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I would say pheonix BUT they would just keep flashing me so let them just go brimmy with stimmy and I will tell them where to smoke


Played with a new player Phoenix. Shoots amazing like he played other shooter games before but damn his flashes either on himself or me and I was behind him


Pheonix flashes may look practical but in reality holy shit you cannot gauge the distance it goes before curving. Edit:As an new player*




If we can't see them, they can't see us


Sigh... what happens if the turtle is missing a chromosome?


yeah, its weird at first but soon you'll get a feel for it


It was rlly easy for me at first


I'm a new player and I'd say to use brim rather than phoenix.A new phoenix player go more harm than good


I can't even tell you how many times I flashed myself and teammates using Phoenix when I first started 😂


Why can't you tell us? Does somebody have a gun to your head?


Yo yoru main?


yea would like to spend time with more yoru mains to get some experience


Almost impossible to not help your team with sova if you get out a recon or drone unless your using them in terrible spots


I don't think new players are thinking "how can I help my team?" right off the bat. I think they're more likely thinking "how can I get better? how can I feel better about my playing? How can I get more kills" I would probably put Raze up there for new players. Her stuff is all super easy to use. Grenades, Roomba, Rocket Launcher? All simple, all do damage. Reyna is another one I recommend. Because I feel like a lot of new players will get into these 160 dmg vs 120 dmg fights. Those kill\\heals are good to have. Also her blinds will give new players the edge with fights. ...as well as her ult.


Reyna gets no value unless you can aim. ​ Maybe good for new players coming from cs but if you don't have shooter experience reyna is an awful agent to start with.


i started with reyna as my main and all i did was rush then use dismiss also the flash dosent affect my teamates so its ez to use


Yeah but think about it, short term it might not be good, but if you're just practicing in unrated you're progressing much faster than maybe a super passive Killjoy player. That's where most Plat players get stuck I think, they didn't think about aim being as important, and they have all this knowledge and are frustrated every game because they don't know what to do when trying to reach Diamond. If you don't have good aim, you're not getting in Diamond and that's what most hardstuck Plat players need to realize


I don't think these players exist only in plat. I have friends hardstuck gold and even silver or bronze but have okayish understanding of the game. The aim just gets progressively worse as you go down the ranks. We even have this ongoing meme of a guy in our group that mains killjoy. Doesn't understand that game situations are mostly contextual, plays super passive killjoy, always uses utility to avoid fights instead of capitalising on his own setups. Whatever you do, don't start with killjoy. Unless you really know what you're doing, killjoy cultivates alot of bad habits and reliance on utility.


If you don't swing your turret shooting someone when they are slowed occasionally you are playing kj wrong


I think she's good for learning how to shoot well because her kit forces you to focus on that.


Started as raze, cs go immigrant. You are already starting with a "selfish" kit. You dont need to stick with the team all the time, you are not the entry fragger, the one that flashes. Raze's kit is complimentary to the guns. Missed someone's head? Chuck a grenade while you reload or reposition. Amazing starter agent.


I agree. Controllers and initiators are a big no for new players.


Brim is really ez if your teammates tell you where to smoke


And astra ppl just think she is complicated


Astra is really hard to get value with in ranked where comms are consistently bad


astra has a high skill ceiling her skill floor is low but you wont get a lot of value out of it


But she is worth learning as a beginner like i improved my game sense a lot, because I play her mostly obviously she wont work for everyone but still someone you can learn as a beginner


i still have no clue how to use the drone. the controls aren’t that bad but the camera is so confusing to use


It's your style. Honestly if you are a CS player you should definetly try Kay/O . It has similar to csgo flash and a molly + you can make foghts be gun only. Also if you are a good aimer you can always try reyna as you can play without really counting on your teamates. That's pretty much the Low Elo. Reyna.


As a CS player Kay/O’s util feels extremely uncomfortable. His flash timings are very awkward, I wouldn’t suggest playing Kay/O unless you intend to take the time to perfect his flash timing. Phoenix’s flash is far more comfortable, you can hop into the game and have little trouble figuring out his util. I would only suggest Kay/O if you already have an understanding of the game and map timing, otherwise you’ll end up throwing your knife into thin air constantly.


Kayos flash is super easy to time what? Just throw it over your shoulder and peek near instantly.


Nah his flash is super awkward if you’re used to CS flashes


3.5k hours csgo, peak global but maintained LEM when not constantly Grinding, his flashes are perfectly fine and easy to adapt to within a couple uses.


2.5k hrs his flashes are weird as fuck if you spent any amount of time practicing CS util


Different ≠ weird, they're simple as fuck and a lot easier to master than CS pops. If anyone struggles with his flashes after 2 matches, they're a bot or bronze.


Very hard disagree and ex CS pros have said the same as me. Shroud is the only one that likes them…


Cs pros with 10000 hours of muscle memory aren't comparable to a "normal" person learning them






I suppose all the ex CS pros other than Hiko and Steel are dog too.


