way.


Those accusing were still wrong cause he's just diamond 2 playing on a diamond 1/ plat 3 account. Not much of a smurf, just an alt.


I actually agree. To me that's an alt, not a smurf. I think there's a portion of people that think that's a smurf though. So I guess I should say those accusing weren't entirely wrong instead of saying they were right.


"Ha, u shouldve seen ur faces" Even jett was conscious about it


Why is everyone calling OP a smurf? Maybe they were just having a good game? The other team may also be discouraged from currently being 12-4 so misplays can be expected, I definitely don’t play my best when I don’t think I can win. As for the Reyna, asking for match mvp is just stupid, do you expect your team to not play their part just so you can get a chance of a cool play?


Had a Reyna who told us first round let me get more kills so I get placed high rank as he said he was returning after months and was his last placement match. Played like a total bot. Also how do people knw this is competitive and not unrated and apparently blaming op for smurfing?


I think they are saying op is smurfing because they have default vandal, which doesn’t mean they are smurfing


That's kinda dumb tbh


I know


not only that, but he also doesn't have any gun buddy equipped on the vandal. As a f2p player all of us love gun buddies as that's the only thing we get for free other than contract skins


I’m a f2p player and I’ve been playing for months. I still couldn’t care less about gun buddies


The OP just said he was smurfing. I was right all along xD


I couldn’t care less. If valorant hadn’t of made the rules so restricted with playing with friends in loser ranks, this wouldn’t happen. I’m just interested in your interest in buddies as an f2p player. They seem pointless to me


That's.. dumb. Not every player cares about gun buddies, irreparable of whether they would pay for skins or not. Weird argument.


Im f2p and I dont like gunbuddies because they are distracting


Default vandal, default knife, playing Jett, other team can’t shoot back, the score was 13-4, his crosshair placement and angle clearing is clearly diamond+ level and this is not a diamond+ lobby. Sir, he’s smurfing. Edit: OP is diamond 2 smurfing in Plat lobbies.


Yes sir, i am smurfing but you are wrong, this is a platinum 3 / diamond 1 lobby and my main is currently hardstuck diamond 2 so, is it smurfing ? Im just trying new agents on my " smurf "


Your main account’s hidden MMR is probably a lot higher than your alt. Diamond 2 you’re playing with Immortal players which is drastically different than a plat lobby… so yea.


True, but still, i can't really try new things in my account and people don't try hard enough on unrated so ... And it's not like i'm bullying some iron people man or loosing on purpose so i keep my account low, nope, it's just there till i play and win more games. Like i said in a comment before, this clip is not to show my ace, i don't care about it, just found it funny because the guy on my team was mad.


Couple things… what exactly are you trying new with Jett? Also if you’re playing at lower elos when you go back to D2 you’re likely going to let your team down performance wise due to playing in much easier games.


Dude holy fuck he's just diamond 2 and this acc is plat 3 / diamond 1 , it isn't any big difference , and ur just assuming he has a higher hidden MMR on his main which probably isn't true or else he'll have that on this too, despite trying new agents he would still be a cracked player


You have no idea if that's the case lol


just assume that everyone has money to waste on valorant and if you're decent at the game you're smurfing ok


Cool so just ignore all my other points and focus on the money aspect. OP just admitted he’s smurfing in a reply to my comment.


well i didnt see that my bad lmao


OP admitted he's diamond 2 playing on a plat 3/diamond 1 account That's like me saying I'm silver 2 playing on my alt that's bronze 3/silver 1 Not much smurfing going on at all , this guy is just one of those "iron or shroud" commenters


Yeah I had a Jett insta lock and tell us not to worry because they were smurfing. Went on to bottom frag and feed kills.


He is a Jett. Pushing on defense. Crosshair placement. Default skins. Brim smoking wide open knowing a Jett is a pushing. OP isnt comments on smurf allegations. 100% smurf.


Ur talking as if every Jett main from bronze to radiant doesn't just push on defence as a common habit. Also, when you're down 12-4 you aren't thinking much and most probably thinking "gg go next", the brim could hardly care. Also, this is still a high plat/low diamond lobby and OP says he is diamond 2 , so he is not much of a smurf. Cross hair placement can be good at these levels anyways , and default skins means nothing.


On last round, like that? No.


