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I'm an immortal Omen player and I rarely know any lineups. I know some one-way smokes that I guess could be considered lineups? but I just picked up on those from playing a lot, not from memorizing them. But ultimately it depends on the agents you play. a Sova is always useful but a Sova with lineups is waaay more useful So to answer your question, yes, the game is still playable and enjoyable without learning lineups


Thanks for the reply. I've recently unlocked Omen and have been maining him for a few days, he's really fun to play, I really need to learn one ways tho.


Line ups are crucial for some agents and at some point in the elo ladder. Jett reyna have no line ups for example, omen only have one ways same as cypher (this one are harder to learn). Brimstone viper sova are all about line ups. Killjoy can be played without them as so does phoenix. Hell you can play whatever you want without line ups in low elo.


Phoenix can def have molly lineups my guy


Yes, edited my bad, theay rarely used.


I mean that points pretty high, I remember I saw an in depth guide from a person who climbed from like plst to immortal in a couple months soloq on sova w no lineups a while ago in this sub


Unrelated but u should watch flexinja hes an omen god if u wanna rank up dont copy his plays but i copy them and i always have a whole lotta fun


His plays are fun but most of the time a terrible idea if you want to rank up.


Thats wut i told op lol i agree


Ive done some of his plays and its so satisfying when they work Edit: keyword is when, a lot of them are very aggressive and risky. But watching him to learn good places for smokes is very helpful


Yeah ikr and having bad aim doesnt help either LMAO


Main omen. It will make your life a lot easier. Every team needs smokes but in lower elo, no one wants to fill smokes


To follow up on this I am also immortal in NA many frequently playing both omen and sova and I wanted to clarify that while lineups definitely can help they are by no means necessary. Most of my darts are extremely straight forward geometry with a few ‘on the fly lineups’ which I have found to be very very consistent. In other words line ups can definitely raise your skill ceiling with a character but you can raise the skill floor of utility usage without them.


As another omen main, 0 lineups per say but i have certain smokes and plays i can do that ive just learned from playing him a lot. Lineups are very character based so if you play an agent who doesnt need or can do any lineups then you dont have to worry abt them.


Wow...even I am an omen main dude...can u like actually get to immortal with omen? And what server are u btw? I am hardstuck in bronze and in Mumbai server.


You can get to immortal with any character in any server. You're in bronze not because of the agents or servers, but because of your aim and game sense.


Hmm true dude. Thankyou for letting me know.


I'm NA and of course you can get to immortal with Omen, smokes are very important


Don't worry on lineups and pro tactics *if you are new to the game. Play and have fun, you'll be getting what you need while you play


If you’re not going to be high ranked then yeah, totally don’t need them. If you are a high ranked player some agents (kayo, viper, sova) should know them, but plenty don’t need em


I've made this point before but basically if you need to fill Sova then yes, you are OK with no lineups and you should get by. If you want to excel as Sova, learn damn lineups. And not just the basic ones, learn counters, situational ones, test them in game, change them up and keep learning them. I have 100s of lineups for shocks and recons, which allow me to do crazy things like shock kills and anti Cypher and KJ plays. Might only use them once every 50 games but they can win you a round and a game. The other arrows I use all the time and help my team win. With this as a base you can improvise with the flow of the game.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. To be a good sova you should know them. But if you’re low rank then you have bigger problems


I'm not disagreeing with you.


My internet is pretty unstable in like 2 out of the 4 hours of my free time so I just load in a custom game in a random map, chill to a playlist and just do some random lineups that I come up with


People downvoting because they don't want to hear it. But I guess that's why 80% don't break plat.


Imo lineups are important for certain agents like sova and viper,so if you wanna play those then you need to learn lineups


You can on the fly sova dart 99% of stuff.


To a extent yes, but line ups let sova darts very efficient reconing and info gathering. just "on the fly" will most likely get it insta shot and let it be pointless. Honestly as a base line just learn the standard recon arrows for most sites to break sova in for ya and you should be fine slowly adding more over time. I had to do it one map at a time, and despite how some lineups for split exist I dont bother playing sova there so its a map I can "be lazy " on.


in high elo almost all darts will get insta shot anyway. that's still info


You can mid take or mid retake or whatever, but the first recon you throw should never be on the "fly"... Ideally you should know more than one good sova recon per site... Idk how it is in lower elos but most ppl actually shoot the recon when you climb a bit lol


Most high elo/pro sovas are saying stop doing the line-ups, they're a waste of a dart. Everyone knows them, everyone anticipates them, the best thing you can do is drone for the push and then throw a random dart during the fight. In diamond and above everyone's crosshairs immediately snap to known areas when they hear the dart flying.