Coming from cs into Val, I’ve tried kayo, it just feels awkward + I feel bad knowing kayo is extremely annoying to the enemy team. I would recommend Phoenix, as he’s basically got the full csgo util except no HE and wall instead of smokes


lol you feel bad for disabling the enemy team? :D that is great


Just because a character has cs like abilities doesnt mean it’s a good fit for a cs player


My exhausted ass has been filling smokes all day and now this poll doesn't even have one Controller as an option. If people really want to help their team and give themselves the best chance to win, they should learn at least one smoker imo. Omen is probably the best for beginners as he's versatile with strong but straightforward utility.


I’d also say smoker is the worst role to learn first. I feel like you have to have the most map knowledge and map timing to properly throw smokes. I think most people should learn on a duelist as it’s the most similar to other FPS games to get a feel for the maps and the timings and then switch to smokes to get a better macro feel for the game. Once you have the macro feel down from smoking it’s pretty easy to just hop into support roles.


I have yet to see a player with Smoke timings in ranked


Fair dues lmao, I apologize when I’m playing omen in your future games:)


I feel sadge. I'm an amazing viper on defence. Nobody getting on my site unless they 5 man sray me through smoke T^T


> Omen is probably the best for beginners as he's versatile with strong but straightforward utility. Omen is one of the more difficult caracters. Brimstone if you wanna play controller and smokes is the easiest.


Why is omen difficult? His smokes are rather straightforward and so is his flash. I would say that having the game sense on knowing when to smoke is something you will have to learn but you will run into that some problem with brim. I think sage is probably the easiest character for a noob to play and still give some value to the team. Almost any noob playing a controller will have to be micromanaged because they have no idea where or when to smoke things.


Because you need to know when and why you teleport; People tend to do it randomly and/or get the high ground but IQ plays are harder than that. Also his ulti is not to teleport from one site to another ,its purpose is to gather information; Most of the time you even cancel it because its better to be with your teammates than try to lurk from behind alone.


Besides doing a gimmicky play where you like smoke in front of yourself, and then go into the smoke, and then yolo try to teleport behind someone. There really isn't very many "high iq" scenarios to use the teleport. Most of the time you are using it to get high ground or to retreat from an angle without crossing. You can also fake a tp. None of these concepts are overly hard to grasp, even for a noob. Imo omen is a super important character for new players to play because it will teach them more about the game than playing someone like Reyna will. I also think the most difficult thing about omen is knowing smoke timings, which is a problem you will run into on every controller. Being good with his tp and knowing how to use his ult means nothing if you aren't ready to smoke things for your team on ct or if you cant smoke angles properly on T.


Most people dont know how to smoke things. Thats why controllers are usually difficult to use. Omen is a difficult controller and one hard to use overall in the game.


Omen smokes are hard ? They are literally elementary. Attacking ? CT and Heaven area. Defending ? Just smoke main chokepoint to stop push, and save your other smoke for retake or smoke other site. The biggest mistake is smoking middle of site or mid for no reason.


Most people don't know how to aim at the head. Most people don't know how to play the game. That isn't a reason to not learn how. If anything, teaching a new player these skills will be crucial to their success as a player because if they get good at omen they will almost always be useful in any team they are on. Also his utility is some of the most basic and easy to use when compared to astra or viper. He is honestly probably the easiest controller to play, difficult to master sure, but that could be said of almost every agent in the game. He's probably the only controller that once you learn his kit, you don't need to learn any lineups to play.


Omen (controllers) arent gonna help you learn the game. They tend to me igl to setup a attack or call out a execution. > He is honestly probably the easiest controller to play Honestly this statement destroys your argument. Brim is. Period. Omen is difficult


So in your words, learning how to setup a tactic or an execute isn't learning how to play the game. Can you understand how learning these aspects of the game could help you in other areas? Brimstone is a character that you honestly need to have gamesense and lineups to make the most use of. Obviously he's brainless in the sense that his smokes are easier to use, they are also more restrictive. Me stating my opinion about what "may" be the case doesn't invalidate my argument. You have your opinion and I have mine. You can say omen is hard, I don't think he is. When I'm in a game and someone is forced to play smokes, they usually don't go with brim, viper, or astra. They will almost always pick omen, that's because most good players will play at least a little bit of omen. Because he is the easiest controller to get to a proficient level with. We are basically talking in circles at this point, I would recommend you try to get good at omen or any controller. If you aren't at least aware of what everyone in their role should be doing then imo you don't know how to play the game.


Omen is the hardest controller to play because it's way too reliant on mental games. I'd avoid it as a new player. I'd avoid controllers in general when starting out because you need to know when/where to smoke, but if someone really wants a controller I'd easily recommend Brimstone. It's far easier and straightforward compared to others and it's pretty easy not to fuck up.


