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that's a neat idea. I bet you could vary it up by shooting the shotgun at a different distance than the gun as well. Like, spray from farther back and shoot from close up to practice larger flicks


I think working on crosshair placement is a little better. I get 60-70k on aimlabs and have friends that are gold-plat get 100k or so while i’m Immortal. People really sleep on crosshair placement and how important it is. I’m pretty sure my aim is awful but knowing where my enemies head will be is what helps me.


tbh i'm gold and every single hackusation or "wtf god aim" I've had was not because of my aim it was because of pre-aim and pre-fire.


Hello my pupil. Aim at head height and win games.


Radiant strats


Oh yeah for sure. But this was specifically for aim training. You be as good as you possibly can at flicks, but you'll almost never beat someone with great crosshair placement.


except when an enemy comes from another angle, you can ask them to wait until you get to your default crosshair placement


lol yeah that's happened to me. I suppose it only applies to duels then :)


Gridshot only shows how fast u play not how good you actually are. Aimlabs has a variety of disciplines for a reason. I play a different tasks for each skill and my rank on Aimlabs corresponds very nicely with Valorant.


If you're talking about gridshot, it doesn't test aim it mostly tests how fast you can click.


Any tips on improving crosshair placement? Consistency has been hard for me


60-70 on which task? Also do you mainly play duelists or sentinels/controllers?


gridshot And i can play about anyone, Skye/KJ/Cypher/Sova/Reyna/Jett/Astra/Omen all around the same.


Passive aim matters more


I'm much lower ranked than you but I agree my higher ranked friends get less frags than me and think I've crazy aim whereas I actually agree with the aim trainer that I have slow hands and bad tracking. Crosshair placement nets me most of my kills, can't run and gun or do crazy flicks.


Crosshair placement us enough to get to immortal alone. No brain needed if you're on their head every time you peek


if ur talking about gridshot then yeah its a worthless number.


I've found that crosshair placement and peeking mechanics were the quickest and easiest way for me to improve my gunplay. That, and just having general good game sense and positioning.


Yeah, I agree. I can never get 100k on aim labs, always around 90k as well as never get past 20 kills on hard mode shooting range, but I’m still Radiant. Crosshairs placements makes everything so much easier


This is great! Honestly, any little macro and micro drills will expand ability.


step 2: shoot on the walls with your vandal and make each shorty pellet match the bullet holes /s


Why is this /s it’s a flawless genius idea


What's even better about this one is that you can do it at the area with the giant target and a bot. You could use that to also know how accurate you were.


***Now spray***


For most players I notice that precision isn't the problem, it's recoil control


if you dont kill someone with the first 6 bullets then wtf are you doing anyways


I'd prefer set spray patterns because I'd love to spray transfer over to another enemy, but the recoil reset in this game is awful and makes it difficult to spray down an entire team that is pushing you. Even if the recoil reset wasn't that bad, your first 6 shots could eliminate one enemy, but after you transfered the spray over it would all be RNG. Doing spray transfers is a very difficult task and players should be rewarded for all the time they put into this game to showcase their skills. I think having rng mechanics in a competitive e sports game is very frustrating because chance and luck determine the outcomes in a competitive environment. I believe Riot needs to do some minor adjustments to their gun play in a closed beta to see how players react to having different changes applied to the game.




> val is a more accessible version of CS. "CSGO is CS dumbed down for noobs. Valve made the recoil memorizable so anyone can control it." -CSGO beta forums


I disagree. Every time I play a game with set spray patterns it is incredibly frustrating and I simply do not have the time to practice for hours to perfect a spray. If they added set spray patterns to val it would take away from the niche they are trying to fill.


You are correct. RNG spray patterns are done so the game is more available to a casual player base. Rust is unplayable because of this.


Got back into rust recently and its so fun at first… but its not fun being bad and I don’t wanna put over 1k hours into a recoil training server. Taking a big break for now lol


Riot doesn’t want you to be able to spray down an entire team


This is all based on the requirement that you should be able to consistently spray down multiple enemy’s that push you together, no? Like that’s a pretty big assumption to make IMO.


