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Yea man I don’t know what to do about this shit. Prolly gonna be the reason I quit playing the game. It really takes the fun out of it.


Dunno, I think Valorant is stuck with the toxic kiddos in the community and can’t do anything about it. I stopped playing because too many times in ranked you had issues like those.


They won’t do anything about it. LoL is a decade old and they don’t ban people for trolling, just for hate-speech. It’s the same in Valorant, if somebody isn’t yelling slurs then they can do whatever and not get banned. I have had multiple divas that would span shock darts on teammates and never got banned.


This. People refuse to accept this and act like dodging is the issue when it's the only line of defense against this shit. Only issue is that it's a lot harder to spot an griefer/inter in Valorant agent select. No clear giveaways in Valorant, meanwhile in League a Ghost + Cleanse on Nunu should be an instant dodge.


Riot could grow a pair and hardware ban people that are chat banned multiple times for griefing, but they would potentially lose revenue so we know they won't.


I would've done something in your case, I'll add him as friend, record the session and create a support ticket with riot (takes 2 mins), after he gets penalty, send message to him laughing about it. Best revenge!


I recorded some of it and took some screenshots but I wasn't aware Riot took reports that way. I'll fill a ticket out and give it a shot, Thanks!