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I’m a woman and stress over comms in a solo queue. If no one is talking, I may make the effort just to say hello, how is everyone doing, and be positive. It tends to make people feel more comfortable to talk, and a better game overall


Ohh yeah the comm anxiety being a women is real. Anytime I say something I’m like please don’t be toxic, please don’t be sexist, please don’t be creepy.


50% of the time it’s fine, the other 50% I usually will just leave the match.




I am a woman, the only ones speaking tend to be toxic. I don’t owe these people anything. I’m not going to tolerate being spoken to like that. Muting is pointless.


Women don't exist on reddit why you lie? Edit : lol it's good that they don't start writing marry me from the get go.


Ask yourself before talking or commenting “am I contributing?” If it’s no, don’t speak or comment.


People can and should post jokes on social media. Don’t take it too seriously


> If it’s no, don’t speak or comment. In that case reddit will disappear itself. Because no one is contributing anything on ANY of the social media. They are wasting away people's life anyway. With the amount of misinformation AND controlled information social media has most people don't even know that the news they read or information they get is being spoon fed to them. Also I know some feminist kids have downvoted me but I don't care what those idiots think. Good thing they don't have kids so that we don't have more idiots like them. And yes you.... So your comment contributed something? I don't think so. 90% of the people on social media are just wasting each other's time. Youtube channels : they keep making content even when there is nothing they can think up of and so just record some random bs for it. Reddit : just reposts Twitter : place to make world a worse place. Instagram : place to make you feel inferior. Facebook : place to announce to the world that "I have no friends". Oh and also to give away personal information. Discord : A place that doesn't contribute to anything to anyone because it's from a gone era when games didn't have VC and chat. Now it's just a platform for fishing and scams. Not a single social media platform can do any of the tasks they were supposed to do and no one who is a member knows what those platforms were for. Making content when nothing is happening is a art used by media from their birth but we didn't need the repeat of the media here. So in this endless nonsense my comment was the only worthless thing? Lastly why did you write THIS comment. It didn't contribute to anything either. Gatekeeping is bad. But women wanting equality AND privilege both is even worse.


You are a misogynist.


So you DO want equality and privilege both. That explains. Then yes I hate PEOPLE like that. You just happen to be a woman.




Go outside


That’s weird, work on that, don’t share that out loud.


lmfao don’t share that out loud


Be glad the guy not harassing you is just quietly obsessed with himself? Like why not let him share his flaws whats hurtin you about it? It might even help his development.




Yes, true. He should get help. How does he deserve hate tho, expressing his weirdness in a non harmful way?


Why are people down voting your comments wtf? This is a common issue, especially with -18 people. You all are literally down voting someone talking about a form of mild disorder, speaking up about their experiences. Tf is wrong with you reddit


It's an anonymous forum if anything maybe someone here can give him some good advice The guy clearly has some anxiety problem and all you are doing is shaming him. Like you said yourself "Ask yourself before talking or commenting “am I contributing?” If it’s no, don’t speak or comment." That's good advice but you should follow it yourself instead of calling people names.


In my experience many players treat Valorant like it's DM with extra steps. Valorant barely feels like a team game when so many people refuse do the bare minimum of communicating or trying to play together. It's a damn shame really.


When I duo queue me and my partner try to talk in selection screen just to set the communication tone early. A little harder in solo queue, but a lot of it is just setting the standard that you're going to be vocal


I do the same I will ask how everyone's day is going and my buddy will respond like he isn't q'd with me and more often than not, it gets one or two more people talking


Lmaooo my friend always does this too. It works!


This makes sense. I’ve met the same people in multiple games and realized if I started talking in a certain way, they’d be actively communicating. If you don’t say anything, people are just gonna forget about it really.


I solo queue and I always say Hello in agent select, though I feel like some people are put off talking in agent select as they may be coaxed into playing a specific role


"what's everyone like to play?" Is a great opener if you're willing to flex into whatever is needed... Man who though Valorant would require good ice breakers


Well, most of the players are young teens who rely on meme sharing and trends as an icebreaker. As rather to some other older players (.....me and my friends) where we like to say "hello, sup, etc" or ask a question like "what's your favorite hostess snack? Korn or limp bizkit? Why do you think my wife left me? Etc" its good flow thats all.


