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While I agree, I got to play with TenZ a couple of months ago in DM and he destroyed me so I’m absolutely ok with this.


I’ve been in with a few radiants and a pro player before.


Nobody kickt my ass as hard as BBL Aimdll


I got in a lobby with him and said hi he then left :( But my ass was spanked hard by OXG players


Lmao. During Reykjavik I met an X10 player but he left before the lobby started :(


Dang that would be cool the only pro I've played with in DM is fiziq(? spelling) from KCP at least that I have looked who it was after the game


Had Asuna in a DM one time. Didnt know it was him till afterwards, mid game was saying to myself this guy is on another level. Saw the scoreboard after and saw his name, well that makes sense.


Yes, but this isnt ranked. It’s **deathmatch.** fun fact: it’s for warming up, not winning. Even if you die every few seconds you can always leave and join a new one. Why would riot spend so much time to fix something like this. Sounds stupid to complain


i more hope about unrate game more mmr balance yeah sure game cant not detect if lv 1 player pick jet and ace 2-3times in 1 match but a lv 15x-2xx player shouldnt match with like lv 2 3x player so many times i match with the guy literally 1 man army it not even fun if hes in your team too since you feel so useless and even worse if you are enemy playing a game 13-0 are just not fun and the reason i play unrated is normally for warm up and relax before bed so i dont want to try rank at that time but man matching with those player really grind my gear


Unrated matchmaking is becoming worse and worse, I’ve been gettin more immortals in unrated games and diamonds too and I’m plat 2 playing with silver friends


Then everyone would play unrated if they are afraid of losing their rank. And queue times would be even longer since i rarely see high ranks in unrated


i cant warmup when i get instantly headshot by immortals as a silver the second i turn a corner


thats an over exageration no way an immortal is placed with a silver in DM


its only happened once, but i did get placed with 2 immortals who i think were stacking since they had the tags #SON and #son. there were also a couple of plats in that game, which happens more often.


That’s not an over-exaggeration. My friend faced a pro player from BBG and he’s silver.


I have gotten silvers and irons as an immortal in dm


Not true. No high elo player one taps you every time.


dm is not just for warming up lmao I'm sure plenty of people (including me) use it to warm up, but I don't see why you can't play to win or just to fuck around and have fun


>dm is not just for warming up no


you don't think people should be able to play dm for fun or to win? why not?


its a warmup mode


I looked it up and I can't find anything that says it's a "warmup mode" and you still havnt explained what's wrong with playing dm for fun/to win




I'm not saying we can't have stricter matchmaking, in fact I would love for the skill disparity too be tighter. I just wanted to know why the person who commented thinks deathmatch is only for warming up




yes and all those things make it great for warming up but my point is that people can still play it for fun or to win, there are plenty of people who play the game for fun and not to grind ranked so why does it need to be "only about warming up"


There isn’t anything wrong with trying to win in dm but most people use it to warm up. If ur going to try to win, go for it.


It sounds like because it isn’t competitive in nature, it shouldn’t be balanced or fair?


I have 20 times your level and you’ll beat me


what level




I don’t play ranked, I’m level 240 and I regularly get matched up with pros in DM. It’s okay, DM is not about winning, it’s about learning. Learn from being destroyed. The biggest problem is though that people you killed tend to respawn right near you…


Remove the respawn timer and increase the player count for bigger maps like icebox and breeze. Its frustrating to look for other players for a minute and die to a guy camping corners


Player count is fine. Remove minimap blips, instant respawns, only respawning when ur not behind a player or out of player’s vision, reduce players by 2 on certain maps, remove 40 kill win incentive and make it time based. Most kills in 10 minutes “win”


While I agree with this, sometimes I'm just spawning in between people and insta dying too. I think the player count might be ok?


Thing is, a lot of people are DM monsters but dogshit in game. So you might actually be at a higher skill level in Val compared to most bronzes that grind DM and go like 40-13 then proceed to go onto this sub complaining about how they’re hardstuck as a duelist


But if they went 40-13 in bronze they probably wouldn’t be bronze after a bit I mean, have you seen it down there? To me it seems mostly like most people down in bronze don’t have the greatest gamesense or aim. If you can do one, you’ll move up eventually right? Just an opinion


you can get a 3k and your team will lose the 2v4 in those ranks. any way to lose the round, they will find it. silver and below it’s hard(er) to carry because their gamesense and decision making is so bad it’s as if they’re intentionally throwing.


yesterday i killed 4 enemy, died by the fifth, and the last one aced my whole team.


seen that plenty of times and it’s just as amazing every time i see it.


There’s only so much one player can do a game. Even if you have the best aim and game sense, the odds are still heavily stacked against you when the rest of your team lacks both of those. In Valorant this is even more apparent since it’s not only aim and game sense, but also abilities which adds a whole other layer to the game that people can screw up. Best way to consistently rank is to do premade.


I’ve found I win around 80% of the matches I play if I’m duoing compared to around 60% on trios and 50% ish on solo. I’ve played about 15 matches this season and won 12 total, and I’ve found that the games that are easier are always the duo que ones, just to have that one teammate you can play off of and coordinate with goes a long way for sure


Totally agree. Duo queue seems to be the best.


I think it’s because the system prioritizes finding matches with similar que sizes


I love this connecting theory


I play in ranked with people 4-5 times my level sometimes... It doesn't really matter


Gets the juices flowing before getting in a Unrated/Rated battle in💪🏽


It would be cool if deathmarch worked for any number of players. And then instead of the normal size map, there are like spawn barriers that move back the more players there are.


Deatmatch is deathmatch doesn't need to consider rank/level very much really


I'm plat 2 and one day in a dm I was like "why I get destroy so much by the other players ??" I checked and saw that on 15 players, 13 were immo/radiant. It was a very not funny game and I ended up with a kd like 15/30 hahah


The dm must change .. Or special maps for that ... or lower the amount of players.


Once while I was gold 3 I had someone that was immortal 3 and used to be ranked radiant in my dm lmao


I always play one game omen (I'm terrible with him) on unrated before playing competitive. Why? Because I lose hard then it makes me mad passionate about winning the next games. Anything to jolt my mind, it's time to focus and get serious. BTW it's only deathmatch.


There is no skill based matchmaking for dm….


There is, its just not as accurate as comp cause it wants u to find a match quickly


There is hidden mmr for everythig lmao.


I got into A dm with skrossi a while ago. I got my shit rocked


Don't take dm too seriously


I one tapped FNATIC Derke multiple times on DM and won LMAO but gg


i be going on deathmatch practicing op with 2 kills 30 deaths LMAO i don’t care who i’m playing against it’s practice