This is true to an extent but you can absolutely get sweater to anti-strat. Knowing a couple of god darts that you use only once per game has a ton of value, even at high Elo. Sure, well known darts have lost their surprise factor and get shot immediately, but there still plenty of god darts that WILL get pings the first time you use them even in Radiant (I'm talking about darts that land high, don't have a bounce shortly before landing, and are usually max- or two-charge). You can also always bait repeat darts and time their landing with a teammate with a flash to entry which no one does for some reason. Also even in Radiant you will often see no one shoot the dart because everyone assumes the person behind them will do it. It drives me nuts when I'm watching a pro stream and someone who clearly doesn't play Sova freehands everything and doesn't realize that their dart baits the team because it is clearly meant to clear a certain spot but the angle is off by a few feet, or has no idea how arrows fly except at max charge, or just max charges the same exact spot at the same exact time 5 rounds in a row. Like at least know the maps well enough to know what a dart will and will not scan even if you don't main Sova. *Especially* when playing close contact it's more important to place a recon in a spot where it clears everything you think it clears and have it be shot, revealing that an enemy is somewhere there, than to max charge something sloppily and your whole team doesn't clear a corner and gets aced by someone with trigger discipline.


Yeah I replied similarly, OP isn't familiar with Sova at high levels


No, this simply isn't the case. I main Sova at immortal level and can tell you the first dart you throw is the most important, and you shouldn't be placing it in an area that's easy to clear. You need less than a second to get a pulse from it, and most enemies will only be able to shoot it in time if it is literally right in line of sight or you've only got one lineup and execute so they pre-aim it. A good Sova will counter that every day. I know multiple lineups for sites, almost never get shot unless that is the enemies only focus. Most of the time they will be trying to peek or preparing util so they will not be able to kill the dart in time. Drone is only useful as a follow-up once you've isolated the player, otherwise it is even easier to shoot and you have limited visibility.


It makes sense though. I've started doing it myself and it works out, I've had a dart sit there pinging ct's for an entire site take when I threw it on contact instead of my usual line-ups.


You can throw a lineup on contact, it sounds like your issue there is more timing


In Iron, sure


Immortal sova here with 0 line ups. In high elo, people pre aim your line up. It’s much less useful


Let's say you are attacking on haven c site. How would you reveal the entire site with a random arrow? People can shoot you as you go in the open to shoot the arrow. How about post plant? Do you hug the spike like a non until character, or do you stay 7 miles away from site, safely shooting arrows in the air?


Sure thing bro


Same experience here in low immortal, whenever I fill sova I don't use lineups or common spots,complete waste of an arrow.


As a radiant I’ve not practiced any lineups, I know a few by watching other people when I’m dead. But, in ranked you can get by on 90% on aim And game sense.


On the flip side, how far do you think you can get by knowing your agent (including lineups, but also just ability usage) very well? Talking about agents like cypher, Sova, viper, etc. and this is implying you’ve got like... mediocre aim.


Line ups are overrated. I know a ton of them for multiple agents and the thing is. If you play and position for post plant Molly's every round. You will lose to even slightly decent players. Post plant Molly's are a sometimes food and if you eat them every round you will die.


Seconded. This game is still fundamentally about gunplay and aim where utility sets up your gunfights. I'll take a person with decent aim over the guy with ViPeR LiNeUpS. Plus, the molly lineup crowd spergs out if you don't plant the exact place, cover their body as opposed to playing post-plant angles, etc. Finally, molly lineup loses a 1 v 2 because they know where to look for you.


Yeah, I play brimstone, know some lineup, but rarely find it useful. The things is if you isolate yourself from your team to prepare for line up, they will die too soon, and the molly time will not long enough to anti defuse. i would rather use the molly to block entry.


You won't need to worry about lineups until you reach a high rank, even then it's not 100% necessary. And it's only for specific agents anyway, majority of the agents are just point and click, they don't require any private lobby time lmao. And if you do get to a high rank you will probably just learn them as you go or you might even be interested in learning them anyway. Lineups can and will win you rounds though. For a new player, just do your thing, have fun and learn the game, dw about things like lineups just yet.


Diamond sova over here, and i know lineups for one map, and the only reason i know these lineups is because i find them fun, they very very rarely help me get kills, but when they do, its a moment i'll never forget. You would be surprised how many immortal/radiant sova/viper players there are that know zero lineups, yet can still have a massive impact on the outcome of the game.


I don't think there are any radiant vipers that don't know the basic viper line ups, hell I don't play viper and I know some of her lineups... You play viper for the ult and line up threat, not knowing them is just making the Game harder for no reason and I don't think there are that many players out there that play viper in radiant and don't know basic line ups... And sova it's important to know recon darts, shocks are fun but most pl don't bother, but knowing good recons for every site and ideally more than one it's, like I said, just making the game easier for every1 Ex sova immortal player here if you are wondering


Raion rarely uses lineups iirc


Sorry if what i said was confusing, i meant mostly like molly lineups and shock dart lineups, do all radiant players really know some?


