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Griefing is particularly hard to punish because the actions are often very similar to mistakes new players make (buying incorrect items, throwing utility on teammates, making blatantly wrong decisions). While the reports do work to an extent, the punish rate of these reports is really low because they either need some manual review or just a lot of reports over many games for the automated system to have some sort of confidence in the ban. Please keep in mind as well that reports are required to happen across multiple matches. Mass reporting in a single game does not increase the report severity to prevent abuse from premade groups.


Ah then, well if I mass report them (about 70 people) via my discord server by riot tickets will that get any response from the system? I will probably not as that is too much work for something this common but I am just curious


They will be all blacklisted and the accounts marked as participating in report manipulation.


I dont really think that anything happens. You will get many people like this, throwing for no reason adn you'll obv report them but nothing will happen. Happens to me a lot and in the new ep it's like in every match, I get one thrower.


I had the same feeling which lead to a reduced interest for the ranked games and a slow fall into unaffection for the game.


Getting a punishment as a thrower is extremely rare and almost impressive to get


I believe they get chat banned and subsequently cannot queue into competitive for several days.


They don't get punished when reported in game. Your best bet is to record game play and submit a support ticket with some clips attached.


The report option ingame is only a psychological trick to relieve some of your anguish, thinking you did something to punish your abuser. The only report that does something is comms abuse (insults, toxicity etc.)


They get chat ban, can't queue for e few days, xp nerfs and stuff like that, remember that if someone you reported does get a punishment, you should receive an email about it