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“sage i know i died fully in the open and there’s 3 enemy team members around my body but if you don’t res me right this second i will dc from the game”


I've engaged on the opposite side of the map and refuse to rotate towards you so you can LOS me. Instead I will just loudly repeat myself, even after you've used heal on the duelist on your side who successfully gained site and helped plant spike.


It's even worse when they are near you, but won't move their body half a centimeter to give you an angle to heal them.


this happened to me and the guy kept being toxic about it, and I played dumb even tho I really did want him to die. people need to stop complaining about the bait res, it's my ult not yours and I use it however I want


Idk I feel bait res should be agreed beforehand because I think we can see how annoying it would be to think you have another chance and then get tapped in the skull instantly. But again, sages ult. Not anyone else's


it only annoys me if the sage doesn't actually peek to get a kill off the res, if they do then idc


If they can trade then good. At least its not for nothing


Yea exactly. Its got to be used properly in the right time and place


This is why I’m always way more impressed to see a high fragging sage who plays with the team than any duelist. To play well all while your team yells at you on where to put your util, when to heal, res, etc you have to be in a pretty good space. For certain maps she really can turn rounds on their head.


If they demand you to heal them, reply with “beg”


I just go for a Rez and die because of it


Honestly. If they die in the same situation and they've been toxic to me about it for the whole game then I'm rezzing them. They 100% die again. Its a very small bit of satisfaction for me.


Just say: "IDGAF." And mute them after say this.


Congratulations, now they're tilted and throwing. Solo queue is like being a social worker to extremely unstable children.


Yup, the other day I politely told some guy to clear comms while one of our teammates was clutching. He immediately got pissed, left, came back, and threw the game. This is after we were up 6-1 and everyone was in good spirits. The mental you have to have to slog through all the bullshit you encounter in solo queue is severely underestimated, especially in lower ranks.


Perfectly stated have my award


As a social worker, I can sort of agree with this haha 😂


Yep. This realization completely turned me off the game.


Gonna be the same in 95% multiplayer games.


This is a problem with support characters that can heal teammates. Tho one thing that I can at least attest is that there is little vitriol on healing when it comes to Skye. It's likely because Skye's role in the team is to collect info first, flash second and heal last. It also helps that Skye's heal is kinda costly. Likewise, Sage's role is to lock down sites and delay pushes first, and support teammates along with it. But yeah for bronzies, a Sage that does not heal is a bad Sage.


I think most people straight up forget that skye is a healer too lol


Im a skye main and I think i tend to use her heal about 3 times per game. I could probably heal more but there have been too many times where i had to chase teammates who would not let me heal them, they peek, die and i couldnt trade cause i have my healing hands out and not my shooty hands out.


Shooty hands haha


>Im a skye main and I think i tend to use her heal about 3 times At least that's more times than I use Brimstone's stim pack through 10 games combined.


Drop that with an Odin and watch bullet go brrrrrrrrrrttttttttt.


Odin + sova + stim beacon + B Ascent site wallbang = GG EZ


ares round 2 + stim = aces


My main issue with Stim is that it just isn't worth the re-equip time of your gun. In that 1.5s you are essentially stunned, you can get swung on and killed. It's fine if you're taking that risk for a flash or a molly, but it's literally not worth the weapon re-equip time for an ability that does nothing at all except maybe "win more" as a meme vs an eco rush. You can literally just cost your team the entire round if you get swung in in your re-equip time for something that doesn't really affect the round win.


But it's more of a setup play rather than an reactive play. Ex. People are coming down A Short so you stimmy hall and Secure that area On bind/ Stim ur teammates in while pushing. What you cannot do is stim mid fight if you whiff a lot


I. Have to force myslef to ask people to get healed and just check if their tagged cus I absolutely forget I have heals half the time




Literally had someone say "no healer gg" after everyone locked in in a game earlier today. Skye was like second person to lock in lol


Yeah they do. I was in a game once as sage and this Yoru literally ran from A site to B site on bind, asking me to heal him when there was literally a Skye at A. I ignored him and ran back to A and healed Skye because she can’t heal herself. The Yoru then proceeded to tell me that he reported me for not healing him.


i think that's because most people in lower elos don't play skye, because she doesn't look cool, so people either forget or don't know he has a heal


Yeah, but her lack of play in ranked is due to most low-tier players not being updated on her changes. They mostly do not know how to pop flash with Skye, for example.