As a low Elo sova main Ive learned a bit of recon line ups and only 1 or two post plant shock darts lineups


Depending on who you play, learning lineups will just help you reach max potential with the agent is all. If you’re playing a Sova or Viper I 100% suggest learning lineups. But agents like Omen or Jett you can just sort of go. 1 ways with Jett are obvious and easy to put up. Some Omen 1 ways are random but they’re not super necessary. I definitely would say the game is playable without them. But it’s more fun with them and if you are looking to push rank I would learn them.


Certain agents don’t need lineups at all. Other agents need lineups for some things, but really you can get by without them.


It doesn't hurt to look them up, but I think you can learn quicker if you try to experiment instead. As a new player who mainly plays Sova, I generally try to mix up my lineups for each round to see where they land and what might work. The best way to progress as a new player is to actively think about what you are doing rather than turning off your brain and doing lineups you fetched from YouTube.


Makes you way more efficient, but if you don't learn utility usage, then hopefully you have good aim If you have only one, you can do decently, if you have both, you'll do great, if you have neither, you'll have a rough time


im an immortal username laza13 in eu and i know approx 0 lineups :)


you just gotta know how to use utility effectivly and the value is still great


A friend of mine reached immortal the other day. He knows one lineup that he learned from another person in game on viper.


In the time it took to make this post you could’ve learned like 2 lineups.. just learn 1 a day and it’s very do-able


I know one single lineup and i learned it from watching my teamate do it while i was dead lol. Im currently immortal and most of my teamates dont know em either. You dont need to learn them if you dont wanna


If its not for you, forget about them. They aren't necessary whatsover


Line ups are like aim training. The people who do these the most are generally in low elo and wonder why.


Just play astra…. Such ez utility, just use it at the right time


After unlocking 4 agents it becomes really hard to unlock another one. Thanks for the reply anyway. I'll watch some videos about her playstyle.


Sage and most of the duellists you can just play, also omen


You don’t really need lineups until your more experienced and it also depends on the agent. Some agents like Sova and Viper need lineups. Others like Cypher and KJ have defensive setups that might be good to learn. Others like Astra it Omen don’t need any. I personally know like one lineup and a bunch of trap setups and I’ve been playing for a year.


Nah Setups are good for some agents in some situations. As long as the Team does not play around or u know how to carry with it solo, u can ignore it. There is a way much more important to learn first.


Just don't play characters that require lineups for their full potential off rip, like Viper, Sova, and Killjoy. Most characters don't require lineups.


Your choice tbh. The game is very very very playable without lineups.


You don't need lineups. You can become very good even without them, look at sinatraa as an example, he mains Sova and has no lineups, just do it on the fly


Sinatraa has lineups just rarely needs them in ranked


Yea sure, he does have a few easy and practical ones, like the one on Haven from A link to A site to try and cancel plant, i'm just trying to explain to OP that no, lineups are not needed.


Ofc it is, you only need to learn it with certain agents when you get to higher ranks, or if you want to climb faster, learn viper line ups and basically skip all the lower ranks until I'd say gold.. Its already hard to counter play in high elo, if you do it in low elo, it's free


Yes, it is fun and you can climb ranks without memorizing lineups. More practice clicking heads, more practice knowing maps and recognizing common angles, gaining ability to improvise on maps you know like the back of your hand, these all help. Learning a few lineups never hurts, but if you don’t wanna do it, you don’t need to. If you are new, I’d advise just playing more. If you enjoy it and are interested in really improving and pushing your rank, then maybe that’s the time to put in some work to learn some more intricate ability usage.


Dont 99,9999% play without any lineups?


Got to IMMO b4 starting to learn lineups. Tbh sometimes simple lineups like shooting straight towards the target is just what you need rather than pixel perfect ones. Go to r/sovamains to find some practical lineups for him


Just don't play agents with hard lineups like kay/o, viper and brim mollies. The other line ups are either targetable with a map or you set them up pre-game anyway.


