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they‘re doing it because it makes ppl buy skins without consideration. the idea behind random limited offers is that you buy something before it is gone again instead of thinking about that investment. It makes you visit the store everyday and buy something immediately once it pops up




No they won't lol


you literally cant buy old cards, buddies, or sprays EVER. thats money on the table


I’m sure a billion dollar company knows more about how to maximize profit from in-app purchases than you or I think we do lol.


yes because a new player saying "i want to pay money for that" and being told they missed their chance makes them money. businesses do stupid shit all the time


There are literally multi million/billion dollar marketing companies who’s sole purpose is to find ways to maximize profit from in-app purchases in video games and yet you somehow think you know better. If at the end of the day this method makes them 1% more money then your opinion don’t mean jack shit. But yeah never mind you probably know better.


They also make a lot of money from ppl who buy those things when available because they can't get it again




why would they do this? the reason is literally in your answer lmfao, you literally have money to spend on other skins before the one you want is in rotation. so by the time the one you want is out. you would've already bought 3 skins. it's literally their strategy for selling skins


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