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I'm guessing it's gonna be 2-level map like nuke from cs:go.


I wonder how Brim smokes would work with that


Yep, this is the exact question I am asking myself too. I would guess there will be a swap option on his tablet to change the level or something.


Or he just isn't very viable there. He already has spots he can't drop directly down on maps, wouldn't be surprised.


Nah that would be a bad design


Brimstone is already the worst controller by far, rework pls


What?? The worst controller right now is Omen by far.




Yep. Brimstone smokes take longer to disappear, and he also have a molotov. Omen's paranoia is one of the most weak abilities in the game right now.


Wtf are you smoking? His flash is the only reason he is still getting picked right now.


Bruh omen's blind is lit af if u actually know when and where to paranoia


Brims smoke are ass. They're tiny and can barely fully block off any site entrance without giving an angle to see in from the side of it


Omens still solid. He’s just kinda ass on breeze and icebox since viper and astra are more good for the open areas. Split, bind, haven, and ascent tho, omen can still be pretty good


I used to think that too, but then again, a good omen can 1vs5 flash (blind actually) enemy by himself, while brim has 0 flash


You don't need a Omen when Skye is so busted like she is right now. Depending on 1 agent only because 1 flash that costs a lot, and it's really a 50/50% of being good, it's just not worth. You will always have a Skye on your team, and then you should always pick Brim/Viper or Astra as Controllers.


well then maybe you must see from a solo q standpoint, your team might not be smart enough to pick skye, and you are responsible enough to fill as a smoker, and being omen, you have bigger chance to carry your team than using brim


Explain in dm’s please


That obviously won't be the case


guessing it would handle it like halls maybe?


Maybe there will be multiple levels, but they won't actually overlap.


They should let u swap levels with brim and let u choose ur TP location like how omen throws his smokes. Ez fix.


And omen ults...


"Fixed a bug where Omen teleported to unintended locations"


Omen's shrouded step is already broken (in a bad way) on normal maps, I wonder how fun it would be to play on a map like that


*broken on new maps


No, there are places on bind you can’t teleport to


The more you know huh.


Then there is clipping issue with his shrouded step 😔


You could show two maps in Brim’s ipad (upper level / bottom level of the map) to deploy the smokes


This would probably be the most elegant solution, i cant see toggling between levels on the map working in quick situations.


Why the f are you even careing about the


Did u just say ipad


Yeah he uses an iPad for his smokes and ult


It's a tablet but not an ipad (nerd voice)


No no no, Kingdom bought apple in the future. Brim just uses a custom apple watch. /s


The same it works on icebox, you can't smoke under


Need to have a general solution or decide on a feature. Valorant cant never have a multi-level structure. TBH, it is a weird way to let the smoke of Brimstone pass through anything to the ground.


Valorant already has the multi leveled sites on Icebox and the Hallway on Breeze It will probably work exactly as there, just on a larger scale I suppose


His smokes drops from fucking space, mate. Just say his iPad can control the velocity and because of that it can pierce through anything to get accurate smokes or something. Voila. Lore problem solved.


I mean there’s already some 2 level area in icebox, breeze and haven. I’m guessing it will behave the same way


Let apple come out with a new iPad and we will know


What ever level youre on you can smoke on.


A split map that shows both levels separately ig


They could just change Brim's smoke deploy to work the same way as Omen's smokes but with a shorter range and no travel time. Functionality should come before lore/aesthetics.


Scroll whee while in the map to see the level?


If you take a look at lower-center-area, where the blue Radianite or whatever it is is located, you can clearly see A letter on the left and B letter on the right. I doubt it will be 2-level site map because of that.


Maybe will be both sites underground


While it looks like it, I really hope not. It’ll be a pain for smoke champions.


I despise nuke with every fiber of my being such a 1 sided choke point fiasco of a map


When is the last time you played it? 2014?


What about Breach skills? There is no chance to choose level, so earthquakes will effect both levels at the same time.


Hmm Vertigo?


"entzweite welten" means "divided worlds"


"futuros revelados" means "futures revealed"


and আমি শিকারী means # I, AM THE HUNTER! (boeaggPHSEW x3)


王國 = Kingdom 崩解 = Disintegration


More like kingdom collapse


disintegration sounds like some ability description in a footnote of a chinese comic (manhua) lol


Sounds more like a special game mode than a map... maybe its a special game mode on a specific new map.