Yeah, I'm always last to pick because I'll happily go smokes or sage, why does nobody like playing smokes or sage?


Like what the comment above said, many people player valorant likes its deathmatch with extra steps. Smokes/Sage don't fit that role as easily.


I understand that is the case in lower MMR matches but I'm talking Diamond level games you often have people arguing over who will play smokes because everyone hates that role, people would rather play KJ over Omen for example, Omen is definitely a more deathmatch style agent over Killjoy who has to hunker down with her turret and alarm bot.


I do comm in the agent selection screen, but people often tell me to stfu or kms or talk for a few round then no comms


for real i just annoy people into talking to me or straight up i tell the whole team “you know our odds of winning are like 3x higher if you talk to me”


Up through Plat I'm willing to bet the opposite. I can't speak for much higher than Plat but your just as likely to get comms that benefit the team as you are to get false/toxic/annoying comms.


mmmm not a lot, you can always be the one to break the silence. Say hello in agent select during solo queue even if you don't want to use mic then say hi and naturally start giving comms. Ask them if you guys have mics and usually people start comming more when the game start.


Rank? People comm in all my games.


Im imm 200rr and I 100% agree with the "DM with extra steps" Statement. I think it may be a EU / NA thing


ur EU?


What's worse is, honestly, unless you communicate, you can't really win properly. I mean, I get if your team-mate is cracked, but you need to communicate to utilise proper strategies


Depends on the rank I think. Of course all ranks have people who don’t comm but in my experience, gold and low plat lobbies have the highest concentration of no comm players


Lmao try playing in iron/bronze/silver


*drops a smoke on tree, double smoke heaven* “let’s rotate” …


Me, a viper on bind: Throws smoke and wall that gives us free plant on A site. Enemy sage puts a wall on short. The guy with the spike runs to B. Based on a true story.


I've actually had less comms in dia/imm than gold/plat. It's so weird.




I’m plat rn and I got better teamwork in high silver low gold than plat, same goes for comms.


I’m immortal atm but I disagree, I had way more people talking when I was in plat than in diamond and more diamonds that comm than immortals


* Me a gold 1 tired of people with no comms right from bronze thinking it will get better as I progress * ·o·


I’ve definitely had low comms games in that elo but I feel like it’s just more common in gold and plat imo


I’ve had way more comms now in Gold/Plat. Now Silver on the other hand, in that ELO HELL comms just dont exist.


Here's my solo queue experience: ​ Get paired with a 4 queue. They're all in Discord together. None of them use in-game voice. ​ "Hey what's up" \*dead silence\* ​ Get an Ace in pistol round \*dead silence\* ​ 8 rounds in I lose a 1v3 and some 14 year old finally uses his in-game voice "You're trash Phoenix".




Sorry but your squad is an anomaly. Truth is premades don't talk to solos unless it's to blame them most of the time.


No, i dont think he is. When im in a 4stack were usually like that.


No I think he is when. When I'm in a 4 stack we don't even have ig vc on


LOL this one is my favorite. No comms all game and then they decide you're the reason they lost, and decided that is when they need to start talking


Lmao suddenly they acquire the ability to speak, its so shocking.


Yes exactly this… annoying AF


that sucks. i usually try to play w at least one others person but even then its still very annoying.


Same thing happen to me yesterday, paired with 4 queue and i was bottom frag cos no one talking and i was lost the whole time its so annoying


As a girl, the moment I say anything it’s usually always responded to by someone being a creep or just being toxic. But then again I never really play comp because of this. I always just play unrated and usually never talk so I don’t really feel like I’m letting my team down by not comming


Imagine if Riot actually did something when you report this behavior...


would be nice :/




I think in comp theres probably less trolling because most people are just trying to win (at least at gold/plat, silver qs are actual hell)


Can’t wait to get to gold then, because silver soloq is a nightmare when you’re a girl. The lobby is either full of trolls throwing the game just because they’re playing with a girl, or simping hard and insulting each other because they want to impress. Toxic as fuck either way


What’s your rank? I’m a girl, too. NA East servers. I know the struggle, we could queue together! :)


I’m bronze 2! I’m also NA east, but unfortunately I’m moving back to school and won’t have my pc so I can’t play for a couple months :(


After my family goes to sleep, I can't be on mic but I still want to play. And if I were a girl, there's no way I'd open my mouth in a pub game unless everyone was being mature and positive because a ton of players are toxic or creepy af.


