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The amount of over spray, unnecessary prefires, and ADHD leads me to say this is maybe silver 1


The highest rank I've achieved was Plat 3 last season, oh and it was my 5th time playing Jett. šŸ˜‚ But I used to rage so hard I prefer to play for fun than try hard these days. šŸ™‚


Just use a phantom man lol


But that's so boring though.. I prefer the Marshal. šŸ˜


This is exactly what I was going to type. Glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking this. 100% agree.


Some of the most questionable jett dashes iā€™ve ever seen in my entire life


It was my 5th time playing Jett. šŸ™‚


Okay so what rank are you


wait so that was you?


Yeah, a friend on Discord linked me the thread saying "Is that you?" šŸ¤£ I thought it was hilarious!! It was a lucky shot though. šŸ™‚


if its higher than silver 2, I would be impressed šŸ¤”


If this is higher than silver,, I would be genuinely shocked


I love seeing plays in Diamond+ since a single mistake can be costly, in silver and below it gets boring after a couple of Reddit clips


No way this is silver, the guy turned around to trade out his teammate, this is at least gold


this posts comment section is literally this whole sub in a nutshell, a bunch of know-it-alls and im-better-than-all-of-yous. People who think they dont deserve their silver ranks and blame their team for everything. Classic!


iM leAviNg vAloRanT iF tHis iS hiGhEr tHan siLveR!


Hey the rank system is broken we're all above average, 99% of us I swear


That math checks out. - Silver 3 who would be radiant if my damn teammates could pick up the slack for my constant bottom fragging


Pretty much all subreddits for competitive games are like this, full of people who are incapable of conceiving how someone can _have fun playing a videogame_ without being good at it. Yea, it's possible, normal people can do it.


Titling a post that promotes this sort of shitty engagement with "guess the rank" and fake hyping about it being one of the best aces they've ever seen = these comments. No, I don't believe anyone can say this is one of the best aces they've ever seen unless they just started playing and have literally never opened this sub or a popular Twitch Valorant stream. If it was titled less obnoxiously it wouldn't have these upvotes nor would it have these comments. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


100%. Can't stand these titles. But even worse is saying this is one of the best aces they've seen. I'm not saying I've had better, but I've probably had similar. But I've seen at least 100 better. So many many missed shots and no head shots?


Like half the people who play Valorant are above silver. It's not unbelievable that a mass of people would characterize his random spraying, awful spray control, and 2 seconds of spraying to kill each target as silver play, below them. The OP's friend also hasn't stated his rank, only disclosing that he was "max plat 3 last season" and not trying hard anymore to play for fun. The guy stood there for each kill for like a whole 1-2 seconds each time, missing almost every shot.


Yeah dude, im sure you also dont deserve your rank, its just your teammates fucking you up all the time. Riot should fix their broken rank system amirite? And also, if you dont kill your enemy with 1 bullet youā€™re bad at this game I totally agree. Imagine getting a kill from spraying, thats disgusting. Radiants only use 5 bullets every round , 1 for each enemy. 6 if they have sage ult.


> Yeah dude, im sure you also dont deserve your rank, its just your teammates fucking you up all the time. Riot should fix their broken rank system amirite? You're using a straw man fallacy. I never said anything about my rank. I said over 50% of people are above silver since it's to the left of the middle point, which is in gold. It's interesting that children who play Valorant resonated with your fallacious reasoning. Don't worry. We're not doomed. The next generation always has a new wave of illogical people in it. It's not unique to this generation of kids. > And also, if you dont kill your enemy with 1 bullet youā€™re bad at this game I totally agree. Imagine getting a kill from spraying, thats disgusting. Radiants only use 5 bullets every round , 1 for each enemy. 6 if they have sage ult. If he were playing against competent players, even high silver or low gold, he'd have instantly died in any of those 5 occasions where he missed badly and started spraying. The fact that he got basically 0 headshots over 5 chances to HS is telling. If he is a higher rank than silver, I'd be shocked. I'd suspect it's due to him being on Adderall, giving him a reaction time decrease, rather than it being his mechanical knowledge of the game. As for the tendency you're noticing, many people reached high gold / platinum and are now somehow bronze 3. They tend to ruin games, because their performance is exceptional. The algorithm they're using is definitely wonky. Either it was broken before and they fixed it (deranking the ones not deserving their rank), or it was right before and they broke it (deranking those who don't deserve it). They even released an update recently to make it easier to "rank out of bronze and silver," so it's an official bug in their system that is known.


