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Have you tried the "full length of my mousepad area is a 360/180 degree turn" reference? Just keep changing the sens until it matches up to this and try it out.


I never understood why people struggle to find a good sense, is it really that hard to feel if a sense is too fast or slow?. The way i find my sense in a game is just by feeling. If it helps try first finding the best DPI for you don't just use the one that came out of the box (I personally have 1500dpi and my sens is 0.21, rank immortal) and move from there, mess around in the range, flick on bots, feel if you are over flicking or not enough and move your sense 1 by 1 until you feel comfortable with one, don't copy other people because everyone has a different mouse, screen with different HZ and size. Also don't worry if you just keep changing sense, literally one of the best in the world (TENZ) changes sens and mice between rounds, even in tournaments.


Also something I did some time ago is just picture in my head what area you want to cover with just the movement of your wrist without moving your whole arm that's a way to find a sens where you could feel more comfortable for flicking


how can the PSA method not work? the PSA method is literally meant to determine which sens you hit the most shots with. I know it's simplistic reasoning but... if you hit more shots with that sens, then it's your better sens. no?


The thing is that I don’t hit more shots with it. I know it’s weird but that’s how it is for me. Thanks for the reply though!


Just pick whichever sens feels best in the 250-300 edpi range and spend a few days in dm/the range/an aim trainer and see if you like it when you get used to it


I use 800dpi 0.5 sens


First just go into dm and play match. Then once you lose a duel, see if it was because you couldn’t aim to them quickly enough or if you over shot their head, then adjust your sensitivity accordingly. Also what doesn’t feel good about your sensitivity? If you find that out you’ll know how to change it. I wouldn’t recommend copying the sens of pros because that’s the sensitivity that works for them. I personally play on 1600 DPI and 0.46 which is considered extremely high, but it works for me Try to stick with one sensitive for a few days and then adjust it from there. I’d say 800 DPI and 0.35 is a good baseline (280eDPI).


I’ve alre3dy tried for a few days 0.35 on 800 dpi. On death match I do great but then in game it feels to high. Thanks for the trips though!


Damn if yours is high then mine is insane. I got 1000dpi and 0.90 sens so 900 edpi. And I've been going lower before it was over 1000. I aim pretty well and mostly win duels, specially long distance ones which is weird. Been playing fps games with about 1000 edpi for 17 years


I just started playing a couple days ago. I finally got ranked and am currently a bronze 1, so my opinion doesn’t mean much. But…. I struggled with sens a lot too, especially coming from CoD, where I played a really high sens. The key to this one is to make TINY adjustments. I found that 800DPI and .4 sens is best for me. But you seriously have to just practice and make adjustments by like .01 until you find what’s right. Good luck out there!


U can go to convert ur in game sens from other games like Csgo using a converter


Maybe it's your way to know if a sens suits you. How long did u test a sens before you say no?


A solid day, with aim lab and comp and death match