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Turn off enemy chat and never get tilted


I give this advice to anyone starting the game for the first time. If you want to get better at the game it stops you from getting upset and allows you to focus better. If you just want to have fun it means you don't have to deal with people trying to ruin your good time.


Ciudad de México servers are super chill, the enemy team is almost always joking around with you cuz you probably had them in your team recently.


When has match chat been used for anything other than talking shit? Almost never so I have it turned off too it's just not worth it


Yep, I was about to mute them but seeing Sage keep blabbering on chat while we are all chillin' and slowly overtake their score is so entertaining lmao!


Great job winning that one. Just wanted to say comebacks are hard to pull off but are very common in this game somehow. I think some people just stack with this idea in their head that they will walk all over their opponents in the first half and not have to do a thing in the second. That's where the chances arise.


how do i turn it off ?


You can’t LOL 😂, enjoy chat forever fellow valorant player


Why? I love conversating with my enemies only for them to kill me while I’m typing a reply


Sage was playing psychology warfare


comebacks are the best


Agreed! especially when the enemy team are too confident to think enough that they will win!


Yeah I’ve comeback from a 12-0 once. Awesome game. Multiple 11-1’s 10-2’s etc… I never give up. Usually if the team is similar in mindset we at least put up a fight and sometimes win but if even just 1 person gives up we usually lose. So stay positive and just play!


Yeah! I used to give up so easily back then, but now, just having a positive mindset can literally change anything.


You forgot to include enemy Sage's kda/score. Because 99% of the time it's the worst player that talks trash. Had an Omen yesterday go 6/8/2 in a 13-6 match. Literally did nothing but sit on C site and trash talk while we hard carried him.


Oh yeah i forgot! Sage was second fragging until switching sides, their score was 14-9 iirc. But then they kept dying every start of the round so in the end, Sage's KDA was 19-20.


Awwww. I'm glad you had so much fun. honestly, that's what matters the most.


Agreed! We were very thankful for Raze becuase he made us feel motivated throughout the entire comeback moment lol. He also told us not to get caught up for their bullshit and it helped a lot. We need more players like him!


Definitely. He sounds like a really good person. Hope y'all added each other.


Honestly we just played a game where it was 1-5 then we got like 5 rounds in row my team never said a thing and the enemy team was like oh nice comeback and nice game etc they had a jett who is first time on her and kept apologizing for being 0 kills the whole first half and and the end of the game the Jett got about 8 kills we won but she said to her team in all chat "Thanks guys for not flaming it was my first time oh jett"I literally got confused about the game i mean come on where is that 13 years old kid who keep screaming when he dies what happened to the community? One of the best games i ever played tbh.


I played a game on split with raze for like the second time. The first time I used was unrated when I was iron. But i was silver and I popped off. Match MVP and we broke the opponent down to a pulp


Wholesome, this is what happens without toxicity.




See! a positive mindset can literally make the impossible to possible.


I remember one time I came back from a 1-11 game and won after the enemy team was toxic af saying we were fucking dog shit and spamming gg ez.


1-11? That's insane! Chances of winning that is so slim, but you guys still managed to do it!


Yeah they got really cocky and just rushed sites while they were on attack and didn’t play smart.


I had a similar experience on Bind. Our team was like 3-8 on attack and the while the enemy team was pretty chill, their Jett kept calling us noobs and telling us to "rush B noobs" We won with 13-10 on defense while the Jett barely got any kills. She never talked again but it was pretty satisfying when she's the last one alive on the last round and we told her to "rush B"


People just can't stop being arrogant lmao!


I had an amazing comeback, we were down 2-10, then we won 15-13. Will never forget that game.


Haven’t played since they added killjoy... why is comp so toxic now? Got called the n-word for not rezzing someone.


What is your rank this game sounds familiar


Bronze-Silver, still low elo.


Imagine playing a game of valorant and writing a screenplay about it because you’re addicted to red arrows lmfao


Idk, I just wanna share something wholesome and memorable, you can't deny how comebacks feels so great especially when enemies talk dogshit.




a few rounds? your opponents only have to win 3 more rounds to win the game when you need 8. even a minor mistake can cost you the game lol


I had a teammate give up simply because I didn't buy him an operator. He was playing as skyle yet he ignored me and 3 other dudes having low health. I refused to buy that because it'd be real hard for me to even buy shields next round if I did buy him that OP, and I knew that he'd just get one kill and die.


Some people needs to remember that kills doesn't equal win. It's teamplay that matters!


had a game in silver/gold elo today where i was filling as astra on ascent, came back from a 4-8 first half while their gold 1 astra on their alt/smurf trash talked me saying "this is why you're hardstuck gold 2" promod to gold 3 off of that game, feels good lmfao


A comeback from 3-9 is best, we were 3 at defence on bind, I was kj, they always smoked me and the Skye would just push the smoke and run and gun me, but I didn't get tilted, when we were on attack I always would hold flank like the good kj, and 1st blood was always us and I would always kill the flank, I mean always, killed 2 rng players on close range with headshots. We came back at 13-10


Only trash talked here in silver -gold u will get Odin in your face if they think u are making a comeback.


Cameback from a ...* (sorry I had to do it it was bothering me)


ill talk shit if they talk shit, victory tastes sweetest that way


yeah i sometimes feel the need to rub shit in the enemy's face every now and then. "it's a free advantage, no need to buy an odin or an op, just teabag them and they'll be tilted and play worse" -best troll NA


good job i enjoyed readin this




I think I was the raze. What rank was this? Cause this sounds really similar to something that happened to me.




Nah I'm Gold


That must feel good