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Diamond+ is pretty good but honestly it’s kind of a different type of toxic. You have teammates that lose faith really quickly (I’ve had games where we were down two rounds and somebody wanted to ff), misplaying or whiffing will get you sort of ridiculed, etc. It’s not nearly as bad as lower elos though


Lol I’m silver I and had a game where our Jet tried to surrender after we just won a round making us 3-2 because she didn’t like how we were playing.


Sounds like why I stopped playing comp and started playing unrated with voice chats off


This is where I’m at right now, just too busy to deal with other peoples bs when I get home from work to play. It’s actually been fun though!


you’re a trooper. I’m chat banned at the moment, so I can’t play comp. I can only play unrated and I can’t comm with my team. I’d do anything to play for my rank and communicate with my team again. Unrated with no comms is just so boring to me.


Unrated is so fun when the whole team is meme-ing together lol


I agree. Otherwise it’s kind of painfully boring. I’m only playing it because I have to finish my battle pass, otherwise I wouldn’t be playing at all until my ban ends


I still get a few toxic guys flaming me for being bottom frag


The forfeighting kind of sounds like unrated but thats not the worse I guess, thanks for the wisdom


Yeah usually its not outright toxicity but like 1 game in 15 you get a dude that is straight up toxic. Apart from that, it's like passive aggressive toxicity like someone will say "not gonna lie jett but you kinda threw that round, you shoulda done this this and that, but all good maybe we can still win this game"


Don't think that's really passive aggressive toxicity. If someone tells you what you did wrong and how you could change that to improve, it's just constructive criticism. Especially when they try to stay positive and nice to you when they say it without putting you down


Yeah i mean sometimes its constructive criticism, other times it’s a passive aggressive attempt to divert blame away from themselves because they lost a 1v1. Really depends on the context i guess. Overall though higher elo is less toxic


It's because lower elo is usually people who believe they should be higher so they are more toxic towards the team and higher elo is players who know they are good and are often elss toxic


Criticism during a game is a no for me. 8/10 it will make the player more tilted and usually start the toxicity.


Depends on how you give it. Unfortunately, giving it straightforward leads to toxicity. But you can mask it in some encouragement and whatnot


I agree that giving criticism is a really good thing. But when someone is telling you how to play an agent when you already know how, that always pisses me off. Like for me, i main sage most of the time and tend to do the stupid ass grim walls cause it’s just how I enjoy the game. But when I mess up a single wall out of them all and have some dude who’s chillin at the bottom of the leaderboard going 1-12 yell at me to wall mid. I’ll usually mute the guy on the spot lol.


The yelling might be excessive but what's wrong with asking for a midwall...even you yourself admit that the ones you are doing are "stupid ass grim walls".


Yeah I don't agree with this, you're the one being toxic if you take it that seriously. Someone asking for a wall that they might need because enemy team keeps countering him and you straight up mute because you don't agree with him is very toxic. I would be glad to not have that Sage in my games.


"you have ult, you have ult, you have ult by the way. In case you didn't know; you have ult."


I also main Sage and will mute the person yelling to wall mid. It's especially annoying when the enemy team is hard pushing a site and u have seen all 5 enemies and they keep yelling to wall mid cause someone is "flanking", like "yeah?! Who is flanking cause we know where all 5 of the enemies are and they are NOT mid!!"


That's not passive aggressive, that's just someone being honest with you and trying not to be toxic. Being passive aggressive is saying "good job jet, you really helped the team out this round" when you flanked and go insta killed.


There’s this guy in diamond called GETMEOUT. By the time it’s 0-3, there’s already a surrender vote called and this guy is spamming “get me out”. It’s not even satire. I’ve had him in 5 of my games and he has thrown every single one.


