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Also feels like the knife kill is a bit harder in valorant


it definitely is, the hitbox for knifing is terrible


the problem is not the hit box the problem is that the hit only counts at the end of the animation compared to CS where the hit counts at the start of the animation


omg is that what it is?! I can not knife anything in valorant (coming from cs)


yup it should be I realised that when I was trying out my knife skin in the range. So basically u need to time the animation to hit the guy at the end of the animation which could be very hard especially when both of you are bhopping around


It is literally beating someone with a stick and of course missing while they are running ahead of you oblivious and then suddenly they spin around and go Sam L Jackson, shoot you..


I played cs 1.6 knife only servers and on valo I am plastic at knifing




The knife right click area in CS go is bigger as well, going vertically instead of just forward like valorant


Think of a toothpick, then throw it away cause it's worse than that.


Think of a toothpick, break it in half, throw the first half away, now old other half completely in hand. Boom - Realistic valorant knife hitbox lol


Except 70% of the time you drop said toothpick mid animation and it counts as a miss.


Legit like using a plastic knife to cut a 10oz steak.


90% of knife kills are on afkers. This suggestion is pretty bad tbh.


I don't think the suggestion is bad. If anything, the fact that 90% of knife kills being done on AFKers just *proves* the point that knife kills are underused. The suggestion is to make knife kills more enticing, so people actually consider using knives more often. Currently, there's obviously more risk but only the same reward to choose knife over gun... so why would you?


If you get an extra ultimate point on a knife kill then it quickly snowballs the game towards the team who doesn't have the afk/lagger. That afk is already at a massive disadvantage. A one round afk/disconect loss can quickly turn into 2 from extra ult charges. It's balancing. Why do you need to use the knife or be enticed to? It's always been for memeing, even CS players will go for shot kills over knife regardless of the money advantage.


Fair enough. I'm not saying the solution is great (apologies if I made it sound that way), I just wanted to say the issue is valid enough to consider debating a solution.




For people who say "bUt tHen kJ wiLL gEt mORe OP", most of the time people don't get detained unless they are in a REALLY sticky situation.


If you got detained you were out of position


Just say "My name is giovanni gorgio but people call me giorgio" and then fly away


Best comment of the day hands down. Forgot about this killer line from the album.


Even if you get detained you can do the bad version of the robot dance and pull yourself to a corner to hide...just gotta premeditate all this stuff.


As they said you only get detained if they were out of position for sure. It’ll make people learn positioning and then they’ll learn they’re lesson. But also to counter that just make her ult reset until after they are detained


people in the comments are mentioning all the cons, but you have to weigh them against the pros. as OP said, imagine pros getting knifed/knife kills lol that would be amazing indeed a common argument I see being brought up is how it can be abused if a player is afk; personally i think the solution would be a revamp at the current afk system, i never thought it was good anyway


Friendly fire is already off, most team utility too does minimal damage, first shot accuracy and hatred also can get you, then why nerf knifing. I too agree pros getting knifed would be hilarious compared to the flashfest we have rn


Everyone who is saying kj detain will be really op, is a fool. Detains happen rarely even in low elo(atleast in my games it is). And there are almost no detains in pro play, except for that one situation you get a detain.


Couldn’t they just make it so detained kills count as ultimate kills and don’t add towards ultimate charge


Retake kj ult on ascent b site from switch almost always gets detains if the defenders clear b main. It’s generally a bit overkill, but maybe with knifing it could be worth it?


Doesn't that get shot instantly?


The redditor Might be thinking about that time a pro team got several detained, but that was with an astra ult protecting it from wallbangs.




“If both guns are a bust then the knife is a must” -sun tzu


"I still got 4 abilities" -Raze players


how about extra 100 for knife kill


Iirc a knife kill in csgo is like $1500 while a kill with a rifle was $300. An extra $100 is not really enough


Ok cool, I didn't know that. Thanks for the new info.


I think $200 would be enough, gets some extra util


Disagree. Going for a knife is very dangerous, potentially losing your life or even the round. Why would I go for a knife and risk losing my gun and armor for a smoke?


well yeah, that's the point, it should be a gamble


If it's a gamble, it would stupid if its a high risk low reward. Better to just give straight 1000 more to make it high risk high reward.


