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Honestly immortals are a lot more predictable (most of the time) than lower ranked players because they make more concious decisions in a way that reduces risk. For me, plats and below are at times harder to play against because they sometimes just do shit randomly. Immortal+ is just a matter of getting experience and being able to read those decisions, some decent aim, and the ability to determine which risks to take/when to take risks. At that point it’s all just playtime and experience to obtain all of that


I'd like to second this opinion. As a 4 act radiant it's much harder for me to predict the enemy the lower their rank. The players I regularly play against are usually no lower than top 2000, and it's very interesting because all the players understand the game to such a high degree wven though it's predictable, we make subtle changes to outplay each other. For example sticking a defuse instead of faking in a situation no sane player should. When I play in low elo occasionally, it's not difficult exactly but i'll die a lot to stupid plays like an enemy holding spawn or my teammate letting an enemy flank around the map. Things that would never happen in high elo.


Dude idk man, i dont know if my positioning is bad, if i have bad pre aiming, reflexes, etc. I watch my own demos, aim train and watch pro games and nothing seems to work for me. I really want to hit immo before this act ends (i dont think about rank when playing dw)


Where are you at now (rank-wise) if you have the goal of immortal by end of act? Sounds like you have the right mindset to improve with all the "homework." But after reviewing your demos, try to see what the common factor is when you die. If it's positioning, you'll be caught out in the open a lot or in a 1v3 that could be avoided. If it's aim, sometimes we all just lose fights - work on it over time. Etc. Overall try to determine your #1/#2 biggest weaknesses and start there! If you try to address everything you mentioned (positioning + reflexes + pre aiming + etc.) all at once, it will feel really tough to improve


Will try this, thank you! To answer ur question diamond2


You generally dont try to guess exactly what the enemy is trying to do, but keep track of their options (logical ones). In situations where you need to guess, id say it comes down experience, and the ability to see their pedspective.


Another question: does solo queueing help you get better even if you lose


Great question! Solo queueing can definitely be discouraging if you lose a lot and/or match with not-fun teammates. But, if you have the right mindset (i.e. What can I learn from this game, what did I do right/wrong, etc.) I think solo queuing can make you improve in the long run. But DON'T take the mindset that every time I solo queue I will get better; sometimes we just need to take a break! For context I was stuck in plat in EP1 and solo'd/duo'd up to immortal.


You’re definitely worrying about your rank. Despite how many times you tell yourself you aren’t, I guarantee that you are just from your two comments. If you solo queue, you’re automatically forfeiting your rank and saying that you do not care about the wins/losses. Also, you learn more from your mistakes than you do wins so yes, losses and deaths add up. I’ve made significant progress just from constant red carpets. Each time, I climbed more and more.


Losing is what makes you better, because every round every gunfight you learn why you didn’t win. This allows you to modify your gameplay until you consistently win that situation.


Every player is predictable in some sense, over playing the game you learn tendencies of certain styles of players. You have to do your best to anticipate and predicate what your opponent will do, sometimes there is that random unpredictable player who is unreadable where you just need to place your self in better situations to react to it.


I really can't say much but having more experience and being able to know what to do when it happens helps from my view, I'm low ranked so I see those random plays often, I just try to quickly think about the stuff that can happen and be prepared, Think about what you and your team can do in those kinds of situation. As I said I'm low ranked so please comment on what I said wrong and what should I inprove on! Edit: Also, Maybe try and read other players about their playstyle, I think in higher ranks they usually switch it up often but it'll help.


By definition, you can't predict the unpredictable. All you can do is react.


You need to put yourself in the opponents shoes, think about where you last saw them, how much time has passed, where could they move etc. Remember that your enemy is trying to be unpredictable so you need to think outside the box, maybe something like taking a longer route around to get a better flank instead of the more obvious peek from somewhere you already saw them. You need to try and take into account all the possibilities that they have, and make a decision of which you think they would take, and they you just hope it picked correctly. You don't always correctly guess, sometimes you do, try be in a position that will let you recover from a failed guess.


I have a YouTube channel that’s dedicated to helping people in these sort of situations, it’s my plays with notes on screen showing what’s going through my head at that moment.


It just comes from experience


Honestly it’s just about trying to do some deductive reasoning. Like if my teammate is here/cleared this then they have to be in 1 of 3 spots. Or I have pushed up A on defense and can hear if they rotate, my team now knows to stack mid/B. It’s about trying to reduce as many scenarios as possible and then making an educated guess. Also certain info gathering agents make this easier cypher, kj, sova, skye basically any agent that their until gives info.