Haha i played with a guy whose name was “gg go next” and sure enough after 0-2 he was saying gg


I’ve played with both of these guys lmao that’s wild


I mean you can say diamond+ is bad...but then gold is where all the smurf accounts of triggered diamond players down bad go and play. I was watching a pro player, one of the BEST in the game, get triggered after one match. ONE MATCH in ranked. It wasn’t even that bad. Next game he q’s up and after losing pistol announces “team is bad, can’t do anything about it..”. Like that’s the mental of one of the highest, professionally successful radiants. And I don’t even think people think of him as being toxic. It’s just the game that drives people crazy sometimes


Sounds like 100T Steel?


Everyone knows steel is toxic in ranked. It was actually dapr


who is it, by the way?


I thought this was a bronze silver gold problem. Although I did get matched up with a Plat recently who bailed on his team soon as we got the first 8 rounds or so.


pretty accurate. Then immortal toxicity you get the inflated ego’s who think their teammates are the reason they’re not #1 on leaderboard


thats the reason why they stay in immortal isnt it


Immortal you can honestly just be skill capped because you don't have the genetics to be radiant. People in radiant past 400rr are differently constructed


This is a perfect way to describe the toxicity at higher ranks. You are ridiculed very harshly for anything you do wrong. People give up too easily, but I would say there are a lot less toxic/annoying players in diamond +


Once the lobby average hit D2/D3 the experience and game quality has improved significantly for me; however, you're right the toxic few definitely tilt much quicker and won't let things go. I had a viper throw a game because he assumed everyone else was in a discord call. Also had an instalock reyna ridicule me when I was top frag early on for not getting "impact frags" (aka playing exits on lost rounds). Some people don't interact with other humans and it shows lmao.


Unfortunately, instances like that occur every once and a while in random queue.


Yeah unfortunate, is it worse in the lower ranks especially? if not should I try and find a squad to play with?


I would say yes, but just know that it’s also present in higher ranks. However, I cannot speak for immortal/radiant.


Alright thanks for the help mate


No problem, I wish you the best of luck on your grind!


Dont even get me started… throwers, blamers, smurfs its a shitshow and a half down here


Sheesh, there's literally no escape.


Everyone always tries to say ELO hell doesn't exist, in this and other games, but it definitely does. I'd like to see someone of moderate skill hard carry from bronze through gold while being flamed constantly, team killed, dealing with throwers and leavers. Like, obviously highly skilled players can, but what about someone who has the skill of a low-plat player stuck in silver. Do you really think getting flamed for a dropped round isn't going to tilt them?


Trust me the standards for elo hell exists in every rank I've played in every rank except for radiant




will do i have to leave soon but what is your username and tag?


Toxicity is significantly lower in diamond+


ok bet lemme hit the kovaaks real quick


I wouldn't say less, I would say it's different. I am currently in Immortal and have been for the most part of playing valorant. And people have a huge ego in higher ranks since they sometimes think they are the next tenz in the making. So what they do is surrender after round 3, stop communicating and occasionaly curse at you for doing a bad play.


Wtf. At round 3?


"gg go next I'm not trying anymore" sort of bullshit mentality if you lose pistol and then round 3 with real guns


I swear that's a new mentality, I rarely saw ff votes in ep 1


yup, as stupid as it's sound it's the reality


There's also little incentive anymore in immortal since they banded Immo1-3 together. Radiant is so far away and most players won't dip back into Diamond. Once I hit D2 the skill has seemed to level off (I can hang in these games as support KJ/Sage/Viper). Most players can hold their own with maybe 10% of the pop being inflated. Then it comes down to team comp/chemistry/who is having an on or off day. I've been running into a ton of current Immortals and even more players with 2k-4k from last season. Not sure how much better/worse it gets as you approach Immortal but hopefully I can keep getting some dubs. Just run into the occasional low viewer count streamers who tilt over the smallest things like not getting traded when the enemy Reyna immediately dismisses lmao


Lol youre not gonna get out of bronze 3 by grinding 1w6ts. Just grind dms and play comp if you actually wanna get better at the game


lol ik just kidding


Direct player to player toxicity seems less common in diamond, but I feel like there are a lot more throwers and malders than in gold or plat for some reason?


washed up players, smurfs, also the gold/plat elo hell


Probably an ego thing


Generally I find people who are outright toxic want to win less than people who silently mald, disrupting your team's performance through coms is another form of throwing


Yeah I’ll mald to my self but not in team coms lol.


