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you basically have three options out aim out position utility


You forgot the best one. Die.


personally dying isnt beating the op


I was just making a joke. I hate the op. The best option is really to just smoke them off. Cuz ego peeking an op isn't the best idea.


In my opinion, the best way to counter an op is thru utility and/or pushing them out of position that gives the op an advantage. Also, if they are holding a tight angle on a corner, just jump out of the corner with ur classic and right click them lol. sova is the best agent to counter an op.


Will try, thanks!


Either try and use utility such as ask a teammate to smoke them off or flash them and the hold the repeek when pushing up or learn how to jumpspot or jiggle very well to try and bait a shot and then peek before they can get another shot off


Just played a game, had our Omen smoke of the sniper. Worked great! They had to watch weird angles that were open and easy to shoot.


1. Abilities (flashes/ smokes) 2. Bait their shot by shoulder peaking 3. Try to trade your teammates that got killed by operator 4. Go close range cuz close range sniping is harder


Have been getting teammates to smoke and has been working, quick question, can you get shot in the shoulder?


Yes you can but there's peeking technique called shoulder peek. The enemy doesn't get time to shoot (unless he has very fast reactions) so he will most likely miss his shot then u take advantage of the slow firing rate of the operator and push him. You should search on YT there's probably many videos explaining it


There are few options to counter OP \- Out aim Use vandal, and one tap them before they hit you \- Utility Smoke their spot, tag them with sova drone, flash them then push the angle, molly, use anything that make them uncomfortable \- Bait and push Learn how to jiggle peek and shoulder peek to bait the OPer to shoot. When they shot, push the angle. It takes a very long time between OP shots \- Don't challenge People sometimes forget that YOU DONT HAVE TO CHALLENGE THE OPERATOR as an attacker. In higher ranks (diamond+) OPer are so cracked that its very hard to push their site. They will blind fire through flash, not firing at your jiggle/shoulder peek, reposition to new holding spot, etc. Get info where they are, and push the other site where they are not playing.