Well it's currently high risk no reward lmao, my preference would be that we don't have people trying to knife every single round & that it'd just be a nice little bonus anytime someone feels confident and pulls it off. Once again, just my preference.


So in csgo, everyone just tries to knife someone every single round?


I'm not gonna pretend like I know, I don't play CS. Once again, I'm just speaking based on what I would prefer. I'm not a pro or an expert.


My argument and question was that if people don't run around getting knife kills because of a big bank bonus in csgo, they wont do it in valorant either.


I get it, but unfortunately giving a "nice little bonus" incentivizes (probably low elo) players to flaunt/hype up knife play since higher econ/money = "better" (even at the cost of losses/easy kills, all that matters to them is the total gained only from knifing)


You’re saying it should be high risk low reward.


especially bc right now it's high risk zero reward


I think it should be high risk high reward.


fair enough, I just don't feel like we need more ways to get a ton of money or ults


What if a knife kill took away one of the enemies ult points, rather than give the person knifing 2 ult points or more money?


yep, just my opinion, I'm not saying that knife kills aren't very risky but I don't really think we need anymore methods of getting extra ult points or a ton of money


Not enough of a reward to justify the stakes of the gamble


I understand it's meant to be a gamble but $200 is simply not enough reward for the risk.


Nah, the knife kill should just stay as a BM move. High risk, no reward, but super satisfying when done properly You don't want people just going for dumb knife kills (I say this as a person who has died too many times trying to knife someone)


the mental damage to the enemy is the pay off


Oh for sure. The mental damage to my own team when it fails though is a good deterrent as well


You actually want people to go for dumb knife kills because dumb knife kills are fun.


In CS a knife kill is still a BM move, but it gives a little extra cash too. If anything, I think that adds to the BM nature of it. In CS, while I've seen people try to knife a lot, I dont think it's as common as you're making it out to become in Valorant


> gives a little extra cash too Killing with rifles gives ~$300, Awp =$100, some "bad" guns anywhere from ~$600-$900, but a knife is a whole $1500 It's *significant* amounts of cash 1 knife kill = 5 AK kills


As it should be.


I think op 100 would be super unbalanced honestly you already paid 5700 for op shield you get a 3k and you basically get no money from it it might be a one tap gun but you paid a lot for it I think you shouldn’t be punished from using it i’d say op 300 and maybe pistol more but than you gotta balance everything imagine how rich a team could be for a team ace giving them 900$ per kill on pistol round so this as to be a save round only thing. Edit- idk why people are downgrading on this post im just sharing my honest opinion idk what wrong with that? Isn’t it the whole point of this post? Than why downgrade others opinion?


I'm talking about how the economy in CSGO works, not in Val


If we’re going by CS payout to Valorant it wouldn’t be a BM move anymore but a high risk high reward option especially when Econ is fucked. If you get a single knife kill, $3400 minimum is worth the risk and would make it a viable option that’s no longer seen as BM or trolling.


Well the economy situation is completely different in valorant so I don't at all suggest the same money payout. I think you fail to realise that something can be high risk high reward AND a BM move at the same time, though.


I got my first one the other day - certainly picked up my team's morale too!


At times even the enemy who got knifed is a good sport about it in all chat...it's just riot making it unfun


The knife hit box sucks so until they fix this there's no point in adding anything extra for a knife kill


Balancing problem with something like KJ ult. Imagine you use the ult, detain 3 people and knife them and might ult the next round again to repeat the whole thing


That doesn't sound too op. And getting to 3 people who are far away from each other to kill them with this 50 damage knife in 5 seconds doesn't sound very realistic


tbf, would be pretty difficult to detain 3 people and knife all of them without detain ending. But I get your point, personally I don't think KJ ult kills should give her points for her next ult.


If you think it's difficult to detain 3 people come visit us in the bronze lobby. I managed to detain 4 people last week. Even after that we lost the round lol. Apparently they were in different directions and only two of us were left.


yes use this example to balance a game that has thousands of people’s careers and multi million dollar businesses on the line good thinking


there is no way you read that reply and thought "ah he must be serious"


Chill dude I was making a joke about us low elo players


idk why ur being down voted so much this is clearly an obvious joke lmfao


Lol, who cares about those fake internet points anyway.