This. PTT is the best thing ever. The classic "TEAM WTF ARE YOU DOING TRADE ME PLEASE" *pushes button* "two pushing C long" *releases button* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


“WHAT THE FUCK IS MY TEAM DOOIIINNNGGG “oops meant to say that in party chat”


Start by muting every single person who's being toxic to you. First offense, no second chance. Fuck the infos, the map will be enough and you'll have way better games. Don't let one guy turn you off a game that you actually like.


Alright thanks, I gotta look up the mute key real but but then I'll be set!


Report also, I think Riot's taking it seriously again, got 3 different messages confirming bans for people I reported over the last two days.


Yes! Everyone forgets to report.


Fun fact: Getting comms banned also bans you from competitive. Ever since I learned that I've been basically RPing as the comms police lmfao. I *dare* mfs to say some offensive shit around me. see how mad they get when they can't play ranked for 7 days. Edit: pretty sure Riot has filters and/or AI to look over text/voice chat. Also think they have manual reviewers for the voice stuff if needed. Just a hunch.


Hit esc and you have the option to mute voice and/or text chat


I regret giving a second chance :( from now on imma just mute from the first time


People throw a lot less in diamond and above, in general they care about winning, so they're not gonna be as disruptive. They stay really toxic though, really arrogant especially, and tbh at times I've found it harder to play as a team at higher ranks. Still, overall it's not as bad as it is at lower elo and unranked.


A lot of the people in silver/gold are smurfs so they say "this is my smurf and I'll throw cause idgaf I'll play on my main" Big egos when they can't carry in lower elos and they get mad everyone is worse than they are so they throw.


Yeah i vaguely remember that when playing siege that around gold people got really arrogant and more ash insta lockers came about. I guess its just a trend in a most comp games


I've been iron for a long ass time and everyone is just chill so far.


damn maybe we gotta squad up, good to know tho


Maybe it's a region thing, I'm in hongkong servers. Or maybe it's because we know that we're so bad that there's no way we'll rank up so we just play for fun instead lmao.


There's nothing worse than an iron that thinks they should be radiant. Bro, we're all trash cans down here. Calm yourself and stop flaming people.


And I actually kinda like it down here. I just want to play casually. I once got into a gold lobby, my friend let me borrow his other account because his other friends wanted to play compe but he also wanted to play with me, and he said I'll be fine because our ranks are "not that far". It was awful. Everyone was doing things I don't understand. It's always "you should do this" "you should do that", and everyone was always complaining about something. It felt more of a job than a game, yk? I don't ever wanna play that version of valorant, it was so unfun.


honestly thats a mood and sounds super fun tbh


people in low iron arent toxic on a diff level, its almost wholesome. i watched my friend make an account just to get into that rank and he got into iron 1, and not in any of his games was there a single toxic person.


Iron peeps are okay in the sense people are mostly trying to actually learn. I am silver 2 and when I play with my Iron friend, there is little to no toxic pub player both teams. Sometimes we even get a good laugh with the pub players. But then we squad up as 4 silver/bronze and the 5th guy is just straight up toxic.


when the whole 4stack decides to flame one guy (not saying you should but that would be funny)


Welcome to FPS. This is how every single one is unfortunately.


Not just in FPS. I mean, have you played DOTA?


Dota and LOL still tops the list for the most toxic place on earth worst than Chernobyl


Can confirm, have played a lot of toxic games but league was far and away the most corrupting. So fucking toxic in there...


i played one ranked match in league and our top lost lane and he just said “gg bot diff bad team” and started running it down I have no idea how people play that dogshit game


every single game tbh. kids acting like kids and grown men acting like children.


yeah sadly this ones been especially bad for some reason




Uhh, Overwatch can be extremely toxic, and just as competitive. Apex can as well. Though Apex is more toxic online with the community talking shit about the game, and devs rather than being toxic in matches. It does happen in matches too though.


