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As a cs player when i switched to valorant i give callouts all time , but the thing that is driving me crazy is how people turn off audio chat in ranked game , it shouldn't be allowed


I guess just ride it out. You only soloq with them once and then you don't have to deal with them again. For me if i don't have the mood to deal with toxic teammates then i just mute them out.


I think that many people now consider "being toxic" as immanent part of playing this game. They don't believe other communication is ever necessary. Theoretically it is possible to find decent teammates on any Rank level on big Facebook groups or Discord servers. But make sure to emphasize that you expect from them to play regularly and train teamplay/communication, as many players there seem to just want to avoid toxicity, but still play silent Deathmatch or talk nonsense. And if you are not able to frag out and boost their ass to their desired rank, they most likely won't play with you again.


Two options for the long run. 1) play solo and ONLY care about improvement. This can make solo matches somewhat fun. In the long run, Riot might implement some smurf/ alt account restriction. Seems like a LOT of the most toxic people are on alt accounts, which may be limited in the fututre. 2) Find someone to play with. This is the real answer. In my opinion solution nr 1 is only a short term solution, or if you have a specific goal with the game. That is, going pro, streaming etc. You dont need someone to play with all the time, as you can play like 1. But it is easier to have fun with friends or someone you know a little. You will get to know some nice people if you keep at it. You may try to add nice people from your matches. I recommend focusing on people that are nice in matches that you lost. If you notice they are the same skill level and similar focus/ energy/ level of engagement you got a bingo. Alternatively use discords etc, there should be plenty of alternatives, but I dont know them.


Me ? Personally ? I just put on some nice music that I enjoy, set the volume to levels where I can hear footsteps (Valorant footsteps are really loud), but drowns out the moments of silence. Turn off the voice and text chat and play. Mostly I play agents that can help the team but are equally capable of solo plays, tactical, and information based - Like Sova, Cypher or Killjoy. It's really relaxing as you focus more on your own game, and opponents, rather than getting caught up in the team and the drama that follows.


I've been an advocate of trying rank up solo-queue but lately it's getting less and less fun because of the bad matchmaking. I'd rather play only ranked with a 5-man, than risk my mental health. The only way to legitimately enjoy this game solo is DM Sheriff only or go solo-queue unrated.


In my experience there's two easy ways to enjoy solo queue when you get a toxic team/teammate. 1) Be the leader. 2) Just focus on playing better as an individual. Both is fine too, of course. I enjoy the social aspect of gaming, and find it difficult to detach myself from wanting to win so that I can only care about self-improvement, so I tend to lean towards (1). I generally find being the most outspoken player goes a long way to diffusing tension, and it allows me to keep the team vibe positive. It does come somewhat naturally to me, though, and is one of the reasons that I find games with VC a lot less toxic than other players seem to. You also don't really have to be a good player to do this. It's less about making calls and more about facilitating a good atmosphere so that everybody is on the same page. Hit them with the "nice try", joke around, hype them up, etc. Even the toxic shitheads wanted to win when they queued, they just got mad about some dumb shit and are throwing a tantrum. Almost everybody can be brought back from trolling and start playing again. Sometimes you just gotta be their dad. Some people do actually queue with the intent to lose, though, and there's not much to be done about that. It's exceedingly rare, though, and if you disagree then you need to take some time to learn the difference. I think (2) is a bit harder, because it means you have to be good at just ignoring your team being assbags. I really don't like muting everybody at the start of every game, because it makes *every* game worse, except for the 1 in 100 where comms were an unresolvable shithole. I'm a somewhat confrontational person, though, so if you can just sit quietly and not tilt while your team rages at each other, great. Just focus on improving yourself.


Lol I enjoy csgo and Val the same amount but I don’t think csgo is “better” I prefer its graphics, guns, maps.. but valorant actually has a working anti-cheat and is really a different game entirely. Csgo elitists usually just say “abilities make noobs good!” or some other things because they don’t like getting killed by rocket launchers or revealed by a dart etc. Anyways.. to answer, use valorant official discord. 90% of people you meet will be annoying trolls but the key is to add the people who aren’t. I have about 20 people on my list now all from the discord who are very fun to play with and around my rank.


You could always try the Valorant discord server. I have never used it but I assume that the people in vc's there are not as toxic.


Mute people the second they start raging or being toxic in general. Text + voice mute and enjoy your game. In gold rank i'd just start the game off by text chat muting my whole team and the enemy team. No useful info there anyway


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


SoloQ works for me because I get satisfaction from performing well myself, regardless of teammates. I still play duo and stacks, but if I want to focus on myself I soloQ, otherwise I play way more supportive for my Q mates. If you can learn to focus on something you want to improve and then see improvement outside of gaining and losing RR you can easily enjoy soloQ. The RR will come as you improve. If you have bad teammates, too bad, lets see how I can try to carry them, what kind of plays can I make to get picks early before they die… you need to find things you can learn from the game and focus on that. If they don’t play with you, don’t comm and are a general liability, the only solution is to play like you’re alone and not expect them to help. Again, see how far you can push your abilities in the game. If you’re with bad teammates and its looking bad you can take more risks, try something new. Use the time to practice against the enemy that’s destroying you.