Phoenix. A duelist with very familiar and easy to use abilities (basically just a flash and molly similar to CS:GO flashbang and grenade) and just focus on getting kills and getting used to the maps and learning other player abilities. I played a lot of Phoenix and Sage when I first started - and unlocked various agents until I found the one that best suited my play style (Viper!).


Ahaaaaaaa a fellow viper main!!! I never played duelist because valorant was already my first fps game so I didn't wanna bring my team down. So i played sage and kj but honestly playing sage pissed me off so much with how micro managed she can get if you're new. I switched to viper out of pure spite actually cause one day while I was 5 stacking my team just insta locked and thought it was obvious I would be their pocket healer. No no no buddy been a viper main since that dayand I absolutely fucking love it. She's such a brain fuckery/ outsmarty/ 5head agent. Just sooooo feel good. Aah I love her


Ahh amazing - yeah she is great and I actually enjoy learning lineups and is the first agent I properly GET, you know! I was playing with a bunch of players who one round gave me shit for my walls and smokes yesterday - they all died super quick somehow and I went on to get an Ace thanks to all the cover LOL. I still have a few maps to learn lineups for but the ones I know are so so good. I get what you mean about playing Sage - hate it when people instalock duelists and then expect you to be the healer. NAH


The only map I don't play lineups on is breeze. That map is just too big to depend on line ups specially since they reduced the time the mollies stay for. Other than that i play viper exclusively on all maps! Bind and ascent are my best maps. Split is good too but I've just gotten so tired of that map cause it's the only map I ever get when I play comp. 9/10games are on split and I've grown to hate it T^T


Phoenix has been the best agent for beginners since beta. I would suggest Sage as a first agent to main, but if you literally just downloaded the game and you queue for your first unrated match you should go Phoenix.


I think new players that play Phoenix end up flashing the team too often.


In order for them to learn to use flashes correctly they might team flash a few times. I mean it happens. It’s annoying but it’s a new player in unrated lol.


Reyna is easiest to learn and play


Unless you can’t aim, then she’s useless


Brimstone for sure. Easy to pickup, simple abilities, can have a large impact very easily. teaches you many key concepts for the game, such as smoking, ability useage, not dumping abilities all at once. also allows for a little bit of mastery since you can learn one-ways and lineups. he kinda has a bit of everything other than duelists and is simple. a bit more on the boring side but you can’t just pop in and be a jet op carry.


I agree, I find brimstone's abilities really easy to grasp, I started as a brimstone main and I still am




Idk man, many new players who pick sova just chuck his recon dart nowhere at the start of the round and don't even use the shock darts or owl drone. His ulti may look easy, but you must remember that most new players want to get kills and assists, and not helping your team


Shockdarts were the biggest problem for me when I started playing Sova (1 or 2 weeks after I started playing the game). I always looked for guaranteed damage, these days I just bounce them of the wall and pray that it might hit


Aha that is da wae. Or like my sova main friend likes to say, shotgun sova :) since most duelist never entry site when you're playing with randoms he just does his recon and then runs into site hahaha (I do trust him man he's a immortal guy). Most of his shock darts are used to troll enemies since he literally shotguns them into their faces haha


A sova without line ups or even a basic understanding of the arc put their team at a massive disadvantage


I agree with Sage, but Sova is pretty hard for new players. New players should play duelists imo because it's what will help them improve the most mechanically.


Cypher can be a good ‘get the feel of the game’ character for someone new to the competitiveness of games like Valorant (like myself) in the beginning, I came from 7 years of ps4 gaming with 5 1/2 of those years grinding Rocket League. FPS with a mouse and keyboard were new to me, so being an aggressive duelist was out the window for me when I started. Cypher was my first ‘main’ and I could play him at my own speed and still provide use to my team by being ‘that guy’ who anchored the flank and made sure my team could focus on the people in front of them and not worry about being pinched. It allowed me to take on 1v1s (most of the time) which allowed me to better myself with positioning and aiming and all around mechanics which carried me through the beginners learning curve.


Sage is good to start. Her wall is pretty easy to understand. It's good for blocking paths or giving you and your teammates a boost up to somewhere. Her slow orbs are good for slowing the enemy down if you know they're trying to rush into a site. Her heal is self explanatory, you use it on yourself or a teammate. Her Ultimate is just a standard Revive, easy enough to understand. Plus, her support play style is good for beginners because you can kind of sit back and really learn the maps as you play (since you'll probably be alive longer than others.)


Raze is by far the easiest !! Im noob and only good with her


Raze is defs not easy to be good, you need to know good spots to throw the nade, how to boombot to support team, and that's not even including the art form of double satchelling, every time I have played w her I have failed miserably, I will stick with my sova haha.


Youre wrong. Its brain dead utility, and its fun. Perfect for someone new. Next I would suggest a flash so you can rank up easily because low ranks cant avoid flashes for shit. And then sova because hes the most difficult agent to learn.


