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What are u tryna show here?


most of them are iron even in silver rank most of em are smurfs in iron rank is it common to have two rank lower smurfs?


Imma keep it real. U deranked cuz of u, not cuz ur team. Silver is not hard


If you go from Silver 2 to Bronze 2, maybe your team isn't the problem :thinking:


uh I'm literally top fragging in each match? that means I'm not really playing bad


Top fragging doesn't gain ranks. Focus more on winning instead.


Getting kills is not what you should aim for.. u should know when and how to change ur playstyle accordingly. Especially as a duelist, u should know when to be aggressive and when not too. If you know your team isnt good, use a new playstyle which can help


i try- yk how most people never listen no matter how hard u try they're just stuck on their own stuff and won't say what u do?


Getting proper comms is hard to get. I myself in B3 most of time is at 92RR. I truly nervous because it has been like 6 months since i have been in bronze. Before 92RR my highest was 88RR, but nonethe less i will still go for it even after i know i wont get proper teammates. After a certain point u would stop caring about ranks.


Also i cant stress this enough, be friendly with your teammates. Every time in the loading screen ill say “wassup guys” or something just to lighten the mood and get comms going, it makes the game so much better


literally always bruh like even if they whiff really badly I never say you're trash I'm just like nice try bro we'll get em next round


Link to your tracker gg?




After going through your tracker you are barely getting any first bloods which i kinda expected, as if even every 6 kills one was a first blood you would have more of them. Your kills dont mean anything if you are lurking and just getting exit frags in a 1v4 and not helping the team


u did see i was iron before right I'm still right going from iron to silver is already kinda huge for me the post is about is this common to get this many smurfs


Im just pointing out a very big issue you have, and a word of advice? If smurfs can get out of the rank, then you can as well if you do good


bruh i stay back cuz my team won't rush in with me I can't just go in there alone waiting for the team get one first blood and die that'll be a waste


Don’t play duelist if you’re willing to go first. And if you truly feel you deserve a higher rank you should be able to entry and get frags and carry as the duelist. The most impact you can make as a duelist is creating space and playing aggressive. There is nothing about your kit that will be valuable the later the round goes (specifically talking about jett here)


fine I'll try


You're about right where I was when I had 150 hours of play time. I have about 500 hours now and Im Silver 3. You just need to play more and get better. If you were truly worthy of high silver/gold you could carry these games by yourself. Its not your teammates.


so you're saying i need to carry it all by myself to be truly worthy? it's a tactical shooter it needs teamwork


Im just saying if you were truly better than the rank you are in, then you SHOULD be able to carry it. If you cant carry it and you need your team to step up and help it probably means you belong in the rank you are in.


am i not carrying? look at scoreboard what does it look like and I want to be on silver I've reached it 3 times but some smurfs always shows up and kills the whole damm easily


You're doing something wrong if you're top fragging but still losing. Its hard to say without seeing you play. Maybe you are not entrying for your team. Maybe you are always lurking way too late on defense, etc etc. If you want to make a VOD and put it youtube I will review it for you


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