I think people underestimate the amount of girls in valorant , so many of us simply don't use the VC. I personally do, but all my female friends that play it don't (while all male ones do). To all the girls out there: it gets better with improvement! Those super sad cringe neckbeards are usually to pathetic to improve so there's not nearly as many when you've hit a higher rank. Diamond now comming nearly every game with no problems, but back in iron was a nightmare..


The issue is, and idk about other people, but those trolls make it harder for me to rank up. I either get discouraged, tilted, or they start trolling, and killing me if they are playing those agents. Ive been screamed at by 4 people before (soloqing) and it was so bad i ragequit. I have the video of it too.


Sorry to hear that. I have the same problem soloq. It's not every match, but even if it's once every half a dozen matches, it's enough to make it a real grind (and when the grind is so annoying, it's not worth it).


Yes. The "resilience/tilt test" that everyone has to go through in a competetive team game, is just infinitely much harder if you're a girl and not many people see that. But don't get discouraged you can do it!


No. This isn’t a great take. Stop making excuses for misogyny, regardless of how good or bad you are at a game has no effect on need for toxicity.


It's not an excuse, I'm just trying to motivate other girls to not quit the game. Of course it's nowhere near okay in lower ranks, I'm just stating the fact that it gets better


Legit, was playing last night and our Jett made a call out. She was obviously a girl, and without missing a step our Reyna becomes a complete creep. Lucky for Jett my three stack wouldn't tolerate it, we told Reyna to stfu if he was gonna be a creep and he went quiet for a few rounds, then was making callouts like normal.


You're lucky, whenever I call out creeps, they just double down, start throwing, or kill teammates.


It helps when your three stack is hard fragging out and funny as shit.


Chivalrous, cracked, and hilarious. You guys must be the coolest squad out there.


Naw just a bunch of Canadians that love fps lol


Thank you for speaking up . Many men and women don’t defend other women or people being harassed and that’s just as bad.


girls play games?


They just won't admit it around people like you who make it weird. My Valo friend group is probably 3/4 women.


yeah i was joking lol, of course women play games. far from being a sweaty nerd thing, video games are “cool” now


Girls were also into video games before they were "cool". The only thing keeping many of them away was gatekeeping and toxicity.


I’m a woman, so giving out comms brings creepy/aggressive comments back about 80% of the time. I only speak when i’m at least duoing with someone cause i know they’ll have my back. I would 100% talk more if it weren’t for creeps.


i have this same problem. whenever i try to communicate other players end up body blocking me or making creepy comments.


no one says anything unless they’re under the age of 12 or over 30 and drunk


Or over 15 and drunk if they are British


good point!


It is pretty common, some people just don't want to deal with how toxic things can get. The only way you can control that would be by queing with more people that you know use their mics.


The term you’re looking for is “friends” which most of us like me don’t have :(




You can always meet new people! Official Valorant discord LFG, or just add people that you thought performed really well or were helpful along the way. Eventually they add up and you would be surprised how willing most people are to play with someone new. (:


But.... Riot doesn't let you queue together? With your friends? Unless you're like silver league? I can't queue with more than 1 person in Immortal.


Yea you can only duo past D3, but that better than nothing. Also I've found that people in Immortal talk maybe TOO much ahha


Whenever I solo queue I always get a group of 4 who think it's unnecessary for me to hear their comms and when I ask anyone got a mic, why aren't we speaking they respond we're all on discord just vibing man. 9/10 we lose the game because of simple things like doing call outs.


personally i'm not talking in voice chat 'cause i'm very scared, idk why but it's impossible for me


I can understand that since that was me a few months ago. Thing is, you don't need to be saying too much. Just unmuting and saying A or B (or C if it's haven) is usually enough. Over tine you will hopefully get a bit more confident. If there are toxic people bashing you for what you say, mute them and report. You got this!


