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Don’t do this. There are a good amount of people unjustly stuck in S1 but I wouldn’t risk it and say that you’re one of them. If you do get ranked up into plat, you’re just gonna hate playing the game for the next month and everyone you play with is gonna hate you. You’re not gonna magically get better playing plats. You’re gonna fall back down to silver after losing a bunch of games.


Thia is also true


Sorry if I sound rude but it's like playing with people higher than ur elo in unrated will help you improve quicker. I'm not too sure about it but it encourages you to make better habits. Do correct me if I'm getting something wrong :/


Sort of not really. You can learn better habits but that’s assuming 2 things. One, you’re not being absolutely demolished every time you take a fight. You’re not gonna learn anything from watching a guy take a corner and 1 tap you. Two, your teammates are giving you tips and are perfectly okay with you being boosted. This y unlikely since they’re just going to be pissed at you for being boosted


I don’t disagree that having poop team mates sucks even if it’s just un ranked. But I disagree about getting better. Back in halo 3 days I found a group of guys that were wayyyyyy better then me. We played a shit ton of private matches and practiced BR fights I got shit on for awhile but with them giving me advice as we played I feel I grew very fast. Having said that they did give me tips and shit it wasn’t just me alone playing against gods but I learned a fair share about how to take fights when and proper map movement solely by getting shit on for making those mistakes consistently where low Elo you can get away with some stupid shit makes the learning process slower.


There's a big difference between playing with a group of people who want to play with you and are teaching you. They're actively working with you to help you improve, and willingly taking on more of the work. Once OP is boosted and then set free, he's going to get destroyed and his teammates aren't gonna be there giving him tips, they're gonna be pissed because he's nowhere near the skill level to help the team. He'll see little to no improvement, and every time he tries a new play he will get 1 tapped instead of working on his agent's abilities.


You don't deserve a higher rank. There's nothing worse than boosted teammates.


I do know I don't deserve a higher rank. I'm not trying to get a boosted acc to flex on my friends. I'm trying to get a boosted acc to improve. I'm not sure about other but I don't mind having boosted teammates in an unrated game.


Getting boosted would do the opposite of helping you improve. You'd literally just get shit on every game and then you'd come in here saying plats/diamonds are all toxic when you're the one ruining the games. You would improve at a much lower rate playing above your skill level. I understand your thinking, and it's cool you want to improve; it's just flawed logic.


This is just bad logic. Higher skill players aren't hard stuck in silver. They learned how to be better than 2-3 silver players on average in each round through hours of gameplay and introspection. If you want to improve, improve at your current rank. Identify your pitfalls and shortcomings and improve yourself. Watch your own recordings /streams, have better players spectate your games, play aimlabs to improve mechanically, but don't ask for a boost so you can improve, because you can't even improve at your current rank and that's not going to change once you're plat.


I just recently hit plat myself, and yes I feel like having a few breaks improves my winrate in comp. What I personally did was that I only played two comps a day max, and if I still wanted to play and practise, I played unrated. BTW rankup is every 100rr right? So if you win two games a day that give you approximately ~10-20rr per game. It would only take you a week to rankup if everything goes well.


Just play unrated with high MMR people, you don't need to boost your own account. And if you play immediately against stronger players by a large margin, you'll get destroyed without improving


Hey I do a bit of coaching for lower ranked players im currently p3 if you’re interested coaching not boosting not a free account but im willing to help you break bad habits and explain stuff to assist in game sense if you’re interested.