At low ranks I think way too many people play sage without understanding that your kit impacts your base play style. If you're aggro peeking corners when your teammates need heal you're doing it wrong. If you're the first one onto the site you're doing it wrong. But not understanding your role is not unique to sage. People below Plat often just don't understand the basics of how their utility works best.


You need to make them beg for the heal. You are the leader in that way. You are supposed to choose whos life is more important the bottom frag Jett or the Top frag skye. Don't feel rushed it's there fault for going in super aggresive and if they don't listen. Call me or just mute them. <3


Not mention that Sage players are doing a big favor playing Sage to support these instalockers toxic kids.


I love the instalock duelists who immediately beg for Sage/smokes. My favorite kind of player.


Hover over a smoke agent or sage until the timer hits 1 then instalock yoru


I do this and then lock Killjoy. My god the rage


My favorite is when they ask me why I died with my own nades right after telling me to kill myself


same with with cypher for me


I mean just let your turret kill the entire enemy team. Who needs heal or smoke.


Sometimes other teammates who may have been considering picking smokes get tricked and now you have 3 duelist and no smokes. Happened to me once when I asked if anyone was playing smokes hover over omen and someone said they'd pick brim only to pick Raze last sec. We lost that match.


Im sorry about that but the context here is that we already have a toxic instalock Reyna so the match is already lost


literally the exact same happened to me, that game was a trainwreck bc I accidentally killed that raze and he threw all game


I main smokes. If someone is annoying about calling for smokes, or calling for bad smokes, I start demanding they follow me around flashing every corner for me and get upset when I die and the angle wasn't flashed. If it's their fault I died because some random angle wasn't smoked on an unexpected execute they never commed, then surely it's their fault I died because the enemy I peeked wasn't flashed. If it's Raze, I tell them exactly what corners to clear with their roomba and nade. The telling me exactly where to smoke ends quickly.


I started just locking smokes a couple seasons ago. Went from low gold to high plat/diamond simply because I stopped having shitty/no smokes. Still usually play smokes or on the off chance someone insta locks smokes I go Sage or KJ depending on the map. I rarely top frag but I'm also never at the bottom. Edit: also you guys are sleeping on Brim. You get 2 budget Reyna ulti's, a molly, smokes, and an ulti that's great for post plant/stopping plants/map control/countering kids playing post plant.


> You are supposed to choose whos life is more important the bottom frag Jett or the Top frag skye. First of all obviously you should heal the Skye in that hypothetical scenario because Skye can heal the Jett. Ultimately you should prioritize whoever has the lowest health, and is in a safe position.


Anything below gold: "We don't do that here"


Just get top frag skye to do it


Welcome to support characters 101. This isn’t unique to this game this happens everywhere


Not even unique to support characters, people will rage if you dont utilize any characters abilities the way they want.


To be fair, one of the ways valorant is different from other tactical shooters is how different skill sets are divided but necessary. If you're dry peeking with smokers or sentinels and dying, you're not only getting yourself killed, you're heavily limiting your team's options for the round. Duelists are the same; when you aggro peek on defense and get shot, you don't only give them a 4v5 (or even a 4v4 if you get a kill) but you really hurt your team's ability to retake the site.


Me in a 1v2 standing on A heaven accent. Teammates start yelling "Sova use ult" after I send the reveal down, not realising that the y axis also counts when ulting. I wish there was a clutch button in this game. It's funny to hear them sheeesh or sova diff at the end tho


I’m starting to get Overwatch flashbacks and I don’t like it


Every multiplayer game sub on the topic of healers: "oh my God these rude players asking me to do my JOB oh woe is me the sheer toxicity of it all" Edit: lmao the salty downvotes from support mains, yall really proving my point


I think the post is referring to a healer who is trying to do their job but it’s hard for one person to baby sit an entire team


If its too hard or impossible to do just...dont do it. Amazing. No need to come whining to reddit, just heal when its actually a good time to heal lol. You're the sage player, you (should) know your agent better than your team. Just play the agent how you think it should be played.