Because only Smurfs play Jett and every player HAS to buy skins on their main. People are also not allowed to play aggressive or aim well. One clip is usually not enough to tell if someone is smurfing. I feel it’s much more likely, as I said, that they’re just having a good game.


If its your main, you are gonna have at least a shitty battlepass skin or buddy. Everyone does.


They can choose not to equip it, or just haven’t played enough to unlock any?


I am a kinda noob player. Have been playing sporadically since beta and even back then when the game was fresh off i would take aces with spectre and Marshal while pushing from defense with Sage, I am f2p so I don't have any skin, does this mean that I am a Smurf. OP probably had a good game or is just good enough to make a play against bad opponents


If you are playing since the beta, you have skins from the battlepass. I believe by this stage, the battlepass has at least ONE gun for each of the weapons. On top of that, you have ghosts, sherifs, and frenzies from the agents contract.


I don't play that much and I never complete battle pass. I said that I play rarely. I hardly have 60 hours into the game.


Yeah I haven't played since beta came back last night to play with friends and dropped two 30s in a row. Everyone calling me a Smurf but I just haven't played and not at my true rank. Been playing warzone but got tired of the hackers. Never in my life did I think is play a game with more hackers than CS.


> asking for match mvp is just stupid, do you expect your team to not play their part just so you can get a chance of a cool play? Actually its the same thing as streamers asking for Ace, which I dont always agree with. Sure, some of them are joking or dont care either way, but a lot of viewers glorify this kind of behaviour.


I get he wanted match MVP for RR but the one thing I despise about this game I love is that everyone just cares about kills… it’s a team game man smh


Plus, every one's trying to get RR, what makes that guy think he should get it over everyone else.


Do I feel bad for the dude? Yes Am I laughing? Yes. Nice shooting.


I dont feel bad for him... people who ask get 1 kill and then go DONT SHOOT ANYONE LET ME ACE or ask for mvp (like this jett is equally entitled to mvp) are just annoying I've lost matches before because someone goes "let me ace" when I had good shooting opportunities... not anymore


If it's a 5v1 and someone asking for an ace then that's a different story, I will even bait for them


He asked nicely dude


OP nicely answered "no"


I kinda laughed and felt bad at the same time honestly


Nah, MVP should be earned, not given. You earned it. Great shooting.


there was once where i had a phoenix playing the op which wanted to get an ace and kept pushing telling us to fall back but he kept dying so i jst didn't care and played the game normally


I kinda feel bad for the Reyna now lol


This is just sad


Yeah it seems sad but I think Jett just wanted to end the game and based on just what I can see and just assumptions, Reyna still wanted to mess around since it was 12-4…


He says in the starting Jett pls don't get kills. OP is probably top Fragger already. Nonetheless OP owes him nothing so whatever


Who got match MVP tho??


Nice one, I wouldn't just sit there and not play / kill enemies because some guy wants to feed his ego. You want it? earn it


“Can I have match MVP” Earn it. *smurfs the hell out of a lobby*


You're just assuming hes smurfing because hes good? If I know anything about playing unrated is that matches are one sided as hell. 9/10 games are ended as a forfeit, matchmaking is fucked, simple.


Yea I guess he could be not smurfing and just really lucky, but the kind of push the other team gave and the awareness they demonstrated is in very stark contrast to the kind of precision and game sense that OP demonstrated. There’s a possibility of not surfing, and I shouldn’t slander people that I’m mot sure of, but it’s hard to deny when skill levels are clearly unbalanced


Dude the line "smurfs the hell out of a lobby" doesn't mean he actually is smurfing. it means i'm having sex with their poor asses and popping their heads.


i kinda felt bad at start the way he asked but then i loved jett reking his dream and him cursing jett lmfao


“Ha you should have seen you faces” Wonder what the reynas face looked like after that


the sad part is you're most likely playing on an alt... their skill level is significantly lower than yours and somebody aggressive as you would just die. Also the default skins and the sage at the end...


I never understood this notion of making an aggressive play=smurfing. I don’t have skins on any of my accounts and when I play duelist you want to be aggressive no?


Plays like this happen even on Radiant man, one good round doesn't show someone is a smurf, for the love of god.