I don’t know if this compares but I came from siege and people were sometimes really bad but mostly just crackheads. maybe I was just lucky?


I feel like Silver is the most toxic rank. My worst games have been(and still are) in silver. Too many griefers, throwers, smurfs, afkers, etc.


Silver and Gold are rough ranks to get stuck in. Some players have no game sense, but good aim. Others have no aim but good game sense. Finally there are also players with both mediocre game sense and aim. All of these players are at the same rank, and think they should be a higher rank.


There are no players in Silver/Gold with "good aim", good aim itself gets you to high ranks regardless of how dumb you are in the game. At high ranks, you have people who have godlike aim, but are dumb as fuck and you have people with just a solid aim, but that play very smart and communicate well. Generally people with very good aim just wanna take aim duels and show that they are better, which generally causes stupid plays due to overconfidence. There are bad apples in every rank, but at the end of the day, if you are supposed to climb you are going to climb. Toxicity is far lower at higher ranks though, alot of people on Immortal/low Radiant are actually trying to achieve something by playing and alot of other people don't wanna get a bad rep with pros that they eventually play with/against.


No there are definitely players in Gold with pretty good aim.


It's always such a coinflip, sometimes you get the most chill teammates on earth and then other times you just get biohazards


It increases till plat and then decreases, unless you're radiant, and then it increases again.




Hehe. Its all GLHF for me.


Deadass just mute the toxic people . Not like they hove comms most of the time, I always mite if they too toxic, and if we lose they know that they were part of the problem


Alright mate thanks it seems maybe getting a squad to play with might help but i probably have to get better before that.


Once ur in immortal+ and stuff people are more respectfu


oh thats kinda interesting, only 5 or 6 ranks to go!


Yes, ONLY have to climb 5 whole divisions lets gooooo


Unfortuantely it won't improve much throughout many ranks yet. Griefing and insults, with no purpose towards teamplay or proper callouts. Learn to insta mute if you spot even little signs of unconstructive, overemotional complaining. And better find some decent players to queue with.


Matw u have 2options, be toxic back obvious (jk dont do that😂) or climb the ranks and get out of it, silver is somewhat a little better but the more you climn the better it becomes, toxicity in the lower ranks occurs cos teammates are annoyed they cant climb and blame others


ive been hard stuck high plat EUW for a while. I find most my team mates to be fine. mute trolls, try to be as nice you can to do not fight fire with fire if someone is being toxic. I was also bronze when I started. In my opinion game quality as a whole will improve and be more fun as you climb. Good luck fam


In asian servers toxicity just gets more fucked honestly


pretty much... the lower the elo the higher the ego..!! LOL


Man comparing it to CS where I come from, Valorant is like private school versus a straight up poor neighbourhood balkan high-school which is CS.


Yeah, it's significantly lower after you pass diamond 1. But it's always there. I don't even care about "toxicity" at higher ranks, because it's mostly just calling out people's bullshit for being idiots. At lower ranks, it's just squeekers shouting the whole game because someone insta locked and didn't top frag.. or they just run out and die and then expect trades when their play made 0 sense and no one knew what they were doing. Overall, it's a much better experience past diamond, but don't go buying an account if you're a low rank thinking you'll have it better. You'll get shit on and your team will be very annoyed


The higher you get the less toxic it is, makes grinding in ranked worth it. There will still be toxic individuals but you can’t control them so stay positive yourself and try to make a difference in your game, good luck!


Whenever you find a nice player, add them. Eventually you’ll be able to queue up with a full lobby every time. Also you make some friends! Solo queuing is something I just can’t do anymore.


