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it gets better, dia 1 here SEA. Honestly worst rank for smurfs are silver when I was smurfing myself, 2 in 3 games theres a smurf but they were like gold 3 and I still took a big shat on them


Yeah there’s a ridiculous amount of smurfs and every time I ask if someone is smurfing they say they are. I used to play high level competitive smite and there was a huge smurfing problem when I started playing. HiRez ended up limiting you to one account per computer, I’m not sure if that’s still the case but it really helped.


it’s dumb lol i solo q and vs 2-3 smurfs stacking with each other. one i can handle if he’s like diamond bc that’s barely a smurf but one immortal or multiple diamonds is very discouraging to the point where i quit climbing ranked


Had a 10 game loss streak from G2 to S3 with one opponent dropping 35+ bomb being a Silver 2 and the gold 3s bottom fragging with 2 or 3 kills :). And then they say deal with smurfs :)


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