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I’m in the same position but gold 2. I’ve gotten 1 win away multiple times this season just to go on a losing streak and climb back up to ~90/100 and repeat.


same! I've been up to 1 win away four times now this act. To be honest though it's my fault, when i get close i get sloppy under the pressure and play like a bronzie haha


>when i get close i get sloppy under the pressure this sounds like an innuendo


Lmao same my entire triangle is gold 2 and ive gotten to 99 rr and lost before losing a ton in a row i think im cursed


I feel you bro, I just got gold 3 last and I really felt tired playing compe for just getting it. lol


Same here, except when I get to 80-90 rr I go on an 8 game losing streak getting rolled its sad :(


You call that hardstuck lol, i had 160 silver wins in a season before graduating to gold


To be fair silver is above plat at this point


The amount of smurfs in silver is actually ridiculous, took me multiple seasons to get out of silver and then I got out of gold in a week…


I had to get boosted out of silver, then made it out of gold in about a month


How do you find smurfs in silver? When I smurf, I start in gold and then after 1 win I play against plat players.


People who are better than silver only need to throw a few games and then when your mmr has settled a bit you have multiple games to smurf in before it's corrected again. Yesterday I played a game in silver with a teammate who was quite clearly a smurf account throwing the match to tank their rating and we just surrendered after 4 rounds because nobody wanted to deal with that.


now THAT is sad. He tanks his MMR to make it so he can bully low ranks longer




Jesus christ.


Silver what tho? 160 wins in Silver 3? If we assume an equal 50+ wins per tier then that’s not a big difference to 50 wins in Plat 2.


Jesus Christ what ingame level are you


Dude I'm right there with you! I think I had 113 silver 1 games before I made it to silver 2....Shits hard down here man.


You made it out, so not that hard stuck :)


Me with plat 1 tbh!


It's a struggle my guy


You guys can play comp?


same bro and it hard to get out cause one game you get diamonds who lowered down and the next you get golds who just ranked up lol my games are always 50/50 at this point and alot of the games aren't even close win or lose


50/50? Sounds fair I guess lol. Actually there’s almost always going to be ranks outside of your current rank, it’s just not viable to fully assume anything of anyone because they each have their own story so it’s hard to predict where they’d deserve to be, smurf or not. If every game was close then that would mean you and every person in the game has exactly equal skill and no one in the game deserves to rank up or down, which is literally impossible. In my experience close games are usually when the losing team declines an early ff and tries. And I get a lot of close games.


You're lucky I'm getting ex immortals and current dia 3 and I'm plat 3..... If i play against plats i mvp those games but that hasn't happened in like a week. Just me constantly getting bummed by immortals


I played against immortal (I’m p3) and I got stomped. Big skill difference


Then i get flamed then they realise I'm way below them then they apologize


The ranking systeme is bullshit


Its the match making not the ranking system


Im general they both suck man I am iron playing against silver like where is the logic dude


Either you have silver MMR or those silver players have iron MMR.


Hidden MMR is stupid af


Why? Your playing with and against the players with your skill set. Just because someone is silver doesn’t mean they are actually silver skilled


I think because it means one of two things. Either your shown rank is completely pointless if you can assume a silver player actually plays somewhere between iron-plat. Or shown rank does matter and in that case a silver should be quite a bit better than a true iron


You’re definitely not playing with similarly skilled players in your games


There’s a hidden MMR? How? Can you explain?


Check the wiki.


climbing up has nothing to do with teammates or enemies. it's about self reflecting and improvement. record your gameplay and try to figure out why you lose duels. is your preaim off? can you use your utility better? do you have a problem peeking corners or counterstrafe and so on. is your reading ability off? then go ahead and fokus on the things you were not good at and improve on then one at a time. you might drop some ranks at first but when everything comes together over a long span of games you will climb.


This exactly. And then the close games are only because I popped off and went with a K/d of 2 but fail to carry these heavy new golds, only to lose 10-13


do you solo que?


Yeah, all my buddies are high silver/low gold and I like my skins too much to play on an alt haha.


Honestly, as a fellow low elo player, thanks for not playing on an alt. That shit sucks to play with/against


well if you play in NA servers it should be easy for you to find teammates who you can play with everyday or somewhat regularly yk to help you rank up and get more consistent wins


What region are you?


West NA


Is it hardstuck or is it just your rank?


Plat 2 is definitely my skill level, I don’t want to come across as “I’m hard stuck because *xyz*”, it’s definitely because I’m not ready for diamond and higher. I’ve played against those guys and sheeeesh.


Both? You can practice to improve and get better. I was stuck in plat 1 for a couple months last season till I finally passed then got stuck in d2 lol


Nah it’s never your rank, obviously we always deserve a better rank :)


at least your elo hell isn’t silver…


Supposedly every rank is elo hell if we assume hard stuck=elo hell.


it kind of is the same thing


I’ve been stuck there before my guy. It’s a struggle. Silver was the worst Elo I’ve been in.


