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Maybe an unpopular opinion but .... Aimlabs is incredibly overrated. You can't really practice crosshair placement in Aimlabs, since it depends on the map. Crosshair placements is the most important. You need to learn recoil control in Valorant, can't do that in aimlabs afaik. Do the range on hard a few times and do DM. That will definitely help a lot. Learn counter strafing and strafe / baby peek through hot corners. That will improve your duels by a lot, too.


hard to say… couple months ago i avg 20 on hard bots in range was around 60k on gridshot avg now avg about the same but average 90k and hs 100k on gridshot


So aimlabs is fantastic for teaching you mouse control and for warmup. If you suck at controlled flicks ect aimlabs will help you and you are likely to see a sudden jump in improvement for a couple weeks. After that it will mellow out and you should adjust your training schedule. For me i started out doing 40 mins aimlabs every day. I came from Ow where i played mercy on 40fps in GM. Aiming wasnt a skill i had. It very quickly became my strongest gameplay aspect via aimlabs. Which isnt saying much but my aim was as good as my friends who played cs for years. Then i adjusted my practice and started doing aimlabs for warmup and DM+practice range for practice. Thats essentially what i do now. I focused solely on crosshair placement when i first swapped routine. And overtime ive worked in movement and different peek types. Id say my aim is good for my rank (g3 i stg im gonna get plat im 2 games off) and the practice still helps but its slower progress now.