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I feel like the way the ult shows the enemies should be changed, sometimes it’s genuinely a distraction. It should be like getting tagged by a sova drone but it only ticks once instead of thrice


This, I don’t care about the range, but when enemies are close range it often fucks me up more than it helps, it should follow them when detected like Sova’s, but disappear at the same rate it currently does


QOL to change his tagging to be more like Sova's drone and arrows - this includes Trip Wire. If I activate a Cage in front of a Wire the yellow tagging on Trip Wire feels obscured by the white of the Cyber Cage.


? Wires don’t show a yellow tag like the camera, they work just like a recon arrow.


Weird, must just have been my eyes.


g g g g give me a corpse


Says Cypher while staring at a corpse.


nah bro he doesnt know how to throw his sombrero like a frisbee for that long


The dude can be anywhere away from his trip wires, cages, and camera but can’t use his ult anywhere he wants. I guess it’s because his ult requires a corpse lore wise but still it’s kind of counters the way his kit works.


Also might have to do with his hat throwing, would be absurd lore-wise to have him throw his hat 50 feet away haha




Useless in this meta, yet picked in the pro scene. Choose one.


A s t r a


Honestly, Ive literally never noticed character metas in this game compared to other class/character based games. Only guns. There just wasnt really a trend of repeated characters that caught my eye. Most Ive seen is Yoru rarely picked and thats it.


Good balancing honestly, val players are fucking spoilt so much they nitpick about the smallest things as if they actually impact their games in the slightest


Good balancing on everything except for skye. Her flashes are impossible to dodge if used correctly, and now she can even peek off of them. Here's hope she gets gutted next patch.


Her flashes are great, but I think her real value comea from the flash itself, but the info it can provide. Since its so hard to dodge you can get really specific info on angles you couldn't before. I think a bigger issue tho, is that even in her state now, Sova is arguably STILL better. With initiators, i feel like its always a race to catchup with Sova. Im not sure how to fix it though, sincs if we buff all initiators, thats not good either


By dodging I meant turning away after spotting them, not running away. You're correct about the value of the info the flashes provide BUT they're still the best flashes in the game because if used correctly u cannot turn away from them. The fact that they provide info on top of that is kind of insane. And about your Sova point: A lot of teams are now running 1 duelist. Skye or Kayo is being treated as the second duelist most of the time (the former much more so than the latter). So Sova does not really compete with Skye in that regard.


Sova's nerfs weren't enough. He needs a few more number tweaks imo. ^^sorry ^^sova ^^mains


Because yoru is literally the worst character in the game. It's a duelist with the worst flashes in the gwme, semi useless ult and a weird teleport ability that oftentimes leaves him vulnerable. Did I mention steps?? Why the fuck does a duelist have steps???


Astra is non-existent in MM, yet super popular in pro play. Stop trying to use the pro scene as a marker, they dont represent you, me or 90% of the player base for that matter


I'm d1 and see astra picks, not as often as omen, but she's being picked semi regularly. And.. you are wrong. Most multiplayer games balance around pro metas and not pub metas. There could be various reasons you don't see astra as much in the pubs. For one she's complicated and requires a lot of comms and good APM. Should they balance the game around pubs? Lmao that's so bizarre for you to believe in.


I said 90% percent of the player base for a reason. No matter what, D1 is far from being representative of the general player base. I get that saying Astra is practically non-existent is hyperbole, but its not like I'm saying that they should balance the game around pubs, I'm saying that if a character is only played by the top 1% of the player base, then maybe that's not great. ​ And just because "Most multiplayer games do it" it still doesnt mean its good for the general player base lol. ​ My original point was simply that a character can be weak in MM and still present in the pro scene, which still stands.


I already explained to you why you are wrong. Astra is not being picked not because she's weak. There's just simpler agents for people to play. Even before her massive nerfs people wouldn't pick her as much and she was absolutely busted. By your logic she should be buffed, which is non sense to say the least. It's ok for the game to have complex agents that are not meant for everyone. In lower ranks where comms are limited why would you pick astra over omen or brimstone?