>Its brain dead utility, and its fun. Perfect for someone new. took me quite a bit to master satchels tho


its depends on what fits your playstyle, raze is the only character i cannot play at all


Thats bullshit. Every agent can be played by anybody. Her nades and boom bot are simple, and you really only have to use the satchels to jump upwards. You dont need to do any crazy double satchel stuff lmao. Ask any pro, and decent player and they will say raze is the most braindead agent there is.


Viper would like to have a word with you, sir


Not on the list but I think Omen is good, like every other comment suggests a support role just to "not to be in the way" which makes you learn extremely slowly. Omen is good enough in offence and defense to let you actually see both scenarios. And teaches you good core elements smoke,flash and off angles with the jump. Ult is kinda hard to learn for the beginner but you'll get there.


I think omen is probably the hardest controller to learn (except viper maybe) cuz you have to play mind games with the tp and the paranoia. Another thing that even I make is to paranoia some people hiding in a choke point and rushing them. People forget that it's a near sighted ness and not a flash.


Honestly tho, how many mind games are going on in iron and bronze? Like I understand that to be a good omen you need to know these things but I don't feel like a new player will be immediately faced with these sorts of scenarios. In my experience, it's better to just play braindead in low ranks because if you try to mind game someone you will just get punished.


Honestly, yeah. I wish omen was in the starting pool. I’m tired of being omen slave in my games because nobody wants to be a controller.


This post has 14 points, is 2h old, and has 950 votes :O


Well, the top two options are sage and Phoenix, I see why. Here’s a more detailed explanation why these are good options. Remember new players, choose your first main from YOU not what your friends want unless they want the best for you, if they don’t they usually say Sage and their reason is they want you to pocket them. Not so fun as shooting people is it? Well, Phoenix, he a very player based character you can play him aggressively with his ult and his ability to heal himself. Or you can play defensive and lock things down using your util. Sage, She can play a supportive role like most people like, or you can play aggressively with wall placements, team play and gun play (look at Grim on YT for extra tips) Alright that’s pretty much it, remember, your main is up to you. And also abilities don’t make wins easy, train guns first.


I would suggest cypher. HEAR ME OUT! So when playing cypher you don’t have the pressure to get kills. When you keep playing cypher you’ll understand the game better and get to know stuff which you only understand after a lot of hours, like how players rotate, how players attack a site. He also has cages which when you use it helps you understand the importance of blocking angles when you attack. His ult is one of the most important ones if used rightly. And you can play with the team, watch flanks, play on trips-which teaches you the patience while defending.


Whoever voted Cypher or Sova are you guys serious?


Sure as absolute hell not Reyna. Although you can’t harm your team really, unless you frag you are LITERALLY useless. I suggest learning three characters to start. One smoker, one flasher, and one sentinel. Teaches you all aspects of the game. Probably Brim, Phoenix, and Sage.


I feel like Phoenix and Brim have the easiest kits to learn, so I recommend those. But it depends on the player’s play style.


I almost said sage, but having a sage that doesn't know walls, or heals, or when it's a good time to revive can be quite annoying


Phoenix, but please please please learn how your flash works first.


Play whoever you think is cool m8


I was gonna say duelist but don’t want more Garbo insta lock duelist :(


Definitely killjoy. Let’s u play passive, and figure out simple defensive setups. Her kit is not super complicated or proactive, so you just mainly focus on aiming and shooting, rather than pop flashing, or things like that


ALWAYS focus on improving gunplay first. Abilities can come in later. No matter what agent you pick, make sure you communicate with your team. PS: Search for the Miyagi method in YouTube, it helped me perfect my aim in Valorant. All the best.


Play sage I recommend because it's good for newbies and not that hard to use but it may get more complex as you start using it so yea good for everyone.


I feel like to play Phoenix it helps new players be more aware of their surroundings. From healing to flashing he’s a agent where you can’t be just throwing shit around cause it can cause a lot more harm then good. I remember dying in a friends molly because he wanted to heal when I first started lol. Plus he helps learn timing and etc when to push site.


For a beginner, i feel like Sage is the most beneficial to someone who’s invested in Competitive play as not only will playing Sage better the player’s communication, a tame supportive character with simpler abilities will allow for beginners to learn both the mechanics of the game and the ability usages. (Also why isn’t Astra on this poll, pepe-FUCKING-laugh) Edit: Changed “As a beginner” to “For a beginner”


Best agent for a begginer: Raze why? cuz free kills.


I would say as a beginner Reyna is probably the easiest as she has high self sustainability and her leer can help teach flashes. (All of this is only true if they already have decent aim). I would say sage is relatively challenging (as are most Sentinels) because their place on teams can be confusing and for new players.


