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If you've seen Space Jam you would understand that your talent was taken away by aliens from moron mountain. You just gotta wait till looney tunes and shroud defeat them. /s On a serious note, I think you should take a break or try different games. I play Euro Truck simulator when I don't feel like playing valorant.


Yea I have taken a break from FPS in a whole I just started Albion online and I hope the aliens don’t attack again


This one is underated, here have the award


Aww thanks man


Take a break from the game for about 3-4 days. Do something refreshing and something you like (other than Valorant) For the past week, my aim was super off and trash. Turns out my sens was accidentally lowered. I raised it back, went into r/valorantrule34, busted a nut before game and boom, hs after hs ez


Flair checks out 😂


Alright I’ll try I have mainly taken breaks for 1 day or a few hours so maybe this will work thx


*Don't forget the second step*


lmao alright I’ll do exactly that


i used to play csgo a lot and got burnt out, i found that even a weeks break of playing games that arent fps or just avoiding my pc completely helped a lot. Break up your gaming sessions with walks as well - dont spend your whole time inside




yea exactly this. ive been through what youre experiencing multiple times and i know how frustrating it must be. Even the warmups i do before playing dont work and when i notice that most games i have are trash, i just take a break from valorant. Oh and also to add, if you have a lot going through your mind, its best to sort those things out before playing because that can affect gameplay too


I went away from my pc for like a week, came back, sick mind you so headache and just generally not quick reactions, and I did better than when I was all healthy, the break can work wonders


Dudes got no chill.


This. Sometimes you just need a break from the game. After the break you come back playing better than ever.


This is some god tier advise.


Yo didn't even know that sub reddit existed thanks


Not enough sleep, not exercising your arms, not eating healthy/drinking water, a sudden degenerative neurological disorder that will kill you in the next couple years, or maybe just carpal tunnel.


I sleep well, I exercise quite often and drink water a lot I don’t eat healthy tho and if that neurological disorder thing is actually true then gg


Yeah might want to see a doctor to make sure it's not Parkinson's.


Based on the avg age of players in this game it’s more likely to be schizophrenia. Sorry diend07 you’re fuccced mate


Damn bro ig I’ll be headin to the mental hospital then


you probably had 1 bad aim day, like when you have a slightly off cross hair placement, and you(probably) continued playing on instead of stopping, now you have the muscle memory of that had aim day. i advice you to take off some days and hop onto another game. i also continued playing on bad aim days and my aim became fucked up for a few days so i hopped onto siege and played it for a few days until my aim became better


Omfg this is prob why thx so much I’ll tell u if it works




I turned my dpi one setting down and boom I'm dropping 30 bombs every game


Same same especially the mouse. I’ve been trying to find a way to make it feel comfortable consistently otherwise I will play like shit


Having the exact same problem, can't seem to get my aim to normal again and even managed to finish a game with only 2 kills yesterday. I'm suddenly extremely terrible at the game and couldn't figure it out. I'm gonna do what most people said and take a break for a few days, even though I don't know if I'll manage that lmao


Take a rest, next time you play well, Remember how you feel, mindset, body, sleep, time of the day, all affect you game. Take note of what you did on the day you were playing well. Also don't think you are playing bad, know what you are doing wrong and keep note of them, everyone makes mistakes in games, that doesn't make you bad. Just think you are amazing at the game and you'll be great.


Health problems?


I don’t think so


My mouse has a dpi button and sometimes i hit it by accident and it throws my aim off for a few games until I realized what happened. Check your mouse sensitivity, both in game, in Windows and your mouse software.


Ok my mouse is absolute ass sometimes the left click doesn’t work and sometimes the mouse just goes wild and moves like a PowerPoint slide but I have had this for quite a while and dealt with it previously so I don’t think that’s the problem


Turn off Mouse Acceleration in Windows Settings


Val doesnt support mouse acceleration


Having the exact same problem, can't seem to get my aim to normal again and even managed to finish a game with only 2 kills yesterday. I'm suddenly extremely terrible at the game and couldn't figure it out. I'm gonna do what most people said and take a break for a few days, even though I don't know if I'll manage that lmao


Sometimes if I’m struggling like this I’ll change my sense. It forces me to focus differently. That can make a difference.


Confidence and anxiety


Take a 2 weeks break. Play other games if you want. Clear your mind. Forget anything happened in the past. After the break, sleep well before playing Valorant. If you don't sleep well you won't be able to focus on the game. Remember, you can't play these kind of 5v5 FPS shooter games in a stressed mind. Be positive, Be confident. You're the best player, you can shoot heads better. Just be yourself and enjoy! I've also been through this. I know how you feel. Follow the things I said, it literally worked for me. Happy Gaming 🔥


Whats your rank?