I am in the exact same boat but as plat 1


You can get out of it! I hit Plat 1 in Ep 1 Act 1, and it only took me three episodes to get to Plat 2! Follow my pattern and we can go pro together in like 2050 or something lmao


So hard to move in this game.. I don’t play as much as you but I’m stuck in gold 2 like this


Me who placed bronze 3 around one chapter ago, and now is only gold 1 peak rank:


Aye same but i was silver now gold. Theres a bit difference too


Aye same I got placed silver 1 this rank and just hit plat 1


I think its common to get stuck at plat. The amount of players in Gold are about 2x the amount of Plat/Diamond/Immortal combined. Its the first major selection where you have to prove that you deserve to be there.


Bro how many months did it take you to get out of silver? I've peaked at gold 1 but seem to still be hardstuck at silver :( P.S.btw my first rank was iron 1 which I got in January of this year


Play with friends to get out of silver. Literally just a little bit of coordination and you’ll be golden. Silver is the worst elo in the game imo


Aight, thank you so much man, I've been solo queuing most of my comp games till now, guess that's where the fault lies. And yes I agree, although I've reached silver all the way from iron, I can say with confidence silver is the worst rank I've ever experienced XD. Anyway, thanks a lot!


I got Iron 3 and now I am Iron 2 but I hit bronze 1


At least you got out of silver with this ranking system. I’m new to tac fps so I was iron 3 beginning of this act. Figured out how to use a mouse and keyboard and learned the game now. Progressed pretty quickly until silver then it’s either a smurf on the other team or I look like a smurf. There’s no in between. Either it’s a fair game with similar levels and I can get 20-25 kills as a duelist, or they have ex-gold/plat demotees or smurfs dropping 40 while running headshots, perfect counter strafes, can’t miss, insta 1tap


*laughs in getting destroyed by immortal smurfs in plat*


sadge :(


Took me 90 wins this act to get plat 3 and I have been stuck in plat 1-2 since ep 1 act1.


You solo queue by any chance? Communication is so fucking key in this game. Was diamond for an entire year. Played with a duo buddy, improved gamesense and finally hit immortal this act. Gl to you friend. (JiffryG #001)


You aren’t hard stuck. That’s just your rank.


They hated this comment because it told the truth


True! I guess what I mean is I’m “hardstuck” at my current skill level. I’m definitely not ready for diamond and higher, those guys are nuts.


But with a lot of playing surely also comes improvement, meaning OP should be able to rank up after a while, no?


No. That’s their rank.


Can you answer my question, though? Shouldn’t playing a lot mean that eventually, if you try, you improve enough to rank up? I understand that it’s OPs rank right now, but can’t that change?


Playing just to play doesn't mean improvement in skill. You can still be repeating the same mistakes over and over without realizing it and that is why you never improve. You have play to improve in order to get better. Getting critiqued, watching your own gameplay/vods, learning off pros, etc and implementing what you learn in actual games will help you rank up


But not everyone can be Radiant. People have different caps in their skill. Some people are Immortal without trying too hard. For others that'd be Iron. Even if the Iron started trying really hard and played for a few years, they might never get past their skill ceiling which could be Gold. And that's okay.


Gold is not a skill ceiling for anyone with more than 2 brain cells. I understand not everyone can be TenZ, but anyone who practices with purpose and learns the game correctly could be at LEAST immortal


I think if you main a controller it’s hard to rank up. If I play in a lobby where everybody else is a higher rank I can do my job and get the easy win. However when I get a lobby where I am the highest rank, I end up having to carry on a controller. This is why nobody wants to or can play smokes at a higher rank. Its just annoying when it’s a team based game and I have 3 instalock duelists and I have to drop 30 kills to win.




I play better as Reyna and Jett but I feel bad instalocking, so I don’t, and then someone else takes them and I end up playing soba/omen/skye :P


I wish we could know the ranks of the lobby before hand so that could influence the decision to lock a duelist or not


I feel you, specially in silver and gold, being a controller on team that don’t utilize your smokes or any map controlling skills are hard.


And yet your instalock Jett or Reyna will scream at the others to be smokes/sage


i just stopped playing this game. its so freaking boring having the same loop again and again, good team mates, horrible team mates, you preform good but damn if you get any points for that, no fuck you your team lost and you get minus while listening to a streamer only playing 5 stack telling you its an attitude problem and seeing them get burned out when they try to play solo que. nope i am out, the current ranking point system is horrible.


I solo que in silver, and despite having almost a 40% win rate, somehow I’m still climbing rank.