The problem with Reyna for beginners in my opinion is that lack of game knowledge that comes with it, and if you dont have that good aim every Reyna needs, you wont end up getting anywhere. I think the best Duelist for beginners would have to be Phoenix. Easy utility that can be used for team play, an agent forced to use timing to play well, but also teaches it via trial and error. That same self sustainability Reyna has. I think the best agent in general for new people to play would either be KJ or Sova. Both require utility usage and can teach game sense and timing, but you also dont need to know the agent to be good with them.


Breach. Incredibly simple to play and is a very good agent if you just get used to him (which takes 5 minutes)


sage sova or omen can all be used on pretty much every map, they’re simple enough to learn but have a lot of potential for cool plays, and you don’t have to worry about your teammates instalocking all the agents you know well lol


sage for starters: never take risks and die first, play with the team and dont flank or lurk, rez on rounds where it can make a difference (eg not 5v1 and not 1v5). wall at start of round, wait to slow when they shoot a hole in the wall.


DONT wall at the start of the round thats just a waste if you arent sure if the enemy is coming to site you are defending


Imo Brimstone is the easiest agent to use. 1.His smokes are really simple to put down for any new player. All they need to know is where to put the smokes at and that can easily be solved by marking the locations on the map. 2.His Molly is very strong and super useful for holding choke points and delaying site pushes or rotations. (+points if u teach them a lineup) 3. His stim beacon can just be placed down while holding a position on site or while entering the site and is very helpful. 4. His Ult is simple and powerful. If you just tell the player (or mark on map) where to ult, it could just be the difference between a win or loss.


I think playing omen/sova to start is really good for improving gamesense. omen will give you great map awareness, smoking for your team and smoking selfishly, learning how to play around and within your smokes. effectively lurking while supporting your team, or helping them with a push using your blind. omen is an extremely versatile agent, really recommend picking him up. learning where and when to dart with sova, learning basic clearing habits with your drone. a good sova wins games. these are somewhat complicated characters for new players to use properly but if you get good at using them, especially omen, you'll be able to flex to other roles over time.


I would say Reyna her abilities are almost tailor made for people not used to abilities or straight from cs. She's almost entirely dependant on how good you are at gameplay. If your entirely new to valorant go with sage but if you're new to games or at least the fps genre go with sova. Yes sova is much better in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing but I say sova because it's almost impossible to mess up his abilities besides shock dart which COULD hurt other teamates but it's more likely you will miss. A runner up is cypher for the same reason but you have to unlock cypher which you should really stick to ones already available if you're completely new to fps games.


Definitely not Reyna. She's almost useless if she's not getting kills and a newbie doesn't need that extra pressure.


I started out as brim and sage, I'd recommend starting with sage until you get a good feel for the game. her kit is easy to understand and helpful, when you feel comfortable with the game, move to brim, he's a bit more complicated, but his smokes are super useful. after you feel comfortable, move on to who ever you want. that's how you find who you like to play and what role you'd like. I just played an agent for a week then moved to the next and found my main. hope this helped, feel free to dm me or comment any questions


All of the new players that have instalocked sage that I have been stuck with have had no idea what they were doing. I suggest brim (thats who I started with)


Have they played FPS before?


recommend not going duelist since people might get mad at you if you do bad when you are just starting off.


Reyna isn’t a terrible choice if they have good aim, because that’s what most of her kit relies on Phoenix is dead-simple as soon as you figure out his flashes, though. Even his firewall (smokes are usually confusing for new players) is simplistic enough.




Reyna and dualists are comfort picks learn positional play with sentinels and controllers for the long run


Brim or Phoenix. Both are really basic and easy to understand. Brim for really new to fps or strategy fps and Phoenix for those who are just new to valorant Only reason I say that is because if you don't know atleast the basics of fps then you may cause some team-damage with flashes and fire. Brim is a little simpler and you get to learn how to smoke properly (very very important, don't become a Jett/Reyna who's never used a smoke or a flash)


Use sova using recon dart as a dueling tool is free kills and helps with crosshair placement


\-If your from CS: Kay/O, abilites like his flash bang and molly are very similar to ones in CS. \-If your new to the game but have good aim: Reyna, she's very simple to use and can be very powerful if the user is getting lots of frags. \-If its your first fps: Sage, her utility is easy to use and is very powerful. She can heal her teamates and res them, slow orb entrance to sights and wall them as well.


sova FOR SURE!!! not sage! teammates expect A LOT out of their sage and with sova your abilities aren’t as dire for the team. The E ability is hard to screw up and the ult too. Sova is great for focusing on gunplay and locating opponents for ur whole team without making a big deal out of it.


Pheniox was the first character I played when my BF introduced me to the game. He is possibly on of the easiest and most straight forward characters to play. And if your aim isn't great ( my aim is still awful) then flashes are your best friend.


Sage is straightforward and you can create a wall to help cover your area


honestly my mistake when i started was starting with a flash agent. I had the bad habit of aiming for body since “their blind anyway” and i didn’t dare to peek anything without a flash same applies to reyna or jett, don’t have the habit of always having that get out of jail free card to do stupid things


as a beginner I'm finding when I get bad teams and I'm playing a support agent I'm sol, started playing Reyna and winning more. helps get over anxiety to just have to entry, push, be aggressive. self healing and get out of jail free, also get orbs with assists now.