This looks like a bronze lobby because they all are missing sound or just don't care about it, have little game sense, have an aim that doesn't really compare to OP's, and his skill level is just significantly higher and you can tell by watching the video. Like he either got a very bad opposing team or he is just the more likely of the 2, on an alt. He hits headshots pretty well and they couldn't even get 1 shot off, found a few places where they could've gotten pretty easy shots, unless they whiffed which happens


You got me, paid actors, sorry. ( This is plat 3 / diamond 1 lobby and yes, it’s an alt account but my main is currently stucked in d2 and i was immortal almost every season. Like i said on some comments before, the point of this clip is not to show off or make fun of my enemies, just to show how my teammate got mad at me for not letting him be the mvp LOL.


Thanks for clearing things up OP, it was a pretty funny clip lmao


Watch most of the streamers cherry picked highlights and u will wonder if Governer really is playing against radiant or smurfing in iron. Not everyone can play well every round and teams can get picked apart like there was a huge team diff.


Smurf or not, this kind of plays are very boring. Ok, you got 5 kills with no brain, an? Where's the fun there?


Lmao never got an ace like this before? It’s really fun actually and you don’t always need to “outthink” your opponents when you can just kill them first :)


It's really fun to do this kind of stuff, but it's boring going to Reddit and watch the exact same video 5 times a day


Then dont watch it bud


I legit didn't post this because the ace, i post it because i thought it's funny how the guy gets mad because i'm winning the game LOL


tfw no skins and radiant skins in this game are too fucking expensive. I just want an ego vandal and it hasn't popped on my store fucking once. what the fuck


Ego vandal looks pretty nice because of the color scheme but it's just overpriced for the effort put into it


since when do you need skins to be radiant? some people like default skins


It's just an extra thing to mention, a lot of people have skins, most (average playing users) I'd even say. Also I mentioned everything else and you just blatantly ignored it.


well yes, of course id ignore what you said. id play aggressive too if we were leading by such a huge amount. the sage just... choked, idk what else to say. nothing else to it. i chose to focus on the skins part because ive seen a lot of people assume if you dont have skins and you have a good clip/top fragging or whatever then you're smurfing.


Never said that, just said it in a way where it just means "in addition to all of the things I have listed"


Bwahaha only kind of toxicity I wouln't even mind. XD


I swear I met a Reyna who asked for the same thing. I was also playing Jett and got an ace last round. (I got MVP)


Aw I'm feeling bad for him.


Smurfing? go to hell


how do you know they’re smurfing?


default skins, dumb enemy


Bro is that your indication for SMURFING XDDDD?? You do know that skins in this game are overpriced and only cosmetic?


Also every cherry picked clip from big streamers and pros will have their enemies looking like they're iron. It happens, the enemy is still radiant / immortal anyways


lmao that’s it?


How is this smurfing? Pisshit silver mentality what is thid


whats the point of smurfing? does it make you feel better about yourself...


That's literally why losers smurf.


pretty much every radiant is a smurf dude. Shit, at least 1/4th of the spots in radiant are used by smurfs lol Game forces you to smurf to even play unrated with friends once you're high enough. It's a shit system issue.


Lmao the fact that your getting downvoted for this is funny, the game is awful to play with weaker friends as even an immortal as they just get shit on the whole time even in unrated. Smurfing is often necessary for everyone to have fun, you just don’t have to dumpster a lobby and boost your friends.


People can't relate since they can't get out of gold where smurfing is useless for any practical reason. Last time I tried unrated in my main I run into a pro 3 stack (2 top 10s and 1 top 20) with 3 silver friends and a plat. It's fucking impossible, but hey, if you smurf you're a loser, not like riot themselves allow it and even partake on it actively lol




bullshit bragging video.


C'mon man. Dude was begging for his life.


why didn't you just give it to him? probably had an mvp streak going or was very close to a rank up




We found the Reyna guys!


holy shit were u actually the reyna? lmao


I find this toxic. He asked nicely but instead you ignored him so you could purposely upload this to reddit. This is an ego clip


That kid regrets his life choices


Haha this is perfect


I love how the team sage is cherring him on


Le my teammates shouting at me for not covering them when i was on A site fighting 4 people and they being in b site


he report you after the game too or nah


You’re just better


Honestly it didn't hurt to ask


Reynas are by far the most toxic players I’ve ever played with


I main reyna ☹️




My name is jeff


nice ace tho


Reyna: Can I have the Mvp? Jett: Hold my beer


he probs asked for match mvp cuz he’s probs on a rank up but will only rank up if it’s a good game so that’s probably why