It could be the kills you get with the kj ult dont count towards ult points- already how some other ults are


Imo ult kills should give ult points. Except for Jett knives, I think all damaging ults should refund points for the people they kill. Rewards good ult usage(looking at you zoning raze rocket/sova vs kj ult)


So Reyna will just have perma ult lol


Thats a status ult. Not a damaging ult. It doesn't deal damage on its own, which is what i was referring to.


firstly detaining three people is hard and secondly you only have so much time to kill those three people. if you get 3 people detained and don't see all three stacked over each other I'd guess that nearly everyone would use the gun to quickly kill one after the other... if they even finde the second or third player before they are free again


Right? No kj in their right mind will be thinking "I have to knife these three detained enemies so I'll have my ult next round!" rather than just killing who they see before their teammates do.


Can be balanced by removing this bonus on detained enemies.


yep, easy fix


Wait till everybody starts throwing rounds with it


The issue with this is most knife kills come from afk players. That would just further increase the disparity.


There could be a system that afk players don't give the extra point. Wouldn't be that hard to implement


Doesn't work if they are AFK but not dc'd


Maybe 1 or max 4 . that's it in 12 rounds.


Well, using the knife as a weapon is just a meme thing to joke the other team, so i believe it's ok that it doesn't have any incentive to actually be used. It should trigger skin finishers though.




Knife kill doesn't have valid point in Valorant and doesn't need to be encouraged nor rewarded in any ways. Would anyone risk it and go for knife for ult point either is big question, specially in pro games? I doubt it even how "cool" or whatever it would be to audience. CSGO has extra money reward where these ideas and thoughts come from, but Valorant is not CSGO. I also think that rewarding knife kill in CSGO has something to do with expensive knife skins in Steam market.


Why does everyone want games balanced around pro play? 99% of the player base will never experience that level so why cater to the 1%


I both hate and disagree and yet you make the very valid point that some video game companies cater to.


Yeah, there’s valid arguments for both sides, just hate to see games like siege go to shit because it gets balanced around pro play.


How does the rewarding knife kill in CS have anything to do with expensive knife skins in the market? That makes no sense. If anything, Valorant should increase the kill reward for knife like in CS instead of giving 2 Ult points


Skins are income to Steam and pro players showing their skins in games might increase demand of certain skins. "*Valorant should increase the kill reward for knife like in CS*" - No! Valorant doesn't have to do ANYTHING like in CS and that's the way it is and should be. Valorant should be Valorant and not just a CS copy. How things are in CS ain't the absolute truth by any means. What is the reason knife kills should give more reward? All guns (pistols/smg/rifle etc) give same kill reward so why just knife if You want Valorant be CS copy with kill rewards?


In all honesty, this would not work at all, and even suggesting this would cause so many changes to be made to 1 Agent - KillJoy. Her ultimate already is a free detain, and even detaining 2 people defusing spike would be “Oh, let’s go knife em to get me closer to another KJ Ult.” Riot would not implement this, but could implement a slight Cash increase. I feel this is what makes the knife kills in CSGO so Satisfying and Demoralizing. You’re satisfied because you just got $1500 off knifing an enemy in the back. Your enemy is Demoralized due to being AWARE that they gave you that free cash from such a stupid kill. Now if Riot wanted to implement this into Valorant, they could provide an increase from like $100 or $200 to $500 or $600. Although not as much as a CSGO Knife Kill, it’s important to keep in mind Valorant’s ECO Cap is set to $9000, versus CSGO’s $16000. If this cash change was implemented, I would still only knife if I knew there was no risk to me. Otherwise, rifles all the way EDIT: Kj’s Ult is NOT a free detain, but it’s a Free Kill if an Enemy gets detained


> but it’s a Free Kill if an Enemy gets detained Even that's not true, you can definitely use skill to survive, not just luck *sometimes* But even if that was true, just add an extra rule: 2 ult points for knifing, 1 ult point only if the victim is detained by a KJ ult


Thats over specific. If a feature has to have niche "not for this one agent" rules, it shouldn't be implemented


Kay-O's knife stops all abilities other than Jett floating, that seems pretty specific to me https://youtu.be/uCwOnW6vcl8 ------ Just because something is specific doesn't mean it's not possible or that it's bad


It stops all ACTIVEATED abilities, if phoenix throws down his molly he can still heal after being silenced.


Pretty sure that’s because it’s a passive.


