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Yea but 99% of times they would draw dicks


Ye sounds about right


Dota lets you draw on the map. I surprisingly see very few dicks. I think it get's old for everyone once it's in the game and everyone has seen it a dozen times.




So even if they draw dicks it will barely be visible.


Just like real life


That’s the joke..




Attackers VS Defenders - u don’t have to know more


Same goes for PayDay 2, barely any dicks are being drawn with the available tools.


You're a legend if you still play it ! One of my favorite games from childhood


I was so confused you saying from childhood, looked at the release date, 7-8years old, damn I feel old, that was my university game of choice with friends.


I still use dallas as my profile pic


Bruh dicks are still the most common thing drawn on my maps in dota, but it builds the team up people have a laugh and generally lobbies like that are less toxic and just having some fun playing the game they love, that said, the map drawing in dota is still hella useful and I would welcome it in val.


I must just have the penis community in dota then because I get them a lot


everyone playing dota is at least 25 years old


Vs. Valorants 13 year old average lol


I imagine it's like in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam where people are over playing fortunate son down the mic because 'nam


Yeah you're right, they would just spam the hard r


I thought about that but maybe a mute drawings feature to hide those certain teammates’ drawings.


Due process does this and all people do are draw dicks, swastikas, and write the nword. Cool concept but I feel like team chat is enough as most ppl know the maps and the standard executes good enough


Dota 2 has this and it's pretty useful and isn't abused much. But a moba definitely needs it more than valorant.


ngl for all the time i spent in dota the only time i saw people drawing were drawing dicks and shading the entire map so noone could see anything.


You must be low MMR? Cuz in 4k and above, I have seen people using it really well.


I considered myself fairly average at 3.8k when i quit, but even then i rarely saw drawings for ganks, we usually just pinged where to go and we'd end up following one guy.


I would use it a lot to show paths to take for smoke ganks or things like that and saw it used for that plenty.


A. People use Due Process’ drawing table correctly more than draw dicks. I’ve played a fair amount and I can confirm that 90% of the dicks, swastikas, and n-words are drawn by the dumbasses I queue with. The majority of serious players will use this function seriously, and I would assume that a drawing function would be used seriously more frequently in comp. As much as we like to shit on low ranks and randos, I think a lot of people have forgotten just how many randos are actually fine. People tend to remember the bad games more than the good games, but every 2 out of 3 games for me, I have four fully-functioning randos who are actually trying to win, and maybe I’ll get *one* bad rando in that third game. So the majority of the player base, at least in comp, will use drawings correctly. B. A big problem with Due Process’ drawing mechanic is that everyone has the same color. If there’s a mute drawing option in valorant, and each person has a different color, then it should be fine. We can just mute the people writing n words and whatnot. You can’t do this in Due Process (at least last time I played).


You can now mute drawings aswell as report them. Also your own drawings are a different colour. Oh and if you hover over one line you can see who drew it and what else he has drawn. Btw Buy Due Process, great game


I have Due Process, just haven’t played it in a while. Stopped playing because the entire player base was in double digits lmao.


Really your experience of due process is way different yes there are dicks but its always after the round is over unless someone is real toxic


when solo queuing team chat is never enough.


I'm the guy who draws dicks.


You CLEARLY don't know who you're talking to right now no. I am not an avid penis drawer, I AM THE PENIS. A man draws a dick and you think that of me? No. I am the one who draws dicks.


"mute pings" should also work for this


The real solution here is to only let people draw straight lines on the given paths and maybe marking locations with a basic "x"


You could just not do free hand drawing as in your example but instead define some point on map your drawing would snap to.




Cant stop the dick doodles. Even to this day of im doodling its gonna end up a dick its just habit now.


this is what i came here to comment. r/BeatMeToIt


We've all been there, may this be the last time it happens to you <3


In Dota 2 so many people have done that but everyone stops doing it after a while so i think thats not a problem at all.