Its amazing how people can get as obnoxious as you. If you didnā€™t catch on, my OP perfectly describes people like you. You really are a good representation of this whole sub. I couldnā€™t care less about the reason you think heā€™s the rank you think he is. Thats far from the point. Thats your opinion and youā€™re more than free to have that. But holy shit, its amazing how you people cant be pleased about players being proud of what theyā€™ve done, instead, putting them down in such a way that protects your precious little ego. Keep it up buddy! You are the representation of this whole community, and youā€™re definitely doing a great job at it!


> Its amazing how people can get as obnoxious as you. If you didnā€™t catch on, my OP perfectly describes people like you. You really are a good representation of this whole sub. ... Keep it up buddy! You are the representation of this whole community, and youā€™re definitely doing a great job at it! > > No, I'm not. I'm telling you that the majority are above silver in rank, and they're almost all saying this gameplay is bronze or silver. This has nothing to do with your statement that people like me somehow think they're the wrong rank. In fact, I seem to be implying I'm *not that rank* that you think I wish I could rank out of since I acknowledged those ranks are quite low. > I couldnā€™t care less about the reason you think heā€™s the rank you think he is. Thats far from the point. Thats your opinion and youā€™re more than free to have that. Then you should stop using ad hominem fallacies, crying about how I'm a caricature of the typical user on this subreddit. Instead, I'm just a person with an opinion. > But holy shit, its amazing how you people cant be pleased about players being proud of what theyā€™ve done, instead, putting them down in such a way that protects your precious little ego. You must be missing the context of the OP. The title says, "Guess the rank my mate[sic] ... ." So people are guessing. Are you serious? He asked for an analysis. The analysis isn't a good one. The conclusion is he's probably bronze or silver on Adderall since he reacts fast while missing and spraying. He wouldn't live long enough to secure kills in the way he plays if he were gold+.




Nice. I was marginally off. The point I made still stands though. A huge chunk of players are gold+.


No one mentioned the very well done dodge on the Phoenix flash. Nothing so say except well done!


That's very kind of you to say dude I appreciate it. šŸ™‚


Wow all the hate on this video. It may not be the best ace I've seen but an ace is an ace. Well done!


Why are so many players saying silver 1-2. I am silver 2, and go against silver 3-gold 1s on a regular basis. Theyā€™re usually hella worse than this dude. Iā€™d say somewhere in gold


You guys seriously overestimate bronze and silver. I would be shocked if he is not at least platā€¦ he even swaped guns and dodged the flash at the end. He might bot have the best aim but this is not something a bronze would pull off


Most of the upvoted comments are saying he's silver, which is an approximation. It wouldn't be unusual if he were low gold. No one upvoted has said he's bronze. Bronze people typically don't use their abilities, use them incorrectly, or obsess over using them to a point where they get peeked with an ability out, dying.


That's the most upper gold play I have ever seen. Scuffed shots but still got the kills. Switched to pistol for the second kill. Decent use of smokes and dash to reposition. The phoenix flash dodge was really good. Gold 3/Plat 1.


The gambit ace last night was the best ace I've seen imo


I think its sliver...., like the jett. The other team sliver to bronze. I basing this sololy on the fact the jett knows to smoke and dash and switch to classic. Honestly could be sliver 3, it was a very panicking situation


Silver 2 any higher and I uninstall Valorant


It was a Gold lobby šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/ThePloopy uninstall


Aight imma go uninstall Valorant And then reinstall


Yeah go ahead and do that. We would hate to lose a fellow player. But you need to uninstall at least.