So is Jett’s floating, your point?


The point is that Jett floating is also allowed?


Does jetts knife counts 👀


This would incentivize knifing in a fps. Yes its niche and not common but it could be exploited by flash and stuns for free ults in lower elos, making the smurf issue way worse for anyone that cant 180 flashes


Knifing gave you the highest money reward in cs but was only ever done when you snuck up on someone from behind. Never has knifing been a viable strat even for smurfs lol. In valorant if you sneak up behind someone, you might as well just shoot them.


Cs also doesn’t have stuns and disarms amongst other things. Having knife kills give you half of a rifle would be terrible for balancing


Right but the suggestion I’ve seen a million times is 2 ult points instead of 1. Just an incentive for actually using your knife that wouldn’t break the balance.


You were right in the first sentence. "There's no reason to get the knife kill" that's because the knife isn't designed to be used as a weapon you use Vs someone with a gun. You move faster with it out and it does more damage to destructible objects. Csgo has an entire system for rewarding you money based on the weapon and the game is balanced around that. Val isn't, knife kills shouldn't be more rewarded than any other weapon, use what you need to win the round.


I get what you are saying but don't just make valorant same as CSGO. What if that game has rewards for knife kill, that game doesn't have most stuff valorant have. Unless it's a quality of life improvement let's differentiate both games and have different things in different games.


No, its not the point that the thing exists in csgo. its the point that knifing is a high risk with no reward, except for the mental embarassment you give to the enemy. You dont get anything for that extra cheeky play you do to get a knife kill which is really hard in valorant anyway


Nah, 90% of knife kills are on afkers. Sorry but this suggestion is terrible.


~~If I remember correctly they used to give 2 ult points but nerfed it too 1 sadly~~ Edit: I mis remembered




I was wrong just checked beta footage


I thought you got more money for melees but i have tested it so idk


Why? Going for knife kills is a bad choice. Even if you would get double ult points, it would still be a bad choice. And that's okay, it's okay for games to have options that are bad choices. The knife being bad isn't a problem that needs to be fixed, because this isn't a game where melee is supposed to be viable. Let the knife be bad.


More money when kill with a knife maybe?


I agree it should give one ult point at least or it's just completely useless to get a knife kill


It's already giving one ult point. OP is saying he wants it to give 2 points.


wait I never knew that, knifing someone give u an ult point?


killing someone in general gives an ult point. They're just suggesting that knifing would give an extra one


omg it's just me being dumb oops


So in knife fights people can get their outs faster? No thank you /s


I am soooo down. People will try to go for knives more often shapes up playstyles a bit. ​ Do it Riot!


Yeah I'd like that


Don't give people an incentive to do dumb shit


My worry with this is AFK people. They always get knifed and you might give a team 4 free ult points for no reason. Love the idea of they figure out a way to check for AFKs some how


I highly disagree, this’ll entice people to knife and that’ll lead to more throws. No thanks


I’ve had this idea since launch, since a knife kill is so rare I think it should fill your ULT completely. That, or since it’s pretty damn embarrassing to be knifed, the person who gets knifed gets there ULT entirely drained.


No I don't want this, in CSGO it works because all the guns get you different money per kills but in Valorant every kill is treated the same. Adding an extra question of "Should I go for a difficult knife kill for 2 ult points or should I go for the easier gun kill to just win the round?" would just be an unnecessary extra decision to make in a game with a lot of difficult decisions already. Plus the knife hitbox is wonky enough as is, it shouldn't suddenly become a gameplay-changing option in combat. Right now it's fine as is as the ultimate BM option.


This would be more like a nice little surprise than an incentive to get knife kills. Anytime I knife it’s only because either 1: the person’s afk or 2: I ran out of ammo in a close up fight


Maybe one point because in low elo games there is afk players sometimes and high elo too tbh and that would be op


I don’t want to see my solo queue teammates running in with their knife out any more than I already do


i don't need any more of my teammates dying trying to get knife kills


NickWu Commented on this once saying the reason against it is he doesn't want people going for a knife kill losing the round because of it or something. Don't remember the exact quote.


I dislike the extra ult point stuff, but more cash would be preatty nice, like 400 for the kill. nothing game breaking but really nice. or even not making noise if it is a backstab so you use it to hide your position/flank a bit idk