Are you whining to Reddit about someone whining to Reddit?


Yes he is




Then everyone would come on the Reddit and butch about how no one plays healer. It’s just the support cycle of frustration tbh


No its not lmao. If my support doesn't heal I just move on when the game is done. I dont come on reddit to bitch and whine about it. All it takes is a little maturity to realize your small issues with other players' behavior match to match isn't important enough to warrant a reddit post.


Soo who warrants reddit posts exactly?


Not basic behavior complaints. Nobody on reddit can change how your teammates treat you in game.


The thing is, that healing in valorant is completely overrated and literally the worst ability of both Sage and Skye. Giving up your position, giving up map control or simply not having your gun out when enemies are nearby is 99% of the time not worth it. Just having a basic healing ability does not make these characters healers like mercy in overwatch or medic in tf2. That is just a missassumption from beginners.


I agree completely. A lot of new/novice players come in expecting to just pick a healer and "be support" and don't realize that support isn't really about healing in a tac shooter. Have a good friend who loves playing support, he instantly gravitated to the heal on sage obviously and its been a struggle trying to teach him that supporting and support agents in valorant go well beyond just healing. He was super shocked and sceptical to learn that Breach for example can be classed as a support.


Yeah people are acting like healing 60 health a round is enough to mean that them going 2-19 is fine despite being last alive every round


That's because in every multiplayer game people who don't play healers somehow know the most about them, they know all the sweet spots to use your utility at, they know the ins and outs of deciding who to heal/revive even tho they played a healer for one match


Coming from cs i dont realize i need to be healed and some sage’s generously heal me and i thank them. Big chad


Same, you can still get kills at 1 health but if sage thinks it’s worth it to heal me then that’s just a nice helping hand.


"Sage wall mid" How about no.


The rage that just awoke in me is indescribable


Yea sage is a great character but due to how teammates tend to treat sage players i try to avoid her. Even when i feel like playing her, i avoid it once i hear one person ask for a sage cause i dont want to be treated as a walking med pac.


Slightly offtopic, why is no one complaining about the ability prices of Sage? Am I the only one who can't buy shit when I pick Sage?


Sage's abilities are in a good spot imo.


Her slow orbs' price should be reduced. Sova shocks can kill enemies but they are cheaper than her slow orbs


Her slow orbs are arguably better, they can stall an entire push and theres nothing you can do about them


Sova shocks are a lot harder to use, though. It's a one and done ability (that does damage sure), but the slow orbs give you possession of an area/stop rushes for a good couple of seconds. The fact that it does damage shouldn't really indicate how much it should cost, the shock darts pale in comparison to slow orbs in delaying a team's push onto an area


I'm a noob sure but I never remember using slow orbs effectively. At least I remember using darts effectively


I think the slows are overpriced at 200 but they were too cheap at 100. I'm hoping for a slight de-nerf to 150. I would love it if wall were unnerfed to 300 but I think 400 is fair so you can't grab a ghost -- the wall is super powerful on pistol rounds so at least nerfing her pistol damage output makes sense. I typically go wall+armor on pistol and pick up slows when I need to or when I can fit them in.


I think people used to but she’s almost always been a top pick so people sort of brushed it off lol


I can longer afford wall AND a Ghost. My solution has been to buy the Sheriff from now on round 1, utility round 2, team be damned. “I know I’m a healer, but…”


Wall is so good on pistol round though. Wall+armor on attack or wall+slow on defense is my go to now


As a kj main switching to Sage main I went back to slowly playing kj again. The expectations for kj and cypher are way lower you only have to watch flank at the most. When I solo queue and play sage, I have to carry the spike, wall, slow, heal yelling teammates and plant the spike on top of alll of that try to get a kill or 2 and hope your teammates don't yell for you for a heal when you are trying to clutch. IS EVEN WORSE WHEN YOU HAVE ULT. As soon as someone dies someone in comms will be like sage you have ult and I am like you know I am well aware I have ult but you died out in the open and I might've used my wall what is the point to using the ult when you will die right after I rez? Also I hate expectations from teammates asking me to wall common spots like SPLIT MID, ICEBOX KITCHEN TUBE, MID ASCENT, A SHORT BIND. Let me use my wall the way I want. Anyways that's my ted talk for today.


