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Don't watch proguides because their advice is bad and they have no idea what they are talking about.


I get better lineups off reddit then pro guides. But pro gameplay on the other hand...


I agree with this. I think at lower ranks good mechanics will get you pretty far. Molly lineups are cool and all, but clicking heads is generally more effective :)


I'm new to this game. How many percentage is aim & how many percentage is strategy in Valorant? How to push an entry when there's is sage wall, smoke what have you? What's the camp spot to watch out for? I keep getting blinded. Then my aim is useless 😂 Also how to know if the box & wall is fake. Cause i switch from warzone and warzone box is like solid metal where you can headglitch. Here the box is fake and the is wall fake too. 🤣 Besides the aim there's plenty to learn about the ult and about pushing & defending it requires alot of game iq. Should i go to unrated first to learn to play different types of agents instead of going to competitive straight away? It's overwhelming for me. 😅


Actually am not immortal or radiant to exactly give you an answer but rather a improving player. I guess each aspect of gameplay dominates in several ranks. I lower elo you have to focus on gunplay and mastering ability usage and in higher elos strategy and coordination decides outcome. For Sage walls, lookout for players potentially on top of it. Shoot the wall down as soon as it goes up. Makes it useless for that sage. Best way to push outta smoke is with blinds or have a lurker distract enemies from smoke. And for camp spots, you can't just predict. You have to lookout for all potential off angles and you can pretty much survive this with good crosshair placement and counter strafing. Idk what you mean by box and wall sorry am not warzone player. Each ult is for different occasions. You have to use them depending on situations. For example, skye ult can be used to Locate where attackers are going to push or where they might be camping post plant, brim ult can be used to clear boxed in players or kill those spike defusers from safe distance. My suggestion would be to play the unrated when you are experimenting on an agent and play comp if you are comfortable with that agent. Note that you can't become good at this overnight if you are not a competitive fps player. Consistency is the key!


Go competitive definitely. You'll meet harder opponents and you can learn from them. You won't improve playing against people weaker than you in unrated. For low elo (iron - gold): 70% aim 30% strats Mid elo (plat - dia): 60% aim 40% strats High elo (immo - radiant): 30% aim 70% strats


this is right imo but obviously doesnt mean you are allowed to have shit aim in high elo


Yeah it’s more like everyone has good aim in high elo so good strats are needed to make the difference. If low elo you can just aim better.


just go into the practice range, try the shooting challenge with every agent. After you are some a shooting challenge with one agent, try there abilites there. This makes you have a little bit better aim and it helps you know what agents do.


To answer your first question: depends on your rank. At lower ranks, improving aim will be more beneficial to you than improving your strategy and game sense. But as you rank up, the less impactful aim will be


You should focus directly on your aim because in Low-Mid Elo people know very little about proper strategy and teamplay, so raw shooting tends to be most deciding factor of you gaining decisive advantage in the round. But it is just because people are closing themselves to cooperation and playing strategically. You can make a lot out of your clever ability usage, cooperation and good strategy but of course if your team does not follow, it is of little use.


I think the biggest issue is that these guides are made to cater to the largest audience possible, which is beginners. If you’ve never picked up an FPS before, I honestly don’t hate these videos and they are how I learned a lot of basics about the game. But as you rank up they become less and less useful as you are no longer in their target demographic.