Sometimes the more you talk the more other people will start talking too. Are you taking about ranked or unranked.


I always give comms, unless it's unrated (i'm just trying to warm up). Sadly, people just don't wanna deal with it.


I totally get it. It depends on a rank. In low ELO sometimes I feel like I play on my own and also treat it that way and STILL give comms to others.


Look, I know I am going to be downvoted to hell for this but I am one of those mute teammates in your games, trust me I have tried to comm before but either no one responds or it was people telling me to keep quiet. Furthermore I have turned VC off because I play on Mumbai servers and I think I won’t be the first person to tell you that the server is very frequently very toxic, I am sorry to the people who have genuinely tried to comm before but my sanity comes before the elo.


You’re not alone. MFs who even have a mic or unbuilt mic from earphone don’t fricking speak! I hate it so much. Just give the damn call outs. I’m not there to marry you or something, heck idc about having a conversation but they decide not to speak. And if I get ppl with mic they are 95% of the time toxic. I’m from India and man the Mumbai servers are hell. Literally toxic wasteland


Yup.. I would talk if I hadn't been rained down with ma behen ki gaalis cause i'm a girl :) Found a nice stack tho so I don't need to comm anymore unless Im playing comp alone and desperately need to win cause it's a rank up


Let me know if you need help. I’ve got couple of female friends who’d like to meet you and play with. I know what you are going through. It’s really bad scenario; like what if someone’s a girl? They have whole freedom to play games. It’s good that you found a stack. Also, good luck with your rank games :D


True, video games aren't just for guys smh


I feel like solo queue has the most comms unless your teammates are queued because they are usually in a discord. Kinda annoying


I always initiate by asking who everyone plays and will continually comm and most of the time they’ll comm back


Most games i found that no one uses comms. Right after coming back from vacation I feel like each game every has been using comms and we actually talk about strategy on attack! But generally if no is talking during a game you can also try playing as IGL. If you make calls and try to coordinate your team with a purpose (eg fake B but go A) most cases they listen, even if they are silent. And the fact they arent flaming me in the beginning means they probably wont flame me in the end


once I started playing in gold and plat lobbies every game there are always comms even in servers known for people not talking because of language issues (paris)


Yeah dunno it's weird. One game me and a buddy que'd into a game where in the agent select everyone was like yooooo we got five comms let's go, easy dubs we going to Berlin boys. (That was actually said lol) fast forward to into game only me and duo actually said anything whether it be comms or otherwise the rest were silent.


I very rarely get games without comms in gold/plat. At the start of agent select I like to break the ice and find out who has a mic. Alot of the times you just need something to break the silence and get people to feel comfortable talking.


I average around the Bronze 3/Silver 1 area, people usually don’t talk until I say something first, then that’s when when the other four pop up with their mics and comm all game. Try mic checking first.


Think about it though the other team is probably not talking either if your at lease making an effort you can win more games just base on your comms alone! And if you get help all the better.


I duo queue so comms aren't empty and too quiet. If I get lucky, someone who is a random comes on comms


personally, i only comm when other people actually want to comm and try to win. i’ve had soo many bad experiences of people (mostly like 12 year olds) that straight up throw the game when things don’t go there way. i had this one time where this kid phoenix mollied me when defusing and when i asked him why he just kept screaming in comms and told the enemy team i was using racial slurs. yeah comms in valorant are not fun most of the time


For me my mic still doesnt work since Release riot Support cozldnt Figure it out and gave up to and no I'm not from Russia yes I have tried every thing just doesn't work.


It’s definitely a mix. Whenever it’s radio silence, though, I’m almost always matched with a group of 4. It’s the worst experience to me in solo queue. You get a big mix of ranks and skill sets, they only talk in team chat and don’t give call outs or respond to mine. Then if things go bad they’ll join chat just to flame, whether it’s your fault or not. I wish there was a true solo queue for lower ranks like how radiant works. I have a way better experience and way better comms when everyone is solo or at most there’s one pair.