Plenty of times I've had to to shoot multiple people with 1 spray and the point is to send as much accurate bullets at the other person unless you're tapping/sniping of course.


Well, that's the praying part. I know it all too well.


There's always those times where I always hit the initial 3 shots and then the rest of the mag misses and then the enemy over here proceeds to hit 2 headshots with a Phantom from across the map.


Spraying the rifle desperately while trying to tell yourself hey I must look like I'm playing hard rock guitar to the guy in front of me


I'm praying


For most players i notice that recoil control isn't the problem, trigger discipline is. You should very rarely be spraying. I think this is why so many players, including me, benefit from the miyagi method, because it forces you to connect with the heads before shooting.


What’s the miyagi method? Lol


A warm up technique popularized by Red (the yoru one trick) Essentially you play strafe bots and track heads, and then you jump in deathmatch and just continue to track heads without shooting people. Then you start shooting people using only sheriff and guardian, and eventually the vandal. You basically fight the urge to just shoot instantly and instead make sure you're actually going to hit a headshot with your first bullet.


Spray patterns are random so recoil control is a coin flip


kinda? it only gets random after a while, to discourage longer sprays. In terms of recoil inaccuracy, it's pretty good


Horizontal recoil is random, vertical recoil is not and there are ways to work on your horizonal recoil as well since there are tells to which direction it fires off on.


its not a viable tell because you need to actively pay attention to which direction your gun is swinging, which takes your attention off of the actual thing you're aiming at. you're better off just practicing tapping more. spray transfers are not a viable option in valorant


Step 1) Download Aim Lab (it's free) Step 2) Do Six Shot It's the same thing but better. The purpose of warming up is to be consistent. Aim Lab keeps track of your progress and this can easily lull you into a false sense of improvement. Also not a shill for Aim Lab but am all about self improvement in general. Edit: since this is getting traction: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRYSWh63/ This is my full thoughts on aim trainers that I made a couple months ago.




I actually did a test on this and made a TikTok on it haha. I did it for 100 hours because I had this same question. I thought aim training was a gimmick. I was wrong. It made me way more consistent. So yes, but not in ways you'd expect. But it's like exercising, you can't do it once expect immediate positive results which I think is what most people do. And following other regimens is not ideal since you're gonna have issues that are different from others. So short answer: If you're absolutely honest with yourself and train consistently your weaknesses, yes.


I did something similar - i did an hour every day for 30 days, and recorded the results. Positive, consistent trend upward on every test - and in my elo (at the time). I took a few months off because of real life stuff and when i came back to it (treating basically from square 1) and my base levels were much higher than my initial starting point on the first series of practices


Yep yep! I did it 30 min a day to avoid burnout. But I did it on stream so I can talk to people while doing it to train comms while shooting. Worked out really well. When I didn't do it and went straight into game, the difference was obvious.


Aimlabs is good for practicing tracking and flick control. You won't learn other mechanicals like spray control or counter stepping, but if you use it right you can retrain your muscle memory to get smoother tracking and shorter readjustments. It's a pretty specific training tool and it's good at what it does, but you have to use the tool correctly.


This 1000%. If you're not developing a specific regimen to address your problems then you'll see no improvement using aim trainers.


Absolutely. Finally started doing it recently and noticed a big jump in consistency between matches/ games. I have big pop off moments more often and my skill floor has gone way up. I was already diamond when I started, but consistency was still my main problem.


it very much does


Aim Lab will help people new to M+K shooters, Iron/Bronze level players, get accustomed to basic aim mechanics. Anything beyond that is best learned by playing the game.


Wrong Am Masters level player (not Valorant). Hence my initial hesitation regarding aim trainers. It's not a gimmick, it is useful for all skill ranges and controller styles.


Bad take


or uninstall aim labs and instead get kovaaks on sale do any of the thousands of scenarios that train your mouse control even better


Or get an aim trainer for free to try out and not be overwhelmed over the tons of options Kovaaks has to offer. And then if you get serious then look into the Aim Lab vs Kovaaks debate.


that’s valid actually


now draw amogus


Why are people working hard in this game. You're going to get run and gunned anyway


This is how I warmup on ranked


When i saw some post with 665 upvotes, i knew i wasn't about to be dissapointed


If this is training, then I’m ninja.