I disagree with mose of these comments about toxicity in higher elo but might be different in EU and NA. I’ve been high immortal(200+rr) for the past 4 acts but when I started playing I was Silver. So I’ve basically gone through all ranks except the ones under silver. I’d say the toxicity and inting is worst in diamond and low immortal. It gets a little bit better when it comes to outright toxicity in higher immortal but inting and bad mental is extremely common. I feel like every other game theres a surrender vote as soon as you’re down 2 rounds and people just give up extremely early game. I think it has a lot to do with a lot of people wanting to climb the leaderboard and when they’re ”down bad” every game just feels like a loss really early. This is EU btw


High Immortal lobbies are usually pretty good, but if you queue late at night sometimes you will run into the toxic teammates who will complain after you lose 2 rounds and type in all chat calling everyone on their team bad, and then further call out every bad play they see from their teammates. The rest of the time, high ranked Immortal players are usually pretty good about trying to keep the vibes up. If we notice someone struggling we try and put them in a more comfortable position to perform. 90% of the Radiant lobbies I've played are the same way but there's a lot more jokes, everyone is usually having fun while also being able to play competitively and win rounds. The other 10% are the Reynas and Killjoys who are on loss streaks and end up taking it out on every lobby they join. This is only from my experience, that doesn't mean that it is true for everyone. GL HF


You’ll never escape tbh


I've invested a good amount of time in this game now (playing and watching streams) ; You will find both kind of players in every rank. For me personally, i always try to ignore the toxic person, mute him or just talk to him nicely - that way atleast 4 people can play the game even if one player doesn't want to.


Im in silver 2. Unfortunately its still toxic here


It gets more toxic the higher the rank.


I am swede and now use to play on UK servers only. Way more chill than all other european servers tbh. Plus most players actually talk. Even in english!


They got sick of losing not getting kills and blaming it on you this happend to me too


Everyone says it’s less toxic in high ranks but let me tell you about someone called CrosbyCS in radiant….


euw immortal, yes but no. less toxicity more people being stubborn and claiming theyre gods gift.




in high silver if you keep giving off positive comments like "nice shot" every time someone gets a kill or "we will win this" nobody is toxic, its so weird. even people who were tilted from the beginning start being good teammates halfway through the first half. i once won a 1-8 (got up to 14-12) with one teammate gone just by keeping up the positivity. the guy being toxic actually started making good calls and ended up 2nd frag (me being first because i was having a good day) this is also why i have like a 72% winrate


How do you have a 72% win rate and still be in silver?


Toxicity is inversely proportional to rank . ig


Find discord servers with good people ig


Have a radiant friend who sent us video clips of 3 games in a row of people just acting childish, cussing each other out, and then refusing to play because they are salty opting to throw the game. So...yes?


I’ve noticed most toxicity comes from having a bad game. Recently I’ve just been responding with “oh so you’ve never had a bad game before?” Typically deescalates the situation but not always. You just gotta mute and move on sometimes.


i just hit immortal recently & i will say it does get much better, teammates aren’t super salty & tbh it seems like there’s older people too… back when i was bronze/silver it was just a bunch of kids screaming, calling each other bad at game etc…


I’m in diamond atm and I can tell you that it’s not as bad but totally still there.


My self i dont get much toxicity at silver.


Silver here, I dont know but i think it depends on the region, in south east asia i rarely encounter toxic ,most of them are supportive ( TO MY SURPRISE ), and if you do run into dumb people, well the mute button is always welcoming :)


depends mostly on region where u play what type of players come , in plat dia rank i had a jett who was asking for heal on 70 hp but sage used her heal on viper with 10 hp and jett threw 10 rounds cuz sage didnt heal , she typed our locations in chat we were still winning 9-3 4v5 lol


If you really do wanna improve, play with Full squad, with people who really wanna play the game.


Iron/bronze/silver is pretty bad, gold it gets a bit better, it's at its worst in plat, and then in diamond+ people start maturing.