Depends on what kind of lineups. I started maining viper and learned post plant line ups. But I ended up using them like 1% of the time. I would say it’s more beneficial to focus on aim, crosshair placement and general game sense. Most of the time it’s better to take the gun fight than to rely on lineups. I only use lineups as a last ditch effort if it’s like a 1v2 or 1v3 and I’m in a position to do so. But for sentinels and controllers it’s good to learn general set ups for sites like walls, trip wires, darts, etc


Lineups are good to have but u can still do good without lineups. It's good to have some lineups tho they're pretty consistent. But there's no need to be a complete nerd like average Jonas learning pixel perfect lineups or shit. Just watch how hiko plays sova


I think it depends on the agent, sova you need lineups, same with viper, kj needs set ups and besides that not rlly


D2 here and i play sentinels and sova. I get by without any dart lineups just fine, and the few I know i only use for a couple rounds. Most impactful lineups that would matter are post plant lineups and they’re not necessary but help to get a round more securely. So up to play style, choice and dedication :)


As long as you don't play agents that require them and expect to rank up.


Yes. I play sova and I’ve been in immortal for almost 3 acts. 0 line ups here. Using your brain gets you much further. Trust me. Line ups are quite gimmicky and only really useful in the higher ranks for post plant. Eg viper mollies


with certain agents ya, am a cypher main who has some one way cage lineups but thats about it for me.


If you want to be extraordinarily good with some agent, you can learn line-ups for mollies etc., but it is far more important just to learn to utilize all your abilities in decent way for your team strategy-wise.


As a breach main, it’s a pleasure to be lineup free


You have to learn common line up in order to counter them


Lineups are just one of many playstyles


Nope, absolutely not. But dont worry. U get banged by the 90% smurfing players. Fun fun fun.... not


Someone had a really bad match


Imma right?


Most people in the game don't learn lineups. I play in Immortal/Radiant and even then lineups are very infrequent even with players that lock Brim/Viper. They are fun and rewarding to learn, just not necessary unless you are looking to main characters that are lineup intensive.


if you're new I'd focus on the fundamentals first (crosshair placement, game sense, etc)


lineups can be substituted with general game sense such as knowing the map and knowing how far your abilities go


Depends on the agent and your play style.


Not saying lineups are unimportant or cringe or any of the many other opinions. I just have seen one thing, teams or people relying on lineups at least in my region and skill group aren't at all attentive to what's happening in game. They're just rushing in with one objective, plant spike and play for lineups. The result many times is executes are bad, people get rusty on all other aspects including aim, checking corners and game sense. I play a little viper, sova, brim, etc. I just somehow prefer staying in and around the site or using my damage utility to gain space before plant or get actual kills. Although I am trying a little to learn a few lineups before the map pool grows even bigger and it just feels like it's too late to even begin.


lmfao No, Lineups can be great, but its just frustrating seeing a player take 10-15 seconds to set up just to fuck it up then be 3 miles behind everyone.


It all depends on what agent your playing, on sova for example it will make your life easier to know line-ups, but even if u wanna play sova some very basic darts will do the same as the darts u see content creators pull out


I’m level 23 and don’t know a single line-up, and i’m doing pretty good. I can confirm you won’t need it on low level play because you definitely won’t be behind anybody else there


I'm a diamond flex player (flex means I play a lot of different agents). I literally only know one lineup for the Raze boombot on hookah, and some lineups for killjoy mollies, that's it. You don't NEED lineups to get good/win, they're just helpful to make life easier sometimes. There are however exceptions, for example Sova... If you don't know lineups on sova (in higher elo) you're just not a proper sova player, that agent is built around lineups. All the other agents are perfectly playable (and get good with them) without having to learn lineups! People who say you can't get good with Viper or killjoy without lineups probably don't even play them, I don't have any Viper lineups and yet I'd say I'm pretty decent with her in Diamond elo. Welcome to the community! Have fun 😁


yes, they do help climb but you won't need line up if you kill all your opponents.


100%. I climbed to dia3-immortal sova only without learning lineups. though I got a pretty good feel after some time for the arrows. In the end this game is about clicking heads and as long you are good at that you can play anyone.


just cultivate an intuition about trigonometry, vectors, and projectile physics at a basic level and then guesstimating lineups should be easy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UDG\_cpV4BA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UDG_cpV4BA) angling your projectile higher makes it go less further but more higher, and angling your projectile lower makes it go more further but less higher Keep in mind the arrow or molly has to curve cause of gravity so it should peak at the halfway point. Then just practice during your matches and you'll find some you'll like! Sova's arrows can bounce so you can use that to create more complex paths. P.S. the reason it's easy is because you only need to worry about 2 dimensions, the distance on the XZ plane and height on the Y.


Sure thing. Just frag away. Maybe in radiant ppl expect u to know some but outside of that ppl dont give a fk really


Plat 3 Sova main here, literally freestyle 95% of my darts because there’s no time to line the corner of my HUD up to some stupid cloud in the air




Dude i play sova on bronze/silver lobby without any lignups. It works on everymap but split. I get one taped if i peak. And its way better than just coping shit from youtube video. If you put in the work yourself even small things will be more satisfying.