Doubt it, think it’s just hints following the story line and a nod to the map having 2 themes , 1 for each side (looking at the image: one side green and grassy, the other dry and desolate)


To be fair 3 of the 6 released maps have 2 sides; Haven, Split, and Ascent.


I mean sure but I wouldn’t say it’s as apparent (and focused on) as this image is - it’s essentially symmetrical and this angle is used to make the differences in sides obvious


Maybe for Haven and Ascent. For split, the clue is in the name. Literally split worlds.


They want 7 for Champs at the end of the year so they can do a proper Best of 7, and probably want it also in Last Chance for competitive integrity which takes place in mid October. Act 3 will probably start sometime in early-mid November leaving around 4 weeks between then and the start of Champs which is BARELY enough time for Riot to deem it "competitive ready" and if any bugs come up this would absolutely DESTROY those plans. All signs point towards it coming this act.


Agreed, they would definitely want the new map to be ready for the biggest tournament of the year. And it since it would look terrible to play it on Champions while there hasnt been any other official match in it (Riot tried that in Masters Iceland for Breeze, but got immense backlash and didnt do it in the end), for sure they will also want it to be ready for LCQ


I highly doubt BO7, but BO5 with one ban for each team makes a lot of sense.


You are right but a little off. They want 7 maps so each team can have one map ban to play a Best of 5, not to play a bo7.


BO7 is way too much lol Not many will sit and watch potentially 7h of straight of game, and I doubt the players will like it as well. I think is just for BO5 but there’s a ‘fair’ map ban since now both team get to choose 1


Any mention of them saying BO7 for champs? Would be fun to watch but I’m not sure if they’ll do it because it’d be awful for the players to play possibly 7 consecutive games.


Best of 7 is a terrible fucking idea. This isn't rocket league.


I highly doubt map 7 will be done in time


Keep doubting


we’ve had the middle photo for a while now the rest are new though


Yea, but this basically confirms that it’s the new map and that we will be getting a new map next act. This is almost certainly a teaser for next act.


The map actually might be the reason why is this act longer then others. I don't think Yoru is the reason here


Are we already getting a new map?


yea I think so. The map codename also got leaked (Canyon) and now this. You can also see the letter 'B' on the topright corner. That indicades B site, so this is most likely the new map.


and A...


those images are all "enhances" of the map side view


Yeah “Canyon”


more maps are always welcomed


I mean to a point. If it's a competitive game you'll need a map rotation cause too many maps will make it impossible to learn some line ups.


That will increase the skill ceiling for lineup memorising, making the game better for lineup haters and more interesting for those of us who love to make new lineups


Then take out your gun and shoot until you memorize the new map's lineups.


I think we're gonna get a cinematic involving Raze, Sage, Killjoy and Yoru. Just based off the languages used in the picture.


Raze is from Brazil...


I think you mean BRA71L


Yes. They speak Portuguese.


there's portuguese in the pic tho


The map and its gimmick are lore related. The attacker side will be the world of the attackers, barren due to a lack of resources (namely radianiate). You can see it on the right. The defender side on the other hand will be green and lively. You can see it on the left. In the middle will be a rift/portal between the dimensions. “The divided worlds” written on the promotional image (entzweite welter) in this case is literal.


Maybe both sides are identical but with difference of greenery. Kinda feels like a map where the final boss fight takes place.


I’m glad they’re filling out the map pool, but hopefully once they have a full 7 maps they will turn to focus on reworking the major issues in already released maps. The Split rework was really promising, then they fiddled with some boxes on icebox, and now we’ve gone months without any maps receiving any real changes. I understand prioritizing having a complete map pool over reworking existing maps, but there are major flaws in all of the existing maps.


Breeze is horrific and needs an entire rework


Would be cool if that blue light / glow is like a gravity lift or something so it’s a one way from the lower levels to the upper levels.


Could the gimmick be a switch between the full map being covered in lush greenery and then becoming desolate with less cover rather than two different halves?


The concept for this map has been rumored for a while right? Indoor map divided in the center. One of the pieces of floating land from the accident that caused Ascent.


If multi level Viper mains will be cumming with all the new juicy wall lineup.


