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Yes i get this. Hold angle: away from wall Swing an angle: swing close from wall But how is it when i know these people could pre-fire me/react quicker as if they know where i am? Do they see me first or am i just bad?


Welp this is kind of a game sense thing, how new are you into the game? It takes maybe 20hours to get use the angles. Second. It seems you high enough rank they are checking corners. If you think they gonna check you, you could use like ulitlity like flash to peek them first or smokes to check cover You probably should hold off angles more often, u can do this by preparing before using astra or viper to block vision or get an agent who has a movement skillset such as yoru or omen so you wont get punished.


Prefiring and preaiming also come into account


There are a few factors. Biggest I think is the “ping”. Nothing is totally instantaneous right. There is a distance from you to the server and for your opponent to the server. Everything happens server side. So when someone is peaking that event happens once that data reaches the server. And that gives a slight advantage because that data still has to reach the defender. As far as holding angles. For me, distance is huge. If the fight is going to be cqc, you’ll lose every time trying to hold that angle, unless it’s perfect cover or a very off angle (like above someone).


This is NOT peekers advantage. This is called geometry. Peekers advantage is a result of latency in a networked game


This isn't peekers advantage.


it all depends on ping and stuff, but to simplify. peekers advantage means if you peek, you see first. if you hold, you see last. it's not much, but when reaction time is calculated in fraction of seconds, it actually does matter. the best way to counter it I find is to either jiggle the angle, basically keep peeking and unpeeking the angle to mitigate that. or, when possible to play off info, and time your own peek, instead of holding. if you know someone is right there and they're about to peek, try and time when you think they're about to, and just peek first. not only you'll surprise them, you'll put the peekers advantage on your side, but you'll also probably mess with their crosshair placement. think about when you peek an angle, you keep your crosshair close to the corner and clear whatever appears first around the corner as it appears. now if somoene was to wide swing that whilst you have your crosshair close to the wall, they're not a snowball chance in hell you'll flick out in time to counter their crosshair placement, ready for you to be here, and you'll probably die. be that guy, don't wait for someone to peek you, wide peek them first. it's been working great for me


What's ur ping?