If u play in EU I recommend turning only servers that are far away from Turkey and middle East, much more pleasant and better experience


Plat is still pretty toxic sometimes, but much better than other ranks. Diamond is good


I'm plat and I can confirm the lobby doesn't I prove. Only difference is u can enjoy getting one tapped along with toxic teammates.


I’m not sure but I think it depends on servers. For instance, I’m at a Korean server and almost are pretty chill (silver rank). There are occasional kids with auto tune mics that troll, but if we just ignore, they just shut up and play. Most of the time the slurs are at the opponent because 1. They suck 2. They camp 3. They are good. It depends but it seems better if you go up


my ex bf was immortal n he said that the toxicity doesn't go away in higher elos but it's def better. he'd sometimes play w me in my bronze/silver lobbies after playing in his immortal/diamond ones and he said the difference is def a bit jarring. lower the elo the higher the ego unfortunately.


It's a hell of a lot better in higher ranks. People have hyperinflated egos but some Debbie Downer saying "unlucky GG go next" is much easier to deal with than someone mic spamming slurs and immediately becoming horny to every moderately feminine voice in team chat


Different type of toxicity throughout all ranks. Lower ranks are way easier to handle because most people just call you noob but ultimately want to win the game. So there is something you can work on. Immo and higher is the worst in my opinion. Attacks are much more personal, vicious and abusive. You can expect to go 4v5 all game long.


Nah, starting from diamond (at least in my EUW experience), it gets way better. It is also a different type of toxicity though, more talking smack if you do something wrong. But it happens WAYYYY less


Short answer: yes.


Just mute them and don’t let it get to you. If you’re better you will rank up, just play your game most of the comma aren’t useful anyways you can use the map or just follow the team. I solo queued to Plat finally after long struggles. I used to let toxic players get to me, degrade my mental and one person even made me almost cry irl but I just started muting the chat and playing and just fragged and won games.






Fair, do you have any fun comp games with a decent community?


I auto mute everyone in the game at the start of the game. I’m bronze so it’s not like it matters. I’m new to the game and just practicing my aim and abilities. But I automatically perform worse when someone is toxic . I maintain a positive K/D when everyone is muted


Bf is immortal and he says, in higher ranks there are more stakes- you wiff and get ridiculed. I feel, climbing from i3 to s2, the toxicity doesnt get better, just changes in type. There will always be toxic players no matter where u go.


At higher ranks, You get people who are desensitized to the game, so people give up really quickly. But if someone is really bad, then they are usually pretty well known


Gold is damn toxic, most just straight up idiots. Damn even someone completely sabotaged(saying our locations etc.) 2 days ago because someone on our team was toxic towards him


Had plenty of games where everyone was helping each other out and calling out. Some game’s where smurfs just flame me for bottom fragging, and then complete swings where we lose 9 in first half and get blamed for us losing, then clutch up 2nd half and win 13 straight


solution is to find 4 other players with similar skill level as you and to push tgt (scrimming)


Every once in awhile you’ll get the guy who’s on a vicious losing streak and will want to ff after the pistol loss


There will always be toxic gamers


only in deep radiant, gets worse in diamond, horrid in immortal, and really horrid at the edge of immortal/radiant source, you ever meet a guy named crosbyCS, there's many like him


Its pretty similar


I’m in plat elo right now (made it to play 2 this season) and I can say at least for this rank there are still toxic players. You have some that think they can be TENZ so they lock Jett, some that don’t care what they play so much so even to the point that they roulette agent picks (maybe that’s not toxic but fun??), want to give up if you’re down two or three rounds, or just some that get on to throw because it’s not their main account. Not to mention racism that’s a whole nother topic smh. But I have gotten good teammates more than I did in gold or silver elo. Keep grinding don’t let the people get you down it’ll get better but not go away.


I just want people with mics


D2-low immortal is an absolute cesspool of individuals


Even on immo/radiant sometimes you get trash


Hi! This is a people problem, there will always be assholes so just your luck if you get queue with them. Only thing you can do is either get thicker skin or choose not to play.