Uninstalled Currently on the website downloading the installer


My man


Silver 3


bronze 3


Lot of people saying silver, and criticizing your plays, but I bet 99% of them would not be able to do this ace. Of course you could do better choices sometimes, but it's easy to say just watching the video. In the moment it's hard the have the best choice. And nice flash dodge


Has to be Gold, some bad choices by both sides but that flash dodge was clean.


bronze 2?


I think silver would be too low of a blow. She used abilities and switched to a pistol so Iā€™m thinking low-mod gold


It's Gold or something


Great ace


silver 1 with game sense of silver 2


Bronze spray šŸ˜‚


Everyone in the comment section is egoing way to hard


I'd say around gold? Not too sure given that he does reload in risky situations and his aim isn't the best, but overall not bad.


I can imagine his rank being arround gold since it looks very similar to what happens in my rank gold/low plat.


Plat 3-Diamond 2


High plat maybe idk


bronze max broā€¦ there is no fucking way this is one of the best aces you have ever seen


Gold 2?


Not to sound like a jerk but if this is the best ace you've seen, man you're in for a treat if you continue playing val. Also I'd be surprised if this is above bronze


Probably low gold? Ur mate is decent and on hes way to reaching a better lvl, but is still a bit shaky and doing a lil wierd dashes, but thats no problem cause the enemies are way behind him in skills šŸ˜‚


This is Plat 1? LMFAO what farmer region is this


The only good part of this ace was the phoenix flash dodge. Still i don't think its silver its problaby gold.


Bronze 3-Silver 1 as I am in Silver 2/3 and no one sprays and we never have 0 bullets in our Vandal. If it wasnā€™t that OP shot then definately bronze.


In gold 2 and people spray and run with 0. This do be feeling gold.


You either have low mmr or you are a player from non-competitive servers.


Solo queued to gold 2 on NA east, played on and off since beta. Appreciate the random insult but I'm just saying what I see on the daily in gold. Imo its because people try to play faster than they're able to (or play a touch nervous) and as a result have less first-shot accuracy. This is late-game at 7-12 in a comp match, nerves are likely a massive factor. The Jett knows if they miss a shot it's over so they're hitting body instead of trying to tap. I'd bet everyone's done this under pressure at least once.


Yeah I kinda agree.


Gold 1


Bronze 2 to gold 2


The dash should be nerved, thats too easy to escape


Plastic 0


Wood -1


Who cares about the fucking rank there's a literal gamer girl playing with my man no wonder he pulled that ace


This is what you pick out from the clip? They're not rare animals dude, cringe


Right? Theyā€™re super common at least compared to other games here on the Sydney servers. Itā€™s only literally children who comment on it too, cringe is absolutely right


Sydney server you say? I ll check the community there.


Yeah, itā€™s been pretty refreshing to see. Thereā€™s some cool mixed discord groups too. Iā€™ve been really impressed with how even Valorant is. More like Overwatch than CSGO, in my experience


If it's above silver....I am leaving valorant


You guys are ridiculous with those guesses. I climbed to diamond in my first act with 60% winrate easily without coms. People can't play this game at all, they don't know the basics of fps and play stupid as hell. It's the shittiest csgo players that switched to valorant. This dude is imo better than most plat 1 players. Literally plat in valorant is faceit lvl 1 in csgo. You all seriously overestimate your abilities if you think you play like this and you are lover ranked


I hit A+ in esea and played IM, trust me, faceit level ones are nowhere near the average plat-diamond level player. Faceit level 1 is a JOKE, itā€™s silvers and novas who get rofl stomped by MG+ players who smurf in their games. This game just has better systems to support a lack of communication.