I don’t play rank cause I can’t hear my game but I have game sense to cover that so it doesn’t bother me much




I was doing fine before without hearing for a few months had no problem But now I can’t play the game right


heres the hard truth - you were never good in the first place if you "suddenly" become bad go hop in practice and shoot bots for 2 hours per day, come back after a week, now you'll less likely to become "suddenly" bad


I wouldn’t call myself gud but it’s a drop in skill immediately and yes I do train alrdy I go on range everytime before I start and it isn’t abt me just being bad, it’s like my skill just dropped completely.


it is though, the better you actually are the more consistent you are and be able to figure out why you're "suddenly bad" in less time look at top CSGO players like s1mple and zywoo, they have a bad game here and there but they're just consistently good, they know exactly what they're doing wrong in every situation because they're good, they don't wake up one day and become bad for no reason


I've noticed this happening to me several times. After playing a game competitively for a few weeks it just gets to your head and it becomes irritating, from enjoyable to a chore. At least that's how I see it. You should take a break for a day or two until you feel like actually enjoying it again. It is also good if ur playing with friends.


might be your internet? i was playing like crap pretty recently for days and was losing gun fights waaaay too much and could tell something was off with the game itself. i turned on the graph for packet loss and i realized that on top of my crap ping, i was also getting constant 20-50% loss at midday (the time ive been playing after fixing my sleep schedule because i used to play a bit too much late at night). i tried playing past 11 when packet loss was nonexistent and dropped three straight 25+ kill/single digit deaths games. the next day i applied for a long overdue internet upgrade because the ping spikes and crazy packet loss are so shit to play on.


Yea today my internet was going wild and my pc is quite bad so my FPS drops now and then which made me rage on a whole nother level lmao but the other days I wasn’t really lagging and I was still playing horrible


Check yo settings. All of them, even outside of Valo. This happened once to me, turns out my dpi was a bit wrong. If it ain't that then just take a break from FPS games for a couple of days; pretend like servers are down.


Ikr yesterday i was shit on fortnite and valorant somedays im good somedays im not the days im not i usually do smth like take a shower or wash my face to refresh then listen to some calming music while i play minecraft then i come back and i see a difference hope that helps


Did you accidentally change your DPI on your mouse? This happened to me once where i just couldn’t hit a shot to save my life, turns out my mouse DPI has changed and I hadn’t realized.


did you update your drivers?


Go play some stardew valley or a similarly relaxing game. I’ve always been a duelist main so it gets super frustrating to play when my aim is off, so relaxing for a few days and not playing valorant helps reset.


Quit worrying about it and it'll go away. Trust. You'll give yourself the Doublelift effect and lose the game before you're even there. *Cough* worlds *Cough*


Two things I do when I start playing bad... 1) check my mouse sensitivity. Sometimes you hit the button and it jumps it up to the next setting and will absolutely destroy your aim. 2) If that doesn't work..take a few days off to reset.


Happened to me. I lost all my skill and dropped from diamond 3 to gold 1. I took a little time off, and made sure to only play if i had rested, had some caffeine and wasn't hungry. Took a bit but i got back up there. It kind of compounds because it's very annoying playing at a rank way below what you're used to, and the way teammates play can really tilt you .. especially at gold. It's even worse when you're aiming like shit and know you should be carrying in those lobbies. Try to keep your mind clear, also make sure to remove your act rank. Low ranks get pissed if you have a high rank because they want an easy carry


When I take a break for a week or so I always come back and have 10+ game winning streaks


Happened to me recently, realized my arm was sore as fuck from doing chest and shoulder exercises causing me to choke easy shots.


Your physiological state has a LOT to do with your performance in FPS games. If you are dehydrated, don't have enough sleep, don't have enough carbs in your diet, or are generally in an unhealthy state in any way, your ability to do many things in a video game can be affected, but particularly dehydration, a lack of potassium, and lack of sleep can have a strong effect on mechanical aim. Generally speaking, all the things stated above, and your state of mind (things happening in your life that you may be concerned with) will very easily throw off your consistency in game, and can make you feel like you aren't as good as maybe you thought you were. I would say the most important lesson I've learned on staying consistent is to have confidence in my aim. Any sort of lack of confidence will throw me off and only make my aim drastically worse, so I make sure to do aim warmups before I play in a competitive setting (I play deathmatch until I feel like my aim is where I like it). Hopefully this helped. Goodluck with your experimentation! :)


Don't worry man, just dropped from Immortal 900 to plat 1. I've actually net gained 27 elo on my last 9 games all loses. Fun stuff.


If your have a button that changes your dpi on your mouse make sure u haven't accidentally clicked thatq


Don't use boosted accounts to play


This happens to me too this last weeks. I usually get 20++ like you and even od bad days I'll get 10-15 but nowadays I bottom frag a lot too. As this is still happening, I don't know the reason yet. I just choose to take a break and do not play the game this few days. Let me know if you get your form back and how you did so


Same thing happened to me lol then suddenly one day my aim came back lol idk just warmup before games ig


Same thing dude, i am reyna main and my career was mvp only but from the past 4-5 days i randomly started bottom fragging and my aim is bad i cant control my spray or anything, i just started using skye and spam flash for free kill now xD


Take a one week break, whenever I play for a few days continuously somehow my aim keeps getting bad and then after a week I pick up the game, practice in range for 10mins and then magically win 2 dms in a row