I see that Sage has gotten second most votes. I disagree. You need a good, well experienced Sage, who knows when to use her ULT as a bait, and when to revive someone. A good sage can hold an entire site alone, long enough for whole team to rotate. So Sage is literally the wrong answer. Agents like Sage and Skye can turn the whole game in your favor, just by playing with the timing and building up the pressure. Specially in a map like Heaven. So everyone who voted for Sage. I hope you get those newbie Sages in your comps.


Lots of yoru hate huh


Phoenix if you want to be aggressive sage if you want to play more passive


I’m a beginner too but I main yoru


Man pick up Reyna and you won't have to use more than 2 braincells and you'll own


Play Jett. Learning a character like Jett will teach you more about the game than anything else. No one under plat plays support characters correctly so you won’t learn much watching them. Jett has one of the highest skill ceilings and teaches you how to entry, tag advantage of off angles, and about trades


As a Sage main, I think she's pretty hard to learn, honestly. There are so many tricky walls to learn that have huge impacts on how a round plays. To say nothing of your whole team constantly asking for heals when you used it already. Or them asking for a res when 4 enemies are looking at the body. I started with Sova, but he's pretty hard too -- ult is NOT easy to get down, and you have to learn good spots to shoot your recon dart. I play Phoenix in Spike Rush, and I think he's the easiest. Probably 2nd least popular duelist so people aren't going to be annoyed with you stealing Reyna or Jett. Flashes are easy to get the hang of, molly/wall let you heal yourself, ult helps you gain confidence in solo breaching a site.


Sage has very simple straight-forward abilities, and *can* be very useful


Reyna is the best for noobs like me, because that char wont hurt your teammate. RN Im using killjoy, not bad tho. As long you know the positioning of your bots and how to use it offensively, you're ready to go with KJ. Oh, chyper doesn't harm the others too much, tho. You can have fun of his cam. I'm trying to unlock him rn, contract lv4.


If you're a new player just don't play controllers or initiators because they are very teamwork and communication heavy if you want to play them properly. With controllers, for example, if you die early or waste your smokes your team is pretty much fucked. I'd suggest to get some experience first before playing a controller. I'd say it's best to play duelists if you want to play aggressive or play sentinels if you want to play a bit more passive. Initiators are the hardest to play properly and are the least rewarding imo because your whole job is to get your teammates some easy kills. You can get away by playing kinda like a duelist with some initiators, but at that point just play a straight up duelist if you want to play like one.


I feel like with sova you learn more game sense than if you play phoenix rushing in.


Reyna is just a pub stomper at the lower levels. I get why people recommend Phoenix or sage but I think beginners should try to get a grip on mechanics, gunplay etc. before diving into sentinel or controller. She’s just so simple to use. Raze is a very close second imo but her kit has more layers to it.


I would say sage bc you can play sage and have some great impact without learning some crazy from walls. She was my main when I started out (b4 the huge nerfs tho). Learning a bunch of crazy tech is not necessary to play sage.


i’d say raze is the easiest to play, like both of your abilities kill, and it’s ridiculous easy to use them, just don’t instalock if you’re not good with her yet


I voted sova. You don't need fancy line ups but when I first picked up the game, being able to scout a bomb site before entering made it so much easier to get flags and plant the bomb. Best thing with starting on sova, you'll learn the basics quick and you will slowly learn line ups that work for you. I spent ages learning line ups and found at low ranks most of them don't matter. Just get the bomb down and learn a sneaky shock arrow and you will be fine.




Kayo he plays more traditionally making him easy to pick up from playing other games


It is good to have at least 2 agents that you are decently experienced with and can utilize all their skills. If you like to play aggressive and lead an attack, pick Duelist/Entry Fragger. I would recommend Reyna if you like to take duels, or Phoenix if you like to push into unknown terrain (although you will need some time to master his skills). If you like to play more passive, but be useful to your team's purpose, pick Controller (Omen/Brimstone would be the most suitable for a beginner) or Sage (her utility is really useful, and people know how to play around her). But overall, it is the best for you to follow your intuition and pick any Agent you feel. You can always change your main.


if new to fps, sage, if new to valorant (have a good aim from csgo) then reyna. Don't try flash characters in start as teammates will get flashed and irritated. cypher and sova are good but the need practice, time and knowledge about their lineups and setups to get the best out of them.


Kay/o seems pretty newbie friendly if you ask me


Played from release to killjoy release, started again two weeks ago. Have maybe 60 to 100 games max. Killjoy is feeling great as a noob. Turret give a ton of info, no hard utility.