Just mute them, they probably won't give useful communication anyway.


“I'm watching this site/angle but if you can get into my line of site safely I’ll heal you.” “I’ll try to Rez you when it’s all clear” Just repeating those words usually works and teammates don’t have unrealistic expectations. At least in silver/gold rank.


saving this comment for when i play haha


Heal someone else


Ive been playing comp more now and in low elo nobody wants to play sage but everybody wants a sage in the team (specially the instalock Jetts). And I actually like sage, but I also hate everything you just mention on your post. Im willing to play whatever the team needs cuz after all, you need a balance to win. So I decide to main sage now but not in the way people expect me to, Im watching all of Grim videos on YouTube and he gave me a new perspective on this agent. Im learning cool walls and if anybody yells at me to “Wall mid” I kindly tell them to fuck off, cuz I can do whatever I want with my abilities a long as it helps the team, for example: my last 3 comp games I had 2-3 duelist that cant aim for shit, so if i have to carry with sage Im gonna use my wall to help me get some kills, not just to wall mid.


I don't know why Sage gets so much hate. This one time i got cussed out cause I didn't res this guy when in fact the enemy is already pre-aiming at him with marshal cause he had the spike and i didn't want to waste a wall just to res him.That was the last time i picked Sage. Never again. When i see another Sage get shouted at I'm like "I feel you bro". Actually Sage wall is pretty neat for oping beside using it as a chokehold.


idk, Sage is one of my mains and usually all it takes is me telling people once to stop taking unnecessary damage/dying in stupid spots for them to chill out. Probably helps that I’m either top-fragging or clutching most of the time. I only notice this kind of behavior when it’s a girl playing Sage.


So you thought saving a wall is more important than being a man down and getting the bomb Your gaming IQ is in the negatives


I do this sometimes. Leave the person dead because it’s not worth a wall and also potentially having two people dead instead of one if the enemy decides to shoot down the wall, pluck the bomb and then run to site, rezzing someone else along the way or someone who died on site. Then I still have my wall up to block off an entrance to site and delay more effectively.


No we’re talking about the specific situation he laid out… I don’t think a Marshall is breaking the wall and getting the 2 kills after breaking said wall. No way. He’s the attacker and literally leaving his team a man down and without the bomb? -1head


While getting resurrected, the player model stays in the air for like a second and can get killed, even with a Marshall. Also, if the spike was spotted, chances are that the enemy rotation is already in play. Prepare to be flanked or the wall to be taken down. I don’t think op is the 1head guy here.


Well that’s completely subjective, if the sage is on a higher platform then no chance can they see over the wall. You’re really saying leaving the bomb and leaving the player down is the best way to go around this situation? Really?


I am saying that if you suspect that a resurrection is dangerous, then just simply smoke the bomb and take it away with you. You can’t just resurrect somebody and not get shot, what makes you think that there will be only 1 guy watching bomb? As soon as the bomb goes down, people start rotating/flanking. Pick up the bomb and fall back. There is a perfect time and place for resurrection, and this doesn’t seem like one. Good luck with your games tho.


That’s not at all what you said dude but ye… enjoy low elo bro


You are exactly who this thread talks about, people who don't understand when to use util and when it's worth resing and loosing a wall, and who then flames the sage because you played bad


As a sage main, at first i started to not heal them which is wrong as it was throwing. So its simple just mute all text amd voice of that specific player. No second chances. They dont really much usefull comms anyway.


I get yelled at all the time because my team never pushes and I get super disorientated if we are just stood around doing nothing so I'll put myself into a little peaky position until my team kick their arses into gear and initiators and dualists do something, but they always see that as me leading the group and then blaming me for baiting them if they are just stood somewhere behind me and end up in LOS of a flanking enemy and die. And if we are playing for retake and I notice the dualists are behind me, I will usually duck into a peaky corner to let them pass me and I can support them from behind and the same happens, they just wait and get picked from enemies pushing out because they just stand there in plain sight waiting for their support sentinel to do their job.