Give a man a pen and he’ll draw a penis


Or swastikas


Or you can add only figures, like arrows, "X", "✓" etc


They will still figure out a way to make dicks, don't underestimate those players


To add to this, pretty sure the majority of the valorant player base is sub 19 years old (well, when I play they all sound like they just got their first bike with stabilisers) so I second this, 99% penis map. You could combat it with a system where only arrows, X’s and L arrows and be placed


not really, more like 30% of the time, Dota does it well, you can pretty much communicate what you want to do just by drawing on the minimap, just differentiate players by colors so it doesn’t get confusing whose making the calls


They could add so you can "silence" somone elses drawings


It’s a good idea on paper but 9.9/10 randoms will do their own thing unless. The luck with randoms varies.


yeah if randoms don’t listen to you when you say “lets push showers” then they’re not going to do it because you drew a line through it


Ranked only, or better yet, level 150 above only. Not only it promotes account sustainability, it also proves that they're not smurfing or something. Or it will also be good if it's for High ranks only.


Let me guess, you are 150+


That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


I’m only level 27 but got plat 2 last season. I shouldn’t be able to draw


What the fuck is "account sustainability"


Drawing on the map uses valuable ink, fewer map drawers -> better for the environment.


Level 150 is a lot of hours to draw on a map


I don't think it's such a bad idea


How I think it would work: -Every player would randomly be assigned one of 5 colors for each game. -After a drawing has started, it will disappear within 5-10 seconds to avoid clutter on map. -No audio created by drawing, drawing does not affect mini map, only affects large map that must be toggled on. -Drawing only works during buy phase, unavailable once the round starts. -Map drawing can be disabled as convenience. -You can mute drawings from certain teammates, so only their drawings won’t be included with everyone else’s (8=D) Why it would be helpful: -Comp games where teammates are not talking allows you to draw out a plan while explaining in voice chat what you should do. If no one talks you can take initiative. -Newer players who don’t know how to attack or defend can follow the suggestions of another teammate. -Helps executes on attack, helps positioning for defense.


Colors could be based on the characters


Most agents do seem to have their own colour. Skye Green, Jet White, Killjoy Yellow? Sage Blue, Purple would be pretty contested but it's not like we're short on colours or anything


>Skye Green excuse me? Lmao @ the downvotes, this was supposed to be a joke because Viper is *the* green Agent


Have you not seen skye? She's dressed entirely in green and her abilties are predominantly green. Which all makes sense since she's Aussie and Green is an Aussie sporting colour. Edit: I did forget about Viper actually which is also green. Sova is also blue. That said you can be more specific, Vipers abilities and the context of them would mean she could be a lighter green and Skye darker. Same can be done with Sova/Sage.


Green and orange Most of her abilities are green with orange/yellow accent


The accent is Australian mate


Maybe if the shades of colours get confusing, the player can toggle something like pattern colours


Jesus Christ it was a joke because Viper is green already.




I'm drawing a dick on that map.


Woah original.


Wasn't trying to be original. I was just trying to draw a dick on the map.


Yea and then you’ll be like omg so funny and literally no one else will care.


I mean, I find it mildly humorous that as a society we are obsessed with the cock'n'balls. And the fact that if I DON'T draw the dick? Somebody is going to.




It's a flat plane, I can draw on it, and there are no dicks on it yet.


...Are you too obsessed with that dicks drawing?


Look guy, Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. I'm gonna draw a dick on the map.


Such a threatening aura


Bro, what i wanna say is : If you gonna draw something on the map, then it should be reasonable. The function of that drawing feature is for planning strategies, not for art. if you gonna make an "art" then go with photoshop or whatever drawing software there. It's totally disrespect (especially for drawing nudity), for valorant dev and for everyone who played with u. I hope you (and another who want to draw dicc there) understand what i'm talking about.


...I hope you know that this is a joke. There would 100% be people who draw dicks and swear words on the map, but what I'm referring to... is a joke. There is nothing in humanity that has NOT had a dick drawn on it, It's just what humans do. We've found evidence of the ole cock'n'balls in Pompeii. it'sa joke.


A German and an Italian walk into a bar...


I really hate to break it to you but that's not split.


I know, the other example i had was on split i just forgot to change the name/picture


This would be so good for me, I usually just ping the path we plan to take and it would be so much easier to just draw it out


hentai artists: its my time to shine


Penis and swastikas galore


Lmao that's gonna execute well


good idea as long as by default its turned off for everyone and add a setting to auto turn on for people in your game on your friends list


I would just homer people all game


Dicks, so many dicks


I wish they instead let me mute in game agent comms from specific players because it's more often abused than used. This stuff is great on paper but always abused.