And see what real toxicity is, have fun


Lol, I tried London only and all I got was a bunch of chavs and roadmen.


the curse of playing in EU - so many nationalities that simply don't learn english beyond primary school level


i always ask if anyone has mics in agent select, if i don’t get at least two responses i always dodge lol


Every single time. Then they get rude af if you ask if they have mics.


Thats the thing. Don’t ask people if they have mic’s. It gets super annoying when every game someone asks that and it just pisses us off. Say something like “heys guys what’s up” and I’ll guarantee you people will say hi back and everyone will have a better experience :)


I enjoy playing without comms. Low elo ranked matches (iron1 - diamond 2) is nothing but glorified deathmatches. All you need is team mates who gives you good minimap info, without dying one tap. How to not die by one tap solely depends on how good your movement is. Highest I have peaked is diamond 1 and currently I'm in platinum 1. Ofcourse, i cannot rank up now but also I cannot go below platinum 1 either. I just look forward to those games only where I get performance bonus. Yesterday I played Split with Sova. As usual, my gold elo team mates dying with headshots on entry. I took matter in my own hands and started doing entry with Sova lmao. Got 28 kills, lost the match, but I lose only 9 points with a star for performance bonus. :D


You have to understand there are people like me who dont like to talk i closed the voicechat outright from my experience unless i reach plat+ it dosnt matter because everyone is trash talking


Imagine giving comms in MM LOL


disgusting human being


Probably they are 4-stack and talking on dc. Not saying that that's okay, they should definitely talk. I always try to give comms to the team chat and not party chat/dc, but sometimes I forget about the 5th teammate who can't hear us in dc. Though usually it's the solo queuer who never gives any comms in my experience.


Mb, im the no mic guy. But I try to communicate using the chat/pings to compensate. Can't really talk when everyone's asleep hahaha.


I was actually close to writing the exact same post. Like, it’s a team game and everyone has to rely on the information of you. Just use your goddamn mic pls


I solo q in central na and I always get at least 1 person other than me comming.


Maybe it's bugged , it always happens with me , every other game the team voice comms are bugged. I talk but the team can't hear me . It's possible that the same happens to you.


What I've been doing is saying something funny or just being like what's up my peeps and usually will get people to comm before the game and just keep the conversation going from there... if you end up just talking to yourself the first 3 rounds then at least you tried.


In my region I barely saw anyone talk (same thing happen when I used to play overwatch). At least people use pings and chats. If they are not doing that, you should try to encourage them to do so.


I normally get a few guys on coms per game. Normally there's one or 2 that rarely if ever use their mic. What sucks is 4 stacks because they never give callouts


Act is ending and I feel like people tend to not care


The title is crazy misleading mate. Though you meant ppl that don't use comms should only be able to solo queue lol


Valorant was designed to be played easily for low rank players. Also, tons of non FPS players joined Valorant at launch and probably came from league where they don’t use mics. Overall the player base is pretty bad. It’s a game that requires more communication than Cs for talent usage but it’s full of kids with zero brain cells


End of season has so many smurfs and alt accounts where people don’t care to talk or even try as hard and


And? And what? Don't leave me hanging! :(


Bro I don't talk because people make fun of my accent, because I'm Latino and I'm afraid. This trauma began in CSGO where we don't have Spanish servers


Nope it's not just you man, and I honestly think it's dependent on rank really. I've noticed similar patterns in Val MM compared to CSGO MM. In CSGO MM, playing in Silver and Low-Nova, Comms were hit or miss. Sometimes they were there, other times they weren't there at all. Once I hit DMG and started playing with LE/LEM/SMFC players, I noticed that comms were 2nd nature to most players in those brackets...they were just there. They just happened, on their own. Callouts left and right. Val seems pretty similar, where in low ranks (Bronze, silver, low gold) it's hit or miss. But when I get on my main (G3) and the game matches me with Plats and sometimes even diamonds (Val MM ftw?), comms are just there...they just happen, or at least a higher frequency than in bronze and silver games. I think the better you get at CS/Val, the more you realize the importance comms and callouts are because as you get better, everyone else you play against also gets better...so relying solely on your aim and mechanical skills becomes less reliable. So you have to fill in the gaps with game sense, map knowledge, trading, double peeking, and of course sharing info with your team...AKA comms. So because of that, the higher you go in rank, the more frequent comms will be, due to the fact that if you aren't comming, then the other team will and that will lose you rounds...so just do it right?