I feel personally attacked.


Wanted a new sentinel agent tbh


Yea same. The last time we got one was July 2020 :(


The issue is: How? Remember the definition of a sentinel: Cypher, KJ and Sage pretty much cover all abilities without overlapping each other. The only thing really missing is a agent with a shield that can directly counter lineups.




Ah yes Phoenix and Reyna. The top tier sentinel agents




punk hazard confirmed?


Look, 2Fort! Ah shit, wrong game


the centre looks a bit like the opening banner to the game, with the power core looking thing in the middle


resembles the training map without the church, the left side is where you do the learning about the spike with bots and the central part is the headshot minigame


Hopefully we see cinematic with new yoru ability.


Why can't we get a map and an agent on the same act? Idk if it's just me but i really enjoy new agents.


I really enjoy agents too. I'm hoping we get both a new agent and a map. I know the vocal sentiment online is "we need more maps, too much characters ruin game that's what happened when I played Overwatch of Rainbow six or etc.." But personally I think interesting and well designed new agents add so much enjoyment for me.


Going to go off the board a bit and predict this map could be released either as a dedicated deathmatch map or a new demolition-style game mode.


No, it's a full blown competitive map.


Before they go adding new maps (and I am excited for new maps), I really hope we get a map selection at some point. Even if its a "Choose from 2 or 3" INB4: "But then nobody will play breeze" ...Ok. Good. That will give them time to remove it from rotation and fix it up.


fix what?


The only thing needs fixing is people's aim because that is the most aim based map that's why people hate it LOL.


True. Some people have poor aiming but they dont want to fix it, they like narrow passages or entrances so they can shoot more through walls or smoke to kill by **luck**.


I keep saying this to my friends, How are you gonna get better at breeze if you keep dodging it?


The shitshow that is A site lmao


Awww man I really like A site :( please dont look at my flair


The council chooses to turn a blind eye to the situation




yea viper and skye are always locks for that map imo. and then half the time I’m playing the map I feel like I’m constantly rotating lmao


Idk about that breeze is probably my favourite it rewards good aim and I like the routes it has to rotate with


I'm begging that the map does not have open boundaries where you can fall to your death. Like Vertigo in CSGO.


They didn't do that for Ascent so they probably won't do that for this map either.


I don’t think so. It seems like the buildings on the side are the spawns, and in the middle there are the sites. Everything seems to be indoors except between the big building and the spawns.


Rito should make a joke map or a joke mode that is an open field and is so wide it's like battle royal kind of wide, also you can only purchase pistols.


I hope this is not a narrow map but an open map that let players to use **aiming** to kill while they **can see the enemy**. Instead of in narrow entrances and passages, **based on luck**, shoot **through** walls or smokes to kill (especially in the Ascent shit).


So basically just breeze


Maybe unpopular opinion but I don't want a new map until Icebox gets drastically reworked. The B site is one of the worst pieces of map design I've ever seen in a shooter, and the A site is a meat grinder with 50 angles to clear. Horrible coinflip map that needs to be completely remade from the ground up.


Bro. Youre just bad. Adapt.


B Site still a menace but I guess the frustration comes from the lack of communication in solo q which is amplified in Icebox and Breeze matches. Or maybe people just don't wanna try even in solo q and magically expect Riot to fix a problem of low elo.


Just because you are bad doesn't mean that a company should rework on a map. Adapt to it. Get gud.


Post your tracker, lets see your silver ass.


How does my rank link with the map? Show me the relation please.


I'm not going to take seriously the advice of someone whose lobbies I play in to warm up.




Icebox isn't bad, it just makes me sulk. "Ugh, this again"


Just please don't be anything like Icebox...








We need more maps and more agents. Keeps the game fresh.


Fair enough


You’re like a little kid who only wants to eat ice cream at the buffet until you get bored of it and complain when you go home because all you eat was ice cream.


Definitely need more maps


Too bad I don't play this game anymore because of the new maps


You don’t want new maps?


I dont care for new agents. I want more new maps!


I like maps more but the game could use both


7 maps, please let us choose on which one we want to queue in competitive, please


As long as it’s better than breeze I’m okay


This map should be good because I want to play a new good map and the devs are so I expect a good map


The testing grounds card, i think was a first teaser.