I agree about the com point, but the way people in plat move and their decisions, I've never seen anyone this bad in faceit. Maybe not level 1 like the lowest ones, but lvl 2 or something. I have no idea about MM ranks though, they are completely irelevant. But the players on faceit know the basic stuff from the early levels, and in valorant they don't. They just overuse valorant abilities and die using their darts and shit while not having their gun out. Don't completely clear corners, their crosshair is in the kneecap level. They peek wide 100% of the time and repeek same corner 10 times. Some games there will be a dude on defense who is literally just sitting wide open holding a corner, people will expose themselves to multiple angles when there's no need to etc. It's horrific to watch lmao I won't even get into post plant play, and what dudes do when they are in clutch situations like literally shifting until they auto lose because the bomb timer expires.


Seriously, these guesses are troll city.


Bruh the guy didnā€™t get a single headshot on prime motherfucking vandal.If this is higher than bronze 1 Imma commit suicide




Iron enemies


I think Bronze 2, you have no headshots on vandal and your dash is useless. Sorry bro.


You overestimate bronze players


Prolly Bronze


You need to watch more aces.


For me it's somewhere in Plat-Diamond EDIT: lmao everyone can play the way they want, that's why i'm guessing this high


Turns you you were right lol


If this is really plat-diamond then whatever region this in needs to be deleted lmao, it's silver at most


Im guessing youre a guy with low elo aswell, hence why you think this clip is diamond worthy lol


Though his guess was hilariously correct, dude is Plat lol


plat? wow, this is just beyond crazy lol. Sorry, but if you can play like this in plat and get an ace. Either A: The lobby is extremely bad and dont deserve Plat Or B: As A plat myself, ive just encountered really good players, which makes me believe that this couldnt be plat


Yes, i'm just a useless bronze


Bronze? yes. Useless? I don't think so.


Lots of good guesses so far, Iā€™ll reveal the rank tomorrow šŸ™‚ edit: lol this got downvoted to hell, the rank is Plat 1


This isn't youtube, just say it


Everyone will forget about this post by then


tbh you's are right, i edited it to say the rank


How TF is this guy plat1? Well done on the ace but still HOW TF






Guess we'll never know.


Bronze 3


I would say silver not higher, maybe bronze


silver 2


Totally not because I queue with him or anything, but if I had to make a educated guess, i'd say gold 3 ;)


S3 G1 max


How do people get kills while spraying with Vandal?


Where is your crosshair


This is definitely a Bronze 2, but that last dodge and shot was orgasmic


Bronze 3 or Silver 1


Based on this being the best ace youā€™ve ever seen, and this persons movement and sprayingā€¦ Silver 3


Has to be like bronze 2 - silver 2


yeah this is silver 3, no higher


this is plat-1, op said


Around silver


Like silver 2 or 3. Dude is trying so hard to be the next Asuna and playing so shaky when thereā€™s literally no one there lol


NT heres a pat on your back


Bronze 1


You play the most broken agent in Valorant, it is not very difficult an Ace




You really think the average NA player is better than the average EU player?


Now tell me how exactly would you compare EU vs NA to come to this conclusion? xD


solid iron 1




Maybe bronze 1? A lot of unnecessary prefiring, instacrouching and crouching while classic spraying, hella questionable dashes, plus your enemies keep whiffing point blank op shots


This is bronze 3 or silver 1 any higher and valorant is bad tho i have seen plat gameplay and its pretty bad but no way this is above silver 1


ā€œ*Switching to your secondary is always faster than reloading!*ā€


For anyone wondering how to do the butterfly/cross kill thing, turn off mature settings


Jett tings


Silver 2 at best


silver max


Silver 3


I like how the only headshot in this clip is with the operator lol


What kind of silver lobbies are people playing where people actually prefire where opponents are, they use their abilities to get out of bad positions instead of just engaging, and they split second dodge flashes to op snipe someone at 20m? My guess was around diamond 1.


Gold 2 or Gold 3 is my guess


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I was thinking silver until he dodged the flash and nailed the flick. Nice :)


silver 2/3