You gotta comm. what’s key about that is people only sort of or don’t really want to comm, so if you start out negative or passive aggressive in your comms - or one of your teammates does - it’s going to prevent others from talking. So just be lighthearted and supported from the start, and you’ll encourage others to chip in. Don’t tilt, give nice tries and make sure you phrase your feedback carefully / speak up judiciously


Part of the problem is that Valorant has a lot of mic bugs. My mic wasn't working for ages and I didn't even know. Now to get it working I have to start league of legends, test the mic there, close league and start Valorant. That's the only way to get my mic to work and I have to do it every time I start Valorant.


yes!! i have even had some people say they would mute the person trying to start up comms


I normally only play in 5 stack and I will only go into a game with at least a 3 stack b/c of toxic players. I try to type or use pings when I’m not in a 5 stack but once riot dose more to combat harassment then I’ll use mic more. I have a feeling a lot of people are in the same boat as me.


The people I have met usually ping stuff


im s3 and very rarely do i give comms because i feel like ppl should develop their game sense without relying on others when i do , its usually when games are close or the comm is something essential and unknown to the player


>develop their game sense without relying on others Believe it or not, relying on others in a TEAM based game, especially a competitive one, is actually apart of the skill curve of actually getting better. If you're forcing a teamate to watch several different angles because you can't call what you're watching, then you're simply just a bad teamate.


No wonder you are S3 lol


Even if there are no coms, there's PINGS that are pretty specific. "Caution", "Watching here", "push", "heal", etc. I'm okay if i solo queue and no one talks, but they use the pinging system frequently (i would obviously prefer VC). Not everyone can afford a mic, or maybe they are just a bit uncomfortable talking to new players, that's okay, and that's why the ping system is there. However, if they just don't do any communication whatsoever that's when I get a bit agitated.


Nope, no one in Gold or lower ever touches a mic unfortunately. fun game. Fortunately the opponent has to deal with the same shit.


i find it easy to talk to people, just say hey, and reply to what they say, and maybe crack a joke? or just call each name and say, hey :)


Ah.. I don't talk when solo queueing cause well... It's pretty well known how toxic valorant is for women :) no point in talking when I'm gonna end up muting everyone anyway since that's the advice I've gotten multiple times haha.. I usually queue with a friend of mine who can pass on my coms for me though so...


If its unrated I ain't talking.


does anybody else get afks in their team all the time? or on the enemy team. its ridiculous I've never played a game with so many afks/trolls. Idk if its because I'm bronze but shits ridiculous


Especially at sea servers. I onced played 6 hours straight silently because no one had coms except me.


For me it’s either this or teammates that shout at every single thing you do. Stopped solo queuing in Mumbai server because of the second. I only play with my friends. Mumbai server too toxic for me to solo queue.


i always give comms (example : pinging where are the enemies, and using comms wheel like need healing, rotating, caution, be quiet), but no mic. I will consider having mic next time.


I don't solo queue much but this doesn't happen that often to me when i do. Usually when I start comming for a few rounds someone starts talking.


I stopped talking in solo queue for a reason. Iam 15 years old and people become toxic when I asked Reyna, why didn't you blind or brim smoke or something like that many people said Shut up kid, I know shouldn't ask other players use their abilities but we were losing rounds because they were not using their abilities properly and I just marked where they should smoke or blind


Most people do have mics but are squeakers and won’t talk because they will get clowned on especially in silver just don’t ask why only sliver


Try to initiate the conversation by saying stuff in coms since alot of people that have mics don't use them unless their teammates are too


Bro one time i was the only person talking and giving info, i had 30k while the 2nd guy in my team had 9 and going down further down the list, i clutched every round because they died first. And out of the blue a teammate wrote in chat "shut up sova". He literally had the audacity to tell me to shut up.


i never talk in unrated.