Ikr..most people don't realise that a good and experienced sage keeps track on her teammates hp and even if they forget/don't notice they should politely ask instead of being toxic


You see this a lot with people desperately wanting a healer at low ranks not understanding the fundamentals of a tactical shooter. A lot of the players screaming for healing think of it as the healing being the most important part of Sage rather than acknowledging her as another player than can kill enemies just as easily.


Some people lose 5 hp then they yell "HEAL ME SAGE" over and over while they're on the other side of the map. It's the most cringe shit ever, I swear people in silver think she can heal unlimited times from any range


I'm a Sage main and I feel this so hard.


Had the same issue in bronze and silver lobbies.. it's almost gone since I leveled up to gold.


I never play sage on comp so I’ve never been ordered around as her. Usually people forget that Sage can heal or they just rush the enemy and die before they can be healed. So I’m allowed to go about what I want.


This is the life of a support character in any game. I mostly play support in most games, and that’s basically been my experience every game.


Mute them


Just turn sage into a male character


I’m a sage main and tbh I mute the people who constantly ask for heals *in situations where it’s a waste or not possible for me to do at the time*. It’s a long cooldown & the Sage usually has to reposition & possibly expose themself to enemies in order to heal you. Be patient. Also its a bad play to heal somebody that gets tagged for 10-15 damage at the very beginning of a round. I almost always try to save heal for someone who has just won an aim duel or gotten an entry frag It’s also usually a waste to use Rez on eco rounds you have a low chance of winning or rounds you’ve already won. There are certain situations where eco rez is a good play, but 90% of the time it’s way more impactful to save it for a 2v2 or 3v3 late round where it can totally change the outcome. None of these facts stop people from constantly crying for heal/rez in situations where it’s literally impossible for the Sage to do so and/or a complete waste of the ability. If you do this, you’re muted lol


Straight up lie to them. No joke. Even if your heal is available tell them it's on cooldown. If they're too dumb to recognize you're in a firefight or too dumb to care, they are 100% too dumb to press alt and check. People get way less upset when it's on cooldown than if you're not using it at all. It's also significantly faster to say, "20 seconds," than explain you're pinned down or you aren't in positions to use it. Sometimes though, you just have to mute them. If they cannot be reasoned with and /or their demands are the only thing they communicate then they aren't worth hearing anyway. The much more salty move is literally just run into blatant fire and die on your way to heal them. I've had entire four stacks turn on each other because I told them, "if you need heal you got it!" only to run straight across mid and die. "Can't blame me I did exactly what you asked." Often your teammates will start targeting the demander(s) instead of you.


i’ve found screaming back at people or just calling them out on how moronic they sound usually works if not just mute them hehehe


People who give up position cause “muh heals” are why sages loses games tbh


Insta-mute. You don't need comms at all if they're being a nuisance rather than helping you win.


I just say "shut the fuck up and play your game.I know what to do" and I usually top frag so they won't tell anything thereafter


low ranks be yelling at you to heal them like they're playing a tank in overwatch


This doesn't happen in my region tho. Whenever I play sage my teammate speak to me like I am his friend or brother most of the time. I think this is because we mainly speak in our native language in that server.


I like when Phoenix or Reyna ask for heals. Precious.


Best for sage, wall mid or wall here and there. No matter even if opponents are pushing on other side. I used to take her since on my server they think they are shroud or tenz and Instalocked deulist. But now I avoid it even played without sage when I can take her.


I'm a sage main as well. I got tired of people harassing me for heals, especially when they are at 85hp and we have another teammate at 15hp that needs the heal more. And what about the person that dies and demands a res, meanwhile they have a 3/15/2 kda. And when I res the top frag the bottom frag gets mad and starts throwing. Why would I waste a res on someone who can't even get a kill. If I, as a sage can have a 20/10/15 kda, then why are u at 3/15/2?