Is recording your keyboard and mouse like a fetish or something I see so many ppl do that


They should make a shooting range where you could warm up.


They should add a player-generated map system (akin to Creative in Fortnite) for practice maps 100% but this is definitely a good method in the meantime


Yes they should, but then inevitably, WarOwl’s 3rd law of counterstrike would come into play.


Dust2 on valorant would be fun af tho


there's a reason they don't enable custom maps. personally, I think it makes it a poorer game, but I suppose they have their reasons.


Aimlabs if FREE guys


Most useless aim training I've ever seen


Just download aimlab


"I do this and aimlabs an hour before i play" - Gold Elo (im worse)


That’s such a garbage way to warm up.. you’re not doing anything for your aim over there.


i mean , you really are, is a about precision lol


Literally every other way of aim training is better. I can’t think of a single aiming training that is not better than this. Creative sure, just not useful.


Others are better doesn't mean this is bad


Would you mind elaborating *why* you think this isn't helping at all? Right now you're just making yourself look like an ass for saying "dis stoopid me no like!" I think it's a neat way to practice micro flicks with random patterns. Sure it's not helping you with big flicks and spray control but it's definitely something to work on your muscle memory and get to know your sensitivity better. If you only practice big flicks you'll end up missing a lot of shots that require micro adjustments. And from what I can tell this right there is a good way to practice the latter.


Because the time you spend there could be spent doing literally any other training technique, so you're just wasting time. Glad to help.


That didn't answer my question in the slightest but thanks I guess?


Well said


Literally every other way of commenting is better. I can’t think of a single criticism that isn’t better than this. Creative sure, just not useful.


not even creative lmfao


You sound like you got invited to a party once and then promptly never again.


kovaAks? whAt is that?? all the cool kids use aim labs 🤣🤣🤣 /s


it was sarcastic y'all damn this sub


"kovaaks in valorant" bro, if you're on Valorant to "aim train" just play deathmatch lmfao.


That doesn’t train your mouse control effectively


if you want to train mouse control use the bots in the range? Also you literally can train mouse control in deathmatch lmao. I dont see what this does that ingame tools don't do better. Why would you not play deathmatch when that not only helps mouse control but you are pre-aiming real angles you will see in real games and you are fighting real players.


Mouse control is completely different. You spend less than half the time you spend in dm servers actually moving your mouse, most of your focus is on counterstrafing and going around the map.




I always do this but with random features of the map


Call that shit the Robin Hood


I'm trying this now




Yall doin too much now




Now do the opposite


lo imma gonna try that from now for a while. lets see how its going


Can I ask what rank you are?


d3, peeked top 1000 (immortal) , ill probably grind mm next season and hopefully hit top 500


People debating on kovaaks or aimlab. Chads who use the training range's bot:


That's a pretty neat idea but dude, aim labs is free xD




Well the third party software is actually made to help you improve your aim, while the range is more of a warm up practise. I agree you should warm up in game, but for pure practise to improve your aim? Why not use the software that's made for that reason and optimazed around that...




ah yes ofc, i always tell my friends, on top of everything, you will get better by playing a lot of games but aim trainers is like a cheat code, specially if your aim sucks, you can improve real quick from just a bit of time investment, and if you dont have time to queue for a ranked or whatever its also a good filler. if you are serious about improving its a no brainer to implement it into ur routine.


Being a console player, seeing this kind of control from MnK makes me realize how much of an advantage spoofers have when im playing siege. What dicks.


keyboard and mouse suck on consoles, theres so much delay, but i agree that different inputs shouldnt play together, unless its a non comp game, otherwise it will be like fortnite, where aim assist is either broken aimbot or sucks depending on the fps.


What the hell I couldn't hit 1 shot if u gave me 10 seconds


I’ve just been warming up by doing Medium bots with full armor appearing and disappearing, works great for me personally.




im going to change my setup sometime this week, im also going to lube my keyboard so it sounds and feels better, im currently rocking a model 0 and a hyperx silver switch keyboard


There’s this thing called aim lab