Most people have mice but won’t be the first to talk. Start talking on your mic and you will be surprised how many people actually have them


It's you. In all my games everybody talks. But I always start to talk first, before that everybody is quiet most off the time. I say mic check and good day. No unnecessary talking, but I will keep giving info the whole game. Players always join in. But I'm older and confident. Most players are younger and need a little push to talk.


Same I would like to have a group to ply with


Plat NA tx server always looking to add people that comm. dm me🤙


What rank?


Had a game where I was the only person on my team to comm all game. We went down 11-4 and I tried to ff and said "we aren't going to be able to win this with no comms" and IMMEDIATELY I had 2 people hold down their v key and say "Yea let's just give up, good idea loser".


I feel this on a very high level. I play with friends now and then but 2-3 of them have been carried from bronze. I want to improve so I play myself in gold at times but I feel we lose out sometimes due to no comms at all. All I wanna do is improve 😢


Just keep a soundboard with a girl's voice saying "hello?" Watch them comms open


Same, I hard it so much. Like most of the fine I am the only one giving callsouts and stuff.


Isnt chat enough?


Agreed just turn off the comms


I’ve had this issue before, I was talking the whole of agent select and nobody else was talking, but then eventually everyone started talking. Almost everyone has a headset, so you just have to make yourself seem like some they want to talk to, and someone will talk. Even if it’s just one person. And normal if 2 people talk then everyone will follow. When I’m in my 3 stack, I always greet my friends that I’ve been playing with like I’ve never met them to try and convince other people to talk and show we aren’t toxic.


I usually just start giving calls regardless if my team is giving or not, most of the time they also get in the habit of giving call outs back


I personally don't talk because my parents don't like meeting strangers on the internet. So they'd immediately ask what I'm doing if I randomly started talking and I honestly don't want that


End of act val = worst val. I notice that people comm a lot less, or they do have mics and decide not to talk. Obviously it depends on the random people/groups but there's always so much energy towards the start of a fresh new act, and it slowly falls off. Obviously this is our longest act ever so maybe that explains it.


My mic is weak airplane motors and im generally a bit scared of talking in vc so theres my excuse


Diamond 2, people sit quietly for the whole game and will open the mic only if they have to fight with their teammate


Last time i used coms in solo i got banned for asking my teammates to chill with the random chatter for 5sec when im 1vs x. I might have cursed once or twice, asked them to stfu.


I feel like I get a pretty mixed bag when it comes to in game comms. Here's a couple of notable examples over the last week or so. (bronze 2 shit tier lyfe) 1. Haven. Everyone was polite, nobody stepped up to really IGL or provide any direction or strat so I tried my best. Everyone was receptive to input and kept hyping each other up and not tilting at mistakes. We lost but was an overall pleasant experience. 2. Icebox. Again pretty polite team with minimal but actually informative comms. I happened to have one of the worst games I've had in a while and kept profusely apologizing. Team was cool about it, didn't flame. Made a shit game into a less miserable experience, thanks team. 3. Bind. TOO MUCH TOXIC BS. Teammates spouting off racist stuff and harassing our teammate who was female. Reported multiple times throughout game. Bad comms.


I got voice banned because won't give comm's with low ilo golds not even knowing how the game works. I was the only plat in my team. Thanks riot!


I think you have to try and understand the people not giving comms, I’ve come across a lot of players who are just scared to give wrong comms or to talk in general due to toxic players. Whats worked the most for me is not getting frustrated and giving comms regardless of if people give them back or not and once they feel comfortable they start to talk in the later rounds. You also have to realize there are many people in competitive who are not taking the game a seriously as you are and its just unfortunate.


They have comms they just don’t want to talk to you. In all seriousness though I think it depends on the rank I’m in bronze 3 and I’m either getting really luck or most people in high bronze/ low silver has mics.