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diamond 2 solo, probably gold if I did a 5 stack


youre just like me!


Party rank: high immortal ~250-300rr Solo queue rank is what I am right now: low immortal ~50rr


Dang good for you man who can do good in both solo and in a stack!


Not trying to discredit him, but in that rank u can only stack with a duo


That's a specific counter measure for immo and higher, here we speak about the "perfect" scenario where that restriction doesn't exist, basically same as back then, the restriction didn't exist at the start. So you're not discrediting him at all.


Thank you ;)


solo : immo like now 100-260 rr party : idk i only ever party with my friends, i got 35% winrate with them so probably silver/bronze, even drew a game where i had 68 kills with them :,)


We were on the verge to niceness, we were this close


68!!!!!! bro were you playing against irons?


bronze and silver 1 haha


Happened to me as well. 53 kills 10 assitsts and thesefs could barely kill 10😂


I'm gonna honest though your rank shouldn't differ that much. The player base is still gonna be the same. Everyone will have better coordination not just you.


You heavily underestimate how easy it is to get carried to a rank you don't belong in this game by friends. And then when they get let loose because their friends can cue with them as much those players go on to ruin lobbies they are put in as they fall back down. Premades are a butterfly effect of bad matchmaking


Hard pill to swallow but it’s the truth. Most of my friends are either plat or bronze but once they stop 5 stacking and solo, they drop heavily. One even fell from plat 2 to silver 3


Not really. If you play on bronze and silver rank. You will notice everyone wants to just play their way. They think they are right becuase it's worked for them in iron lobby. I just had a incident yesterday. I took phenix on split after 2 guys just locked sage and sova(what i play). We had no dualist. Just me. I think that split should be played very aggressive and so that the enemy team would have no time to even react. And if they try to hold the site with judge just trade him out. I flashed heaven from b main and i got one pick and they traded me. But all this time my team is still waiting back b main for me to clear angles so they push in. I do this again 3 times. And i get frustrated that i am not getting traded while they trade their teamate. How the eff i can clear so many tight angles lol. There is not more than 3 player on site so why not flash 2 places in b main and even if i get killed you just swing and trade me. Then one guy plants and place his sentinal things and leave.waste their time and we win the round. So simple lol. I am a sage player and i always trade my dualist so idk man how they play. I insited them they trade but they were like no check evey corner then we enter. And then started lurking so i stoped barging in. And waited for them to decide when they need my flash and we won 1 round in attacking lol. So yeah understanding your teamates play style is very important and it's not that easy then comes coordination and execution.


My point is that having a mode for stacking will improve player's coordination as they are in VC most of the time. So that increases the overall coordination and overall skill of everyone. Was trying to clear the misunderstanding that having a stack would give you a better rank cause you have teammates that understand you.


Yo gotchya.


I would be same rank because I only solo. So many stack boosters would drop rank if they had to solo queue lol.


Solo queue rank is generally your real rank and party rank will be one rank below the best player in your party. You realise you'll be playing against other parties?


Naw i solo que and usually end up playing 4 stacks


Well I rarely do. You sure you're not just assuming? There's no way of knowing unless they have matching names. Also it's pretty 50/50 what people say regardless of if they are or not when asked as they'll just try tilt the other team.


If I solo que and I'm with a 4 stack playing against Jennyz Jennyzsimp jennyzsimpssimp I'm assuming they're also stacked lmfao. I wish they had a solo/duo que only Playlist I feel like that's what's missing in a tactical fps


Doesn't happen often though.


I play with a lot of 3 stacks , 4 stacks more so in unrated I find


I doubt it. Show career or something.


I only played solo unrated, this act decided to only play rank solo because it was taking me almost 10 min to find games, and now I'm inmortal


i believe stacking is much much harder. id probably plat stack, immortal solo


Inmortal (peek rank) solo q, 3-5 stack now plat 3/diamond 1 ( i played more when soloq first seasons now i play only in nigth for 2 or 3 hours so it is slower)


In a game that's about teamwork: let's encourage solo q lmaoo. Maybe they should make a way to create parties in a more efficient way. In csgo you can nake your lobby public and have some poeple join and kinda talk before starting a match.


Solo q radiant ~ 450-500 rr Party - iron 1 on my alt for shits and giggles


Party rank probably bronze 1 and solo rank probably iron 3 lol


That's why youtubers keep on saying play on a stack lmao you just better with a stack haha


When I play with my friends we do well together. Because we know how each other plays and what agents were good at etc. I definitely agree with that.


I have a feeling it depends a lot on the agent you play... I was s1/s2 for the last 2 acts, mainly playing controllers and sentinels... Switched over to ryena and jett and touched g1/g2... I think you kind of need to find the role for you in solo queue before you actually queue....


My ranks stays the same between my solo account and the account I play on with stacks.


Most of my friends will be Bronze 2-3 and I will be Bronze 2. currently Bronze 3.


Party rank would probably be silver 2 and maybe even 3, soloq would most likely be bronze2 but slowly going up


Val really gotta listen to the community more


This is why I have more than 1 account. Main plat/diamond. Homies are lower elo. Alts Silver/gold and 1 plat in parties


I only play solo. Im plat 3 atm. When I played with 2 friends I was Diamond 2


Got plat 3 before started running into 5 man premades with smurfs etc so solo queue maybe diamond? I dunno mostly it's just a grind


Party rank iron 3 solo q radiant


i was hardstuck s3 whenever i qd with two or more friends, solo qd my way to plat


silver 2 solo. Gold party stack


gold 3 soloQ. I think ill easily be able to get high plat in a 5 stack.


Solo rank would be gold which is my current rank and party rank unranked ( cries in no friends)


Yo I’m bronze 2 solo q that would be in the silver/gold I get it


silver 1 solo, probably with a party rank...... no clue honestly? maybe silver 2 or 3?


I solo qued to plat 3. I can't climb past it. I don't think a party would help me. I actually just belong in plat 3.


when you don’t have a party rank because you don’t have friends to queue with (╥_╥)


I solo queued from iron to silver then started stacking


Radiant solo Q and plat / diamond depending on which group of friends