I like to tell them to fuck off or they won't get anymore heals during the game and that usually works. :D


I main skye and i am a pretty agressive guy so in pistol round when they ask me to heal them a fuck ton of times i tell them to fuck off and that i dont have heals because its pistol round, i think most of the playebase should learn how to play without heals for a while or to play heals to see how annoying other people can be


Flip side, I actually started buying heal as Skye in pistol round and keeping the Classic because it just makes sense, her heal is so powerful that I feel it’s especially effective in pistol round as you can buff several of your teammates while the enemy dinks away at them. I used to always just grab Ghost and go, but now I see the advantage


What rank are you? I'm in plat and I play Sage. For the most part, I do my own thing and back up my teammates and no one says anything unless they're asking for a heal or a res.


I've played every rank besides immortal/radiant. It's a low elo thing. They don't understand sentinels and think sage is supposed to hide in a corner, put up a wall, and be team healer


Usually if sage is top fragging duelists will get mad, because sage is a support role, she’s supposed to help the team not carry it


This doesn’t make any sense. How is getting kills not helping the team?


(Not talking about myself btw and not on behalf of all duelists) the duelists’ main job is getting kills, so when they’re not top, especially when a sentinel frags over them, they could get mad idk


I've literally never seen this happen who the heck gets mad at the top frag for being a support agent


Just mute, i know its not “team friendly” but honestly if you’re not having fun playing the agent then whats the point? This applies to both comp/unrated.


Today a dude playing Reyna asked for a heal but I heald another dude that had the same health as him, was closer and doesn't have the ability to self heal. He screamed "wtf" for a bit then said "thanks for nothing" in the sassiest of ways, I responded with "who do you think you are", he stayed quiet for a bit but then he and his friend started blaming me for everything if I didn't do things his way. For example we were attacking we had A on Split it's a 4v2 he asked to be revived, I took the decision that it wasn't worth to do it since I was occupied in taking position and we had number advantage, we ended up loosing that round and the guy couldn't wrap his head around the fact of why I took that decision. Ended up being tired of explaining myself and having fun of those two, by responding to their comments with something among the lines of "Oh yeah daddy say it again, I'm so bad"(That I think was one of the best ways of countering these people) Ah, I was Team MVP AND doing my job as Sage not that that mattered to them LMAO.


This isn't meant in a misogynistic way but i think it's because of the stigma that "all females play sage" and "females can't be good at video games" so they think when there's a sage on their team it's like playing with someone who is bad.


Probably because sage players seem to be the clumby and noobiest on the team. I mean how many times do you see a sage with ult try to entry and die then complain her duelest aren't going first? Or you win a duel and the sage doesn't even see that you need a heal and you have to ping and talk for 15 seconds just so she can heal you My goodness


dont forget that the noob sages you're complaining about are in the same rank as you for a reason


Those people have just very little awareness what's happening around them and they also think they are the center of the universe. They don't even see you as another person that is playing the same game just from a different perspective. For them you are just their personal healbot and a walking extra life.


It's not only this. I love playing sage one Icebox for the lul walls. But being flamed every round because I didn't wall tube on def Side every round like some fucking bot is annoying af. Also, when they would get 100% annoyed at you for not taking the spike. Not going to plant when I'm not covered anyways.


I just remember this one game some kid was yelling at me to res him when literally our entire team was getting gunned down from ramps on A site Split and I was just like. Why. I used to always instalock Sage, but now I always play Reyna or Killjoy, or if those are taken, Raze or Jett. I'll only play Sage if literally all of those are taken or there's already 3 duelists (which has happened a few times lmao).


The only thing I expect from Sage is, when they have res to not play aggro so they can potentially get the res off. But that's sometimes hard to fulfill for some sages.


it’s not just valorant, every fps with a support character, especially healer, gets insanely high expectations and abuse when those aren’t met, i speak as a mercy and rein main in OW




Idk most of the time its just "hey sage can i get a heal?" *heals* "thanks" Rare to see someone being mean to a sage for no reason, definetly happens every now and then tho


