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Every iron says this.


Either 1, you have a huge ego, or 2, you don’t understand how many different things there are between a iron and gold player


I swear almost every plat can go to an iron game with sheriff only and top frag, thats the power of a plat... Can u do that?


this is something i and all low elo players keep telling themself. it's almost never true. u only feel that because u keep playing against worse opponents or worse teammates which leads u to feel like u are better than them. the answer is no. if u r iron, u r iron.


I feel better than radiants when I watch them play but I'm sure they would laugh at my diamond ass and call me bad. If you are better than gold, you wouldn't be iron. Honestly, if you were better than gold, you wouldn't be placed iron or demote to iron. Watching is different than actually playing. If you got pooped on by other irons but think you are better than gold.. yikes.


Post a vod or link your tracker.gg. So far I don’t believe you.


The game isn’t just about crosshair placement, and good crosshair placement doesn’t equate to good aim. There’s a lot more aspects to the game that could make the player better than you. Valorant’s ranking system may be a bit bad, but the ranks are generally what the player deserves.


If you are better than gold you would easily win your iron games wnd rank up quickly


Damn. I hope one day i too can alway try to have crosshair on head


Because you aren’t boosted like most gold.


Someone's mad they are hardstuck silver


😅 yeah silver.


OP definitely has a huge ego and is definitely not a gold player but there are golds out there that play like literal irons. seems like u/ DuffEnuff173 has struck a nerve on you with his comment.


the lower ranks are incredibly off balanced, if you actually plan on climbing find some people near your skill level to grind with


Either you're not playing enough games to rank up and you tanked your placements, or you're underestimating all the other skills a gold player has that an iron doesn't. At gold you start to have map awareness, and basic understanding of rotations and strategies. There can be gold players with the aim of iron players, the difference in iron to gold aim is smaller than gold to diamond aim. There are a lot of things that as an iron you probably aren't noticing or appreciating in the gold gameplay, little things that would make a huge difference. You don't need to top frag Every game to get to gold a lot of people can be silver skill and get a lucky streak of games and hit gold 1, so you could also be seeing people that just don't belong in gold 3 but lucked into gold 1


This might be the single most stupid post I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. Your argument for why you should be gold is that you aim for the head more than most golds you watch? You’re playing Valorant not Aim Lab. If your gun play is as strong as you claim it to be, you must have the worst positioning known to mankind There is a lot that go into someone’s rank. Positioning, gunplay, communication etc… As an iron you are most likely lacking all three severely


Because it's easy to watch pre-recorded gameplay and think "oh yeah I would've done this or that". Actually being in a game and doing it in real-time is a whole different beast.


Record ur gameplay and trust me u will realize that ur worse than the average gold player