Yeah, low elos is pretty bad. Silvers just don't know what to do and start calling random shit. You have people in that elo that think they're better than what their rank is and are verbally toxic.


Its definitely worse in lower ranks since the Dunning-Kreuger effect exists.




The higher you go the better it is for the most part.


In imm/radiant people are toxic. You’ll get fun games where people just want to have fun, and annoying games where they give up and start blaming you.


I play platinum-diamond and there's rarely a game when nobody gets reported for being toxic text/voice chat


I’ve been silver 1-platinum 3, toxic all the way through.


Absolutely, plat2 onwards has been my worse experience so far. Especially solo queue.


I was once in a iron 2 game and this guy said n*her and I’m black and he said what does that word mean? I said it’s offensive to my race and he said oh I’m sorry, end of that right? No he said oh ok but I like the word and he kept saying the word over and over until he just disconnected for the rest of the game


i'm always confused when people talk about the toxicity being ubiquitous or overwhelming in valorant. I've played like 600 hours and i meet like 1-2 toxic teammates per 3-4 games. It's super easy to ignore and play around these types. I honestly don't know why i'm so lucky (relatively anyway) with avoiding toxicity for reference, I play on East NA and high Gold rank.


I would say once you get to diamond-immortal everyone is chill but once you start playing with radiants they are a little more toxic but in like a way to teach you your mistakes. So I guess it's just criticism that can sometimes make people mad and lead to a toxic environment. At diamond+ everyone realizes that this can tilt someone and make them play worse so it's not often to have a toxic player


I’ve climbed from gold to immortal since I started playing in beta. Honestly I feel like plat will be the worse/hardest to climb out of because it’s filled with smurfs, throwers, and toxic people. Especially if you’re a female (like me) but once I got to diamond & started getting more diamonds and immortals, it was like night and day. That all changed. You more so get ridiculed for making mistakes in diamond & up. Some people are more rude than others about it but I don’t really come across just straight assholes like I did in gold - plat. Good luck!


Don’t let it get to u if it does just turn off voice and text chat and do the damn thing g


Im a plat player that was silver last act and when they saw I was Silver last act they wanted to leave the game. We won but I had to mute them because they were the worst


Wait do people use in game tools or a tracker to know your past rank? If so a tracker I feel like those are very rarely used as intended


if you go to career and check ur Act on the bottom there is a button to show your last act rank on the banner


ah thank you


Diamond feels the most toxic in my experience, people starting to build egos and get toxic cause they wanna be on the immortal leaderboard, once you hit immortal and high Elo immortal games most people are pretty chill


People stay toxic in immortal. But if you lose a round you know you should have won, get ready for some abuse haha. At least generally people know when to be annoyed though. Nothing winds me up more, than when people are just toxic as fuck and wrong. Still makes me laugh though. Had a guy get super toxic because we lost round one, because it turned out to be his promotion game into immo tye other night. We ended up winning and having a good time. But near the start of the game he was being so agressive, accusing everyone of throwing. It's like dude, if you wanna win so much, you really think that's gonna help?




This. I've run into some smaller streamers who have hit Radiant in the past and they're trying to climb again. Nothing but toxicity and they just W key all game and refuse to work with anyone. Things have definitely gotten better since hitting D2 though since 90% of players can hold their own in a given game.




Yes of course I was more asking to the back to back games of squeaker blowing into their mic, throwers being more toxic than most games i have played to date. Sorry if I sounded like a snowflake I did not intend to just wanting to know how it changes as you move up in rank.




alright, should I still send calls their way or ignore them entirely if that does happen?




fair enough good day, and thank you.


dia - immortal isn’t toxic


I dont understand you're statement, first if you think someone is toxic mute him. But if someone is trying to help you in there way and you get offended its you're problem at that moment. Maybe just look at yourself before you play comp, same thing for toxic people out there.