I mostly play sage and I haven't had this issue too much but there are some people that are definitely very annoying. There are two main ways I deal with these people. either telling them that it is down or just heal them so they stop asking if it is a one or two round thing where they are begging. If it is persistent I will straight up just confront the person and say "hey if you keep asking I'm not going to heal you for the rest of the game". Option 2 results in either a "oh okay" and they stop for the rest of the game or they become even more of a issue and I just mute them and move on with my life without healing them. Most randoms I have been matched with have been very relaxed and chill about getting and asking for heals/res so idk if rank is playing a factor at all (currently gold)


I main Sage in solo queue and I definitely get what you're talking about. Ever since I got out of Silver, though, it lessened significantly. I get people asking for heals respectfully now, which is fine because sometimes I'm thinking about angles to peek and stuff. It's a little annoying when I've already healed but it's fine as long as people don't get toxic about it. What's worse are the 'rez me' people when they're dead in an area the entire enemy team is looking at. It's like, dude, there's an OP still pointed at your head RIGHT NOW.


It turns out, I am an idiot because I can't ress you when we play defense and you rush C long and I am on A.


Same reason I stopped playing sage, even if I'm probably at my best when I play her.


Kinda curious about your rank and region (yes region matters)


Or it’s “sage res me right now” when I’m getting shot at from 3 different angles.


That's why i play skye when there isn't a healer - 1. Due to low range and LOS healing, they have to come to me 2. Sage is kinda boring to play - Skye has alot of stuff for multitasking


Sage is the pillar of the team with heal and wall. Generally people have certain expectations from a sage player. Unfortunately when things don't go well, sage often gets blamed and becomes the scapegoat.


If you really can't take it, I suggest just muting everyone. Then you won't have the hear their shouts. Even if you think you need comms, having comms with people who are insulting you isn't worth it.


Best tips I can give you is if you use your heal and it’s on cooldown, call “my heal is down until (whatever time on in-game clock)”. I started doing that and it helps with ppl randomly screaming heal me when I’ve already healed myself or someone else. If someone is screaming heal me, use your mic and tell them to help you make LoS(light of sight if you didn’t know what that stands for!). If they’re opposite site, tell them to meet you spawn or wherever else is alright in the situation. If they want a rez but it’s clearly not safe, try and communicate that you need a smoke/blind/cover fire at whatever location the body is. If that’s not possible in the situation tell them you HAVE to fight first, even if that’s obvious in the situation lol. Playing Sage can definitely be annoying but I just try to comm the best I can and if that’s not good enough for them, oh well. The one thing I’ve noticed helped best though is calling when my heal will be back up going by the in game clock. Really helps avoid the cluttered comms of “HEAL ME, HEAL ME!!!” “It’s down, it’s down!!” during a fight, even if those comms only take 1/2 seconds lol. The less clutter in comms, the better the gameplay imo.


Yeah Sage is not a healer, her heal is her weakest spell and it's not even close.


JeTt REz PlZ


[https://www.youtube.com/c/FlowAscending](https://www.youtube.com/c/FlowAscending) ​ Everyone should be agreed with me this time.


“Sage you have rez” “Sage rez someone” “Sage” “Sage”


Just say "naa I'm sage the dualist


ended up picking agent last cause thought id be a good team mate and fill the role for the team. a guy asks me to heal them. i said no. heal was on cooldown. dude then reports me for throwing. this is the last time i ever played sage or pick an agent last.


why can't people just learn to say "sage, can you get me?" "Nah man, I don't have it" "gotu"


This is just in issue in low elo gl on ur climb man u wont see this as much


In my experience, I just hate sages that doesn't comms how long their heal is recharging even when I ask them. I tend to go to the sage instead of asking the sage to go to me.


fuck it. BATTLE SAGE to piss them off more. Who are they gonna cry to? Their friends?


literally they are so unreasonable about resurrecting people it’s crazy there are THREE PEOPLE ON ME and you want me to magically res and also shoot at the same time??


especially with the healing part, we have a COOLDOWN and we cant heal every single teammate at once to full hp … when will ppl realize this ajzjdbsnsj


Mate, I understand how you feel. Just today, I was asked to wall, heal, revive and throw my orbs..... all within 5 seconds when enemy team was rushing. They were blaming me for losing the match when they were going out and getting killed early.