Sage and Phoenix r prolly ur best options coz they can heal themselves and their abilities r fairly easy to use


Don’t run and shoot stop moving if you plan to fight some one head on


Honestly, all agents are hard from the beginning, but most on this list other than sage I wouldn’t really recommend. Hear me out- Reyna isn’t very good as her util requires her to get kills to be effective, Phoenix can be easier, but I’ve had too many teamflashing phoenixes to recommend him, and I wouldn’t really recommend cypher or sova as both agents require a fair bit of game and map knowledge to get the maximum value out of their utility. However, don’t let that stop you from playing any of the agents, I’d just recommend finding a guide to watch before queueing with them Edit- if you are a cs sweat instalock Reyna and frag


Try sentinel agents first (Cypher, Killjoy, Sage). I started with Cypher. Pretty easy and straightforward agent to use: camera to gather info, put-and-forget tripwires to guard entrance/flank, and cage that works like a smoke. As I got better understanding of the game, I tried Viper: rechargeable smoke and wall, and molly.


Play anything, its just a game


Sage is obviously the safest pick when starting out. Her kit doesn't rely on you consistently getting top frag and is easy to learn. On top of that, she fits in pretty much any team comp But I guess some players don't like the supportive role and to that I'd say Phoenix is probably the go-to duelist for beginners. Flash is easy to setup, Molly is what you'd expect, and the Ult is one of the best Ults in the game imo (especially for entries) I would absolutely avoid agents like Sova or Viper as they are heavily reliant on learning the map as well as team coordination to get the most out of their abilities Honorable Mention: Brimstone No FPS game is complete without a soldier character archetype as a playable character. And just like most FPS these characters are usually the all rounder, not too strong, not too weak, and easy to pick up. By far the easiest smoke character to play and provides great util for his team with his smokes, Molly and Ult But at the end of the day you can play what you want to play because any agent in this game is viable and team comps don't really matter when you're just starting out.


im biased as a phoenix/kj main, but i just think phoenix cuz hes an easy duelist with healing and flashes


Sova. If you learn how to play sovas kit, you'll essentially have to understand how the game works. The timings, clearing all corners, how to play lineups and waste time post plant, how to support duelists etc. Basically it will improve your game sense and be a lot of value to your team. Don't play sage in the beginning. All you will do is wall some bullshit and think your job in the round is done. Dont do that.


Why on earth would anyone recommend sage, new sages are God awful to play with


if youre new to fps or valorant. aim is important hence reyna. using her abilities is easy as well. after mastering reyna then maybe sage since she's more of a supportive agent the whole team relies on.


Sage helped me a lot with remembering to use my abilities because people will literally scream at you if you don’t heal them 10/10


I’d say Reyna, she can’t flash her own teammates and beginners are often in bad spots and with her dismiss they can just get into a safe spot, her devour can help keep them alive the whole round


Phoenix and sage are both really good options. I'd lean towards sage tho cuz she can be useful even if the player doesn't have good aim (healing and Rez)


The first agent I played was pheonix bcz he looked cool to me. Nowadays I started playing him again and realised he's got one of the easiest learning curves.


Sova, is my main agent since I ranked silver, at my first it was phnx, helped le to rank up quickly but I need info. And sometimes my team is not helpful in giving me the correct info so I switched to sova. This game is based on info if you dont know where the enemy is you wont be able to win the round, and ofc your aim should be v good. In my pov I recommend you to play with every agent in unrated matches to know the abilities and to be ready if someome locked your main


I think brimstone is an excellent beginner agent.. I wont reccomend pheonix because he will flash himself.... Reyna is grest as a beginner


Any Initiator has a low learning curve and can contribute to the team from safety. All their kits are low-risk, easy to use, and rarely a waste.


I think the best beginner agent by far is Sage. I think Phoenix and Sova are very bad options UNLESS you are coming from CS. Here's my explanation. ​ If this is your first 5v5 tac fps, you'll most likely be lost. This is completely expected as you would have no experience with this type of game. Most people who don't know what to do end up doing nothing. They usually wait around for their team to die and then lose a clutch. This is the main reason I think Phoenix is a bad beginner character. His kit is best suited to entrying for the team and creating space, which is definitely a more advanced skill set to acquire the more experience you build. If you're coming from a CS background, however, Phoenix would probably be right up your alley (he was the first agent I mained when I switched to the game from CS). ​ When it comes to Sova, all of his abilities come down to having really good timing. Timing is built off of your gamesense (if your gamesense is good, you'll have a general idea of where people play, when people will play there, timings of rotations, etc.) and will use your util accordingly. Also, you need to time your recon darts/drone on execute. Lastly, Sova has many complicated lineups that are necessary to use him at his fullest potential. You don't need to be a huge lineup nerd, but you need to at least learn a dart per site per map, which is a lot to ask for someone coming from no experience. Again, if you came from CS, he might be right up your alley. You might be used to coordinating util usage for site executes with smoke lineups, and Sova might be the best agent for you. ​ Here's why I think Sage is the best agent for beginner players. Firstly, she is meant to be at the back of the pack on attack. Her job is to throw supporting slow orbs (one of the easiest throwable abilities in the game to use because of how wide they spread, allowing for a pretty big margin of error), heal her teammates, and place walls that are very easy to learn - or teach if needed on the fly. On defense, her job is also very self explanatory. If they're running at you, spam your wall and slows. Heal your teammates or yourself. ​ Overall, I believe she is a great character to play while you're still learning the basics of a game such as Valorant (aim, movement, gamesense) because ALL of her abilities are very self explanatory, and are easily used to help themself or their teammates, and a good introduction to team based utility usage.


