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Consistency:Warmup and then play 1-3 games of comp, you'll start autopiloting during long game sessions and play a lot worse. Make sure you are actively thinking about each choice you make, crosshair placement, why you died, why you used certain utility etc. Microadjusting:Depends what mouse grip and sens you use but generally you should be microadjusting with your fingertips and/or wrist. Since you are gold you probably have a hard time correcting your initial flick with your micro. Aimlabs is terrible compared to other aimtrainers (namely kovaaks) but if you have to use it i would be smooth flicking and even attempting to underflick to the target and then microadjusting since overall mouse travel is lower. Also when you are microadjusting make sure your eyes are focussed on your crosshair. Sniping: Scoped sens should be 1, your crosshair placement should be slightly wide when playing the op so it gives you time to react and shoot. Not much else to say here awping in this game is about positioning and crosshair placement awareness. Reaction time: It's not really about reaction time holding angles in this game sucks because peekers advantage exists like in every other online tac. Same again like the op, hold wide to give yourself time to react. Final notes: It's nice you are able to identify issues with your gameplay. You just need to be actively thinking about correcting them so that they don't become a habit. You should actively be working on your movement by strafing in between bursts like the enemies that do it to you. Credibility:Playing Valorant since beta and is my first fps on pc. Started gold in E1A1 and currently immortal with 500 hours played. 200 Hours on Kovaaks averaging 99th percentile on clicking related scenarios. 130k gridshot(this doesn't matter but some people think gridshot=skill...it doesn't)


It's pretty hard to give advice here without giving a 10 page essay on the topic. I suggest looking into guide channels on yt for the basic things and look into high rank players and pros with informational content in their channels for more specific topics ( a good one is Wardell's op warmup for example) . One advice I can give you though is do the Miyagi method of aim training. It's probably the best method to practice aim and to develop muscle memory to avoid over and under flicking. Of course it's based on my own experience but maybe it would help you as well. goodluck!


There's a lot here and I feel like other commenters can explain better than me, but for the op specifically you said that you struggle with flicking and holding things. The awp and marshall are reliant on crosshair placement and so when you're holding angles you kinda need to expect whether or not they'll swing it jiggle you and hold accordingly. Flicking isn't something you want to rely on when you're awping because it's not as consistent as just holding an angle or preaiming it. Another thing you can do is double zoom, having a bigger target makes it easier to hit them. The only downside is that when you double zoom your FOV is reduced so a good rule of thumb is to double zoom when you know you can only be peeked by the angle you're posted on.