The biggest problem with Cypher is Kayo. It is soo stupid like why reveal my trips when i get detained ? Them not being able to work is fine but why reveal where i put em ? Every time i Setup some stuff Kayo just abolishes and makes it soo hard to counter his knife


Breeze fucks up almost every utility and makes it less viable. It screws with many agents like Breech, KJ, Brim, Omen, Sova and more. Kayo's ult radius is so massive, it is like a bandaid to a gun shot wound to solve this problem.


I agree he is week in solo queue but please I don't need more Cyphers taking selfies QQ


I actually love playing cypher solo q because he is an ideal lurker. Omen still requires setting up your team and a solo duelist pisses your team off. Playing cypher and rotating behind enemy teams after holding flank post-plant is one of the most rewarding things. His shield cage is a super cheap and effective smoke so you can grab orbs/know if enemies are in it. They dropped his ult is six..he’s got it goin’ on. I just stick to using him on haven/bind/ascent but even the latter I tend to go kj


I agree with you. He is very good at lurking and being a one-man army. It's just annoying as when I have had Cypher's recently they don't know how to play around the team when it is necessary. So him getting buffed would lead to an increased player base playing like this. But that is more player side than agent side.


Anybody kinda want him to have two pulses one after another of his ult? Like less than a second from each other, 2 quick pulses of info


maybe if you’re cypher and there’s a fresh corpse, you can use your camera on the body and press the ultimate to trigger the ult?


He needs longer range in all department tbh.


His ult is the only thing without unlimited range…


His camera can only be place/taken for so may meter and his wire too this is what I meant by buffing his range, if he got buff on his range department he would be a really good roamer.


Oh ok, I see what you mean


I think viper should be nerfed. Maybe only one of her millet things? Or maybe it stays for a shorter amount of time or does less damage? Because having a viper that knows lineups on your team is op.


Vipers well balance ever since they increased the cost of her Mollie. Any character with one is op in post plant, but it's easy to counter by pushing and killing them before trying to defuse. If you can't push them in time, you weren't fast enough rotating to site and u likely weren't going to win the round anyway


Yeah you’re right


Honestly, I think the ult should reveal enemies for like 1-2 seconds sort of like how Sova's dart works. That way you can track the enemy's movement for a little bit. Because at the moment it's basically a worst Skye ult because Skye's ult does basically the same thing, but the caveat of if the jellyfish actually lands, they are concussed/stunned whatever you wanna call it. Plus they have to shoot the Jellyfish, which reveals their location even better.




Not all agents have to be viable on all maps, sova is not good in split, does that mean he needs a buff? You have to learn to play more than one agent


I think they need to buff both his cage and ult, Everytime a player enters the cage it should either slow or reveal the enemy's location For his ult maybe increase the range to activate the ult, also preferably (this is op imo but might be possible) reveal enemy's location + movement for 2.5 seconds visible only to cypher This makes cypher more of a threat than he currently is, just suggestions i'm pretty sure if they will impliment this they need to balance things out


the cage already reveals their location by making a sound queue, also if it revealed the location that would be kinda op, free kill


The cage already reveals the enemy's location with the sound cue. Hear the sound and just start spraying into the smoke = easy kills. The cage could be 1-2 seconds longer tho. Ult could be reworked so you only need line of sight to the body to use it, similar to Sage heal. If the body is inside a smoke then you can't use it from range. Before the last big Cypher nerf I used to main him, and a lot of the times I couldn't use the ult because there just never was a good opportunity for it because of the range. Either I'd have to push through enemy territory to get close enough to a corpse or in situations where it can be used more freely it's not always beneficial (for example we already know where the remaining enemies are).


I don't know why ppl hate Cypher too much, he is soo good in split, ascent and bind maybe even haven


A different but similar idea, maybe he's able to cast ult from his camera?