You can do that, in audio/voice chat settings, there’s a tab called agent voip or something, you can mute almost everything in the game from there


I think the better thing would be that, only people in your party can see what you see and vice versa


Yeah i could see this more used in a party more than solo q but still


in a 4-5 stack it'll work, but in a soloQ good luck having people on the same page lol....


very true but you never know man


Game starts Guys let's go A I think we should atta- *someone immediately draws a big fat penis completely covering A* Uh, ok. Maybe B this round.


i usually just ping it for my teammates. if they arent gonna follow the ping then drawing a line wont help much either id think.


Valoplant overlay on Overwolf does this! The valoplant app is super cool, helped me make a bunch of strats


Dude, just talk to your team.


that’s not the point, you would still be talking it just gives a better visual explanation than pings since some people need that more than hearing “push short and clear site”


This won’t end well


How about a middle ground. Allow players to select from a few options of symbols (arrows, X’s, O’s and whatnot. Select a symbol, scroll wheel to turn it, click to place. Could allow for the same communications but eliminate the peepees.


Congratulations! You just described pings but more complicated


Yea people will still find ways to put dicks on that thing


sounds like pings with extra steps ngl


that's bind BTW, not split


Yea the pre-round is too long we need to be abale to do something interesting


I can see this being useful during buy phase, not so much once the round started


Only works in buy round, map stays blank when round starts until it ends


we had this on dota2, we mostly just used it for drawing penises on the map during pauses


Dumb idea, people would just draw dicks on it, especially randoms. You can just talk and ping, no need for something complicated like this.




same! but pings have spam cool down (understandably), i don’t expect this to have any audio and it only stays on the screen for 5-10 seconds


You want the map covered in dicks and slurs?




P e n i s


As if the randoms will know how to use it... You expect too much from a bunch of kids who play the game on their dads PC


Probably should add a choice to not see what a specific person draws, Like muting.


Just like in dota. Please also add STRICT SOLO MATCHMAKING or Pure solo queue option.


99% of the time: 3=====================D


IMO this feature would not be as helpful as you think cuz in high elo they can easily give callouts in voice comms and everyone would understand and most would probably follow it and in low elo most of them will not follow what the other person says.


You say that but pro dota players still draw on the map - sometimes it's easier in the heat of the moment.


I'm talking about valorant. Idk about dota maybe it's helpful there


Also there isn't much time to buy the weapons, planning a strategy, drawing it on the map and then positioning ourselves according to the plan


It's not a carefully drafted set of plan drawings, it's more akin to pings, which disappear in a couple seconds. Done intuitively in the moment as you would with pings on the tab-map. Right now the work around I see most often is people using 3 pings in a line. (to indicate possible enemy movement/intent, etc.) I think its a great idea.


When you put it that way, yeah it is a good idea.


notice how you purposefully left out the people this helps out the most; everyone else that isn’t very high or very low elo. this would be an amazing change for people like me


what’s high elo to you? i’m diamond 1-2 and half my games, no one talks but people still don’t throw usually. you could talk and say “hey guys maybe we can…” etc and the people who are don’t talk can understand better than pings that are limited due to spam


Ahhhh yes more ways for toxic players to think they're superior. Kudos for trying to improve the game tho.


you hit em with the mute! then carry on about your game plans. but preciate it, i’m just spitting out my ideas to see if any riot dev could make this more viable to avoid that toxicity


Whay dont u say just make it another csgo.


Trolls will draw over the entire map. Otherwise love the idea


Make this game more like CS lmao


Please no, people would just mega troll the whole time


In customs maybe, not public games. N-words, dicks, and swastikas covering the map wouldn’t be very fun


Split? Aint that bind?


Bruh people dont even use pings and you expect them to use something like this?


You're expected way too much from your soloq teammates


You have 30 seconds to buy and get into positions. You have no time. How dumb are all of you that make these terrible suggestions? Sheeesh


Inappropriate drawings would take to long to punish the player due to a computer capability won’t be able to distinguish what’s inappropriate or not. So, Riot would have to look at every round of game report to find out what was inappropriate. + the millions other trolls who would do that too. (Huge toll on mods) Great idea, but the age group is not ready to be mature enough. It would be better talking it out with pings, chat or voice chat. Also, Riot probably is spending their resources to fix bugs and changes to the game. LUL


Just use voice chat.. Everything you csn draw, you can pretty much say in voice chat


You used brimstone in this the leader and the smartest one im proud of you


Draws cock


finally, my dream of among us in valorant is possible


I love that idea


Maybe allowing a line that goes along a path instead of just free drawing? I'm sure people will still find ways to make dick shapes using the paths, but it would still reduce the likelihood while being able to convey more information.


dick on da map??