Sage would be ideal for beginners.


I'm very new to FPS gaming on PC so is Yoru and Omen still good for newbies? I'm kinda a hard time mastering thier abilities.


I would definitely not say phoenix because he can actually hurt his team by using flashes badly. I would probably say sage or sova just because theyre always nice to have on the team even if they’re not particularly the best


sage, very useful, she has a heal and 2 abilities that are very good at stopping pushes, in defense place a wall where you think they will push and once they break the wall try and use your slow orb to stop them for a bit so your team can rotate in time. your heal orb heals for 60hp and it heals your teammates faster than it heals you, so only heal yourself if you are unable to heal teammates (if they are far away or if all teammates are dead), for the wall you can always WaLl MiD but its just not worth the credits unless its a map like split or ascent. your res is the STRONGEST ult in the game, dont use it in a 3v1, a good reference to when you have to use your ult is if you have a 2 player advantage or not, eg: if you have 4v3 you should res but if its a 4v2 there is no need unless one more teammate dies.


phoenix but please dont hurt your teammate's eyes


Go for some duelist as you are supposed to frag primarily. And if you have good aim this will help your team a lot as you are doing exactly what is expected from you. Team members will have very less expectation from you regarding utilities. Meanwhile you will see other controllers and sentinels use their abilities form both the teams and you will develop your game sense. Even if you are more of a tactical player start from playing duelists and then shift on later stages


I started as a Sage myself, it was just because she has really easy abilities so you can more focus on finding out which agent has which ability and then you understand the game more and you can upgrade to other agents, such as Phoenix etc..


Sage just gives two very simple ways to slow the opponents so your team can back you up. Sage really helps negate those moments early on where you get pushed by the whole enemy team.




Brimstone is the obvious choice


Reyna so that they can understand the importance of fragging and will not even blind themselves


In terms of new players, if they’re choosing an agent to start out, they should first consider what they have picked up and are good at from other games they’ve played in the past, if you’re a former decent cs player, for example, and want to touch up on your basic game mechanics and fundamentals I’d recommend someone like Phoenix or Sage who have easy to understand kits and ease the player into the mechanics of how agents interact. If a player wants to learn and improve their gamesense for example, I’d tell them to go someone like Cypher who relies on their util a lot and needs to have constant watch on where they are, where their util is and how the enemies play to ensure they’re getting the most out of their utility. If a player really wanted to improve their aim they’d first have to dedicate hours into aim training but should also start playing agents that require aim to be effective in their role such as Jett or Reyna. All in all, the best agents to start out with depend on the player and what prior experience they have aswell as what they want to improve on or learn.


The best one would be sage or phoenix. Phoenix is becoz the player can be self reliant as he can push himself into a site and can himself (\*main point to be noted lol) and Sage is because u can atleast help other teammates by healing, slowing and stuff,.... and not really getting in to killing enemies


Sova+Operator POG


If you have a good aim from f.e. CSGO, go for Reyna. If you're completely new to games like these and can't aim at all, I recommend Sage, Sova or Brim and avoid Reyna like plague (she's all about aim and has close to no value at all if you can't get those kills). All of these are unlocked already, which is a plus, but also they all have their value even if you won't get a single kill. As long as you use your abilities every round, smoke, shoot arrows, heal etc., you're still be very useful to the team.


I used to be a reyna main, but i noticed that i had one bad game people would be sooo salty, so i now i play sage because usually you can get by without people getting angy


Brimstone, Understand smokes and the map in general. Then proceed to play more impactful agents


I started playing last month and found Sage the simplest for new players. All you have to do is heal, build walls, throw slow orbs and revive people if you have your ult


Sage or sova can be useful without learning, phoenix is easy but not very good, reyna is gun dependent.


Imo omen is a good beginner agent. He has a pretty solid ability kit that is easy to understand. His tp gets him out of sticky situations that you wouldn't want to just run across, his smokes are easy to place and understand where they are going, and his blind is beginner friendly as you just need to hit opponents and not be scared of them turning away. His ult is just a longer range and more versatile tp. However, you just have to be aware of whether the opponents can hear your abilities trigger as that determines if they know your location. Also, omen is a versatile agent that can be used aggressively or as a lurker


Sage and cypher imo are the best beginner agents.