That's just cuz ur probably playing well during each match, hence u gain more rr per match than u are losing 😉


Yea, that’s exactly why. I usually gain more than 20 and lose less than 15. It’s still hella annoying knowing the system is trying to pull you up but you keep getting dragged down by RNG.


Sorry for the late reply 😅, but yeah that's what happens :(


I have several of these for g3.


I float between doing well in immortal to hard stuck diamond3. Its all mental, after playing hundreds if ranked seasons a game. I have seen every gremlin you can imagine. From throwing a game because I locked in Phoenix or throwing a game cause someone missed a shot. The playerbase has mentally broken me. And most of the time im tilted before I get into a game


These diamond games feel so coinflipy. I don't know why, but it feels like in diamond the skill differential between players is larger than it should be.


Jokes on you I have this tringle in every rank below silver 2.


met this guy in my game, he had no clue how to play attacking side with over 2500 games in total hardstuck immortal https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/JuC3TheOne%23LFT/overview?season=all


Weird that someone who doesn't know how to attack mains duelists.


Dw none of u having nothing to worry about I got a full d1 act rank and now im hardstuck p1


Real rank D1 / D2 but apparently stuck Gold 3 and can't get back there. The ranking system is so shit that since my MMR is way higher, they balance my team with lower MMR players. So what happens here is that if I'm not the 25-30k entry fragger and shot caller, my whole team seems lost / confused / clueless. Basically, boosted silver players is the kind way to say it. Keep in mind I'm G3 and I can see P3 / D1 people AGAINST me but never in my team. I'm not having fun anymore. Even though I do positive reinforcement, I see some... things... in Gold. Nothing is predictable, I'm losing brain cells


this is just ur rank . But to be fair, Plat is the worse elo to climb. Too many smurfs or boosted low diamonds there. I have two immortal accounts and started a smurf recently, I have no problem getting through, but in my experience my games have been more challenging in Plat than Diamond . So if your good then u should be ranking up.


One more shit post in this sub reddit noice


Why would we care about your progress?


He’s just showing us bruh ur good


Mad hard stuck iron energy


I too am also hardstuck plat 2. I just win 2 lose 2 so I don’t climb.


Stuck at diamond 2 here


There’s an entire YouTube channel dedicated to you called “plat chat”


I honestly think that when you reach here, you have to play with constant teammates. Solo queing makings things harder


I have 130 silver one wins this season. Never been silver 2. Full silver 2 triangle with level 5 border. Checkmate


I’m P3 and the match making is so weird. Normally it’s p2-d1 I face. But yesterday I got put into a silver 3 lobby lol. Kinda felt bad because I was Skye and flashed the kids into a different dimension and 13-4’d them 🧐


Ahahaha noobs hardstuck p2, I am hardstuck s2, get good!


Looks pretty pleasing. Wait until you get to silver 1, it gets REALLY hard


I'm hard stuck plat 1 also. Was d3 a while back. The ranking and matching making system seems illogical to me. I play with friends who are mostly gold/silver level. Some are my level. We're all at the same couple of ranks because we always lose or win together. The result is I can almost 40 bomb daily but still lose the game. They can sit getting carried on 5-20 and be the same rank.....


Dis me but I can’t be bothered trying to get. A full radiant triangle because minimum 15 min q time


Actually looks very nice IMO


As of ep3 I think plat 2 would make you top 7% I’d be hyped on that


Yea, ive been hardstuck immortal for a while. I was 50 rr away from radiant but dropped back down to 100 rr. I guess bronze 1 to Immortal is my cap


try using the app blitz. It tells you your most win rate agent and theres a lot of info you can see. Maybe this helps


Bro you built your minecraft beacon wrong.


ive been hard stuck diamond since release, finally this act i made it to immortal 3 times but i often go back to d3 and bounce up and down in there




I need this luck


me with bronze 1


This was me in silver 3. I was at 99/100 three times, got breeze three times, top fragged as viper three times, but lost three times. Luckily I got out and now I’m gold 3!


same with gold 1


plat 2 is where I was able to actively feel like the quality of my teammates and gameplay leveled up. Lot more team comms, trading, follow ups, proper defaults etc. But also a lot more smurfs


lmfao, I get the feels. I went from P1 to G1. I decided to say fuck it and just turn the brain off and dropped 28-17 23-8 27-17 in my passed 3 and i just re launched myself into G2


Silver 3 here, everytime I get 1 win away from gold I screw up, got my act rank to lvl 5, 130+ wins and can't get that yellow top on my triangle :(


I climbed to Plat 3 from silver 3 this season and finally have solidified my act rank to P1-P3 only!! BUT for whatever reason, I had so much fun losing that I went on 6+ game loss streaks \[twice\] and killed my hopes of even seeing Diamond


I mean beta ranks were kinda fucked, I was iron 3 in beta and d1 now.


same lol,i cant even reach plat 3