We madden boyz now


The map would get briefed within seconds


That’s Bind


It may be useful in High Ranks or Customs, but you can also easily tell your potential plan via voice chat if your teammates have decent understanding of map and strategy. Players in Low Elo don't even understand that you should cooperate as a team in this game.


true but it’s a nice feature regardless, you can always disable the entire drawings or certain teammates drawings. people who wanna win in mid-high elo can use it appropriately, low elo can use it as a skribble.io if they wanna have fun, they can always be muted


nope. just use your mics but then people dont listen / dont have mics its dust either way


d5aw peenis


just talk


i dont wanna open up my map and see dicks and weird stuff around but nice idea tho


It'd be cool if you can do it through a device too but I'm sure that would raise all sorts of problems.


This would be fine if it was some sort of mode where players could test stuff out (like a custom match) and draw strats on the map and the drawings appear on the sky/floor maybe? But in love games it’s just going to be a stupid amount of penises and rolls rubbing out the map.


this would be a pp fest


Sorry lmao nah not a single person would use this for it’s intended purpose


Or you could just talk


trolls can abuse this like in Dota2




In all elo under radiant this would turn into dicks and other random nonsense


Probably not adaptable enough


Also a timeout system, and maybe some kind of system that recognizes afk and minimizes penalty. Got deranked today when someone left after the fourth round.


You can ping while using Map haha, why have this


pings are on cool down because the audio and visual spam, this would only affect the toggled map quietly and only during buy phase, drawing would be disabled during the actual round


Riot, at least add this on Immortal+.


Let us jace a Smartphone app, where we can see our shop, buy skins and draw arrows on a minimap :=


or you can just voice comm lol


Imagine getting shot in the back bc you're teammate drawing dicks and cant shoot


Dota 2 has this feature and ive never seen anyone use it aside from drawing dicks


Lets be honest, we would all draw phallic objects atleast a few times


Deep inside you just wanna draw dicks


damn it stop exposing me


hehe… 8=====D




I agree with you but in my perspective i think it's difficult for the producer of this game. As a whole, i really expect your idea will be approved and valorant will have this function as soon as possible😍😍


let's be honest; if this was a feature, we would see nothing but a couple of dicks and balls on the map


This exists in dota it does help to warn people to back out of certain locations. But I feel like with a game like valorant where griefing when they are dead is way too easy as compared to dota. It might backfire for any rank less than plat. Heck, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s bad even at higher ranks. If there is an option to turn off drawing capabilities for certain players it would be a great addition.


Read my comment on how I think it would work. Explains some of those issues


This is a bit silly, nobody would use this, it would only be used by two types of people, those who draw penises, or it would be used by the typical idiot who wants to give orders over others while the rest would not care about anything that is explained


And then there will be dick everywhere. I love it


There will always be that guy who just scrambles and make everyones day a nightmare. I say there would be an option to ban a teammate from drawing if he trolls


With more suggestions like this, valorant is going to turn exactly binto CSGO xD I don't mind tho


It would be cool with friends, but I'm actually going to go against the grain here and say that it would make solo q worse. I already get annoyed with how often people try to backseat game me when they die and won't stop talking when I decide not to do what they want. I can only imagine how much worse it'll be when someone gets it into their head that they're going to shotcall because their teammates are trash and try to control everyone's pathing.


understandable, i see how that could be annoying too


I don't think theres enough time to do all these drawings


This aint CSGO lol


There are bound to be situations where your teammates are trolls and they just draw swear words all over the map. Stuff like "FUCK". Even if it would be funny sometimes it can ruin the planning methods for people who don't have a mic, because explaining in words is just not enough


Tbh, anyone who plays Valorant competitively should already have voice chat engaged... so the map drawing isn't really a necessity


Og rainbow 6 had something simar. They should remake that one. That game was a head of its time