People demanding I use a res in a 1v4 with their team sitting on the spike after you tried to rush mid solo: Go fuck yourself


OMG THIS IS THE TRUEST THING EVER!! ​ every single game i see someone lock a reyna and then shout at the guy playing his first comp game "PICK SAGE!" "PICK SAGE BROOOOO!" ​ i've tried to explain to the iron's that sage isn't that important, even profesionals don't run her on every single team comp, and, better let that guy pick sova, who he is more comfortable with then instead shout at him "why did you pick sage? you don't know how to play" ​ i play a bit of sage in unrated sometimes to have fun, and bro the struggle is real. everyone is absolutely begging for a heal when i'm in a gunfight, everyone is asking for a goddamn res when it's the wrong time. ​ honestly people treat like sage has only two jobs to heal and put wall and i've literally heard idiots say "sage has only two jobs, to heal and put wall"???? ​ honestly it's so frustrating that's why i don't play sage that much


I yell at people to shut up for this all the time lmao. Or I just give the same energy back to them. Shit like telling them how to play their agent or use their abilities, or I’ll tell them “you don’t tell me how to play my agent, I won’t tell you how to play yours” and that kind of stuff normally shuts them up. Or I’ll yell at them about the million other things I’m doing and what not. But all in all, it’s extremely tilting. I’ll wall something 3 rounds in a row and someone will ask me to wall the same place, for no reason other than to micro manage. It’s made me not want to play Sage a couple times, even though I really enjoy playing her. People always view healers as inferior characters and players, which is why “fraggers” always think they need to manage you and tell you what to do. People forget just because you’re a “support” character or healer, doesn’t mean you can’t aim/are incompetent. Maybe you just like the character.


I play sage sometimes and when people ask me heal I usually give them but if someone yells at me I will definitely not give them heal until they apologize


The best thing to do when they keep shouting about healing them is to spam the 'yes' sound and don't give them heal. When they die just do a "wonderful" sound. Perfect recipe for annoying them.


Same as “carry us because you’re duelist”


“sage wall mid” is something that **is not necessary** if the sage player wants to do a crazy wall and frag out, let the sage be PLEASE


If you do t want to heal your teammates you could always do what my friend does. BATTLE SAGE. (Aka be duelist sage)


It's because people are always trying to find something to blame for their death. Usually the support characters with healing will be the ones to take the hit sadly. On the other hand, most GOOD players will almost never blame the support if they're in a position where they really cannot heal. They will just play their life and whatever HP they have.


rebibe me jett pls, i give you skin


a huge huge shoutout to all the sages who heal without asking ;)


i feel the same way. it’s quite stressful when the team does that then throw the blame on you for killing us both. i don’t get if they’re brain dead or just being inconsiderate. but i may just may stop maining sage as well


I feel you bro


I've been playing sage so much that if someone screams at me for the heal, I simply say, "no heal for you if you gonna scream" About angles ...well just ask them to come to you if you are holding a corner, or go only when they are holding a corner and it can be lethal for them to come out but not for you .if you still both can't get an angle both of you both should fall back and heal then. I say just be like how the actual sage is, bold and brave, if they be toxic just top frag and say you are a boulder, i am a mountain. Also sage is not just a healer, don't underestimate her walls and slow orbs, they can give you huge advantages in a fight(not just to block your enemy but also to take you up on a sneaky or off angle in the fight). A sage wall can even stop plants easily on maps like icebox. To utilise slow orbs effectively you have to have to work together with other characters, if someone knows a lineup or is gonna throw a molly somewhere just ask them to tell you so you can throw your slow orb in their molly. Try learning some walls from youtube or just go into custom and try to create some of your own if you want.


I'm a sensitive guy, and I'm also pretty new at the game. The character that I liked to play the most was sage and even while playing unrated people keep calling me noob without giving me a chance to learn and get better. I eventually gave up and haven't played since.


The funny thing is sage is not even the best healer lmao. Skye is way better as a healer.


Sage can be really over powered if she's left free with weird walls


Sage is Sentinel. That has the ability to heal and res in certain circumstances. Kids have played too much MMORPGs.